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alex lunsford
alex lunsford - 27.10.2023 22:27

I just started playing forza for the first time and there is so much to do it’s a bit overwhelming but fun also

Boggy - 16.10.2023 06:32

bro how do you get that rich

MHG - 28.09.2023 15:58

im around 15 mil always, same with forza 4, even i go wild with buying cars in few days im back at 15-16 mil

Randy Westbrook
Randy Westbrook - 23.09.2023 02:55

The hell with credits, i want that one section of road im missing. Been stuck at 577/578 for 5 days. About ready to start over.

Howitzer - 19.09.2023 05:12

One weekend a year I’ll grind sniping and make like 150M in 2 days. Then I’ll just live off that 150M for the rest of the year; there’s genuinely not that much to spend on anyways lmao

Howitzer - 19.09.2023 05:09

Nooo dude, we don’t need sniping becoming more competitive than it already is 😂😂

NmLb_Psychosis - 16.09.2023 10:32

Imo easiest way to make money is the festival playlist. If you dont care about having rare cars just do the playlist and wait until the exclusives sell for 20 mil. It takes a while but its potentially 80 mil at the end of the month

driftking420g - 13.09.2023 02:20

This video is such bad advice. Just play the game he says but doesn't talk about how auction house cars are 20 mil....I'm not trying to play the game for a week for one car when it should be in the game as a base car. Example being the 95 mr2 and k20 Chevy truck.

i'm pretty good
i'm pretty good - 09.09.2023 11:24

"You can get these cars from wheelspins'
dude all i get from spins are horns, cringe clothes and a couple of 5000cr's

Spyski - 05.09.2023 15:15

Ima start doing this rn

rickbijl7031 - 05.09.2023 10:34

How did you get X level fir your car? I've only seen a b c d s1 s2?

vader0512 - 30.08.2023 23:01

Theres barely any races and everything on my map compared to yours how do i get that

Blanca Garcia
Blanca Garcia - 30.08.2023 07:03

Thing is I got the car in the thumbnail for free bc the actual creators gifted it to me for some reason lol

sph. - 29.08.2023 10:23

69420 lmao best numbers combined together^^

Hunter Frost
Hunter Frost - 25.08.2023 18:31

With the gift packs you become god if you get the lucky spins I had almost a milli 3 min on the game

Ihcfcbb - 24.08.2023 00:29

Can you have access to the auction house in story mode ? And if you play multiplayer do you have acces to more cars then in storymode lmk!

F1 Fan
F1 Fan - 22.08.2023 09:46

Ok so I did the math and to get every car in the auto show only its 524,779,300

Nazeem al-Karim
Nazeem al-Karim - 21.08.2023 20:31

I got to half a billion credits last week, and yeah “playing the game” is the way to make money. However, I hate it when people just leave it at that and not explain a bit more about what they mean exactly. So here’s my advice to everyone wanting to get rich.

Festival playlists are essential, especially getting both reward cars. If the reward car says “exclusive” underneath it, then you’re pretty much guaranteed to be able to sell it for 20 million credits later down the line. Plus all the challenges in there will reward you with super wheelspins and other great cars to have in your garage.

Save your damn money, and only buy shit that can be sold for a profit. Even if you’re already balling out with your money, set a limit on your bank account and vow to never go below a specific number. Regardless of what you’re buying, you want to make sure you can get a profit off of it if you decide to sell it later on. It’s not about the money you spend, it’s about the money you save.

Finally, you really need to get into the story’s hall of fame sooner rather than later. I’m pretty sure it takes about 200k accolade points to get the message for it, but that’ll really help you out big time. It’ll unlock the trial race from the festival playlist, which is the most important challenge every season. Plus there’s tons more rewards you’ll be able to receive too. So to do this, you must complete the stories. Not all of them of course, but just however many it takes to reach the 200k points mark. I still haven’t finished all of them myself, and I was able to get into the HoF with half of them unfinished.

Anyways if you can do all of what I listed, then it’ll be a breeze getting to 100 million credits and reaching a high rank. Trust me, it’s not as hard as it sounds, it just takes a little patience and discipline. Best of luck to everyone out there!

