He was confused and horrified and the same time😮
ОтветитьNo Walker in his right rotten mind wants a piece of Daryl Dixon
ОтветитьOh no
ОтветитьItz cuz uv da wisperahs
ОтветитьMe crying thinking the dog going die
ОтветитьMakes absolutely no sense. How’d they get the walkers to just turn?
ОтветитьWhy and for what did theg ignorr bro
ОтветитьThis is the 1 short where the music actually enhanced the clip. Nice job
ОтветитьI don't care what anyone says this show was still good in its later seasons
ОтветитьWhat episode is this
ОтветитьThat's a nice lil set up he got in that cage
ОтветитьWhat seeson what eposode
my headphones:🤯
How can a the walker talk if they are the undead if they can not Speak
ОтветитьI love this ❤❤
ОтветитьNorman Reedus Needs To Put Me On The Show
Ответитьwhat episode is this?
Ответитьvery good movie❤
ОтветитьOnly time we saw Baryl Nixon got shocked
ОтветитьThe walkers: oh, fire works!!
Whisper: nope.
Walkers: damnit.
Alfa is the worst character
ОтветитьThe whisperers were creepy as 😭
ОтветитьGuys im scared because its look so realistic and look sooo real and im worried about the dog who is in there
ОтветитьHE HADS A DOG!
ОтветитьI still can't believe they killed off Seven😢
ОтветитьThe directors added these walkers in the show and for them to say that because humans were the threat for so long and zombies were just normal they made them smarter and more terrifying to make it more entertaining 😅
Ответитьrmemebr when this threw me off so bad i thought they was getin smarter, but it was man.
ОтветитьNothing dynamite 🧨 can’t fix.
ОтветитьAll these comments, am I wrong or isn't this part of the whisperers season?
ОтветитьIt was a whisper i thank that said keep them together
Ответитьdaryl got dog and named it dog😂
Ответитьда сразу было понятно, что это люди в коже зомби
ОтветитьBruh daryl looked actually scared for a sec but then seemed to go "oh wait I forgot I'm Daryl Dixon" proceeds to light explosive
ОтветитьI wish the walkers actually evolved because the Whisperers were lame for me.
ОтветитьI miss Dog. He was the best boy
ОтветитьWhich episod is this??
ОтветитьWhat’s that music that starts playing? Sounds cool
ОтветитьКак называется фильм
ОтветитьThe walkers were like hell no that’s Daryl Dixon we gonna die and then they were like fuck that i ain’t fucking risking nothing
ОтветитьThe look of (very reasonable) fear on our stoic badass really sold it for me
ОтветитьBro before we were introduced to the whisperers that scene where Rosita and Eugene were hiding from the horde in all the mud and they started talking to each other as they passed them☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️
ОтветитьWhat I think. (Might be not good if you read it and you haven't seen the whispers yet)
The walkers were going to come at them but after daryl tells dog to shh the whispers go the other way and the zombies follow and its like follow the leater type thing and with beta and alpha, alpha died by negen so it makes negen alpha I think, and beta, when beta takes that big herd to ricks group (not rick because of s9) all beta have to do is walk up front of them but alpha wasn't dead so when beta found out alpha was dead he keeped alphas head and when betas mask got torn off beta wore some of alphas mask together, so then he was seeing the zombies look at him so like he had control over them so Thats what l think about TWD with the whispers
Nah , it’s darly Dixon bro path diverted😂
Ответитьcuando sientes el verdadero MIEDO
ОтветитьThe picture quality 😢
ОтветитьEvery game update be like
ОтветитьRip Dog. He was a good boy. ❤😢