Niche vs. Community: Where to Focus Your Coaching Business | Rich Litvin

Niche vs. Community: Where to Focus Your Coaching Business | Rich Litvin

Rich Litvin

4 года назад

2,002 Просмотров

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🎬 In this video, you will gain insights on:

✅ Coaching is a powerful responsibility, not just a title.
✅ Discovering a deep passion fuels your mission.
✅ The impact is a sign of a coach's success.
✅ Focusing on making a difference, not just niches.
✅ Embrace your unique path and overcome self-doubt.
✅ Strength is found in a compelling coaching mission.
✅ Transformation comes from serving and empowering others.

Unveiling Your Powerful Coaching Mission

In this impactful coaching session, Rich Litvin guides Cordelia and Dan through a profound exploration of their coaching missions. Rich emphasizes that coaching is not merely a title but a powerful responsibility. Cordelia discovers her deep passion for empowering women, and Dan recognizes the significance of his role in raising the consciousness of his community in Africa. Rich encourages them to focus on making an impact, rather than getting caught up in niches. The session beautifully highlights the transformative journey of coaches who embrace their unique path, overcome self-doubt, and find strength in their missions.


📌 Key Video Chapters:

00:00 - Introduction and Podcast Overview
11:03 - Discovering Your Powerful Mission
19:04 - Niche vs. Serving a Community
26:24 - The Impact of Coaching
36:19 - The Significance of Being Seen
43:23 - Sharing Final Thoughts and Gratitude
49:14 - Embracing Your Unique Coaching Path
54:56 - Overcoming Self-Doubt and Fear


🚀 Welcome to Rich Litvin's YouTube channel!

Hi, my name is Rich Litvin, the author of the bestselling book, "The Prosperous Coach," and founder of the 4PC community of the top 4% coaches. Having been a leader, a coach, and an advisor to top-level leaders for almost 30 years, I'm now looking to help you build up your coaching career and make your mark on the world!

Today, I'm also passionate about creating videos and podcasts that give you the cutting-edge tools to elevate your coaching skills and start commanding elite fees!


📝 Are you prepared to take your coaching practice to the next level?

I'm excited to introduce you to my life-changing coaching excellence quiz. It's not about getting the right or wrong answers – it's about gaining valuable insights into the next steps you need to take to expand your coaching business. Ready to begin? *Take the free quiz right here* 👉


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