Remake It!  Wario's Smash Moveset

Remake It! Wario's Smash Moveset


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@roycecarter3368 - 09.06.2024 23:33

Adding jiggle physics to the back air is wild 💀

@tjtribble. - 27.05.2024 23:11

I see a lot of people say Wario has one of the worst movesets in Smash in terms of representation, so I’m glad you came to the same conclusion as me that it’s already nearly perfect in that regard. Like yeah you could throw in a few more direct references and change some animations, but the core gameplay fits him too well to change. I’m not sure why so many people think otherwise!

@xblazecubedx - 06.05.2024 11:48

I'm gonna be honest, not really a fan of this redesign. I'll only talk about the specials because I'll be writing this all day if I talked about the whole thing. Neutral special being the greedy grab can all be a part of his normal grab, it feels very redundant and a waste of a special slot. Side special staying as the bike is very underwhelming, it being inconsistent projectile doesn't help, and a very poor reference to WarioWare. Down special changes doesn't fix why the move is hated, while I'm a person who like what his current down special represents, it does a poor job at being a balanced and interesting move. Up special to me is the most baffling because not only are there better choices, but it also a part of the shoulder bash, which isn't a special move in this rework.

Now I'll talk about how I would make the special moves. Starting simple, his Up Special should be the spring transformation from Wario Land 2, 3, and 4. Wario hits himself with a hammer and launches up in the air, the plummets back to the ground. The move can be moved left or right like Kazuya's up special and goes a bit higher than it. It has a hitbox going up that knocks opponents away for protection and a landing hitbox like Inkling that meteors (It has fixed knock back and is weak).

Side Special should be the shoulder bash. The move in Wario Land has so many properties across all the games, that combining them all makes a perfect special move. On the ground there is a charged and uncharged state, the uncharged state goes 1/3rd of final destination, you can jump at any time but it will always go the same distance, it's a combo starter at early percents then just becomes a get off me tool at later percents. The charged version take 30 frames of charging, it goes half of final destination and jumping will carry Wario farther depending on when he jumps (like project plus), it's a call out at mid percents and a Kill move at later percents. Finally, there is an aerial version of the move, Wario dons the Eagle Cap and dash forwards a distance between uncharged and charged grounded shoulder bash, it just knocks opponents away, not a kill move or a combo starter, just a recovery tool.

Neutral Special should be the WarioWare bomb. If there is anything that was never referenced is the fact Wario loves bombs, and one thing WarioWare has related to that is the bomb which act as the timer for all the microgames. Wario pulls out a bomb from the WarioWare games and shotputs it (Works just like Mii Brawler's, but without the hurtbox). On frame 1, the move will count down from 3, and after 3 seconds will explode which is decently powerful and sends the opponents up.

Finally, Down Special should be Chomp Waft. Chomp is a reference to Wario World so keeping it is a must, but I also wanna keep the concept of Waft, so I put the 2 together. The Chomp part of the move is a command grab, it allow Wario to chomp the opponent up to 5 times, but with good mash has a minimum of 3. It can pull in nearby Items and can allows him to eat any nonenergy projectile (with a few exceptions) that can heal him at 0.5 percent. Now for the Waft part, After Wario gets 15 chomps on any opponent or projectile, Wario will get access to Waft. Waft has 2 version, ground and Air, the grounded version has a larger hit box and does the same amount of knockback and damage but is slow on start up and end lag, it also doesn't launch him that far into the air and can only act when he lands on the ground (Yes the end lag is decently long). The Air version goes a similar distance as current fully charged Waft but has weaker knock back and damage.

@thecookfamily5964 - 06.05.2024 10:32

I think you should remake Bowser Jr's smash moveset. there isn't enough to do with their wands from the 2d games and not enough about his paintbrush

@tristarnova3454 - 05.05.2024 05:42


@tartarr2018 - 24.04.2024 04:27

I think something to be added to warios bike move could be that when using warios wario land outfit the bike could be changed to his purple low rider, seen in the wario land games

@cbrmdaily2670 - 11.04.2024 11:56

I may need you to remake Bowsers moveset, I feel he’s severely lacking in a unique moveset, yes in a lot of games most of his abilities are simply punching and fire breath. But I think you’d have a good way of switching it up.

@chameleoncove - 03.04.2024 02:56

I'm glad you decided to include Wario's cake more in his moveset.

