The Unsettling Truth about Human Consciousness | The Split Brain experiment that broke neuroscience

The Unsettling Truth about Human Consciousness | The Split Brain experiment that broke neuroscience

Scott Carney

1 год назад

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@fredmercury1314 - 29.01.2024 16:01

Scott Carney is inside me now, and he tastes like bacon.

@Synic08 - 28.01.2024 12:37

My life sucks so bad none of my personalitys want to even run my body anymore….

@alanarcher - 28.01.2024 11:19

So... Receiving different information makes us react differently? Who would have thought...

@joeroberts2156 - 25.01.2024 11:37

These videos seem like clickbait you just waffled and wasted my time for 14.17, you didn't explain how or what the split brains have taught us.

@travhammer - 25.01.2024 10:33

No less than 3 of me within brain networking. Although, I can communicate with but one at a time. This tells me, there is only me and I speak to my conscious as me. Still. One should consider the, me myself and I concept. Also. If the brain invented an inner me, Then the invention is real.

@Capricorn_cosmic_torch - 24.01.2024 08:00

What if the to sides of the Brain is not 1 because 1 side is body Material nd the other is spirit energy 😅 jus thinking 🤔

@Capricorn_cosmic_torch - 24.01.2024 07:54

as above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul u can make connections with any body, part with something from space all the way down to the last atom that makes u

@Capricorn_cosmic_torch - 24.01.2024 07:49

Like 3D glasses 1 side shows blue nd the other show red but put them together what will we see? a 4th Dimensional world ??

@Capricorn_cosmic_torch - 24.01.2024 07:46

So is that y the 3rd eye shows the truth because its 1 eye that connects to both sides

@Kataro214 - 24.01.2024 03:57

I have to add, pretty much nobody points at their head and says "here I am!", like in the Tarzan movie, we say "I" and touches our chest, our heart. When touch another person, we put the hand on her chest and say "Jane". "Tarzan, Jane, Tarzan, Jane" ~
The heart is connected mostly to the right brain, the mute place. It's because our soul is channeled to us through our heart and right brain, while what we identify as individual human "ego self" is the left brain kinda. (roughly)

Also nothing said in this video is "non-intuitive". All of this is intuitive, it's as intuitive as love.. ! The individuals are the colelctive, the collective are the individuals.
And yes, conscious entity + conscious entity = satisfies the definition of one new conscious entity.

This is why we have hiveminds, groupthink, etc. We are influenced by how any group we are part of - feel think and act, as a collective ^^

Also, btw, just like the left brain makes up things to satisfy his delusion, does scientists do with spiritual science.
They can look on factual data and dismiss it just because it's not true to it's own perception of reality. The follower of the heart does not always believe in her brains logic, for good reason.. ! < 3

@robbdudeson346 - 22.01.2024 17:25

I'm curious if Two Individuals develop over time... or does BOTH consciousnesses remain the same and communicate via a different (obviously much slower rate) some how... There was a Woman that I read had this procedure, and her Left Hand would Fight her "Verbally Consious" self. So, what if the Doctor is asking questions and whatnot in a way that BOTH sides can understand the Questions... we already know that the Brain DOES emit some Radio Frequencies (they were able to pick up what a person was Watching through a Receiver in one experiment via the Brain Waves emited from the Visual Cortex from what I understand) ... so... Maybe the SOUL or the MIND (Which could be the Non Physical Energy OF us that Connects To the Brain just to control the body Through it... kind of like a remote control) is still ONE and still experiences ONE of itself, yet the Brain Itself is divided and one side is just Reacting to the Environment as an Automatic Function of Self Preservation or Habit or something - we may never really know.

@robbdudeson346 - 22.01.2024 17:11

Since your Left and Right Hemisphere BOTH seem to contain YOUR consciousness, maybe your Actual Consciousness is Stored in your DNA its Self... (probably IS) That may actually be how Mind Over Matter or Placebo Effects WORK... Being Conscious and Believing that you will get Better (or sick if you're a Hypochondriac) WILL almost 80% or more of the time, cause you to Physically Get Better, or Sick... weather you take Medication and just Believe in it, or not.

