The Revolution That Is Changing Architecture

The Revolution That Is Changing Architecture

The Aesthetic City

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Kristina Kugiene
Kristina Kugiene - 07.10.2023 16:44

build more entertainment, shopping and eating places in the blocks of modern architecture, then people will visit there... the problem is that in the buildings of luxurious modern architecture there are only offices and restaurants where only rich these office workers can eat....

Ciro Ramirez
Ciro Ramirez - 07.10.2023 07:05

Architecture is far too important to be abandoned to the architects" - Giancarlo De Carlo

It is beautiful to see people invested on the topic, advocating for cities made for humans and not money / the people who profit from speculating in the market. It is when the city started to be seen as just another machine that it all went to hell.

I still have not finished the book, but I highly recommend "An Architecture of Participation" by Giancarlo De Carlo. It is a well fundamented critic to modernism, forced specialization and modern architecture/urbanism.
I´d be willing to discuss it with whoever is interested!

Григорий Баранов
Григорий Баранов - 30.09.2023 14:36

The problem with this movement, is that it only wants to look back and not only to take some design choices, but to recreate the same style. With all the architecture we have now, you can clearly said in which timeframe it was build just from the look of it. The movement should create something unique, to continue this trend.

I'm also not a big fan of modern styles, but they are clearly saying when the building was built

Jouni Ilari
Jouni Ilari - 29.09.2023 11:56

For me, modernist architecture can definitely be beautiful too. The problem lies when stuff gets built cheap, or doesn't fit the surroundings, or when big areas turn out either monotonous or artificial-looking when a single developer builds a big area all at once (the "artificiality" is what you get when that single developer at least tries to obscure the circumstances).

I even don't fancy every historical building widely regarded as beautiful. Take Louvre as an example: to me all that large-scale baroqueness is too much, and with the muddled color of the facade it just feels heavy and supressive. So, my favourite spot on the site is the glass pyramid 😀 On the other hand, I for instance absolutely love the light-colored neoclassical and art nouveau neighbourhoods in my home city of Helsinki - but it would be boring if the city didn't have anything newer besides them also.

All that said, I have a problem with architects' dogma according to which we shouldn't build in historical styles because it's, you know, "backwards" and ... reasons. No, we definitely can build in any style. What matters is functionality and beauty, that's all.

Wybren ten Cate
Wybren ten Cate - 27.09.2023 14:14

The issue is not just that architects are elitists, because they have always been that throughout the centuries. The examples of beautiful buildings were also designed by elitists of that day.

The issue is that this current elite has a specific radical worldview that is inhuman.

Andre Del Franco
Andre Del Franco - 25.09.2023 16:32

We need this in Brazil

Jackamomo - 24.09.2023 18:24

It’s not so much the style of the building but the suitability of the visual language in context that communicates something.

A modernist building can be inviting and warm and attractive just as much as the design might fail.

Likewise, classical architecture can fail in the same way, of being impractical or over-designed.

The question is a matter of taste and what is popular.

If you want to affect what is fashionable you need to demonstrate an ability to take your style into a market successfully by adapting to a modern audience and treading a line between ways of using the space and considering the users needs and tastes.

Traditional materials can be used in new styles and they require less long term maintenance.

Painted stucco is a bit overused and needs lots of repainting.

Traditional bricks last a long time and require no maintenance and emit a warm glow.

I live in central Bristol, UK and brick warehouses get pulled down and replaced by much worse bricks. This is to divide the space more efficiently between the space and include more floors and rooms. But the sense of place is lost and a photograph would give no clue as to where the building is in the world. The brick factory or warehouse was ornate and the surface attractive and was once an industrial building, which is both visually interesting and noteable as the dock area was once purely industrial and one or two original brick or stone exteriors remain. High density residential buildings in the modern Mediterranean style took their place.

The area, known as the floating harbour is mostly walkable and the new buildings are not disastors. But the new square and commercial area are bereft of natural materials or shops. There’s nothing natural about the design of Cannon’s Marsh. But the city center has about 11 cranes building simple monolithic and tall buildings at the moment.

60’s buildings that were well built and designed are pulled down and light industry and commercial rezoned to residential.

So cities are becoming more like an attraction than somewhere purposeful.

The reason to live centrally must be more surrounding social life as office space reduces.

