Greece - 10 Things That Shock Tourists in Greece

Greece - 10 Things That Shock Tourists in Greece

Wolters World

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@jonasbaine3538 - 14.01.2024 20:16

Eww what a biohazard to have people all day putting pooped toilet paper in a trash can.

@gordonyates7972 - 10.01.2024 20:05

Just back from Athens ( month ago) and agree that Greece is a magical country! Only there for 3 days but long enough to realize that I would want to ok come back and spend a lot more time there!

@paulmokidespaul5347 - 21.12.2023 08:06

I love Greece...have to go!

@paulmokidespaul5347 - 21.12.2023 08:03


@ytwadk - 19.12.2023 21:14

There is another thing that shocks me is that when you drive a rental car on the street in Athens I never got anyone horned me before even I made a wrong turn or slowed down my car to find the right direction. Greek has shown me great tolerance for foreign tourist drivers. High respect for this country and the people.

@mlersk8830 - 05.12.2023 06:51

No disrespect, but people speaking another language that you don’t understand shouldn’t really be considered “ shocking”. Know what I’m saying? Everything else is so accurate -spoken like someone who really has spent some time there and noticed everything, big and small things. Cheers everyone be well😊

@cornells.1367 - 01.12.2023 08:22

You, Sir, are absolutely amazing! One of the best videos ever! Some of that Greek spirit, kindness and optimism rubbed off on you! Do a DNA test, I am sure some of your genes turned Greek! Euxaristo gia ola pou eipes!

@manstarxranx9209 - 15.11.2023 11:31

Greece is a beautiful country! The Greeks are very hospitable and friendly! Food in Greece is very tasty!

@wendyandrews9121 - 27.09.2023 22:45

My favourite place in the world. Love the Greeks and their food x

@hamishkay3010 - 26.09.2023 17:26

Crete is one of the most beautiful country's and places in the world. I definitely want to to Greece 🇬🇷. I got back last night after a week's holiday in Agios Nikolaos Thalassa Villas. I never ever want to stop going to Crete. I so want to live out here but right now I got less than 3 hours sleep so I'm completely jetlagged. Never been jetlagged before but I feel so tired. Great videos keep it up Parekelo.

@artsygirl2003 - 24.09.2023 20:30

very impressive 🤍💙 my very first international trip was to Greece

@FallNorth - 16.09.2023 15:40

Eating very large meals with lots of fibre + toilets that don't flush well or easily block + me being a big guy is in my experience not the best combination!

[I used to work in an office on a top floor with low water pressure and a toilet that flushed about an thimblefull that then took 5 minutes to refill ... I dreaded it].

@garyhansford - 12.09.2023 12:21

Just keep your fingers out of the power sockets 😊 stops getting shocks😢 you poor Americans so sad😢

@itsthatovoxo - 21.08.2023 19:50

If you're a man that loves history, Greece is the place to be.

@well-blazeredman6187 - 13.08.2023 14:19

Great video.
A simpler list: the locals are friendly; it's wonderful value-for-money; and the tourist industry infrastructure is well-developed and meshes together. I love it and am trying to do a different island each 'shoulder-season'.

@234dream_big - 22.07.2023 14:24

Greek here

@sollyolly9547 - 18.07.2023 23:48

The Greeks are amazing people and it's an amazing country. Proper socialists. For the most part...(that's a massive compliment, btw!!) I had a Greek student, twice, and they were totally amazing women. Some of the very best people in all Europe; and that's even before the totally delicious food, culture, etc. One of my top three European countries.

@videakias3000 - 18.07.2023 23:20

greek here, yeah what's up with the lack of line culture here?
when I was a kid I went to a private elementary school for 3 years and we all got in a line for the canteen, when I went to the private remember I was confused that we did not do the same there too.

@effiekontarinis7018 - 17.07.2023 00:19

I totally enjoyed your video. I was born and raised in NYC my parents came from Greece and more specifically my mother from Astrakous Crete. With that said, you put tears in my eyes when I say pictures from my village (what are the odds) Thank you!

@muddywaters538 - 07.07.2023 05:02

1970’s Christmas Party😅 so true when I was there I was amazed that people would light up and smoke just about anywhere.
I have to admit I love the Greek Life

@muddywaters538 - 07.07.2023 04:54

I miss Greece. God willing will be back soon.

@ManoBakalo - 04.07.2023 00:48

Άγιος Νίκολος...
Τσης Γιαγιάς σου ο...κ...ς...
- Βέγγος :
«Μπα πανάθεμά σας να μας αλλάζετε τα ονόματα !!!!!!!»

