Top 10 Mistakes Men Make with Women (Major Turnoffs! And What to Do Instead) #DatingAdvice

Top 10 Mistakes Men Make with Women (Major Turnoffs! And What to Do Instead) #DatingAdvice

Your Wingmam

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@jennifere4641 - 13.01.2024 17:22

I've been on Tinder since mid-2022.(18 months) I have been on many dates (some only a 1st and last date😅), and I'm learning a lot about myself and men after 28 years of marriage.

The 10 mistakes apply to both men and women👌🏼

What I have noticed is that men who talk about themselves and don't ask me questions, are revealing that they are not really interested in me. Some are not that subtle in their boasting, but all this is fine, because I then match with a new guy and meet him for coffee!! 🌼💖☕

@stephenkissane4268 - 25.12.2023 06:12

A guy will only do number 4 if he is successful anyhow

@rcfarmer4450 - 21.12.2023 14:59

Women and children both test your boundaries. Children are less annoying and less narcissistic about it though.

@snoobeagle - 12.12.2023 09:56

1. Bad Attitude (victim mentality)
2. Not standing up for yourself with confidence
3. Insecure body language (poor posture and stride)
4. Other than subtle boasting
5. Not having your own opinion, too agreeable
6. Inauthentic personality, not being yourself
7. Lack of opinions in general
8. Believing she's out of your league
9. Poor conversationalist
10. Failure to make eye contact

@chrislim7976 - 06.12.2023 00:36

How much of my crap can you take and have a sense of humor about it. 👍

@wizardofahhhs759 - 20.11.2023 01:27

Why have an opinion on something you don't even give a shit about?

@FrankyboyFloyd - 07.11.2023 01:40

No 1 mistake men make with women = care about their turnoff about you if you're being genuine and yourself.

@DannyBoy443 - 15.10.2023 09:57

What with this video ending abruptly? 😂

@DannyBoy443 - 15.10.2023 09:52

What if your opinion is WAY too abrasive or strong? 😂

@biswanathporey8586 - 13.10.2023 07:04

Women are naturally cheaters and gold diggers.

@VegasD702 - 07.10.2023 01:29

Men shouldnt be taking womens shit test anyway. If thats the case then lets flip it. I bet women aint gonna like being tested and failing

@DannyBoy443 - 21.09.2023 10:02

And we’re back: I’d like help (authentically) slipping in that I make music write novels and have a company. 🎉thanks AJ

@robertodebeers2551 - 19.09.2023 22:18

Well, I blame my first five wives for just having bad hygiene. That ain't my fault, no-how.

@SuperZippyzippy - 15.09.2023 02:29

My mental health issues are a turn off? Dammit I only went mental to fit in with women 😆

@andrewdewar8159 - 14.09.2023 22:32

I like Patrick Swayze "She's Like The Wind" - just a fool to believe I have anything she needs.........She's out of ny-y lea-eague!" Should I do that in the karaoke or will it turn girls off ?

@gordonbecker1456 - 13.09.2023 18:40

The most important one is interacting with them for any reason other than work related things. Such as coworker, or your at work or they are at work

@bertog1217 - 27.08.2023 03:33

Wheat Waffles: Never taking dating advice from a woman

@randysetterberg4672 - 02.08.2023 06:10

15 years ago I was a well-rounded, respectful, quality human being. Not anymore. These days, I need to be "coached" on how to "handle" women. Un-frickin'-believable.

@alanchriston6806 - 01.08.2023 15:20

Great video

@nonyaanon6801 - 11.07.2023 18:05

It doesn't matter if it's a man or a woman that has a bad attitude. Everybody has issues and problems it just depends on what you can live with and what you don't want to live with. That's the bottom line. I say this if they're too much trouble to live with their too much drama and they're very disrespectful. Find somebody who will love you and treat you as good as you love and treat yourself. And make sure you love them as much as you love yourself. And if you love and respect yourself , you will be able to love and respect others

@seaotter72 - 04.07.2023 04:15

There is only one mistake to make these days not ten.Getting involved!

