Captain America Brave New World should've been Avengers 5

Captain America Brave New World should've been Avengers 5


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@teniolashotile8910 - 04.03.2025 04:54

Why's nobody talking about how the red hulk isn't talking in the mcu?

@nebbs04 - 03.03.2025 08:40

So it wasn't"great" because it didn't meet your level of expectations for what Marvel could've done? Did you watch any of the phase iv IP? So much wasted potential

@TailAbNormal - 03.03.2025 08:35

What makes this even more tragic is that we actually kinda DID get this version of Avengers 5 with "What If... the Hulk Fought the Mech Avengers?" So someone at least realized we needed a story of all the new characters coming together to form a new Avengers team led by Sam, but unfortunately they turned that into a dumb Pacific Rim knock off.

@harshvardhanjha4611 - 03.03.2025 06:57

Spin skulls in this all and you have support for Ross. I mean somehow it all could've worked.

@jaredreid2661 - 03.03.2025 05:15

Sums up my thoughts exactly. esp after watching the leader video. Def a powerful side villian that could of been a great interconnected bitesize villian story.

@KnightRaymund - 03.03.2025 00:44

Sam deserves his own movie before leading the Avengers. There should have been an earlier Avengers movie but this movie should have been earlier too.

@gregbasore2108 - 02.03.2025 14:16

All of your bashing points can be answered with "You do know that there's gonna be more movies, right?"

"They could have had Thunderbolts* be the Dark Avengers."

Gee, I wonder what the much ballyhooed asterisk in the title is going to be. The U.S. Government wants to reform the Avengers as an official team under their rule, right?

Do you think a president resigning and going to jail means the government stops wanting an Avengers team? Gee, I wonder if the VP who just became president will have a juicy offer for a band of wanted criminals with Super Powers.

"Hulk should fight Red Hulk."

Huh, what're the chances that the villain in prison will break out in another movie, makin the showdown more enjoyable because it's been built up more?

"He should be a threat big enough for the Avengers to need to take him on."

Hmmm... What're the chances that the not so jolly red giant gets busted outta prison by a Latverian Monarch as the opening salvo of a plot designed to doom the world bad enough to get the Avengers back together?

The only point yhat isn't answered by more movies is "Falcon's show should have been a movie."

After Ghostbusters 4 and Star Wars 7 got blasted for rehashing the first movies in thiet respective series, you think Marvel should have done the same thing with Cap 4?

I say thee naw. Sam's story of becoming Cap needed breathing room and it needed to be for the die hatds who want the slower, heavier stuff.

If you go from Endgame to Brave New World, you get Sam being handed the mantle, to Sam having his own intrigue plot against a malicious mastermind, basically following the template of Winter Soldier.

I disagree with you on this movie, but I'd love to hear your ideas anyway.

Peace and Grooviness be with you.

@kks2360 - 02.03.2025 13:34

Are you guys sure you’re not just feeling deprived since you haven’t had an Avengers movie in so long?

This movie was pretty realistically set up to a single scenario where Red Hulk and Cap go toe to toe because Ross didnt know he could be triggered into turning into Red Hulk and Sam was the only hero on hand at the time, no time to call for help.

Most of your complaints boil down to “this is not what I was expecting, so I’m mad because Marvel actually surprised me and I really want what I want from Marvel, which is NOT feelings and empathy as a superpower”

The acting was very well done by all involved, not enough was said about the difficulty in making a convincingly evocative MCU project about mortality and how we all need to refocus on our priorities in life. Feels like y’all missed the message of this movie entirely because not comic booky enough.

Besides, you’re acting like you’re not going to get Hulk v Hulk eventually. You know everyone wants that, obviously it’s coming.

Same with Avengers, he’s going to do it, but you must have it now, so this movie sucks. Smh

@sammymorales6838 - 01.03.2025 22:34

It was a Hulk movie without the Hulk. 🤦🏽‍♂️

@sammymorales6838 - 01.03.2025 22:31

Could have been what Civil War was to Avengers. The script was bad

@danizunzun2422 - 28.02.2025 21:30

wtf is Colton on ozempic?

