Sa Ra Garvey

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Maenad - 22.08.2023 00:23

He’s literally lying to Pearl
Black men have had this divesting movement within america for over 35 years. Black women were typically race loyal to a fault.
Black Women are playing “follow the leader” and black men know it 🙄

AmericanWithTheTruth - 14.07.2023 11:39

Damn! Finally the truth comes out Pearl and it was so obvious. You literally patronize and have only black men on your show. You only seek their advice and yet espouse all these stats and yet ironically black men white women literally have a 97% failure rate in relationships. As a white man im done watching your podcasts where you literally place every black man on a pedestal.

Terrence Taylor
Terrence Taylor - 11.07.2023 20:35

Pearly-White for the win!!

-Ucanthandledatruth01- - 13.05.2023 17:35

Wow SA RA, this was a sellout episode to be honest with you brother

-Ucanthandledatruth01- - 13.05.2023 17:33

Why didn't Pearl through white men under the bus huh?!!?
You allow her to talk about black women hating on her but you don't then ask how white men respond to her interracial fascination?

ArtyScales - 30.03.2023 10:21

Black men are the least desired among other races of men. They're unsuccessful, have the highest divorce rates in interracial relationships, most children out of wedlock, and are known for making single mothers and HIV rates wherever they go.
Not to mention that black men are also known globally for getting the undesirable women from other races. Pearly Things was seen as unattractive by her own men, which is why she now crawls to black guys out of desperation.

Dark Wife
Dark Wife - 18.03.2023 16:58

Pearl shut the fk up. Passport Bros are doing that exactly. And Black Women are not the ones Toe tagging Black Men.

Stowlicters - 03.03.2023 19:35

This video should be removed

Cards Fan
Cards Fan - 07.01.2023 08:41

My wife is married to a Black guy.

James Rivers
James Rivers - 04.01.2023 20:03

White women realise they cannot control white men and having a controlling mentally they cannot be satisfied until they are in control of something or someone and that's where black men comes in.

James Rivers
James Rivers - 04.01.2023 19:59

Black men don't say they are divesting they just do it, and then trash talk about black women. It's because of black women having black american mens' back in the pass why they are not completely wiped out by the police and the systems caused by racism. So if black women divest then it becomes a big deal black men better retrace their steps and support black women more, or their heritage and existence will soon perish in america.

BritishCocoa - 03.01.2023 18:11

What world is Pearl living in that she hasn’t heard black American men insult black women and say they only date white women swirling and divesting in the response .

Mr Forrester
Mr Forrester - 26.12.2022 09:36

Pearl fetishization is when a man likes you just because your white or black or whatever so they dont really like you they just want a jessica rabbit for a time

Mr Forrester
Mr Forrester - 26.12.2022 09:30

I feel like in the begining people swiped what they liked indescriminantly but nower days people swipe what is in there league

Mr Forrester
Mr Forrester - 26.12.2022 09:21

Peals DMs finna be lit after this

David Perry
David Perry - 20.12.2022 15:01

I think it's because the image of Asian women is what men desire in women. They seem to be respectful, feminine, and family oriented. They are typically more petite, plus they are gorgeous! Now, finding a skinny thick one with all the other qualities and not a 304 is a definite win!

euphonie - 30.11.2022 13:07

I pref black men

BobbyDeniroX - 21.11.2022 16:56

Asian men never get white women and all other women drooling over them. You lot got it very lucky you get promoted in the media as cool men etc.

Imelda Ngadzania
Imelda Ngadzania - 15.11.2022 00:41

She only dated black guys. No wonder poor thing is still single. They do not like marriages. And make sure you don’t end up with a half breed bastard that you’ll likely end up raising alone.

Eric Thomas
Eric Thomas - 13.11.2022 18:38

Majority of WW do have fetish for black males

9525joe - 12.11.2022 21:23

No. They are just more sexualized and marketed in a way where their bodies and exaggerated features a.k.a. big D, athletic are used minimize their intelligence and every other attribute they could have that’s an important and more complete part of manhood. Black men aren’t looked at as builders, capable, or emotionally stable/intelligent. It’s not really compliment people think it is and it opens you have to being fetishized.

CBreezy - 11.11.2022 17:09

I would avoid dating American/modernised women at all costs if in the dating game. If they don't embrace femininity and appreciate masculinity then it's a hard pass for me.

Suzie Smith
Suzie Smith - 11.11.2022 15:00

This is ridiculous, this white woman in room full of black ppl was allowed to say that she thinks Thai women would make better wives than bw and no one questioned it.

