Supply and Demand Trading Strategy **THAT WORKS**

Supply and Demand Trading Strategy **THAT WORKS**

The Moving Average

3 года назад

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@DLionsDen92 - 16.07.2023 03:05

Can you implement these same strategies trading futures

@johnc7214 - 16.07.2023 18:44

another top notch video...thanks.
Question: Do banks tend to trade at certain times ? or is it just random trading on their part?

@ollsky181 - 16.07.2023 21:41

Hi Arty, I like your teaching style very much. Especially that you get to the point without talking 134 minutes about some nonsense. English is my second language but I learn more in your vids than in ones in my mothertounge. Keep going

@HH_Linkmusic - 24.07.2023 14:32

I've heard a famous trader say "buy at your stop loss because that's the level at which institutions build their positions" and now I finally understand the mechanism he was talking about. Very simple and clear explanation. Thank you.

@rodgersnhlanhlangomane - 28.07.2023 22:17

thanks brother u explained it simple and u were slow which enabled me to hear everything

@chimaalozie4071 - 29.07.2023 18:41

Hello Ardy! My name is Victor from Nigeria. I started watching your channel not quite long. The thing is, I want to join your discord group but I see an amount I have to pay monthly before I join. Is that approved by you?

@lelaneer1021 - 04.08.2023 19:19

Thank you Arty for this knowledge 100%

@sharkpn1372 - 14.08.2023 19:17

you are amzing man your teching system is cool

@sharkpn1372 - 14.08.2023 19:18

pls do not stop making viedo

@stoner4 - 24.08.2023 08:27

question,, well maybe i asked right about the demo? but admiting I messed up or didn't pay attention to detail? yeah, more like it,, I got to try this strategy!!

@coreyburns7744 - 24.08.2023 22:45

❤🔥Information ❗️

@alison.lieser - 07.09.2023 20:59

Lmao sneeze😂

@posthardcoresinger - 10.09.2023 07:30

Does this not work as well on SPY?

@BrelleDior - 15.09.2023 06:02

Man ol man I’m so happy I came across your channel

@javadn1497 - 20.09.2023 01:27

@fingmakell - 01.10.2023 13:07

hello sir,this stretagy is good but sometimes price dont always touches the supply or demand zone before it sells or buy,but it always does with the rsi indicator,is it good we also follow the rsi indicator or nahh ??? Thanks for the video,you just earned a subscriber

@jackwoods9327 - 10.10.2023 00:26

We all know how it works, the thing is, how do you know its gonna happen.

@markolatkovic4088 - 16.10.2023 00:36

HOw can I establish a zone correctly? rectangle where is starting low point ,where is high starting point?

@GotolaGotola1920 - 25.10.2023 14:21

Thank you very much. Your presentations are a guide to my trading. My trading style has positively changed since I started following your channel.

@nicholassage4487 - 26.10.2023 15:07

Very nice 🔥

@BASE5NYC - 27.11.2023 16:02

I know this video's a bit old but wanted to say the info taught here and the simplicity in manner is really invaluable. I've been trading about 15 years and when I learned I had none of this. I had a few books in Economics classes in college, some CNBC & a lot of expensive practice. I still watch videos like this and try to always be learning. You never have all the answers in this business. But truly a great job with this channel.

@MikeOKane - 27.11.2023 16:44

bless you

@raful090500 - 28.11.2023 16:02

is it the same way in stock market?

@Shawnkaysal - 12.12.2023 02:42

So support and resistance is the same thing as supply and demand…

@alugosuwa5457 - 16.12.2023 11:05

Hey sir i’m a forex begginer and i’m currently marking my supply & demand + support & resistance in all the 3 time frames which I use (daily > 3hrs > 30 mins). and i put my entry on 30mins frame. my question is should I mark those factors on all my 3time frames or marking support and resistance and supply demand on jst a higher time frame(which is 3hrs for me) is jst enough?

@yusufganchi2415 - 03.01.2024 19:27

did this man just bless and thank himself, gotta love him

@tommyduke7104 - 04.01.2024 06:27

Hey Arty, I see you have your RSI indicator up set @50. Do you run any other indicators on this supply and demand setup? thanks, Tommo from AUS

@mrcommenter-z1b - 05.01.2024 13:32

I get that he said this wont be applicable for crypto but i dont really understand why.
Couldnt the same principles be used by whales as well to make money?

@cbnesbeit1567 - 29.01.2024 16:47

i am grateful to you, my best learning and the clearest is coming from you. as I'm a beginner, havent traded with real money yet..., i wish you will always tell us from the start : if the chart you are showing us is 1minute candle. 5 m 4hours or 1 day.... etc. thank you so Much.

@itsmeparrie3152 - 22.02.2024 02:44

I really appreciate this video ❤

@derrickjohnson9333 - 29.02.2024 17:18

Arty, first time viewer. Solid info, TY. Recommendations for FX brokers and platforms? Familiar w MT4, Oanda. If others are recommended, pls mention.

@adanrodriguez8895 - 07.03.2024 20:48

Excellent video

@BillGraper - 16.03.2024 04:09

There should be a cap on how much anyone, including banks, can trade at any given time. That number should be a lot lower than what they trade. Being able to move the markets the way they do should be the equivalent to insider trading. They KNOW when & where it'll move, because they are the ones moving it. How is that fair? How is that legal? They need tighter rules.

@JavanKibet-lv7kw - 20.03.2024 15:39


@TheTradeTrainer - 26.03.2024 22:34

What’s the best timeframe to use?

@rounougou7043 - 28.03.2024 17:40

this video is worth millions !!!

@GhostofSparta-o8y - 07.04.2024 17:52

Does the concept apply to Indices?

@MansoorAlyy - 06.06.2024 20:24

Does this strategy work in crypto market?

@samigo718 - 30.06.2024 10:40


@robertprice3314 - 14.07.2024 00:03

Thanks Arty, it gives me a lot more insight!

@Jiujitsu.jon1 - 24.07.2024 09:06

Does this still apply to blue chip stocks or ETF?

@navidahmadi9040 - 16.08.2024 02:05

It was one of the best tutorials I have ever seen. Thanks a million ❤

@Metaltraderx - 14.09.2024 05:47

Does it apply to ES/NQ futures?

@sam7707_ - 10.10.2024 11:59

Well well well U d best Arty thts d real thing u told 😎🔥

@KarlGreaves - 22.11.2024 16:22

What time frame would you recommend finding these supply and demand zones? Does 1 timeframe stand out better than another?

@Live-with-animals. - 29.11.2024 19:43

You explain very good

@StoplossActivated_50 - 13.12.2024 20:18

I love supply and demand strategy, does it work in crypto?

@anesia4403 - 19.02.2025 00:32

I just love the way you explain things !

@pappu8468 - 24.02.2025 13:24

But its a super good strategy and a good teachings....but i tried it in btcusd too ,its working good. But i dont no y u said it ll not work fr crypto....