@alexandermontoya7107 - 28.02.2025 20:42

Liked this take Colton!

@roughneckjihad1003 - 28.02.2025 18:50

Marvel would have had to pay much more for the Avengers with more Hulk CGI and the actors salaries. Maybe Sam and the Young Avengers

@thefez4826 - 28.02.2025 05:26

yes! 100% this isn’t even gaslighting, maybe even add 30 min. treat your audience as intelligent - assume we saw the previous films/shows… if we didn’t, then we’ll go back of the movie if good, and if it’s bad oh well! GREAT video!

@almanatalmandotalman - 28.02.2025 04:56

God I hate Colton so much.

@DoomDadward - 27.02.2025 22:26

On a positive note, I’d rather listen to screen crush complain about bad Marvel decisions for the rest of my life, then listen to one more minute of white nationalist American politics

@EmperorPilaf04 - 27.02.2025 17:27

You contradict yourself over and over. If they hadn't brought up the Celestial, you'd complain about that like you have since Eternals 🙄

@guillermodiaz1411 - 27.02.2025 03:31

Wasted potential😢

@TheInedibleHulk - 27.02.2025 02:07

Ross was never a villain. He was was a counterpoint to the Avengers, sure, and maybe even an antagonist. But, he was always someone trying to do the right thing for the greater good.

@k_chyx - 27.02.2025 02:01

It's funny that we didn't see him this frustrated with The Acolyte...

@versewonderstrikes5353 - 27.02.2025 00:10

It was more of a Captain America 1 of something else. It was a good start.

@kwamsley605 - 26.02.2025 23:14

Nah, I wish this channel would get off the idea of needing an Avengers movie right away. Marvel could have explained better in earlier phases why the Avengers parted ways, it doesn't matter, the Avengers have disassembled, they're not coming (this is the first grounded movie and global movie in the mulitverse anyway—and they acknowledged a need for the Avengers). Cap4 did seem a little stuffed, but Sam and Ross seemed natural to me as it was Ross who pursued Sam and the Avengers and locked Sam up—it reinforces skepticism. Sam didnt beat Red Hulk, he talked him down. In F&WS, we only saw Sam accept the shield, Cap4 was about him proving he's the right man.

@gowsa2233 - 26.02.2025 21:57

No 9 circles of hell in this one?

@Bozza-mt2wm - 26.02.2025 21:50

Look at the underground fight scene , I know that was the most recent rewrite as the "bad guys" are dressed like Palestinians

@ordinary_deepfake - 26.02.2025 17:42

He lost all credibility when he said more acolyte

@chalienicholas3105 - 26.02.2025 17:33

I disagree with you, I actually think having Ross and Leader as villains in Captain America movie was more appropriate. Sam being a more modern soldier taking over Captain America basically taking on the president of the US and a conspiracy regarding the government was very relevant. They brought in parts of other movies that would make sense to effect the politics of US. Now I’m not saying that this movie was perfectly executed, but this makes sense why it is in Captain America. Now I do think getting Bruce Banner involved would make sense, but I think giving Sam Wilson the chance to shine makes more sense.

@AnArmyOfFish - 26.02.2025 10:36

Yeah this movie just suffered from being too embarrassed of its villains

The Leader was made a 2nd-string villain with 3rd-rate CGI, and they held in the Red Hulk fight scene like a sneeze
There was no real dialectic, morality-based conversation at play either - Sam's decision-making wasn't really tested or challenged in a meaningful way
His physical prowess was tested plenty, and the cgi fight scenes of him as Captain America were nice but it's not how I would have written Sam Wilson in this type of story

@hadeszero4526 - 26.02.2025 05:48

Bro you freaked out on every sony video 😂😂😂

@hadeszero4526 - 26.02.2025 05:37

It didn't feel like a hulk movie to me

@hadeszero4526 - 26.02.2025 05:31

It was great

@Raymanta82 - 26.02.2025 05:13

They should've used Sam's brother from the comics - Gideon Wilson - a gamma powered Supersoldier who fought the Hulk

It's obvious that the inclusion of the characters from the 2008 Incredible hulk movie were the MCU regaining the rights

@guessur - 26.02.2025 04:34

Soooo bleeding edge Iron Man going one on one with Thanos was ok, but Sam going one on one with Red Hulk is unacceptable?