@rayminishi689 - 31.03.2024 05:40

Wario has potential for a cargo carry similar to Donkey Kong's forward throw, able to walk around and definitely able to do a pile driver with a moderate AOE. Not sure why people seem to overlook that, despite Wario world gameplay front and center xD

@CaydenAdams-rb3kf - 29.03.2024 22:06

Suggestion: Remake Mario.
1. If someone made a fangame on your movesets, they could have Mario and Luigi vs Wario and Waluigi.
2. Mario should be the one who's easy to pick up, but should also been Mario.
3. Ma boi frown too much. :(

@ErodedCorpse - 29.03.2024 20:18

I’d like to hear changes you’d make to Mewtwo!

@ElTaitronAnim - 28.03.2024 06:04

I would've liked to see some more changes for variety's sake, but taken on the whole, this is pretty solid. Having said that, the new neutral B, down-throw, and the comic book styling for his Final Smash are BIG winners!


@MT_Rift - 27.03.2024 08:58

Great rework as usual. Wario's crude, greedy, and masculine characteristics are all balanced out pretty well, which is an approach that most fans do not seem to take.

Though I will have to disagree on mostly abandoning the "Mario but weird" characteristic of some of his current moves, as being Mario but weird is intrinsic to the character's inception. But again, I do appreciate your approach being more expansive of Wario's character traits.

Zelda and Jigglypuff reworks should be interesting. If I were to throw my hat in the ring, I would like to see your take on Ridley. I think there's something about his current design that feels incomplete and hard to quantify. Also considering you never did a Ridley video pre-Ultimate, it would be very interesting to see.

@DangerousArmyGuy - 25.03.2024 16:05

Would keep the green outfit or modify it so he could be a knockoff of Luigi for the Mario Bros stage. But would love for the white Smash Bros Brawl costume to return to reference the classic games too. Would have gone full Wario World with Wario's combo though and have him finish the punch combo with a strong punch. I would keep the poke though, it's fun for both fighting and video recording with how he sounds while making the finger poke. Down air should be called Super Butt Stomp, but love that reference to Wario Land. I would keep the old up air though since it feels very Wario-like already. I also rather have the bicep flex be either the side taunt or a new victory animation, the old up taunt with Wario laughing was very fun to do to laugh at the enemies you beat up or give a hard time. Also, please keep eating food items filling Wario's new gas meter, would combo very nicely with the garlic he can eat now too. I think that's all I gotta say, but love your ideas as well. Kinda wish Wario-Man could ride the Wario Bike again as one of the finishing moves though, actually impressing his "friends" while performing a trick on his bike and making the W with his fingers too. Hoping Wario Land can get some more rep someday in the future.

EDIT: One more thing, to add another ref to Wario World, please have anyone under Wario or next to him while performing Piledriver also take damage, though the main target takes the most damage too.

@MrYee-xf6ze - 24.03.2024 00:58

With the release of Princess Peach Showtime, I would like to see Peach's moveset getting remake in a remake it video. Also, Wario needs to replace his current victory theme with the one based on the end level theme from the first Wario Land game.

@J0kerMan15 - 23.03.2024 15:11

This is awesome! I love it, especially Greedy Grasp and the bike tire. Those are both so cool and I want to see them implemented.

@AndyDeleon-ix9zr - 23.03.2024 04:10


@CyColt - 21.03.2024 22:14

Honestly, I just want to see a Smash Bros Moveset for the Stranger from Oddworld Strangers Wrath.

@mdalsted - 21.03.2024 20:35

I'd love for someone to make a Smash Bros. fangame based on videos like this one, so we can basically test these theoretical movesets out.

@2l84me3 - 20.03.2024 16:10

Smash loves to take Mario characters and make them act horribly out of character. Look at Mario, Wario, and Bowser

@benearl1645 - 20.03.2024 06:23

I like the shake idea, but i'd keep it as a pummel animation rather than the neutral special. I'd still keep his bite as the neutral special

@ProGremlinPlayer - 20.03.2024 04:28


@twinkling_topaz14 - 20.03.2024 03:10

I like most of what you did here, but there's a couple of things I'd change. I'd make Wario's pummel the shaking animation from Shake It and keep Chomp the way it is. I like the down air, but I'll give it a spike hitbox at the start, like every other stall and fall down air. I wouldn't change down tilt, either. Never had any problems with the poke for a down tilt.

Waft already had its startup frames nerfed. Nerfing them even further doesn't seem like the way to go, especially since waft combos and set ups are already frame tight and inconsistent. Half waft is frame 8 and full waft is frame 12. By nerfing their startup again, half waft would be frame 11 and full waft would be frame 15. Making their hitboxes bigger doesn't really seem like a good trade off. So, what I'd do is keep their current start up frames (8 and 12) and just keep the knockback nerfs (if that's what it takes for people to finally stop complaining about it.)