@robbdudeson346 - 22.01.2024 17:02

... These Dr's knew Exactly what they were doing... and they knew it would mess People up that way before the did the "Experiment" because It's Obvious... They just wanted to see where the "Personaliy" and "Consciousness" resides... and it's all weirder than they thought, but they Knew it was gonna make them "UltraBi-Polar" - When the Brain is Spit... it's all weird ... Can you Imagine having to use Voice Recognition Software to Wright Yourself a Letter so you could talk to the Other You residing in the side that can only process Written Language? and a Speach Synthasizor to communicate a Reply to the side that can Hear? OMG... there has to be a better way to suppress a Seizure than Splitting someone in two... Literally.

@troximaxtomasmartinezmario7099 - 22.01.2024 02:59

Really cool! Thank you for making this video

@colistovo420 - 21.01.2024 15:05

We are legion

@LonelyDogBarking - 20.01.2024 14:26

Nan Yar and all your questions will be answered…

@ashley-r-pollard - 17.01.2024 16:21

Late to the party, it's my lot in life. A comment regarding how one person's words are incorporated into the brain of the other person listening to them.

This I'd argue is the root of story telling, and writing stories, which is fundamentally what makes us conscious and different from the rest of the animal kingdom. We tell stories about ourselves, and what it is to be human that are mostly like Kipling's 'just so' stories.

@benjimurillo1493 - 17.01.2024 09:04

We are Temple Heads..2 on each side of our heads..thats the thin Veil. Thin skin between eyes and ears. 3rd Temple is the pineal gland. Pineal is the connecting eye for both halves. We do not want to cut that. The only reason joe was getting seizures was because.of parasites In his brain. Drs know nothing or know it and don't care. Parasites control the brain
Story of Adam and Eve and the Parasite. The only Serpents and Demons are the parasites and worms In our bodies. It's Holy Science! Not Fantasy mumbo jumbo vanity . Cleanse and heal. Fast that's good too. But we should not be cutting our brains by those bad drs. Just cleanse the brain
Simple !!

@chad0x - 17.01.2024 03:47

How do you ask a question of only one side of the brain?

@chad0x - 17.01.2024 03:42

Hey Scott, have you writtten any books?

@ChaiJung - 17.01.2024 00:58

This is just a wrong interpretation of the experiments. If youre taking a body-creates-mind approach, sure, you MAY come to the idea of multiple consciousnesses. Conversely and more likely, these are signals from cell groups and organs. As well, if you take a mind-forms-body approach and the idea that the body is perhaps the lens for perception experiences, then his idea falls apart. Im pretty sure if you questioned the subject in this experiment at length, hed admit that he confabulated the idea through heuristics like we all do all the time

@hn5460 - 16.01.2024 14:47

Smart guy! And he was right. Any deep thinker will ultimately come to the same conclusion. I come from Buddhism perspective, and my conclusion is there is no real self.

@micbarca9777 - 15.01.2024 21:17

Absolutely absurd, this was an in appropriate modification to these brains which by no means there are multiple selves. If the brain is in tact as it should be, as it was created by God and not evolved, to have 1 consciousness. Very sad that science would go to these lengths to manipulate and modify out perfect and fearfully crested biology and they to explain that we are nothing but meat suites.

@237homer238 - 15.01.2024 18:00

I have drowned in my own mind, from multiple Sklerosis pushes, 2 Times. And Recovered. I hat many of Those like Experiences. Depending on what Part of my brain had inflammations. I never told anyone. And Nobody ever hat asked. But Doktors And Professors had checken me a lot. :D even my Taste had changed. You eat something, but the Taste is just Some Other. Things temporary wenn off: sight, ability to speak, ability to write, left side paralysis And many more. Thankfully my Brain is in order now. (Checked December with magnet Resonance tomographie) but Done by myself not the professors. With Things i Did by myself. Droped the meds years ago. They Did Not had Done any good. If i still be fine in 5 years, i will tell it to my neuropsychologist. But still stay a retard from old damage done by Events of that, Long time ago :D

@08SB80 - 13.01.2024 11:38

You can imagine consciousness as a fluid. Pouring into the containers of all living things. All physical life and each consciousness developing within, a spiritual molding of soul. Set free only in death. However, I recognize this is as the wishful thinking that it is.

