Kinda tru but for me aphelious is still the hardest bcs i can never get the combos or understand his abilities 😂
Ответитьhe might be challenger or sth, but he always claims some BS just to say big words, no way ezreal is harder than aphelios. Mechanics will almost always be harder than skillshots. But i agree that ezreal is a very hard chmapion u need to be good both at skillshots and mechanics
ОтветитьI think multiple adcs out dps Ezreal even if he lands all skillshots.
Ответитьno way ez has the highest dps, esp vs tanks. It feels like he just so bad lategame
Ответитьnot higher than kalista imo
ОтветитьThen there's me who play Aphelios with whatever weapon that comes up. Just R and QW QW the keep up the kite
ОтветитьI'd agree if Ezreal would have any meaningful cooldowns. He takes no skill until you reach elite elo. Simple as that. The reason low elo ezreals don't thrive is because they heavily underestimate his power.
ОтветитьWhat skill ceiling?
ОтветитьHe’s not broken he’s actually fairly balanced. Land your shots and you do damage. The problem is that we have other champions who simply have easier win conditions than Ezreal. This is why even in pro play with the greatest players in the world he stunk this year.
ОтветитьWhat interesting is that, as a general rule, the more skillshots a champion has the more low elo skewed they will be. I think this is due to the fact that, generally, people learn how to aim before they learn how to dodge.
Ответитьtbh i would say aphelios ceiling may be just a bit lower than ezreal but yeah hotting skillshot isn't that easy so he's at the very least the second hardest adc if not the most like you said
ОтветитьAs an Aphelios main, he's exactly the contrary to Ez. Ez is very easy to use but very hard to master. Aphelios is (along with Draven) the hardest ADC to learn, but he's very easy to play once you know him well. He's not even in the top 10 hardest ADCs imo.
Ответитьskillshots=champ is hard!!!!!!!! XDD??
ОтветитьAphelios isn’t hard so much as he is strict. You have to learn your gun rotations and how to manage them but it’s a pretty forgiving science and a good Aphelios can almost always guarantee a viable gun combo for any situation
Ezreal is a totally different beast altogether
Zeri has left the chat
ОтветитьNo way, ezreal isn’t that complicated unless you just have 0 coordination. But you can have amazing coordination and still be bad at aphelios because you don’t understand all the intricacies of his kit. IMO without knowing those intricacies, he isn’t very strong.
ОтветитьZeri is still the hardest adc to master and probably will always be
ОтветитьLucian. Argument done.
ОтветитьI’m not adc player, but wouldn’t this logic make zeri the hardest? As she can’t just right click ppl at all?
ОтветитьHate to say it, but it's barely a skill shot if it's up ever second
ОтветитьEzreal is one of the most if not the most apm intensive champs in the game
ОтветитьI used to think I was a good ezreal otp with my 65% wintere 200 games diamond 2 account until I actually met a scripter on ezreal and showed me what the champ can really do.
Fair to say I haven’t played ezreal ever since, absolutely traumatized me
S14 MF and Senna be like: You sure you wanna do this?
Ответитьbut ezreal is also a much safer champ in general
Ответитьezreal just goes w q e free real estate...
ОтветитьSo Zeri is the hardest ADC because her attacks are skillshots, lmao such a lame argument. And Ezreal CAN auto attack and he does a lot of damage doing it
ОтветитьEz cant match vayne
ОтветитьOne thing about skillshots people tend to forget in analysis like this is that you don't need to be able to click an enemy directly. This has quite a few advantages too, and it makes kiting a lot easier.
Biggest downside i'd say is that its easy to bodyblock ezreal's damage, and he doesn't have any mechanics for shredding tanks.
yeah because its SOOO hard to hit his skills xd
and like ezreal autos do no dmg, they do.
Ok so Ezreal Q is faster than 3+ autos per second which each auto deals 1k dmg or one shot enemy supp.. sure kiddo
Ответитьi think kalista is harder tbh
ОтветитьEz does NOT have highest dps with all skillshots unless your uber fed compared to the enemy adc
ОтветитьSo mid is the hardes lane because most of mid champs have a lot of skillshots?
ОтветитьI think he forgot about zeri.
ОтветитьEzreal skillshots are huge and easy to land
ОтветитьWhat about jinx on full build with her passive procced? Isnt that more dps?
ОтветитьEzreal is worthless against the right team comp and lane pressure. Dodge his w, keep pressuring lane, stay behind minions, and he can’t do jack shit.
Ответитьdisagree. Hardest Draven and Kalista
Ответитьyou forgot kai'sa
ОтветитьVayne for me
Ответитьtwitch lategame be like "bro what is a ezreal?"
ОтветитьLiterally zeri is ALL skill shots. Ez can miss his Q but his W>E will still land and proc. He can still auto.
Zeri can't PLUS she can get body blocked by minions. EZ can't. He's legit the easiest "skill" shot adc lol.
Highest dps in the game is prob aphelios with Crescendum/white weapon
ОтветитьTwitch has the highest dps of any champ on the game. This is fact.
ОтветитьWhat's your opinion on Vayne? When you can only deal damage with your auto attacks and you have one of the lowest auto attack ranges in the game, you become extremely susceptible in order to deal damage. Ezreal does require you to be able to hit the skillshots, but he can also deal a FUCKTON of damage without putting himself in danger at the same time. The entire time that Vayne is dealing damage, she is extremely vulnerable, which puts a different kind of mechanically and mentally intensive strain on the player. You need to be more aware of critical enemy cooldowns, more precise with movements and target selection, and be able to react quicker to potential threats during team fights when you're literally always in the "danger zone" in order to deal any damage. I feel like that makes Vayne an extremely high skill ceiling champion, if not the highest.
ОтветитьIts got to be Draven though, no? Highest risk highest reward adc. Hes harder to orbwalk with because your movement influence your axe drops, being able to run 3 axes in a fight, knowing when to drop axes, target selection etc etc. I feel like Draven demands a lot more out of the person piloting it but you get much more in return. He probably does less dmg than ezreal on average, but if true its probably because 1) Draven tends to finish games and 2) Draven tends to finish kills.
ОтветитьI searched "Zeri" in the search bar and this came up. =???????
ОтветитьZeri 😮