Film Socialisme | Trailer Cannes 2010 UN CERTAIN REGARD Jean-Luc Godard

Film Socialisme | Trailer Cannes 2010 UN CERTAIN REGARD Jean-Luc Godard


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@thecinematicmind - 13.11.2023 00:56

The Greatest Trailer for One of The Worst Films in History.

@ilcomendante - 27.08.2023 00:14

I have not yet experienced the film, but this is possibly the best trailer I've ever witnessed. Minimal Maximal Masterlevel genius. BRavo

@Rascaduanok - 16.09.2022 14:55

I love the way this trailer is in fact the entire film sped up to the length of a trailer.

@Yamah12a - 19.06.2022 13:11

Mark Kermode's favourite film!

@dukeofmars4847 - 27.05.2022 01:45

Your mother is a hamster and your father likes Jean Luc goddard films!

@fartgoon4208 - 25.03.2021 01:56

This movie sucked major balls.

@i.henaski - 28.01.2021 01:19


@thecinematicmind - 19.04.2020 13:23

The Very Definition of Cinematic Fraud

@andreacinefilo - 29.12.2018 16:34

"It's not just that the emperor has no clothes, he's literally running naked down the street waving his Novelle Vagues in your face" (Mark Kermode, UK film critic)

@mecanicfazbear1069 - 14.02.2018 15:40

Barry Festuo - Manik

@user-qs2hx4jp7s - 05.12.2017 05:38


@adrianabarreirocarpio7545 - 23.03.2017 00:20


@frazzle8577 - 19.01.2017 21:55

This was filmed on the Costa Concordia two years before it capsized

@otexugo - 24.02.2016 05:47


@martinroth790 - 19.04.2015 17:42

Selten so gegähnt wie bei JLG's Film Socialisme

@borowczyk76 - 12.11.2013 22:25

@Bloodlovefreak Many people argued that Naked Lunch was incomprehensible, does that take anything away from it's originality and the impact it's had on literature? I don't think so. Same goes for Proust or Dostoyevsky and countless others. Besides, I fail to see why a book or film's adaptability to another medium would influence the quality of the original work. You can't possibly adapt a Brakhage film to prose, yet his shorts have revolutionized the use of imagery in film and television to this day. The entertainment factor of ANY work of art should never be taken into account as to the overall quality of the work. Unless the entertainment value is itself a part of the work's theme (see Funny Games for that).

@borowczyk76 - 31.10.2013 19:06

Give the people what they want, keep them dumbed down and they become the docile idiots we see today. The ratio of entertainment and more thoughtful cinema (to use a lighter term) should be inverted imho. Doesn't have to be belligerent films like Film Socialisme (yes the crappy subtitles were a kick in the face, but that doesn't make the film bad), but you'll never get me to believe that Pierrot Le Fou or Contempt don't have any appeal to larger audiences (were they given a chance).

@borowczyk76 - 31.10.2013 19:00

I have no problems with entertainment per se, but to me, it's the equivalent of fast food and sweets. Sure they taste great and are enjoyable, but in the long run, what do you wind up with? If you always give the people eye candy and brainless, superficial entertainment, it'd be hard to convince me that these types of film don't have a similar effect on the minds of the masses. I suggest watching Century Of The Self, although it's about advertising, popular movies have the same principles.

@borowczyk76 - 31.10.2013 18:55

As for the entertainment aspect of film, I'll agree it's followed the medium throughout it's history, but that is exactly what the French New Wave were out to undo. They believed that cinema had much more to offer than grand spectacle and, inspired by past directors who had already exploited the medium in unorthodox ways, went out and created some of the greatest and most influent films which remain vibrant to this day.

@borowczyk76 - 31.10.2013 18:46

I'm kind of disappointed you would think that film is is so limited in it's capacity to convey thought. It's only as limited as the mind behind it, and this goes for ANY medium. Besides that, the only limits are technological ones and as history has shown us, it's more often than not, the strays, the freaks, the rebels that have made advancements in the cinematic langage (often with little or no means). So good or bad, I'd rather put my money where I believe it's worth it.