Ol - 24.09.2023 00:00

Im an architect my self. En i hate Le Corbusier urban planning. En most extreme modern buildings all glass no identity, look at de Zuid As in Amsterdam ore some cities in china ore usa all buidlings look the same. However. I have to say this in the way of Urban planning this old architecture, but the barcelona en manhatten grid are also working great why because also change of architecture en still a strong identity en culture in the architecture.

These new fake old buildings are terrible there have are architects who do a great job like Winhov, (old works of Hans Koolhof) Hans van der Heijden, BureauVanEig, en way more. they devoleped the old style to make it a bit more abstract en modern, Some whats way better then these crappy fake facades for me it looks like all the fake people whit nose jobs en botox lips en tits.

INFJ 4w5
INFJ 4w5 - 23.09.2023 23:51

We need this in the Netherlands. Rotterdam knows that it's famous for its ugliness, but it keeps on building incoherent 'modern' architecture. I love the zoning, infrastructure and creativity in many areas, but I still think they'd get much further if they'd combine that creativity with the aspects that made classic buildings beautiful. We visit big new cities for their night life & all that, but our attraction to old, classic villages stays a mystery if you don't recognize the beauty of classic architecture.

Nikolay Ivankov
Nikolay Ivankov - 23.09.2023 09:36

In the German city I live now, a house had to be torn down. The newspaper characterized is is "the last rotten tooth" - it indeed stood alone, with all the nighbouring houses either destroyed in WWII or torn down. A modern modernist building had to be erected on its place. I wrote to the city council, stating that the house's facade is a rare example of brick art-nouveu. As far as I know, even though the structure can't be preserved, they've at least decided to keep the facade.

Coincidently or not, the building is facing the office of the ruling party - both in the country and in the city - right after their candidate won the mayor elections.

Oh, and one more detail - I am an expat who only lived in the city for about 2.5 years. Shocking how you need a foreigner to save your heritage.

Caleb Heidel
Caleb Heidel - 22.09.2023 19:26

Are there any uprising groups in the USA? We desperately need one too!

Christopher Glover
Christopher Glover - 20.09.2023 23:22

I don't understand in the age of CNC machines and diamond cutters, beautiful masonry is so unattainable! IT HAS NEVER BEEN CHEAPER TO BUILD BEAUTIFUL BUILDINGS

Michael N
Michael N - 20.09.2023 14:35

Fantastic video and channel! Beauty is real and objective, the modern degenerate design must be called out and replaced

10guambro10 - 17.09.2023 22:31

You are misleading your viewers, Tucker Carlson has been mentioning this for many many years now

L R - 17.09.2023 10:11

As with almost every sector of life, ideological progressives ruin everything. They throw everything out instead of keeping with the past where it works

aydin jamshidi
aydin jamshidi - 15.09.2023 14:43

usa architecture is ugly evil

Andrey - 15.09.2023 01:23

Сами вы агли, коробки прекрасны

Gino Moujik
Gino Moujik - 13.09.2023 23:53

Stockholm plans and builds ugly areas almost exclusively still. Some examples: Marievik, Älvsjö, Telefonplan, Årsta
One classical building here and there isn't enough.
Unfortunately, no politicians in Stockholm say no to maximizing the amount of future tax payers in their constituencies. They take away all the green spaces as well.
I felt that things are done more for the people in Gothenburg when I visited. Places like Haga would be redeveloped into cement blocks in Stockholm a long time ago.
And it's true that uppropet is portrayed as crazies by journos in Stockholm.

tom - 13.09.2023 00:18

i hope this movement go wide in the whole world

haoru chen
haoru chen - 11.09.2023 23:06

These guys are so shaved up it’s no wonder they are suspected of being a neo fascist. Check out the term btw it fits well with the ideology.

haoru chen
haoru chen - 11.09.2023 23:03

It’s a propaganda piece for a popular movement coined exactly by trump’s popular political position, go check out a trump property. Architecture is political yes!😂

mikeboix - 11.09.2023 18:19

We need this in Spain too.

Steffen Berr
Steffen Berr - 11.09.2023 13:40

this debate feels eerily familiar to what the community is having with traffic engineers

Jaroslav156 - 11.09.2023 10:05

I am from Slovakia and I feel it same. We need bring back beauty in to architecture. Thank you for your effort!

