Insightful video, thanks. I’m currently studying for PETR and finding it a little overwhelming as I haven’t had any pension work experience. Do you think it’s still possible to pass if I do sufficient revision without the pension experience?Thanks
ОтветитьInteresting video as ever, especially the comment ref high multiples being quoted for CETV when they want to get you off their books. This probably explains why mine is relatively low. If I took max pension I need to live to 80 to receive the value of my CETV. I’ll be taking my 25% tax free for sure
ОтветитьThanks for meaningful information, one question crop up in my mind in fact it is related to topic discuss in another video. An individual is entitled to contribute 20k in his/.her "ISA ACCOUNT" however in life time ISA ACCOUNT the limit is impose not only contribution but also include age limit 18-40 if an individual contribute 20k in ISA account after crossing of age 40 he/she lost entitlement to contribute in LIFETIME ISA , what should an individual do ? looking forward your kind reply Thanks and Regard.