@Yorosero - 31.10.2013 05:54


@Yorosero - 31.10.2013 05:53

Goddard, remember, said that to lose faith in British cinema you had to believe in it the first place. Film Socialisme wasn't even meant to be subtitled in the first place. That isn't provoking or challenging the audience, it's revelling in kicking dust at people's faces.

@Yorosero - 31.10.2013 05:48

I'm sure you'll agree that just because something is incomprehensible it doesn't mean that it has something important to say. I've watched the film in its original form with the absurd subtitles and can't make much out of it. That would be fine if I thought there was some underlying thematic subject that I needed to uncover by re-watching the movie, by this clearly wasn't the case.

@Yorosero - 31.10.2013 05:33

Well, you haven't retracted your comment, but I feel you deserve some response anyway in recompense for the columns of text you've sent my way. I think there are two main questions which you've raised that I will begin to address: why I don't like Film Socialisme, and why I would enjoy a movie like Troy over Film Socialisme. I think it would be better to widen the scope of the latter question by answering why it is that one would enjoy a blockbuster over a more intellectually demanding film.

@borowczyk76 - 29.10.2013 06:25

Although I will admit that you were not the complete ignoramus I had you figured out to be. At least you can express yourself better than I could have imagined and you seem to be able to form thoughts which are more profound than your original comment (even though it's all self-defense until now). I just wished you would have elaborated on your original "thought" in the first place. This could all have been avoided. Stupid comments deserve stupid rebuttals and this is what happened.

@borowczyk76 - 29.10.2013 06:22

And lastly, I don't believe I should retract my original follow-up to your comment nor do I owe you an apology for thinking you were another one of those "film fans" who spits on anything that they consider too complex or difficult to understand. Believe it or not, it's hard to take someone with the nickname "Bloodlovefreak" seriously, especially after a comment like yours.

@borowczyk76 - 29.10.2013 06:12

True, Godard, now at over 80, is a soured up, miserly artist. The man is a renowned intellectual pessimist and borderline misanthrope, so from the get-go, you can't expect a feel-good movie, but again, even the angriest of films doesn't warrant the epithet "shit". Pretentious is a word thrown around WAY too much nowadays by people who don't even know the meaning of the word (if that is why you initially called it shit - I would like to argue you are wrong in this regard as well).

@borowczyk76 - 29.10.2013 06:08

How is it still art when the only focus is on trying to stay as close to the winning formula as possible in order to make as much money as possible? Media has a MUCH stronger stranglehold over the masses than you could possibly imagine. This to me is the definition of "shit", films that serve only as a temporary narcotic to avoid life's troubles for 120 minutes and who will do everything it can to make sure your brain shuts off for as long as possible. Godard isn't one of "them".

@borowczyk76 - 29.10.2013 06:02

I'll give it to the artist who strives to make people see and think things differently, explore new angles and to push the art form (and consequently, the viewers) outside of their comfort zone. Someone who delves deeper into the meaning of what film is, what it represents and how it affects people instead of productions who couldn't care less about the impact their "art" might have on the public.

@borowczyk76 - 29.10.2013 05:59

I'll give my hard earned cash to someone who I believe EARNS it; someone who will try to rework, take risks, think forward, experiment and make the art form evolve instead of those who reenforce the idea that there is only but one way to make a film (how boring is that? Seriously!?) and to keep things as mindless as humanely possible, because that's what the people have been used to getting and that's where the money is.

@borowczyk76 - 29.10.2013 05:42

Just because a film is challenging/difficult/seemingly impenetrable or, even worse, even if the film feels like a blatant "fuck you", these things don't make a film qualify as "shit". You'll never make anyone believe that Godard is a clueless moron who just pastes film strips without any rhyme or reason. The man is a mad genius and no matter how fucking insane and perplexing the final results might be, I'll give it all my attention over the empty and vapid bullshit that people call films today.

@borowczyk76 - 29.10.2013 05:37

Kinda tough to believe that your first comment was simply "innocuous". This film obviously pissed you off enough for you to make the effort to come down here and leave your mark. You're bound to ruffle a few feathers when saying things like this.To be honest, you are completely entitled to not like this film, even I'm convinced this is far from being Godard's best work, but in what way can this film be "shit"? Even Hitchcock's worst films are not "shit".