@raychrash5139 - 03.07.2023 13:31

One thing that may shock a lot of tourists is how coffee culture works here in Greece, ive recentely traveled to Austria and ive noticed that cafes/coffee shops are more about drinking your coffee and leaving when you are finished, here in Greece coffee shops /cafes are places that you mostly socialize or hang out with friends, so when you buy a coffee (id recommend frape, fredo espresso those are the most common iced coffees) or whatever drink you want, dont rush to drink it, you are there to relax first and foremost, so light a cigarette and enjoy your coffee at your own pace(also if you want your coffee to not have any sugar you say "sketo" if you want some sugar about 2 tea spoons you say "metrios" and if you want your coffee to be sweet you say "glykos")Another thing is that cafes/coffee shops are where young people socialize while "kafenia" are where the older folks socialize

@claireherbert4350 - 02.07.2023 17:07

Very helpful, thanks

@crazyleaf257 - 02.07.2023 03:19


@crazyleaf257 - 02.07.2023 03:16

It's so funny that so many countries don't take time seriously and straightforward like Americans do

@zacharybayanus561 - 01.07.2023 00:12

#13 Really sad fact about : where ARE the yiayias ?

Yiayias are working !!
They are working really hard to that tavernas usually with little to no paycheck
OR they are baby -sitting with out payment
OR do all the household chores, and cooking , sometimes to more than one houses.

@kalavrezosC - 30.06.2023 16:08

first capital was Aegina

@claudia5446 - 30.06.2023 15:45

Ooohhh you are so kind! I should send you a moussaka! ❤

@debbyvlahos9581 - 30.06.2023 12:04

Excellent presentation of Greece.Opa! And God bless you!❤

@SuperSetright - 30.06.2023 00:00

You will be ''shocked''......🤣

@johnnyguitar007 - 28.06.2023 20:42

I can think of a few things that shocks us Greeks when tourists visit... Ο νοών νοειτω.

@mariampogiopoulou561 - 27.06.2023 12:21

Οσο κ να προσπαθειτε τπτ δε θα καταλαβετε για μας γατακια!!χαχαχαχαχ

@hallochen9091 - 26.06.2023 19:15

😂😂😂😂😂😂relaaaax, siga-siga😂😂😂😂😂that was so sweet🏖🌞🤗😁🍀

@VictoryGR - 26.06.2023 11:11

great video!

@thomasdenney4931 - 26.06.2023 09:23

Didn’t know you need an International Drivers License. How is that obtained?

@nikoskousparis5171 - 25.06.2023 15:20

Welcome to my country people..i love you and i know we are not perfect...

@gjergjishehaj330 - 24.06.2023 13:22

The only thing that shocks me in Greece is the fact that drivers do not respect pedestrians.
Drivers will literally try to kill you when crossing the road using the dedicated pedestrian white lines. You'll find yourself running for your life in no time.

