The NFL's Most Unique Franchise: The Absurd Highs And Lows Of The Los Angeles Rams...

The NFL's Most Unique Franchise: The Absurd Highs And Lows Of The Los Angeles Rams...


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@Philly_Native - 17.03.2025 16:07

I love the NFL. The Rams and Lions story is great. Detroit trades Stafford, who goes onto, with help of course, mage the Rams better. While simultaneously, with Stafford leaving the Lions, they got better. It really goes to show why QBs are widely accepted as the most important chess piece on the field. Thats not me saying they are always the deciding factor, thats just me saying that whatever offensive scheme or w/e was going on in Detroit was not working for Stafford and by him switching teams, new coach, new scheme, new players, he began to shine. So, by being the most important chess piece I mean that you could have a top 10 QB on your team, but he may never produce, he moves, and so if the sudden that top 10 QB comes out.

@Philly_Native - 17.03.2025 15:22

If you're having 10 game losing streak.. year. after. year. Just lose on purpose.. just fkn lose on purpose and get that first pick. Why are you trying to keep yourself "ahead" of being dead last by being second to last.. 😂

@buttzlol - 14.03.2025 22:36

listening to that final statement as a bears fan in 2025 got me actin up

@jacksongray-boero1438 - 28.02.2025 03:45

Marshall Faulk wasn’t the first back to go 1k 1k it was Roger Craig

@iliasVoolgaris - 27.02.2025 01:24

You really should start doing these types of videos about NBA teams/players, i have minimal interest in the NFL and i'm still binging all of these and learning, just because you make em interesting.

@WalterWhiteFootballSharing - 25.02.2025 02:13

2018 Rams was pretty awesome, Todd Gurley was a force 2017-2018. 2018 Chiefs Rams is my favorite all time game, I have to rewatch it every so often, and my channel has the All 22 of that. I got a bunch of old Mahomes thrillers from a Chiefs fan of a coach online.

@WalterWhiteFootballSharing - 25.02.2025 02:09

If you look back as far as this video to 99, everyone has weird highs and absurd lows. Some teams stayed mostly good like Ravens, Steelers, Eagles, ugh patriots. But everyone else? Buffalo was mostly a clown show for 2 decades until Josh Allen year 2, and not great till year 3 2020. NYG's 2000-2024 is pretty absurd, 2 SBs and a whole lot of meh to awful. Because Eli was mostly meh, to awful. Even IN champ years Who wins a SB the same year they get swept by a 4-12 Foreskins team?? Because the QB is throwing to the other team or nobody in particular? Aint nobody expect that guy to win playoff games in 07 or 11. In 2007 Eli threw 3 pick 6s in a must win vs Vikings. Vikings are another "wtf just happened last 25 seasons?".

@JambleBramble - 24.02.2025 01:01

That Greatest Show on Turf got me into football and made me a fan, then they mostly sucked for most of my life then I fell off of sports for a few years and they went and won another Super Bowl

@eeeeeezeeee - 23.02.2025 20:21

As a stl native it hurt me hard when the rams left

@Ryzard - 19.02.2025 17:03

Warner saying he hadn't heard of the guy fkn sucks to hear man :(
Like... Dang.
Thinking of it more lightly, it feels like buddy from the incredibles.
"Fly home, buddy. I work solo"

@Nobody-q3t - 19.02.2025 08:39

Jesus loves y'all :)

@hankhillsnrrwurethra - 19.02.2025 07:22

Good one Frog

@Chitango76th - 19.02.2025 03:28

Roger Craig 49ers 1st 1,000+1,000 rush/rec

@1of4RamsFans - 18.02.2025 04:52

My dad was a rams fan from the 70’s all the way until he passed in 2019 he stayed faithful to them the whole time between the moves from LA to STL and from STL back to LA. I intend to do the same no matter where they play.

@moralester - 17.02.2025 23:00

Temu version of Topher Grace

@DavidM.MartinezSr - 17.02.2025 22:14

They were like the raiders are today! 🤣😂😊

@2cool4fluoride - 17.02.2025 19:03

I knew Jeff Smoker because he was my region’s High School Quarterback superstar when I was in High School.

@erikjohnson7008 - 16.02.2025 08:12

I like Kurt

@nickc.principe1136 - 13.02.2025 08:02

It’s crazy that the rams may have to rebuild after going toe for toe with the eagles in the divisional away in the snowy conditions. That coach is really amazing

@joshuapaul2160 - 12.02.2025 06:38

Just a slight correction here. Faulk actually wasn't the first back to have a 1,000 1,000 season. Roger Craig did it back in 1985 with the 49ers.

@Geo272 - 11.02.2025 22:56

Goff top5 QB

@prnow4986 - 10.02.2025 14:22

Rams are one of the few multi-city champions, making them special. Everything bad eventually led to something great. If Eric Dickerson didn’t leave, the rams wouldn’t have a deal with Indianapolis for Marshall Faulk 20 years later. Without being in St. Louis we don’t get a walk in with Kurt Warner. If the rams didn’t tank in St. Louis they don’t get Aaron Donald and move back to LA.

@AlexanderTB6 - 10.02.2025 04:18

bucs when

@peteyoung6213 - 09.02.2025 21:05

I love your content, I just have one tweak. "Verse" and "versus" aren't the same thing. Say "versus" if you mean against, or just say "against." I know, a minute detail from some bald, fat guy watching your video in his recliner. Love the content, love the writing, love the presentation. Just "verse" is it. Keep up the great work.

@boseph-o8587 - 09.02.2025 05:12

I appreciate this channel 🫡🫡

@AlexanderTB6 - 08.02.2025 20:58

Bucs when

@terryjt1 - 08.02.2025 20:50

Jeff Smoker was a force in college. Left Michigan State with every school passing record you could think of. Kirk Cousin passed in in a lot of stats, but he still has single season passing yards record for Sparty.

@lukeyarasheski5510 - 08.02.2025 18:34

Nobody beats Goff. Don't you watch Perna?

@rickmiranda2597 - 08.02.2025 15:32

Awesome job on this vid!!

@blakewho6968 - 08.02.2025 10:55

Bro I love these can you please do one on the Vikings it would be so good lol

@bitter2day - 08.02.2025 00:27

Bold take, the Rams vs Saints no call is fair. The Saints played incredibly dirty that game.

@quinnlay2150 - 08.02.2025 00:02

As a titans fans this lowk pain

@MajorPrice-y7j - 07.02.2025 15:43

When they finally got a first round pick that pick was Jared Verse , who became the DROY. The Rams are a Hollywood organisation. So many stories 😂

@benweaver3267 - 07.02.2025 15:02

As a Bengals fan, I know how this video ends… so I will not be watching the ending

@SpiralIntoAVoid - 07.02.2025 11:58

Tubfrog never misses with these videos at all.

@jackoschultz8858 - 07.02.2025 04:58

Yo frogy your 1-2+ hours videos are helping me go to sleep. I know yur a football fanatic, go chase after those idiots of the internet(football related if you want)for us. make a bundle of those. U have a good sense of humour of whatever you research. Joe santagato used to do them. Not anymore. Idk, You control your content, i'll just get lost take a hike, break and ankle and have a peter griffin injury. Eeeh ahhhh eehh ahh😂
