Which Support Should You Play in Overwatch 2 - Beginner's Guide

Which Support Should You Play in Overwatch 2 - Beginner's Guide


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Alice 🫶
Alice 🫶 - 05.09.2023 02:00

Mercy main here! For anyone who is new and trying to understand mercy theses are a few tips I can give.

1. Learn how to super jump.
When you GA to a teammate you should see a bar on the right side of your screen, at any point you can press crouch to flinging you in the air. The more charged the meter is, the higher you’ll go.

2. Guides.
Don’t underestimate guides! They really helped me to get better with mercy. Personally, I recommend watching most of @Niandra’s content. Along with any other position guides you can find.

3. Dont under use damage boost.
Mercy has the ability to amplify a teammates damage by (at the time of writing this.) 25%. This can be a deadly tool and is one of the main reasons to pick mercy over anyone else. (Again, I would watch some of Niandra’s content for tips on damage boost.)

4. Raise sensitivity.
By default, all hero’s sensitivity is pretty low. But you won’t get a lot of value out of mercy if you have low sensitivity. Which is why it’s important to raise it. What you want as your sensitivity all comes down to preference. But from experience, I can tell you that 30% and 15% won’t get you far.

5. Don’t constant try and go for kills.
I know that we’ve all seen at least one clip of a nano-mercy on TikTok and wanted to try it. But, mercy just doesn’t do enough damage, (unless you have a nano.) to be good. You don’t get a lot of value out of her gun so it’s usually just best to save it for defending yourself.

Hope these help :)

Zach McGregor
Zach McGregor - 09.08.2023 16:35

Me watching this video and then going to play dps moira

Michael - 19.07.2023 23:18

idk why i’m watching this as a top 500 ana

Jeremy Carnes
Jeremy Carnes - 08.07.2023 19:33

Tank: Orisa
Damage: Ashe/Pharah alternating
Support: Briggite

Christian Emerson
Christian Emerson - 26.06.2023 22:05

"Ping targets" No one pays attention to pings.

DruffilaX - 26.06.2023 15:05

Baptiste Players ftw

Scarsy_Edits - 21.06.2023 17:09

nah he really didnt say moira is the most ahted charecter...

Bruh Cringe
Bruh Cringe - 18.06.2023 05:54

Mercy is off heals and kiriko is main heals. I could understand mistaking mercy as main heals due to her former heal boost if someone was under 50% but hey, her utility is all thats good about her.

Ryan Hamilton
Ryan Hamilton - 10.06.2023 15:35

Thanks for the vid. My buddy is a Plat tank main and I'm a gold tank main but we can't duo anymore since 5v5 and we're both basically silver on the other ranks...so I'm wanting to learn support so my higher skilled buddy can be his tank

fastjeff6 - 10.06.2023 05:43

I didn't know when I was starting, I just needed to know I gotta go fast. So, Lucio. Thing that irks me are those little signs along the walls. I break em when I can so I don't get slowed down.

E.R. - 05.06.2023 10:44

Same thing as on your tank video: So... LifeWeaver is a main, burst hero right? I just wanna know if I'm playing him right.

Nutmeg - 23.05.2023 11:33

!DO NOT USE BRIG AS A TANK! please!!! She is used to protect ur team from divers, shes played in the backline like a zen, play close to ur ana to protect her from dva, tracer, hammond, genji, all those divers. Just dont feed and use her like a tank. Ask any high lvl player and they'll tell ur the exact same (with high lvl i mean t 500 gm and owl players, not ur diamond dps friend who might not know how to play support:)

Nutmeg - 23.05.2023 11:27

Kiriko heals much more than mercy, yes kiriko goes on flanks for kills and tps back but every supp provides some kinds of dmg, other than mercy but still that doesnt make her a main supp, her healing output is very low (Only reason ur plat mercy might have more heals than ur ana, is mercys movement, making her not die so she constantly can be there and help ur team. While ana might not be hitting all her shots or not having the best postitioning or for example just getting dove alot... or mercy is healbotting, witch no support should ever do especially not mercy)

Pinkqanthress - 18.05.2023 09:07

he really said mercy is a main healer?