Nairobistar !
Nairobistar ! - 11.11.2022 14:07

Yahll need to chill with the BBC comments, its stereotyping black men. Gross

Sam K
Sam K - 10.11.2022 12:40

Ha ha, wooooooooow, the MVP didn't say a word until the final quarter of the game, and boy did he bring the heat! My guy! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👏🤣🤣

makattak88 - 09.11.2022 04:40

Black women often have masculine facial features, they look like their brothers.
That may Be this issue. That said, there are many white women who look like their brothers or Dad. Maybe white people don’t have as noticeable features.

makattak88 - 09.11.2022 04:34

Why do so many Ginger women date black men? Something I’ve noticed.

Patrick Kirby
Patrick Kirby - 07.11.2022 23:53

There is a huge difference between “having features” and morbidly obese. Very few men have preference for obesity. Thick is OK while a mushy blob is just gross.

Eddie Barros
Eddie Barros - 07.11.2022 22:17

Not surprised Pearl dates Black fellas - she’s super tall and appears a bit thicker on her southern side. A lot of non black men tend to look away at her body and height profile

im a good listener
im a good listener - 07.11.2022 22:03

Don't sugar it. It's hate both ways. Upside down and mirrored.

lorna tori
lorna tori - 07.11.2022 21:03

It's like the whole panel just really wants to let black women are ögly and least desired. its like the black guys repeat it over and over. black men live in a dellusion, just date none black women hopefully they won't be baby mamas. Literally the point of the Chanel is to degrade black women.And that wyte btch who thinks sukin black d!ck is winning, looser.

Rae Sully
Rae Sully - 07.11.2022 20:52

I prefer white men and Latino men.

jfraz1992 - 07.11.2022 19:50

Even if black women are the “least desired” their still the best to me despite the attitudes & stereotypes, I can’t see myself with another woman

Redpill D. Luffy
Redpill D. Luffy - 07.11.2022 19:24

Pearl love that BBC

davidca96 - 07.11.2022 19:23

The generational trend to date black men in the west isnt because of looks, its a cultural/political correcting trend that to me is insulting to black men. No race is better looking than another, each race has its good and bad looking people and its always been this way. Thats my opinion on it.

Fish Mud
Fish Mud - 07.11.2022 19:11

Pearl reppin that BBC! 😂

RIZVEE RIFAT CHOWDHURY - 07.11.2022 18:31

It sounds like black men are so desperate..... they are self promoting now 😂😂It's giving an Incel vibe from Black men.....
Go to Asia, Middel east, India,Russia...On those places people are not attracted to Black men ...Black skin is disgusted there

Fu Dog Whisperer
Fu Dog Whisperer - 07.11.2022 18:03

I'm with the bible, where it says people should be with their own race. I think there's a globalist agenda to take the peoples land by getting them to intermarry, so culture is lost. When culture is lost so is the land they come from is up for grabs from the globalists who will take the richness from the soil (oil gems gold silver etc) profit from it while leaving the people destitute. Its up to the men from their culture to pass it down to their children.

mrdunkin980 - 07.11.2022 17:45

Shout out to the white women!!!

Imperious - 07.11.2022 17:21

White men are the most attractive statistically

Cunnysmythe - 07.11.2022 17:04

Had to rewind after the revelation near the end.

Pred Des
Pred Des - 07.11.2022 16:52

Asian men least desired black women least desired, white men most desired followed by black men and asian women most desired followed by hispanic or white women i think?

And the most desireable race specifically for black women is black men. All the others is white men.

Mike G
Mike G - 07.11.2022 16:45

I think part of the reason men tend to lean towards other races other than black, has to do with the attitude of most black women. More often than not, she's more combative and uncooperative than the majority of other races of women

Anthony Ju
Anthony Ju - 07.11.2022 16:39

I can tell you exactly where it comes from. Not saying it is true but I believe it is 2 main feelings. One is betrayal. Somehow there is an implicit feeling that when you see it you feel a level of betrayal to your own kind. Two is self loathing. Somehow you feel lesser than the other race. This goes for the person criticizing the interracial match up.
How do I know? I am on the other side of the spectrum being an Asian male and I have probably felt that way and known other asian guys who felt that way. I don't feel that way any more but having a woman in your life tends to resolve that problem.

Smitty753 - 07.11.2022 16:36

Also and to be honest men don't mind being fantasized as much as women to a certain point yes you can go overboard before the most part it doesn't really bother me as much as women think it should like I understand our interactions are different and how we view things