@techstepman - 23.06.2023 12:22

-most greeks speak english so you wont have trouble with nai or oxi. Thats why you'll see that tv or cinemas do not dub anything. So you can also watch movies here if you can ignore the subs. Greeks have no issue listening to other languages, we're cool with that. No dubs here just subs.
-it takes 10 minutes to get a nasty burn. Always wear sunscreen and always look for shade. The sun will give you skin cancer. You simply do not frak with the sun. You wont need a tan if you end up in a hospital. Ive seen tourist roast on the beaches and then they are trying to find doctros and hospital cause they get serious burns. Cover your entire body and stay in the shade. You will get tanned while in the water swimming! you dont need to sun bathe. Sunbathing is the best and fastest way to cancer and serious burns that will ruin your vacations. Also getting hit by the sun will make your skin age more. I know women who like to sunbathe and look 10 or more years older than their real age. Avoid the sun even when you are walking around during the day. Wear a hat, one that has cloth to cover the back of your neck. Do not frak with the sun! You are here to have fun, not to get sick and burned.
-Theres no greek time. Its just that your friends were chill.
-yeah the lines are an issue, people are willing to even get into fistfights just so they can get in first. This is a very bad thing we greeks have. Be careful not to get into a fight about lines cause most people are huge assholes about that here in greece. I get to deal with it every day.
-yeah, about the driving....we got places to be. Youre here for tourism but dont forget we have to go get our kids from school, go to the grocery store, go to work...if you see someone pissed and in a hurry just pull over and let them go on their way, thats the safest thing to do. Also when the street lights get green, go , just hit the gas and go. If you wanna enjoy the view get a taxi or a bus.
-Yeah if you get on our good side youre gonna make lots of friends here very easy and very fast!
-about the food, as most who have been in greece have noticed the weather is good, even in winter. So we stay active throughout the entire day. We dont go lock ourselves in our homes when its 6 pm cause theres still tons of daylight or even in the winter its relatively warm. So if you wake up 7am and go to bed around 0am you need lots of energy, so yeah, food, lots of it.
-about the buildings , this is not a first world country and we dont build flimsy wood houses like in the states. We build concrete houses and that costs a lot. Usually on the country side when people start building a house they first build the ground floor. Then when their children start getting older they start building the second floor. Money dont grow on trees. Thats why it seems like building are unfinished. Also in rural areas people build their houses on their own so thats another reason why they look unfinished. You wont find anything like that in a city. And yeah if you visit and wanna stay in a run down place , you should look for alternatives cause in those cases people dont have much money so they dont insulate those buildings and they are gonna be hotter on the inside than outside, even if they have an aircon it wont do much.
- yeah its a good idea to visit greece during spring or autumn! if you come in spring make sure you avoid greek christian orthodox easter cause most places are gonna be packed with greeks. Also in the summer avoid being here around the 15th or august , cause thats when we celebrate Mary mother of jesus christ and thats when most greeks choose to have their vacations. Its pretty hot here during autumn and spring so its a good idea to come of season, also the prices are awesome when youre here of season!
-yeah , we ve been here since 3000 years ago...maybe more. So we are very proud about that.
- no we dont really smoke that much anymore. I stopped 3 years ago and i was the last of all of my friends to quit smoking. Some people still do but the majority not only havent smoked ever but also hate it cause they have lost at least one relative to lung cancer. Also it fraking stinks.
-about the toilet, dont throw stuff in it, it will get clogged and then noone will be able to use it. Also bring with you disposable oneuse toilet seats. You can find them in supermarkets and pharmacies. Even greeks pee or shit trying not to touch anything, even more so in a tourist place. Its tough on women. Dont make the mistake to not drink enough water just to avoid having to pee. Stay well hydrated no mater what.
-grannies are usually busy cooking for the whole family or taking care of the babies while the rest of the family is at work. I usually find grannies in mountain villages, one of em cooked for our entire group once, for free! she just wanted some company! You wont find them in busy tourist places anymore, unless they are watching the store cause their relative went to the bathroom.
- the bill "culture" here in greece can get very frustrating. If you cant or dont wanna waste any more time get up get in the store and go to the register and ask to pay cause "youre in a hurry" or whatever. Im a greek and i have tons of issues with the bill "culture" here. You ask for the bill and they bring it some time later with fruit or whatever and they leave! You have to shout at them to stay there and pay them or else you are gonna waste another 15 minutes just waiting to pay them! I dont understand why they do that and it always pisses me off.

@annpartoon5300 - 23.06.2023 10:45

when you come out of the sun smother yourself with Greek yoghurt works better than aftersun products

@elenafoka6506 - 22.06.2023 21:51

ok, u r dumb

@antimimoniakos - 21.06.2023 21:56

Great video thank you for your kind words about Greece. Another great place is Chalkidiki in northern Greece. Mount Pelio also.

@s.p.q.roctavianvsavgvstvs900 - 21.06.2023 09:15

Oh - I love Greece from all my heart . ❤❤❤

@elizabethannferrario7113 - 19.06.2023 12:31

Crete is my favourite place on earth i would have moved there if i hadn’t have needed medical care , we almost bought a bungalow until i became ill , but we just go on holiday instead , but yes the people are gorgeous and we love them very much and we have made many friends , and yes about the sun beware the wind is your friend but put your sun block on !please please ! spinalonga is a must ! dont forget the bathrooms ! granma’s are in the fields looking after the crops then the children the dads dont get a look in where the children are concerned , its granma’s

@_QuackPlays - 18.06.2023 13:55

As a greek its factually corect

@Junger2183 - 18.06.2023 06:52

It's dirty and there are no trees

@gdevelek - 17.06.2023 18:40

The thing you say about "seat-less toilets" is very, very rare. These are considered the most sanitary toilets because your body doesn't touch anything. You just squat and do your business. This is how humans did their business for tens of thousands of years. And guess what: if you do that as a habit, it's very unlikely you'll ever get hemorrhoids. Because it's the natural way.

@ShadySalah - 16.06.2023 14:45

Have you ever been to Jordan Kingdom?
If not I would like you to visit Jordan, and make a video about it.
I will personally take you for a tour around the kingdom.
I will visit Chania next September, your videos were very helpful.