WHITEOUT305 - 10.05.2023 19:18

Ive pulled off 40 kills 10k+ damage and 10k+ healing and 30+ assists as brig and have gone toe to toe with tanks she is a force to be reckoned with

Bustermaniax - 17.04.2023 15:59

The only thing I'm good for in this game is support. Good thing i enjoy it.

Yash Patel
Yash Patel - 12.04.2023 16:00

Lucio is my favorite

Dark Dusty
Dark Dusty - 10.04.2023 08:36

Ana doesnt need to her shot on ally if healing

Henrique Zanchet
Henrique Zanchet - 03.04.2023 08:28

Its amazing seeing this video when moira is really saing kamehameha in his ult

BashyBrig - 24.03.2023 08:28

Brigitte is a defensive hero, you should not I repeat not be on the frontlines, you will die way to often, peel for you other support & deny flanks “space” & ping snipers as much as possible, unless you have a sigma or junkerqueen avoid the frontline

boomer bray
boomer bray - 23.03.2023 08:29

One thing you forgot to mention is in brigs passive healing last 5 seconds after damaging someone so you can use her whip to re prock that ability because whip only has a 4 second cool down

Tokyoilyba - 11.03.2023 20:26

new player: meh im not gonna main support

Vetley - 26.02.2023 03:13

just fyi mercy is not a main healer, she is a main support but thats a completely different thing

goJeTs62 - 21.02.2023 03:44

Mercy is not a main healer she’s a damage booster

Julian N
Julian N - 15.02.2023 00:36

At the moment im just trolling every round, it just makes more fun

LwRes - 08.02.2023 06:15

I like how you said Moira is a healer.

Oz Moses
Oz Moses - 04.02.2023 03:33

It's important to know: no matter what, people will find a way to blame you if they lose no matter what class you play. Especially support though

Ahmed Hatem
Ahmed Hatem - 25.01.2023 08:32

Fun fact: brigg's whip can also be used on wrecking ball which doesn't get him out of ball mode but interrupt his momentum

Bailey Evans
Bailey Evans - 22.01.2023 19:58

Mercy is not a main healer tho?

Sound Addiktion
Sound Addiktion - 18.01.2023 16:15

Nice vibes :3

Totally not Akira
Totally not Akira - 16.01.2023 20:16


Jakob Haggerty
Jakob Haggerty - 12.01.2023 02:35

Just don’t play support. It’s an awful experience. Hell the whole game honestly sucks. There isn’t a single character that’s exceptionally fun. Pick a another game friends and save yourself the headache.

paintedblack09 - 08.01.2023 16:07

All of this might seem like the most basic of things that need not be said, but recently got back into overwatch after not playing it for years, and some things I learned for those on console at least:

Kiriko has specific settings for her healing - toggle or hold. If you want more control and be able to cancel your healing in a tight pinch, switch the setting so you're not throwing all of your healing when you use the ability. Teleport/Suzu makes a great combo for heading off to apply pressure and then zipping to a teammate in need (as long as you're not placing yourself in an unwinnable situation).

For Ana, I think it was pointed out, but she does have some leeway when it comes to healing teammates while scoped. When hip-firing, her biotic dart has travel time before it hits a target. I think she also has settings for tolerances on her Nano and hit confirmation.

Zen is fun. Play more Zen.

Mercy uh... I haven't played Mercy, but I figure Mercy mains play her with indirect malicious intent as an incentive to damage boost more often, but a rare Chad Battle Mercy moment can definitely help in a clutch.

I think Lucio has a backwards wall run setting?

All of this probably seems braindead-levels of obvious, but Kiriko and Ana after not playing forever are my go-to, and I'm slowly learning Zen.