NBA girl
NBA girl - 11.09.2023 04:09

It's interesting that you mention the accusations of being far-right - for some reason, there are a lot of "classical architecture" accounts on social media that try to make a connection between ugly buildings and "degeneracy" or even multiculturalism. I find it so strange as a left-leaning person because i love classical architecture, but there has been a push from the far-right to associate antiquity with "white" and modernity with "jewish". I'm glad to see there are normal, non-fascists who appreciate classical architecture :)

Anna 64
Anna 64 - 10.09.2023 19:31

One exemple is the French city of Le Plessis-Robinson : steel and concrete cages got destroyed to rebuild a traditional town. In Belgium, massive replacement of classical or Art-Deco buildings by sky scrappers has got a name : "la brussellisation".

Blatsen - 10.09.2023 07:56

Traditional and classical pre-World War II architecture, building materials, and craftsmanship are beautiful and are my favorite.

I would love for more buildings today to be built using traditional architecture, building materials, and craftsmanship instead of conforming to the often ugly architecture, lackluster building materials, and mediocre craftsmanship that are prevalent today.

If you are in a position to design or build a building, consider using traditional architecture, building materials, and craftsmanship if at all possible as they are more beautiful, higher quality, and more durable than their modern counterparts.

It seems that the so-called “elites” of the establishment are dead set against beautiful traditional architecture and are prone to making bizarre attacks against it often claiming that it’s somehow “authoritarian,” “far-right,” or “inequitable.”

The elites oddly consider beautiful traditional architecture to be “old fashioned” and modern architecture to be “futuristic” which is not true. Beauty is timeless and ugliness is not modern nor futuristic at all.

Beautiful, traditional architecture is appreciated and loved by grassroot people across the political spectrum from liberal to conservative.

We regular people shouldn’t let some pompous, self-appointed “elites” force their ugly, hideous modern architecture and other modern artforms on us.

I live in the Illinois side of metropolitan St. Louis in the United States which also includes Missouri where St. Louis itself is located. I would love to see more traditional architecture here.

Alfons - 07.09.2023 18:35

Super important issue to solve since 100 years.

Tim A
Tim A - 07.09.2023 08:40

This channel capitalizes on the misconception that modern architecture is always brutalist, boring, and unwelcomeing. That is simply not true. There is a lot of bad architecture that is modern and traditional. The goal of architecture should be to put humanity and culture as the central axioms of design.

Sista Otis
Sista Otis - 04.09.2023 03:44

“the architectural elite” are soulless wealthy idiots who want your soul trapped in their brutalist box so they can pat each other on the back congratulating themselves on how progressive they are.

monizdm - 31.08.2023 02:24

"Trumpist"? Has anyone seen his buildings? A more appropriate term would be "Carlist", as King Charles has been addressing this for a very long time.

kingfisherofparis - 29.08.2023 21:40

I'm so relieved to discover your movement for responsible architecture. The beauty and harmony of the environment contribute greatly to social peace. We see that riots, looting and permanent insecurity thrive in neighbourhoods where tower blocks, blocks of flats and car parks are piled up like legos. It's a prison world. I'm horrified to regularly discover the monumental turds laid waste in the middle of the city by eminent architecture firms. Montpellier town hall, the sports ministry in Paris, the new 'To Lyon' tower in Lyon... Darth Vader is in his element, but for normal people, it's a real pain on a daily basis. Thank you so much for existing, for rehabilitating what should be a matter of course for everyone.

ron levy
ron levy - 29.08.2023 21:29

We're so glad to hear about the revolt against ugly, dehumanizing buildings in Scandinavia. Here in Cuenca, Ecuador we're witnessing the tearing down of beautiful Spanish Colonial architecture to make way for what we call slab social realism, a brutal style of "architecture" that makes you feel like you're living in a prison cell when you look at it. The same affect is produced when a human building goes down and a parking lot or car wash goes in the space instead. The problem is that the general public has no say about what goes down or up. The powers that be just put up whatever they want.