@ethanrowlette9912 - 11.01.2024 23:54

this guy is doing some serious mental gymnastics to avoid acknowledging the possibility that consciousness is not actually a component of the human body rather its a field of energy that uses the body to experience the universe like a gamer would use a haptic vest and vr headset to experience the game world. everything he's postulating seems non intuitive because its missing the most important aspect of what consciousness is and he will always be lost in the sauce wondering what it all means until he realizes that key element of the human experience

@jonlannister345 - 11.01.2024 19:10

It's not new information, just a rediscovery of a fact that was known to most peoples through history but was lost in just the last 150 years with central 'scientific' authorities disregarding things that couldn't be proven with standardised laboratory experiments. The fact that people are a bunch of competing personalities vying for dominance was logically discovered by ancient cultures all over the world.
Most self-focused work historically, including the life advice given in the Bible, is about acknowledging these competing sub-personalities and trying to get them balanced out and then unified in purpose.

Strengthening the connection between the two halfs of the brain to aid in having a unified way of thinking is effectively the foundational thing of all of the ideas around the 'third eye'

@Lambonights - 11.01.2024 13:48

As John Lennon once said, nothing, is real.

@sketchbabu - 11.01.2024 12:40

I love this. I am a fan and I subscribe. content.

@michaelgallo6593 - 11.01.2024 07:27

I’ve been aware of these cases, for decades, since med school, and I am not trying to topple established views of neurology.

But I don’t think that this disproves outright the existence of a unified self. What if the unified self is the default, true consciousness. Severing the colossum may destroy this consciousness and instead of leaving a corpse leaves two new separate consciousnesses. Maybe they seem similar. Maybe the left describes this similarity. Maybe the right one is internally screaming that this is incorrect—or maybe it tells itself lies without linguistics—if that is possible.
But these left and right consciousnesses do NOT necessarily need to be “true” underlying component consciousnesses. They may just be whatever is left over.

Likewise, if you are the universe discovering itself, this does not negate the existence of the universe as a fundamental thing. It can exist with or without the partition of our awareness.

@Solaryan_v2 - 11.01.2024 05:08

Doesnt suprise me. I would argue that there arent even mulyiple "you"s. The idea of "you" isnt even real. There is no free will, there is no "mind". Its an illusion. Its merely a way for our brains to process stimulie. Your body and organs are real, but not "you"

@SmartK8 - 10.01.2024 05:50

You missed the point.
1) If you cut an apple in two, you can't say: "Apples are actually two different independent parts". Sure, if you cut it, but if you don't, it's still one object.
2) The most fundamental takeaway of this experiment is actually fact, that brain experiences things without free will and makes excuses to form a narrative of free will.

@brianallen8588 - 09.01.2024 14:49

Love it.

@haz1q. - 09.01.2024 10:21

I don’t think think there are two Joe’s, rather Joe has become split into two

@JCDadalus - 09.01.2024 10:03

I am sending this message to alter your brain tissue! mwahahahaha. Interesting video, but there are bigger powers at play that we do choose to believe or not. We are definitely all connected in a way and the internet has been one hell of a boost in that connection.

@NonchalantBuhddist - 08.01.2024 23:42

There hacked your brain 😂

@PastorJustinWade - 08.01.2024 18:59

I wonder if this is what happened to Gary Busey.

@user-ow2yr4nu4z - 08.01.2024 04:52

I had spinal menegitus as a infant at almost died and its effects are about the samd as a TBI with various outcomes. I got lucky enough to survive and keep mye eye sight but i can tell 100% that something has happened to my brain. Im actually superior lvl IQ andni can actually tell the diffrence between my lobes and how they function. Stress exhuastion tends to bring out some of the damage that has been done but other than that im pretty normal, but once that exhuastion hits my brain is mush.

