Why are Deli Subs better than homemade ones?

Why are Deli Subs better than homemade ones?

Ethan Chlebowski

2 года назад

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dannydotbw - 08.11.2023 23:00

i feel like i watched you make the same sandwich 18 times

Balamb Garden
Balamb Garden - 08.11.2023 18:35

Addition: In murica. Where people call "making a sandwich" cooking.

And to make it short: Its sugar. Lots of sugar. Big Pharma want that sweet insuline money guys.

Tacos - 08.11.2023 05:11

Nobody in the history of ever has anyone said Deli food is better then home food...home food always wins..unless you don't know how to make food..

cryosynthe - 08.11.2023 01:00

It's absolutely wild to me that Americans don't put butter on sandwiches. Butter belongs on every sandwich, savoury or sweet, period.

芽瑠 - 07.11.2023 22:59

The biggest thing is definitely seasoning. most restaurants use a ton of salt and pepper and other seasoning ingredients, where at home, we tend to be conservative with them.

william rosenow
william rosenow - 07.11.2023 10:39

As a construction worker I lived on Subway. I got 2 subs on Monday eat one that night then half for lunch the next day then buy one a day til Thursday night. I liked Cousins subs more but they went away in my area. I don't know if it's there anymore but the best sub I ever had was in Spring Valley Wisconsin at a small store that made subs but sold other things. My foreman would drive us to the store and they were the best thing ever. In my normal life I don't go anywhere near there so I have never been back but they were awesome.

Richard - 07.11.2023 04:12

pro tip: you have an amazing mustache. your cheeks are a little patchy, so i would recommend keeping them shaved. your chin is questionable, but i feel like straight mustache would be the best move for you

Amy Saucier
Amy Saucier - 07.11.2023 02:23

I feel like taking a single bite from any of these sandwiches would be enough to make me cry. They all look so good.

Spanky Nater
Spanky Nater - 05.11.2023 19:06

I don't like sandwich lube.

Berry Bunny
Berry Bunny - 05.11.2023 08:00

Lost me the moment you said "mouth feel." There is a word that that has the same meaning and it's been in use forever, it's "texture." The term "mouth feel" was invented by people who started learning about food but didn't have the vocabulary for it and so they invented new words. Also it sounds dumb.

the Thomas J
the Thomas J - 05.11.2023 06:35

You lost me at lubricants. To me there is nothing worse than a wet/soggy sandwich. I go light on anything wet. Mustard, Balsamic, oil, and vinegar etc. I want to taste it not splash around in it. Also, since the majority of the time I eat a sandwich while driving, I can't have a mess dripping down my hands. Also, Mayo is disguesting.

goodhumourwagon - 04.11.2023 22:15

FLippin brilliant

Giovanni Brown
Giovanni Brown - 04.11.2023 21:38

Theyre actually not

Octonoozle - 04.11.2023 20:04

I spray a little WD-40 on my sub to keep it lubricated.

NBR - 04.11.2023 13:54

As someone who lives for a really good sandwich, I really liked this video.

But as someone who grew up in the Black Forest... My dude, that is NOT Black Forest Ham. Real, dried and smoked Black Forest Ham doesn't really lend itself to sandwiches sadly

EpicRivers - 04.11.2023 12:42

Title of the video- Answer- They're not. Also, the vegan parts of peoples food is what makes them taste good. LOL Salt, seasonings, lettuce, tomatoes, onions. Get wrecked. Even the non vegan condiments, what you think they use to make that taste good.

Ted Marynowski
Ted Marynowski - 04.11.2023 01:18

My home made sandwiches are superior😊

calculusentropy - 03.11.2023 18:23

Making a good grinder has a more to do with the kinds of meats first, bread, cheeses and dressings after. Season well, esp if you like the hots.

Ninjahat - 03.11.2023 15:33

They are not!