@Yorosero - 28.10.2013 21:44

There is a marked difference between calling something shit; say a meal, a film or an acting performance - a perfectly innocuous thing; and calling a person shit for brains based on fourteen words someone wrote. My comment was an expression of my opinion of the film and wasn't even addressed to anyone in particular. Once you tread into the hole of extreme hyperbole there is no point in having a discussion. If you retract your previous comment I'll start responding to your questions.

@borowczyk76 - 27.10.2013 01:53

And I'm still eager to find out what a "profound film" is according to you. What are your criteria? Do you solely rely on plot to judge a film? Do you consider cinema a language, an actual art form or plain good ol' heehaw entertainment or storytelling? Please let us know. Enlighten us.

@borowczyk76 - 27.10.2013 01:45

What? You're going to tell me your first comment wasn't hyperbole? You actually think I shouldn't have stooped down to your level after that? Come on! Hyperbole like yours deserves hyperbole because that's usually the only thing people who make such comments understand. Oh and btw, I think Godard knows as much if not more about film than Herzog. And second, having worked in the film industry myself, I don't believe I'm clueless on the subject either. What was that about growing up now?

@Yorosero - 26.10.2013 16:36

I think Herzog knows more about cinema than either you or me. As to the point about hating hipsters, I only called this movie a piece of shit, not those who can rigorously defend it. You on the other hand called me, and anyone who disliked this movie, 'shit for brains' based on two short sentences I wrote disapproving of this movie and hipsters. I think the real question you should be asking is how can anyone take you seriously when employ such extreme hyperbole. You need to grow up.

@borowczyk76 - 26.10.2013 08:13

And one last thing... Could you please explain WHY you think Thor is a better film than this? Again... Just curious.

@borowczyk76 - 26.10.2013 08:12

Oh and please... I'd love to find out... Define what a profound film is for you? And if possible, provide examples. This should be good for a laugh or two. Even if the film is a total train wreck (which I don't believe it is), I have WAY more respect for a director who challenges the conventions of film making/story telling than one who farts out the redundant bullshit most film goers (not film fans! Big difference) run to go see. I'd rather choose what I watch than being told what to watch.

@borowczyk76 - 26.10.2013 07:57

As much as I like Herzog, the man hasn't made a decent film since Grizzly Man. Not the best quote/reference imho. As for Godard, his place in film history is undeniable. Liking his films is another thing. However, from what I can gather, your judgment is clearly not based on the film itself but sideswiped by your hatred of hipsters. How does that make your point valid? Look at your two comments and tell me how anyone could take you seriously? I bet you haven't even watched the goddamned film.

@Yorosero - 25.10.2013 22:13

“Someone like Jean-Luc Godard is for me intellectual counterfeit money when compared to a good kung fu film.” - Werner Herzog It's hilarious to think that idiots like you think shit like this is profound. Stroking your chins in the cinema with your free trade coffee. Thor was actually better than this piece of shit.

@borowczyk76 - 24.10.2013 20:43

Ah yes! Who would want to waste 90 minutes watching this drivel by one of cinema's most challenging directors. Thinking is so booooring!!! What you need is a good dose of CGI explosions and transformomorphomagigging alien cyborgs. Quick!! To the Megaplex with you, if you hurry, maybe you'll have time to get some popcorn. Godspeed my friend, godspeed...

@borowczyk76 - 24.10.2013 20:36

And you must be a "non" (or maybe another emo/goth who enjoys labeling everything because they don't know how to belong otherwise - bet you didn't understand this part). You people are so dull and only have shit for brains. Did you enjoy Thor? Did you enjoy the pretty lights and colors? I'm sure there's a new superhero or CGI fest coming soon. Check your local hick megaplex.

@LazyLAG - 22.10.2013 21:59

yes very good is nice to see in a 1mt what i ill not see in hours. ;)

@SJD835 - 09.09.2013 15:09

rudi broight me here

@Kurosawa3 - 07.06.2013 01:53

I dont categorize. I let others do that. But what can I say if Im naturally hip jk.

@Yorosero - 06.06.2013 21:22

You must be a hipster.

@Kurosawa3 - 06.06.2013 04:16

Then the same goes to most of the films you probably run to at your local multiplex every weekend.