That's about it off the top of my head. You did a good job overall.

@trevornelson8529 - 20.03.2024 02:10

Please change his down b and the caption syrup at the end of his final attack I think it would be better to have him do a double punch at the end

@trevornelson8529 - 20.03.2024 01:55

Do young cricket next

@Skynetbear - 19.03.2024 22:58

Pretty sure that Wario’s original up special was based on bouncy Wario’s spin jump from Wario Land 4

@blossom6309 - 19.03.2024 22:52


@hugocrusselle2737 - 19.03.2024 21:38

Please can you do hornet from hollow Knight for Challenger approach

@livenishikireaction - 19.03.2024 21:09

ten years in the wah

@Poyostar - 19.03.2024 19:35

Gotta say, this is easily one of the best Wario reworks I've ever seen. Like, no joke, this balances his Wario Land and WarioWare incarnations very well! Nicely done like always!

@Rubberman202 - 19.03.2024 17:07

I can't help but feel like, when making him for Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Sakurai was looking at Wario at a surface-level view, specifically from his WarioWare appearances, hence why he had the jerky frames and motions, in order to mimic how characters moved in the WarioWare games. He didn't completely ignore the Wario Land games, since his signature shoulder bash was his side smash, and him being the main villain in Super Mario Land 2 is the only reason I can thing of that he'd make Wairo one of the villains in Subspace Emissary (that, and there aren't that many playable villains in Super Smash Bros. Brawl). And because Sakurai greatly dislikes changing up a character's moveset too much between games, we're basically stuck with a Wario who barely acts like we've come to expect, either from Wario Land or even WarioWare to an extent. Oh, and I REALLY hate how Smash Bros. cemented the idea that Wario is one big fart joke; I literally saw someone play Wario Land 4 for the first time and was surprised by it since they thought Wario was "just that weird Mario character who farts". It's a massive disservice to his character, and since Wario is my favorite video game character, I can't help but disappointed with how Sakurai has handled him in the Smash Bros. series (though I suppose I'm slightly better off than Sonic fans, yeesh).

@meteorain9941 - 19.03.2024 08:33

Another character that could use a remake it is Cloud, not only to include more things about the Remake/Rebirth games but also in my opinion could use some materia moves given how important it is both lore and gameplay wise

@Joel-wr8dr - 19.03.2024 02:50

This video is wonderful and a great video thank you for remaking Wario's move set I enjoy this video and you are wonderful, great,amazing,Awesome, and fantastic and I also the way that you remake Lucario's move set and all the other Character's move set

@wendaythepotato2979 - 19.03.2024 00:34

I like how this moveset understands that potty humor is ACTUALLY a core part of the moveset and actually keeps it instead of removing it like a coward.

@sirreginaldfishingtonxvii6149 - 19.03.2024 00:27


@Mr.Cynical - 18.03.2024 23:47


It kept the spirit of Wario from Smash, while incorporating a bunch of ideas and themes from his series, and even adds things I didn't even think about!

Like, that Neutral Special is so genius. It has his strength, greed, and crudeness all in one, and it STILL references something while working with the rest of the moveset. And you didn't even have to completely get rid of the idea of Chomp just to do it!

You did an incredible job on this one. Genuinely love it!

@raistlinpage3444 - 18.03.2024 23:15

I like both warioware and wario land but I think you did a great job mixing the two

@flother4834 - 18.03.2024 23:03

thank you

@liamfunnyman6965 - 18.03.2024 22:07

Dr. Mario Gives a Second Opinion!

@machteldbarendregt2230 - 18.03.2024 21:32

Can you please make a video of remaking bowsers moveset

@dextra_24703 - 18.03.2024 21:03

With Waft if he had that slow down and on his way up had this echoing Wa-Ha-Ha-Ha! while going up it would be perfect.

@andrewjelen1810 - 18.03.2024 20:57

Can you do Bowser next?

@klausing7114 - 18.03.2024 20:25

I’m so glad you added Captain Syrup into his final smash and as a reference in his alts!

@mattr75 - 18.03.2024 19:33

A pretty good rework of Wario's moveset

@FinalSmashGamer2 - 18.03.2024 19:32

Could we vote for a new take on Ganondorf's moveset for a next video?

@Ratical-Official - 18.03.2024 19:07