@dripzzy7715 - 26.02.2025 02:07

Dudes eyes are as red as the red hulk

@brandonulloa17 - 26.02.2025 00:06

love your brain man

@blinx197 - 26.02.2025 00:03

I don't have a problem with your points. I just think like myself and many other MCU fans, you're hoping they grab onto plot threads and opportunities and, Feige is missing the mark on multiple occasions.

@MikeTheIdeaGuy - 25.02.2025 23:57

I don’t always agree with your point of view, but DAMN, I want to see YOUR vision! Can you please get a writers job at Marvel🙏

@SatishRamachandran - 25.02.2025 22:23

I dont usually comment about videos I watch, but in the past week there have been too many videos with observations on what it could have been! The graph cannot be always high, there is no fun watching a series of stories where some have low points and some high points… you guys are acting as if you are experts in movie making and creators… you excel at creating reviews, if you guys go into a spree of spreading so much disappointment as if the movie is your new born child delivered by marvel, it shows something maybe wrong with your point of view… the movie was ok! And thats ok to have a ‘ok’ movie, ‘average’ series or ‘bad’ movie… talk about it once and move on with your life man… talk about other movies and contents…. Why do you guys have such an compulsion to tarnish a creators work…. Its like someone picking on a bad review video you make and making like 10 videos about it…. You guys have to stop this… YIU GUYS ARE GOING TO BE THE GENRE KILLERS IF YOU CONTINUE IN THIS PATH!!!!
New rockstars are way better at handling average or ok movies from Marvel!!!

@MrRube-mk4dn - 25.02.2025 16:43

Going from thanos to red hulk as avengers threat would have been a fail

@ChristianYoung-g2i - 25.02.2025 08:56

hardest @heavyspoilers troll yet?

@zensei7685 - 25.02.2025 05:06

Also, isn’t that dude with the long hair and glasses in the Incredible Hulk (Martin Start) also a teacher at Spider-Man’s high school? lol. I guess maybe it could be the same character just years later. Idk but I feel like a lot of people haven’t noticed that.

@Vybez340 - 25.02.2025 03:27

I agree with everything said here about this movie. One day hopefully marvel with right the ship hopefully.

@MegaCloud05 - 25.02.2025 01:19

And I bet this is the last time we see Red Hulk. Another waste.

@s.e.l.e.s.n.y.a.8596 - 24.02.2025 23:04

The film needed to solidify Sams role as Cap (what it did). No need for Avengers here 😊

@dyersituationcosplayadvent3326 - 24.02.2025 22:03

The cancelation of The Acolyte was a great move.

@Fatcat1010 - 24.02.2025 21:23

I will die on the hill that the majority of all marvel movies are between mid and good. They had a hot run of great with Captain America, the last 2 avengers and Spider-Man, but this movie is closer to their median than those movies were.

@ricktheruler1665 - 24.02.2025 20:00

Disney-marvel hire this man

@ricktheruler1665 - 24.02.2025 19:57

This guy is stuck in a tv

@Clutchjigsaw - 24.02.2025 18:32

The problem with a villain having Super Intelligence as their power, is that they can only be as smart as the writers

@Cimarb - 24.02.2025 17:52

Overall I really enjoyed the movie, but the redemption seconds... yes, seconds... was horrible. How TF did he talk him down that quick?..... arrrrgh

You make a lot of amazing points. Again, I liked the movie, but man there are some big misses in how this is being handled, I agree.