Words are just noise
Words are just noise - 21.08.2023 08:18

Just for clarification he says he only bought 2 cars not debating that but as u can see he owns the premium version of the game so over 60 of those cars he got because he bought the premium version of the game he maybe on this account won around 30 cars so if your working with the standard version or playing off game pass and are confused after just running story accolades playlist and barn finds and are a similar level as the account is using in this video this is why you don't have premium and this video doesn't not explain that.
EDIT: if you don't own a DLC you cannot purchase a DLC car.

Leon Edwards
Leon Edwards - 19.08.2023 13:23

Just snipe cars, made 20+ mil in 1 day

LukeyMuffler - 18.08.2023 12:42

It's nice to know that most players suffer because a handful of saddos hog and mark up the most wanted cars to absurd amounts all so they can reach a state of pointlessness... That being, make so much money they can never actually spend or do anything with.

Elratto18 - 18.08.2023 02:23

ay mr.dubs i have 80m more than you why u making this video

Trill_Tre - 17.08.2023 06:14

Grinding the festival playlist has been one of easiest ways of making money. Get a car for 20 or 40 points. Let the car sit for like a week or 2. You can easily have 2 to 3 cars that are 20mill. Just make sure your on the lookout for prices because i can't tell you how many times I've had a car sitting thinking im finna rack up money with it, then the price drops tremendously. 20 to 15 to 8 mill. Still bread but just make sure your paying attention.

pauly 57
pauly 57 - 16.08.2023 17:07

🤣 " You Idiot! " 😂 Love it!!!

Ruben T
Ruben T - 10.08.2023 23:31

All that is required to get rich in Forza Horizon 5 is patience, and understanding that you're not going to get rich overnight. I am far from a wiz at this game, yet I'm inching closer and closer to maximum credits, and all it's taken for me is shrewd use of the auction house, rivals events, and letting wheelspins build up.

BillFishCrazy - 08.08.2023 05:53

G F G ! !

Duane Hodges
Duane Hodges - 07.08.2023 07:31

I just want the last 100 cars i dont own

notmycat - 05.08.2023 19:12

Ok I’ll admit I didn’t watch your whole video. 😂 My success was by using at the beginning the Hoonigan Mustang for as many skill points as possible don’t have to upgrade the thing only the skill tree. Also every race go into photo mode and take photos of all the unique cars.

Nikolas Evans
Nikolas Evans - 04.08.2023 08:45

He’s speaking facts tho I rarely play the game and I still had a 100 mill before

Webster91 - 04.08.2023 04:13

"Wheelspins give you so many cars"

cut to me who has done about 35 super wheelspins, and gotten a total of MAYBE 4 cars total from them... nothing but 2,000 credits, and shitty horns for me :)

[ARC] Birdman
[ARC] Birdman - 01.08.2023 12:38

bro i'm level 136 and I have 350 mastery points 💀💀

Z Z Z Z - 01.08.2023 10:50

I kid you not the simplest way to get a lot of money is by getting the cars for the season and then selling them the next season in auction

Silver Dollar
Silver Dollar - 01.08.2023 02:27

You seem to forget there are cars in this game you can only get if you find in the action house that are $20 million… i own 750 cars and 600 unique cars. No idea the total money I’ve accumulated rn and currently have 30 million, yet feel broke because as soon as i find (if i do) a car i want, theres 20 million down the drain…

Play the game… game is dumb boring Mexico is the most blank boring map ive ever seen, ive hit star 2 rank 230, i only get on for forza playlist one day every week, even cruising with friends lasts only 2 hours you get the same boring roads over and over and NO WHERE TO STOP

Game is dead boring, so respectfully don’t just say “play the game” it’s a copy and paste of every other Horizon game, sometimes grown ups don’t wanna spend their time grinding a game that doesn’t need grinding, its a car game, get on, get a car, and do car stuff.

Literally even the festival playist races end up being the same race as week before just different car class. The only good part is trying out a player made eventlab.

Dragon Butt
Dragon Butt - 31.07.2023 02:02

I remember grinding highway races for money, then it turned out that you can just buy auction house cars and get a good deal on every car available in the showroom by buying it at the auction house. Then i made a rally course that was long enough to pay for upgrades for any car.

