How AI Solved My BIGGEST Art Problem!

How AI Solved My BIGGEST Art Problem!

Lioba Brückner

1 год назад

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@MegaHatLady - 17.11.2023 05:59

AI is cool for filling in with props. Saves a LOT of time. I think you have THE idea!
Text it in, print it up and master it with paints and brush/knives on canvas, linen, etc. !
Definitely a TOOL for true painting artists!

@KS-wr4vv - 01.10.2023 20:40

I’m so excited to explore this in my art.

@CM-ck4nl - 21.09.2023 21:24

I find this very interesting, because often I'll look for references of a VERY specific thing and can't find anything close. Alternatively, I need a reference for something that literally doesn't exist yet. I came to a similar conclusion that ai can help in those situations where reality and photobanks just don't quite cut it. And just like with reality, we can iterate as much as we want on the source image.

@MissChelle - 19.09.2023 04:20

I’m a traditional artist too, but I’m really bad at proportions, I’ve been painting for 40 years, so have practices plenty and just get stuck very often and usually give up. I now use ai for reference as well! It’s a very useful tool. Great video. ❤️🇦🇺

@alessiapodgorica1260 - 06.09.2023 16:09

I often use myself as a model to create different compositions, and sometimes I manipulate my references by using photoshop or sketchbook pro. I have to admit it is a time consuming process😂, that's why I really get your point about being more efficient with Ai. And I appreciate what you think about improving Ai references, to stay true to your vision. Your artworks are quite detailed, and I admire the harmony they have as a whole.👏

@normlor - 22.07.2023 18:20


@fazzoletto6261 - 25.04.2023 14:57

I don't think that this is a right way to improve. the difficulty of assembling a painting finding inspiration in references is what makes your creativity work. the reference created by AI are already perfect they are created assembling all your ideas in a single image. cons are really more then pros for me

@goomba478 - 11.04.2023 09:11

This is really inspiring. I love that you’re actually a skilled artist looking for inspiration and not just using a cheap trick to avoid doing art.

@janinekurzinger2698 - 22.03.2023 08:11

Ok you’ve shown me here how as artists we can take back control which otherwise feels like a potential threat to artists .
I think it would be better if this tech can be improved to where it doesn’t need to skim the internet for copyright work. I think that’s the slippery slope.

@janinekurzinger2698 - 22.03.2023 08:05

This i think is ok as long as its not using other artists work to generste imsges that look like their style or work and if you csn combine ideas from the various reference images to produce work that’s still in keeping with your own style and people still see your hand at work on your canvas is important too.

@garygarcia3142 - 21.02.2023 19:52

I started to use Leonardo ai the images that it gave me were amazing but of course I still have to fix them but the results where amazing but this tool gave me more ideas for more sketches and drawings😤😤😤

@yvonneschwartz3929 - 27.11.2022 03:02

The creativity is the fun part! Why would we want a machine to do that for us? The end of fun and getting paid for art! The problem is not to use it but it kills the porpoise to become a great artist if later your art will get lost in a massive amount of generated art by the computer.

@Uratz - 17.10.2022 05:34

I hated being an illustration painter for years because of the photo refs, sketch process. But with Midjourney I now love Art again.

@alexpolancoart - 08.10.2022 03:50

I did a pencil sketch, took a photo and uploaded to Midjourney and it gave me a bunch of versions of the sketch in different compositions (that looked like my original drawing), then I continued to refined it further, took another photo and wrote a prompt to turn the drawing into a photorealistic version of the sketch and then I had my final reference that I used to create a collage in photoshop that I later oil painted. AI is just mind blowing and fascinating to me, it’s like having 100 studio assistants/minions during the renaissance helping you execute your own ideas 😂

@brokencreationlordmegatrol3037 - 26.09.2022 22:21

AI makes me think that traditional art commission will boom again in places like fandoms ( furry, anime, comics etc) as people will want to have an actual thing in their hands again

@Tribal3Angel - 25.09.2022 09:51

It's awesome to be able to use technology to fast forward the initial planning of a painting. Thank you for sharing.