@562mjohnson - 25.06.2023 22:58

Be perfect, got it. And if you're under 6 feet and not very handsome good luck. 😂

@georgesakellaropoulos8162 - 19.06.2023 05:14

Being honest. They just don't understand.What you see is what you get.

@danherrmann8755 - 12.06.2023 13:25

I can not date another woman in the US. Woman are depressing. I can not fix stupid. The damage they do, to a person mentally , physically, spiritually, it all about looks to them. Money management. Drug and alcohol addiction. They just have to many problems , that where me down. To many are mommies girls or daddy girls. Many had bad parents. And many woman where just left in life to figure it out on the own. But many woman have ruined there lives , with wanting power and control. To much baggage , bad credit , bad credit report. Throw money away. No managing skills. I see more and more woman on the street. Many are filling for divorce. Wanting control. Using the court system. Letting attorneys. Take the life savings. Only to listen to an attorney bull shit. I see it is best to stay away from woman. My mom had pointed this out in me. Before she died. My mom said she had never seen so many stupid woman. It is best to stay away from them. Many woman had a bad child hood. Dragging there, Problems into there marriages. Killing there marriages. Opioids. Drugs. Induced by doctors creating a life long addictions and problems. The devil has built a jezebel spirit in woman. Woman and attorneys and Judges are killing society. When will the world economy collapse . God is in control of our lives. And I must stand on his side. To keep peace with myself. And give all these woman problems to God. You are correct. I must work on my self. And staying away from trouble woman create is a healthy choice. No matter how pretty they look. Or how much money they have.
The status means nothing to me. Woman just tell on themselves. Later

@spkldgecko - 03.06.2023 05:48

Can a response to a shit test be that I don't participate in shit tests?

@Kal93 - 31.05.2023 05:43

I'm 30 and have never heard of a shit test before this. If that's that thing women do to where they play games to mess with men then it's one of the most annoying things ever cuz i never what wtf to say. It's like a pop quiz that's toying with your emotions. I hate games like that.

@FloridaCatholicGuy - 26.05.2023 09:24

Women have all these shit tests and want someone that is absolutely perfect with no flaws and men just want someone that’s actually a woman with a nice ass and nice boobs 😂

@MG-fr3tn - 02.05.2023 11:08

Got a LOT to work on.

@Man.Well93 - 25.04.2023 17:22

Most women cant handle men disagreeing with them anymore though.

@Man.Well93 - 25.04.2023 17:21

Number 1 turn off for men: SHIT TESTS. That is just straight up manipulation, and real men don't comply.

@richardpieroux6290 - 14.04.2023 22:24

Biggest mistake men make is paying whaaaamen any attention at all. Monk mode rules!!

@Truckguy1970 - 11.04.2023 22:15

I try to look confident and walk with my head and shoulders up only to get told that I look like a robot when I walk LMAO

@life-is-here - 09.03.2023 19:19

Poor body language is a major turn off for women as it reveals a lack of confidence and maturity. It can be a sign of insecurity and immaturity that can be seen before even meeting.

@MindTrip888 - 02.03.2023 14:34

I am so ignorant with women, that I didn't know they did shit tests, and that they told lies! I was truthful and thought they were just being bitches! lol oh boy! Do I have a lot to learn! So its like a RODEO that spits you out if you don't hold on well for long enough? And its all of 8 seconds but feels like 8 years and as you land on the ground after that great high that you were hurled to in the slience between leaving the back of the beast and gravity taking its role in the timing of the choreography, and the word echo's in your mind as you hit the ground winded...
Ahhh leee Moan eeeeee


So why are men expected to tell the truth when they can't handle the truth and speak lies? You ask them what is wrong and they say nothing! Yet they are obvious having some discomfort. Perhaps they are sitting on the missing remote?