And for the most boring and obvious tip - never get caught without cover, or you're definitely gonna feel like you're playing Dead By Daylight instead of Overwatch. Going from having a second tank that can peel to - at least in lower ELO - no help at all is already way more difficult, and not having cover will make it even harder. If your Support has an escape, use it judiciously when you get dived on, because Dive comps will definitely go for you first.

That said, support is fun. Having the lives of my teammates in the palm of my hand is a fun concept in itself, and keeping the team alive to make sure we win feels more fun than playing DPS. So have fun as a support!!

... And be malicious about it. >:)

Hoang Hoang
Hoang Hoang - 08.01.2023 01:07

To every person who watch this video to be better at support, you all are angels, thank you <3

jeraiceball - 07.01.2023 14:50

I'm not sure if this is offensive, but is your hair real? It's so beautifully full <3 haha also, great video :P

Panda_cry4help - 05.01.2023 20:51

every day I play this game people tell me to kill myself for playing lucio

ArtsyAfroQueen - 04.01.2023 22:28

I had an Echo the other day who just kept coming after me as Mercy, I managed to give her the slip a few times but jeeezus! Lol and in a Push Map game, the enemy Junk Rat kept coming in behind us and I'd always hear him coming with his stupid peg leg and I would PING him but my team would never react and the amount of times he's killed me because I'm trying to warn them and then escape and he's just throwing down his stupid explosives. Then if I did escape him (I did actually kill him once as he hobbled after me lol) I would GA to a teammate just for them to die and then I Rez one and then another one dies to the Junk Rat they wouldn't acknowledge! I was so frustrated that entire game lol.

Avery Jackson
Avery Jackson - 04.01.2023 21:10

It should be mentioned that Baptiste's healing burst is doubled if the people hit are in the critical state, allowing you to get even more use out of it.

Discret Fallen
Discret Fallen - 02.01.2023 05:48

Just dont play zen or you will die in 3 seconds.

Nonbinary-Lumine - 01.01.2023 20:01

kiriko is my second most played hero at abt 9hrs, and in those 9hrs i can say that once u learn when to use things like suzu and kitsune rush, she is amazing. i often am able to get more headshots off on kiriko games than when i play widowmaker (who was the first hero i ever played), and her teleport is rly crucial if ur in a tight space with an enemy like junkrat bc u can just poof to ur team. i totally agree that she is quite the aggressive support, and i’d recommend her for dps mains having trouble playing support. if ur having trouble with kiriko i’d also recommend zenyatta, hes my 2nd most played support and hes rly useful with discord orb and transcendance.

Sad boy
Sad boy - 01.01.2023 08:40

while i agree mercy is great for new players and that she is a lot of fun when you master her mobility, her lack of burst healing as well as her single target heeling makes her less of a main healer and more of a utility support with her damage boost.

BITNN - 30.12.2022 09:07

Symmetra in my book is a Support Hero more than a DPS, due to very effective Area Denial and Teleporters providing utility, so play her if you want to support your team in different ways

Ari - 29.12.2022 13:17

Doesnt matter who your supp is , you just get 1 shot anyway

austin alte
austin alte - 28.12.2022 01:22

Great video. Only thing is brig is not supposed to be front lines. She should be baby sitting your backline characters. Keep your ana alive or people off your DPS. She's a babysitter for squishies not tanks.

Lumen Dusk
Lumen Dusk - 25.12.2022 18:46

Brig main here. It is tricky to play Brig because it's very deceitful the way Blizzard makes you think how you should play her. For Brig, you must prioritize your life, play around hard cover (or at least, you tanks as cover), use health pack for critical situation, don't prioritize Inspire, and use Rally aggressively if you see an opportunity. Overall, she's effective against flankers, if play to perfection can solo a tank and take out squishies.

Jawsh 56
Jawsh 56 - 25.12.2022 14:58

It's completely dependant on team comp, but mostly the tank and their deficiencies.

Oop - 21.12.2022 07:25

I feel with mercy’s movement buff, valk becomes an even worse ultimate 💀

Dani Ackerman
Dani Ackerman - 18.12.2022 13:26

correction: mercy is an off support