@asdaasda432 - 21.09.2022 14:19

as traditional artist who experienced being ridiculed by so called digital artists, seeing them seething kinda feel good

@drawingandthings6851 - 21.09.2022 10:24

I understand where the fear is coming from with AI art, but I can guarantee most people have not even used the program for themselves. You soon realize how limited it can be and sometimes it doesn't even come out with anything good it sometimes looks like something out of your nightmares. I just bought a midjourney subscription out of curiosity and I have been having a lot of fun throwing random prompts to see what it gives me. I was curious about the image prompt part of it and threw in photos I have taken. I have yet to get something that is even remotely close to the actual image. It mostly uses images for inspiration... almost like every other artist in the world.

I get the argument, but at the same time we are acting as if AI is gonna be copying everyone and just make us all irrelevant. Don't other artist get inspiration off of each other anyways? We do the exact same thing and nothing we do is really original, it just has a spin on it that makes it different. It's just that this thing can pump it out in like 30 seconds unlike us where we spend like 4-5 hours on something. People feared that cameras were going to make artist irrelevant at one point because you can just take a photo of something rather than pay someone money to paint it for you and yet here we are. I'm just in the middle and I'm not for or against AI art. I think it's cool. It's definitely good at getting yourself out of an artblock. I for one embrace our AI overlords.

and yes, I too dislike the many AI art accounts that have spawned up because of this. Just because I like the program does not mean I am all for all the people who are claiming to be artist when all they do is write words and hit enter. I think that's pretty whack.

@mistertamura6190 - 19.09.2022 01:50

If the majority of the AI users would use it for inspiration, there wouldn’t be any problems. The main issue will be just like with bland stock photos vs hiring a proper photographer: if the client can’t tell the difference in quality, why should they spend 2500 when 150€ (or less) will do the job? This being said, I personally perceive Stable Diffusion, MidJourney & Co as digital tools and utilities to generate new styles and ideas, and not a magic solution in order to work less.

@TATA-lw9yc - 19.09.2022 00:42

use a --seed number

@hypnopompicstate9910 - 18.09.2022 21:17

These images have no humanity.

@madocworks1147 - 18.09.2022 10:30

It's funny about the doom and gloom about art recently about AI. But for me it seems they got me more into art lately, I been using stable diffusion, It's great coming up ideas, and I learn more art then I have in almost a year trying on my own. There's no doubt that It's a great tool for making art, Even if you don't ever use the output It generates, The images it comes up with are great for references.

@zeronz87 - 17.09.2022 20:42

Artists will suffer hunger because of this AI shit, and also designers, that's all we need to unterstand

@katrinacara2102 - 17.09.2022 20:22

Right, I get what you're saying about reference, but drafting and making a composition are literally a part of artistry. You're growing to a point where you don't need crutches anymore. This is actually limiting

@user-ce2dw2vs1l - 17.09.2022 20:04

Que tontería decir que esto ayuda a ahorrar trabajo al artista en piezas complejas si lo bello de crear una pieza de arte es precisamente esa complejidad de crearlo, esta herramienta es para copiar, pegar y adaptar imágenes y principalmente descartar y pagar menos a lis dibujantes y pintores, bonita manera de volver más perezoso al cerebro humano, ahora resulta que cualquiera que copie arte y lo adapte ya se hará llamar artista

@judilynn9569 - 17.09.2022 19:44

Yes! I've been saying this from the start! Use the images for reference!

@monsantosales-rep4167 - 17.09.2022 14:20

What exactly is your role in the art then? I won't need you for long! Here's to hoping you don't outsource your creativity to a grave robbing machine.

@secretsoul6882 - 17.09.2022 08:12

It is cool, and make u easy to paint without much thinking about the images we want to paint. However, for artists, I believe the pure imagination is better as it must be more fun to create through the challenges rather. I always impress with my friend that paint something and he studies a lot about the background, not only for the visual but the subject he painted as well. No doubt AI helps a lot, but if it become common, imagination become dull, we will master the technique and become technician artist. Sorry, im not degrading the artists who using AI, i think use it for certain reason and time its fine as it help. Imagine if the AI can be operated by a robot to paint, everyone can do art. The value is become less, why? Because its become common. As much gold is expensive because of rarity, the talent is.