So they really are a strange animal. I mean it might be easier to take the bull by the horns and make love to it instead? Its a joke... your the one with the diry mind going to far!@ lol a lot of work is the point... I don't like bulls... only horny cows.... lol

So maybe I will work on this shit test passing thing as a life skill.... or maybe I will avoid western women and get a young Filipino who wants to be here with no games messing things up? Oh Truth it seems to be really over rated and under rated. Tell it all the time and you have no friends. Don't tell people what they want to hear and your losing out as well when it is not the truth so you don't say it. I wonder if we can have a book of rules and tendencies of the species? I mean someone really has got to do something. We live in a cause and effect universe, and communication requires both to know what is happening... on the same page... at the same time.... Its like being a blind man in a world where everyone is deaf. Well not really... did I go too far?

@MindTrip888 - 02.03.2023 14:22

Love your work Anna! You don't know what you are missing out on. Call me! ;)

@MindTrip888 - 02.03.2023 14:20

Crikey are we even the same species? I mean, I missed out on the instincts and role models to know any of that. Its like a whole new language. I just like pretty... lol didn't know it was a test of my manhood. lol. I just said Hi. I didn't say I wanted to father your babies as it were. oops I think Im deflecting again... its not you its me... and there it also projecting... when used incorrectly.... she said he said... the pot calling the kettle black.... buy a jet ski and get the heck out of there! Oh mixed emotions... is it really worth it!???

@billking3923 - 01.03.2023 06:16

Best video I’ve seen on this topic. It is delivered in a way that doesn’t demean men. I saw my mistakes in here but I feel I can still redeem myself.

@SimpWhiper - 28.02.2023 21:19

I'll save you 11 min

Be a Chad

@seamus3562 - 26.02.2023 03:07

And yes you would probably call me a creep if I made eye contact with you. It's not because I would be staring at you in a creepy way like you would think. I would be looking at you like you are out of your ever-loving mind not to mention that you couldn't get your makeup on properly

@seamus3562 - 26.02.2023 03:05

For all the men out there if you listen to half of this crap you're going to be called toxic, out-of-touch, a creep, or insensitive to the female species. In other words don't listen to this b***** and just be yourself. The girl doesn't like you for who you are then that's not the one for you you don't need to listen to a fool like this

@onelove2582 - 10.02.2023 06:55

If you need this give up

@kcscarecrow - 15.01.2023 09:09

I know its not a good idea to walk slumped and with your shirt tale out and hair uncombed. In other words dress and carry yourself like your the man in charge. Confidence

@69Applekrate - 13.01.2023 00:39

Anna gives honest, fair advice to guys on understanding women, dating, social related items. Highly recommended. Have listened, watched her videos for some time now.

@LazyBones-0_0 - 01.01.2023 01:47

Pretty fair. Let me see if I can come up with 10 mistakes women make with men:
1. Thinking we care about your job
2. Thinking we care about your education level
3. Thinking being overweight is okay
4. Wanting to text all day long
5. Not putting your phone away when you are with us.
6. Not having sex
7. Having sex on the first date
8. Not offering to pay for a meal
9. Being too selective
10. Dismissing quality guys over trivial things.
11. BOUNS: Thinking tattoos and piercings make you more attractive. They don't.

@sherwinwelcome4013 - 15.12.2022 17:02

Everything is subjective except eye contact. Soooo...

@josephphotography4127 - 04.12.2022 03:11

The bottom line is there is no winning when it comes to women with their ludacris and delusional expectations. there always over valuing themself like retards when most of them are just average at best!! they feel entitled to a high lifestyle, if ur not 6 foot tall and make 6 figures forget about it lol u will be invisible to them, thats why they wind up alone with a dog or a cat!!

@adamfindlay7091 - 04.12.2022 02:55

Ok I need this 😳oh what if I'm not alpha?#7, what if my opinions are kinda extreme and you think she may hate them?! please respond...

@shawnhill7504 - 27.11.2022 10:42

Blah blah blah …. Woman are so needy .😂

@cryptogirliebtc3987 - 27.11.2022 01:42

When they keep talking about incidents with their exes good or bad