@kelleyjackson5005 - 08.01.2024 03:54

Wow! I am reading a book you might like: “My Stroke of Insight” by Jill Bolte Taylor. What you just said reminds me of passages in this book!

@MyFAT69 - 06.01.2024 20:59

Very interesting, and explained it so well, thanks for sharing this Scott :))

@icewilleternium8195 - 05.01.2024 03:58

Dude, you seems to be very nervous.

@Springfeel_ - 02.01.2024 11:34

This guy is stupid

@Springfeel_ - 02.01.2024 11:31

What i want to know is, how can a person survive having their brain cut in half.

@0700083edu - 02.01.2024 11:13

I know it sounds strange, but I feel like I have a "conscience" trapped in my brain that can't manifest itself. And Its is very conscious and is always terrified of being cloistered in the dark. Sometimes I hallucinate with this, and I have episodes of night terrors and lucid dreams where this forgotten "part" of the brain does manifest itself. I first realized this when I literally woke up screaming at the top of my lungs and trying to hang myself. It took possession of my body for a few moments. To give you an idea, I injured my vocal cords and had a brain injury and 2 bones broken. Because my body threw itself onto the ground head first and with all the force possible. Neighbors came to see if I was okay and one even called the police. I woke up screaming and it literally wasn't ME controlling my body, it was this other ("me?"). It was as if when I was sleeping this consciousness managed to "wake up" and make connections with my motor cortex and my memories, I don't know exactly... I had terrible, absurd, nonverbal thoughts that didn't belong to me.

But the message comes in form of idea an weird felling and is clear: "terror, enclosure, darkness and that I had to die immediately to end this suffering" also a mix of very very dark and weird feelings i never experienced before and don't want to, again. 15 min passed and i was tottaly me again. That was 10 years ago and it happens some times again since them, not in the same intensity because of the medications i take. But happen Especially if I drink some coffee, or go to bed very anxious, or late.

With Ambien this episodes ceased. But i still have some kind of partial sonambulism. I still have sleepwalking where I start to moan and cry desperately. I'm afraid that in one of these episodes I'll take a pencil or something sharp and stick it in my neck or something while sleeping.

Another symptom is that in most of these frequent lucid dreams I first go blind, then I start to have a very loud buzzing sound, and I start to scream desperately. And that's when I wake up. It's exactly like sleepwalking episodes, but it's just a dream. Ot is a very lucid dream, but its not me controlling it, i wouln't cry or scream for nothing... I have these dreams every months. Kinda PTSD from this first event

@johannmatthee5727 - 01.01.2024 00:26

However split brain experiments are interesting, and show us more about how the brain works, there was a study conducted that showed upon viewing two images the image processing that occurred in the brain happened sequentially, meaning first one of the eyes processed what it saw and then after the processing was complete the other eye processed what it saw. Since as you stated the language center is on the left hemisphere, which is tied to the right eye, when patients observe something in their right eye, the respond verbally. This however does nothing to show that a persons experiences multiple consciousnesses, only that he is conscious of different things at different times. As you stated the first patient was able to give coherent and ordered responses to the questions, which would seem odd if there were multiple consciousnesses in his brain, he still appeared as a unified individual, only with small differences in the order of how he perceived and related experiences.

@a.maya12 - 31.12.2023 23:22

Why so we have to see you instead watching screens while you talk?

@mooddisorderedmind - 31.12.2023 23:17


@destinypuzzanghera3087 - 31.12.2023 22:29

People are looking for consciousness, but they’re looking for a subjective view of that this interconnection shows why people can’t find it because it’s not one thing like you said it’s a connection between the things that everybody’s looking in each vessel when they should be looking in the connection

@destinypuzzanghera3087 - 31.12.2023 22:28

This is fascinating, really genius thank you. What do you need perspective? I can see how this can be true.