@SergioLopez - 16.09.2022 21:06

I think it's an amazing tool, and the people who are saying it's gonna kill at and creativity are being a bit hyperbolic. The only thing I think it's not good at (other than hands feet and faces) is coming up with something completely original. The fact that it's taking from a big pool of data means that it can never create something entirely new. There will always need to be a human innovation to make something completely original.

@MariaLucia-so2zc - 16.09.2022 18:49

Maravilhoso trabalho!
Gosto muito deste estilo . 👏👏👏👏👏

@niiakapiia - 16.09.2022 16:20

My very first impression of AI generated art was that it was really cool. I still wasn't profoundly aware of it's way of working. Then couple of days after I started reading about it I kind of started to grow suspicion, especially with the help of other people's/artists's points of view, who were skeptical as well. It was all about how this new technology will replace artists and art will only be possible as hoby and not career. And this is when my anxiety prevailed, I got emotional (with which I get highly disappointed by myself when I let my emotions get the better of me) that my dream will never come true and I'll have to think of another career path.

But then I wanted to search for the advantages of this technology and I came across many meaningful videos on the topic. One of them was Rossdraws's video where I was able to open my eyes fully and realize that this actually could be helpful. And then I came to your video which inspired me even more! Not to mention all the positive comments-they played a huge part of bringing my motivation up. Like my mum said "Art will become MORE valuable, because real art-buffs and enthusiasts will search for art made by hand and heart." This also really brought my hopes up.
The once that trule value art and have taste but also are ready for such changes and inovations will forever treasure artists and their work. Like many of us do with artists from the past.

Of course it comes with its bad sides too-the fact that many people who don't have any experience or worst-any passion about art and creating stories through art are able to use AI and make their own pieces and claim that they did it by themselves. I don't approve of it too. But there always have been and still will be people like this existing. I have to admit that I personally find even more unacceptable when someone steals a drawing by other artist and claims it's theirs rather than when someone writes ideas on a computer and they use the generated pictures as their work.
And something else that's been bothering me is that nowadays everyone can make everything. You can make songs, you can write books, you can create art pieces. Cool, but what's sad , is that quite often it is done just for fame and attention. At least from what I've seen. These individuals have existed befor AI. They have found different ways to outshine someone hardworking with pure heart. But that should not bring us down, because the passionate people with sincere love for music, writing or drawing should continue fighting for what they love.

With this we will see who really values art and the endless effort put behind it. The artists that actually have nothing but deep love for art will be hidden gems and even more priceless.

Overall I think it could be helpful in ways and I'm intending on giving it a try soon in order to adapt and learn. As you said in this video, that you're trying to look at the bright side of it-I am trying too. And I agree it's much better than covering ourselves with fear and rejection.
🌟 It's not the end of art and artist.🌟

@ChristianPotzkai - 16.09.2022 09:50

Can i copy your work?
100110100101010(yes but dont make it too obvious)

@rexxy2409 - 16.09.2022 08:43

Me subbed to everything related art.
Also acrylic and oil is satisfying..
Until you over did it 😂. I always did and I need help. Im kind of a perfectionist.

@RWL112 - 16.09.2022 06:41

I’m happy for you to have opened up to about Ai to be a good source to capture your own ideas.

@h.mansari8802 - 15.09.2022 16:06

I wish I hadn't contributed to this video's view count.

@Girl95szia - 15.09.2022 15:22

AI to think for you, ahh the heights we have reached...

@digitalclown2008 - 15.09.2022 11:27

Edit: I see a lot of fear mongering style posts from people that don't even really seem to be artists speaking on behalf of artists. Don't do dat.

AI does not steal art people. Stop spreading that. It does not take anything. It takes not even a single pixel. It learns patterns and repeats patterns.

