The world's largest family reunion ... we're all invited! | A.J. Jacobs

The world's largest family reunion ... we're all invited! | A.J. Jacobs


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Pablo James
Pablo James - 20.10.2021 22:36

The best speech I've heard from Adam Sandler! ;)

Multilingual-Kdog - 21.04.2021 02:49

Yeah right, nobody would know 12th cousin

Саиджанов Абдулазиз
Саиджанов Абдулазиз - 09.12.2020 07:20

Laziz is guy

Mr zia
Mr zia - 13.11.2020 16:06

I was working hard & Now I have a big family tree! Hope you are interested in Indians!

4Truth - 07.02.2020 04:16

No Real Christian would ever even get to set a foot on TED's stage! Satan owns all media; except, the Internet per say as GOD allowed Knowledge to be spread fast in the last days of Grace and Mercy through the Internet!
Love 4Truth!

LoveAndPeaceOccurs - 28.04.2018 20:44

Thank You my dear cousin Jacob ... We are all as one ... and now we can be shown the proof!!! I'm just seeing this years later but I look forward to finding out how that family reunion went (even though I was left out.) Love & Peace to All

Fiorella Ramos
Fiorella Ramos - 18.05.2017 07:48

jajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajaja, I don't considered, any of you guys my family, so I don't believe anything he say's, I'm happy I didn't went to that festival, that is so dumb for me... my only family is my parents, siblings, my children, grandparents, aunts, uncles, close cousins, nieces and nephews, that is it, but there is no 6th, 7th 8th 9th 10th etc etc cousins, that is too far, those people are not your family anymore, the only cousins you have is your parents siblings children and probably your parents first cousins children, but that's it, no more cousins, there is no millions of cousins, that doesn't exist, not everybody in this world is related to you, because they don't share no blood, and not even the same dna. That guy said we all blood connected? jajaja that is funny...

FacePaLm 1
FacePaLm 1 - 25.09.2015 20:27

Hi fellow family members, how's it goin?

elene38 - 13.12.2014 23:16

I'm so glad!!!

Zoey Her
Zoey Her - 25.09.2014 23:48

So who's going to the reunion? ;)

Mark Angelo Askew
Mark Angelo Askew - 22.09.2014 23:51

Your genealogical mapping goals are nearing biblical proportions. Getting the experts on board would be pure genius. Let's see where this journey takes us. Next stop... where east meets west, literally. Happy family reunion folks.

max rav
max rav - 02.07.2014 14:49

It seems these guys are all Jewish......every on is related apart from the Palestinians it would seem.

Dio Gosse
Dio Gosse - 20.06.2014 21:52

I've been saying this for years!

vonkruel - 19.06.2014 01:02

I don't like anything that creates an artificial separation between people.  So I don't like the idea of identifying with where you're from - unless you do it on the largest, most inclusive scale.  If your idea of family doesn't exclude anyone, then we're in the same family, and I'm glad for it.

Elon Musketeer
Elon Musketeer - 19.06.2014 00:21

Funny enough, every living things on earth are your relatives. 

g75hdöäk - 18.06.2014 11:58

Anything can be a family nowadays, we don't have to be relatives by blood, that's a beautiful thing. My mind works in this way, if I see someone famous I now instantly think of ways I'm connected to them. I love the way he puts 'cousin' before their names, what a funny guy! (I'm 4 away from Gwyneth Paltrow too, not by family though).

Fxby - 16.06.2014 22:18

Evolution baby. ;)