AV - 29.08.2023 10:17

I am astounded to hear that even Europeans feel the pressure to get validation from the 'west' !!
In India, we are blindly following every single damn thing from the 'developed' west, no matter our climate, our physical constituation, our aesthetics, our vision , literally nothing is common with the West.
I am so happy to know that it's not just me who finds modernism in every aspect life is intrusive and invasive on different levels.
I hope and pray that this movement catches the developing countries too who are stubbornly being fake West in desperate effort to be in the so called 'league'.
It would also help to boost self esteem in the local populations to voice their detest for ultra modernism which is playtoy in the hands of a few elites.

carmen190995 - 28.08.2023 17:24

Imagine beign so brainwashed to call people 'nazis' and 'trumpists' because they would like to see more aesthetically pleasing architecture and have more beauty that influences mental health around them

Evaldas Zmitra
Evaldas Zmitra - 28.08.2023 15:40

It's great to see hope for the future. Especially in Europe. We're going to ban ICE cars by 2035, there are all of these stories about species and wild nature coming back, now the architecture is improving here too, we're going to get a lot of new high-speed rail, bike paths, traffic calming. It's great to be here.

Patricia H
Patricia H - 27.08.2023 04:58

At last!... so many years waiting for this to happen.. people lost the fear to say it.. and moved to demand beautiful traditional architecture!

As architect, many times we are tied to modernist architecture.. the new normal.. but this revival of traditional meaningful architecture is art..


Emlyn Jessen
Emlyn Jessen - 26.08.2023 20:10

When I lived in Montréal many foreign friends came to visit. Now I live in Toronto nobody comes to visit me! If you don’t know, Montréal has many beautiful old and newer buildings.
BTW, it’s much cheaper to build using grey concrete and glass walls!

Maria Lorente
Maria Lorente - 26.08.2023 03:25

Avoid politics, many people who care for such
traditional architecture aren't the woke left. But
we're ignoring the elephant in the room, that is
what compelled me to write. There's a huge ar-
chitectural issue all over the world, that sees
gems being subject to the wrecking ball to
make room for those hideous blocks of flats.
Taking into account that the most sustainable
building is the one you don't build, all the more
reason to recycle.
But they won't do this. The problem is not only
the architectural elite, but politicians. To get
the most voters, they always choose to give the
green light to cheap housing projects, even if
they're hideous. Please someone stop that
malaise, all over the world!!!!

Ivanós95 - 23.08.2023 23:11

Great video, but you should avoid politics, considering that most people who care about the traditional architecture, and reject modernism, are conservatives, who despise the leftist politicians.

malik ario
malik ario - 23.08.2023 21:04

no.wonder despite always top among most livable country and high income..... north europe plag with suicidal culture...

Gemini Discover
Gemini Discover - 23.08.2023 20:00

Love your channel's concept. We travel to such places and film them too. Recently found out that Santa Barbara is great

Paulo Rolim
Paulo Rolim - 23.08.2023 16:30

The traditional architecture is a sight for sore eyes.
Greetings from Brazil.

Hanlu Doyle
Hanlu Doyle - 23.08.2023 00:16

"They look good as renderings". Lol.

dennis yannoutsos
dennis yannoutsos - 22.08.2023 18:14

I live i Athens, previously from Johannesburg and while appreciate modern buildings and in Joburg and in SA in general we always had a good mix of old and new including new builds with traditional facades. One thing i cannot stand is seeing in Athens these old concrete block buildings and houses. If i had my way i would tear them all down. many of the Athens centre and surrounds were built in the 60's and beyond by tearing down these beautiful classical buildings to build these ugly apartment buildings. I see now many classical building being renovated etc whichis great but we have lost most of them. Also in the last few yrs ive seen modern buildings go up who have some thought put into the outer look of them which is a refreshing change. If i had any say i would like to see these old concrete block building at the very least modernised or even better have classical facade put on them to make them pleasing to the eye with cladding..

AVG    GOHAN    ☆
AVG GOHAN ☆ - 22.08.2023 12:57

As Albanian i wish cloud transform my village from nothing to touristic with traditional european architeture what will good for my country economy.
Nice Video

v s
v s - 22.08.2023 02:35

Christchurch New Zealand, we're still building after the earthquake, we have an opportunity to build beautiful.

Reality - 21.08.2023 12:54

Just like AirBnB or Uber Architecture & Architects should be rated on an App by the public who use it : both public & inhabitants.

Reality - 21.08.2023 12:48

This organization started in Scandinavia. Advocating for traditional & classical urban design didn’t.