Daniel Wallace
Daniel Wallace - 30.07.2023 01:24

24 min video just to say play the game wow

Tony Wellio
Tony Wellio - 26.07.2023 18:18

I wanted money for the AMG GT Black so bad and it goes for 20 Mill CR on auction. i grinded out up to 12 Mill Cr and i decided to just enjoy the game. the money grind is overrated. just have fun.

Mike Hawks
Mike Hawks - 25.07.2023 05:53

I don't want any of the horns or clothing honestly but if you don't have them they can still be awarded on a wheelspin. So the more clothing you purchase and horns you win will slightly increase the chance you receive a car from a wheelspin as those items don't appear on the wheelspin anymore.

Yoonseong Do
Yoonseong Do - 23.07.2023 16:43

Lmao of course, you play the game and you earn money. Even a kid can say that. But for some what matters is HOW FAST you can earn money. And you failed to say that in 24 min long video, waste of time

ChrisJunior654 - 22.07.2023 00:04

Do you have a Lamborghini Huracan

Uppsala Red Stars
Uppsala Red Stars - 17.07.2023 02:55

One thing i do to make money is going to Event lab and change the laps to 50 some of those races can give a few hundred thousand credits

El_Chpoko - 16.07.2023 14:42

Actually there is an easy way to get 100k in a minute.

Oscar - 15.07.2023 02:12

Great video and take i dont see much people say.

nathaniel vansant
nathaniel vansant - 14.07.2023 04:19

If you got online auction sniping is how I made huge money find the cars that are selling for alot and selling fast try to buy as cheap as possible the. Turn around and resell

shaun 0sborne
shaun 0sborne - 12.07.2023 12:27

All those "players" that use glitchs and cheats to progress are simply missing out on the enjoyment of the game😂

Eldabo - 12.07.2023 03:27

I got 130 cars prob bought like 60 of them and I def didn’t unlock as many cars as the rest of you, or money. I played the entire game on average and beat every challenge. My brother sucks plays on easy and is rich af and has like 300 cars🤷‍♂️

Victor Ciuca
Victor Ciuca - 10.07.2023 13:18

The thing is, you don't even need to be a legendary tuner/painter to sell cars for 20 mil, you just need to obtain the new cars (in this case the GMC Syclone/Typhoon), wait for about 1 or 2 weeks for the price to go up and then sell them at 20 mil.

NachoTree - 10.07.2023 02:24

i can’t wait to try this. i’ve been wanting the porsche mission r, idk why but in 19 million short

Jeff Fisher
Jeff Fisher - 08.07.2023 17:51

Well said couldn’t agree more. I actually look forward to every Thursday when the new season drops to complete all of the challenges, and I have accumulated so much money and all the cars cars just by doing the weekly challenges.

Thep Jup
Thep Jup - 08.07.2023 14:40

i mean i get the sentiment, but what about people who are trying to get those rare cars, after 100s of hours and not abusing money glitches from the past, i cant afford any of the exclusive cars that ive missed. wheelspins and super wheelspins were nerfed heavily, ive cleared almost every single race, challenge, online, everything and i maxed at 7m, then had to sell one of my few exclusives, the galant to get another 20m car. for new players, yeah, just play the game and have fun, but being almost prestige 2, should there not be an easier way for me to get money instead of playing for weeks and hitting 9m? idk, idk. idk its obnoxious. i dont want billions, i just want my currency in game to reflect what im doing with my time in the game, not even 10m earned "just playing", pretty discouraging.

Then theres the people who DID abuse money glitches and have an absolute chokehold on the market, so new players are fucked. they need a way to get money better, the best thing right now is spamming oval s2 which is maybe 30k for about 7 minutes. youd have to do that for dozens and dozens of hours to afford ONE exclusive you dont have, let alone complete out the car list. painting and tuning isnt so viable as people say because, like you said, people will know content creators, know their builds are good and not get other ones. painting idk, i know theres an app to instantly put an image onto the car from a file but thats bannable. there isnt enough for mid end game players to make money.