If you type in a prompt that replicates a another artists style, it isn't JUST replicating that artist. If that artist never painted a donkey, it has to pull in other references for donkey paintings. And the result could very likely be different than what the original artist would have painted. The net that's cast is too wide. We can't start back pedaling and getting hyper defensive about the concept, techniques and ideas behind art pieces. You lay claim to your image, but you can't lay claim to an "aesthetic". I'm sorry if you feel threatened by it, but nothing is really preventing you from using these tools for yourself.

Artists really gotta learn to bite the bullet and move forward. Visual art is changing and, personally, I'm very positive and exitied. Let's just make sure we keep strictly AI generated images non copyrightable.

@digitalclown2008 - 15.09.2022 11:16

So many people are getting so worked up by the negative possibilities, but no one ever talks about the fact that there WILL BE LAWS PASSED FOR THIS. Take all that energy you are expelling in typing away apocalyptic-style "art is dying" posts and use it in conversations about copyright. The technology is not the problem, the people and how they use it is.

There is so much misinformation spread around about AI art and it concerns me how confident some of these people are getting within their misinformation. I'd imagine people feel like it's a noble pursuit to "care for the artist" but that's not what you do when you condemn the technology. AI art and generative art has already existed. Now it's easier to use.

Art IS gonna die if you people die on this hill and refuse to acknowledge AI art as actual art. REAL ARTISTS are using this technology to their advantage. Im under the impression that most of the people complaining either aren't artists, or just draw OCs n stuff and are horrified by everything they read.

@annevanderlaan6441 - 15.09.2022 07:48

I like your work. I have always taken photos to put a composition together. I want to learn how to do this process.

@antcantcook960 - 15.09.2022 07:35


@Ajia_No_Envy - 15.09.2022 00:19

This is only going to affect the self employed artists, corporations will have no use for ai when they can't create exactly what they want.

@S3b0rg - 14.09.2022 16:09

This is horrible, anyways, I'll go pay my entire floor of accountants the do the same work a single excel spreadsheet does in seconds but in a week, I also have to pay my knockerupper, the clothweavers that make my clothes, and the small child that makes copies of my documents by hand.

@shadrackkiban4716 - 14.09.2022 10:56

In the long run , it will affect alot of real artist .... but at the same time it gives people the freedom to be able to express themselves through art ...lack of skill can no longer prevent you from bringing your ideas to life ... it's very annoying and frustrating to have ideas but not be able to implement them

@64jcl - 13.09.2022 18:32

Thank you for showing how to embrace this new technology as all I read everywhere is that AI takes art skills away. Making setups or just watching the scene you paint is the oldest method of inspiration, so why not also use AI to make these as you do here, it's so brilliant an idea. Btw, your art is very nice as well.

@FloKorp86 - 13.09.2022 17:01

Glad to see you're embracing the future and seeing it like a tool for collaboration and ideation 👍🏽

@cal.icopen - 13.09.2022 15:40

ngl, this gives a breathe of fresh air to artists fearful of AI everywhere... while non artists may try to use AI to replace long hours of work and paying artists, they will never achieve the creativity and skill an artist holds to make proper compositions and what not..
tbh thank you for this

@subcreation4341 - 12.09.2022 21:46

Excellent work, Lioba! I love your attitude and approach to incorporating AI in your process. Thanks for sharing it with us. Its so sad to see artists react as if AI threatens human creativity rather than lifting us to new heights

@andremonteiro1506 - 12.09.2022 21:03

This has just started. It needs humans for most things, it’s a baby that needs attendance to learn.
A few years from now and they won’t need us anymore.
The safety of humanity will lie on an ultimate collective moral decision.

@thehippie3610 - 12.09.2022 20:40

AI will make artists of anyone who can write
I'm eager

@FishyFishSalmonFish - 12.09.2022 18:37

the only problem with these A.I image generators is that they don't understand the concept of anatomy, which is why when they generate photos of characters, they often come out looking deformed or unnatural.
