Who are THE QUINCY, The Race DESTROYED by the Shinigami? - History and Story, EXPLAINED | Discussion

Who are THE QUINCY, The Race DESTROYED by the Shinigami? - History and Story, EXPLAINED | Discussion


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MrTommo2304 - 28.09.2022 22:31

Hopefully this video was a helpful introduction or reminder of who the Quincy are before TYBW begins next month! Keeping it spoiler-free, what's your favourite Quincy moment in Bleach? Let me know!

Ben Schwartz
Ben Schwartz - 03.11.2023 21:45

Balance of the universe? Didn’t Kubo already establish that the “Soul Society” we see is just the East Branch due to Burn the Witch’s serialization

borninthedark - 06.10.2023 22:13

I firmly believe now that Ryuuken's words to Uryu about focusing on the living weren't just about the Soul Reapers - I think he harbors DEEP resentment toward Yhwach and his mission and everything it took from him.

skyler lol
skyler lol - 03.10.2023 18:03

I’m i

Chuey V
Chuey V - 21.09.2023 11:27

Thank you ! Great video 🎉😊

Leon Huang
Leon Huang - 03.08.2023 21:33

You are helping me on my spiritual path

knight meh
knight meh - 13.07.2023 08:51

its just my opinion but i feel the final ark in bleach was a retcon. not saying that as a bad thing but the whole history of the Quincey's feels altered imo.
like right up until the final ark i was under the impression that they were just humans but now they are different. gone from humans that who could see spirits that lashed out in anger to what feels like ghost nazis.
ill give you an example go rewatch the grandfisher episodes and tell me it does not read or feel the same way with this final arks information.
i am a fan of bleach and have collected the entire manga and was 1 of my firsts anime ever but i feel that i would be lying if i said i think everything was planned out from the start.
to conclude i think bleaches strengths were from, its themes art and style while the writing is quite basic.

Ezra173 - 07.06.2023 22:31

I once heard a screwed-up theory that would greatly change the perspective of the Quincy Genocide. the theory goes that Yhwach might be the real mastermind behind both genocides, at least the first, because he had the almighty before his first invasion of the Soul Society thousand years ago and thus should have known that his war would fail but did anyway. Why? because it would not only allow him to acquire more power through their deaths but also permanently gain control over the Quincy by using their fear of extinction to further control them. I'm not wholly sure on the theory, but given Yhwach personality and lack of care for his subjects, it not out of the realm of possibility.

Kelvin - 04.05.2023 11:56

I never really understood uryus train of thought in the fullbring arc
He got attacked by someone with soecial powers and instead of letting orihime heal him; tell anyone what actually happened; describe his attacker; or actually talk to ichigo who had been making progress in getting his powers back, he just stayed the biggest hurt target in a hospital until the situation had a certain amount of Flair 😶

RoPhoenix - 01.05.2023 19:15

Can a Quincy become a Soul Reaper once they die?

Zlatan EFREM
Zlatan EFREM - 27.04.2023 22:17

So..if a quincy dies because he's human he can go to soul society???

quandavious tingle bottom qaudale davinci the 38th
quandavious tingle bottom qaudale davinci the 38th - 19.04.2023 03:32

God savesessess

Isild B
Isild B - 25.02.2023 19:40

So where's this "honor of a Quincy" among the Sternritter now? Because to me they are just a bunch of merciless Nazis who happen to be in a league of their own slaughtering game 🙄

🌟 Wander the
🌟 Wander the Nomad - 15.02.2023 05:38

I wonder if it's possible for quincies to somehow prevent the souls of captain class soul reapers from going to hell.

vanDelftcrafts - 11.01.2023 15:55

Seele Schneider is pronounced as "Seal-e Schneider" Like the letter "E", its german for "Soul Cutter". Like almost everything is taken from German for the Quincy names and powers. The name Quincy also comes from "Quintet" which translates as a formation of five, pointing o the five arms of the Quincy cross.

Dick & Jimmy: GO NUTZ !
Dick & Jimmy: GO NUTZ ! - 30.12.2022 19:37

The crazy DUALITY of this series lets you subconsciously pick up on the fact that the Quincies are really the "GOOD GUYS".... Just wait, hear me out.... Every staple of the series points at this, even the simplest colors of Black & White. This arc shows the Original Gotei 13 were criminals from the BEGINNING!,,,,with Ichibei being the criminal Shinigami leader. Essentially he is the "KING OF DARKNESS" & has power over EVERYTHING black.....The Quincy leader Ywach leads his army into CRIMINAL TERRITORY(criminals led by Yammamoto & the "FIRE DEMON ZANPAKTOU") to purge them. All Sternritter have "HOLY" forms and their reishi resembles light(holy arrows).... Ywach's Elite Guard were basically "Angels".... Don't believe me?...Lillie Barro literally turns into an angel & Gerard as well. Not to mention Pernida IS A HAND OF GOD!(.....who just so happens to be imprisoned, gaurded by Ichibei the "King of Darknes"🤔) Ichigo is the all too familiar "chosen one" who has to choose between good and evil....The kinda "twisted" part is that we see what happens when the chosen one unknowingly chooses to help the "EVIL" side....(Ichigo was being lied to and tricked by EVERYONE from the beginning😉) Don't forget, we got the story from the Shinigami point of view first! EVERY "VILLAIN" OF THE SERIES criticizes the Shinigami's false sense of righteousness...... Crazy ain't it?😅

Protogaming - 06.12.2022 13:43

Dont say western dude theyre wearing european and german style clothing they have shoulder capes dont blame us for that

Mahidur Rahman
Mahidur Rahman - 23.11.2022 19:11

Can you make a video explaining the arrancars and the fullbringers too please?

Edin Mesic
Edin Mesic - 18.11.2022 17:55

Honestly... the shinigami should've killed every quincy. Even ichigos friend. Their existence threatens everything.

Also ichigo is half quincy so they should've moved his whole family to the royal palace so no further quincy are born. Take his family to the palace cuz technically they are the only beings with a touch of every race in them making them great substitutes for the soul king if he dies.

Snow Queen_89
Snow Queen_89 - 11.11.2022 17:45

Quincy are a unique lot and my favorite group in bleach archers are cool

RICK NICK - 01.11.2022 14:04

They gave ichigo's son Naruto's power Talk No jitsu what I mean is he can talk a hollow hole shut

Redaku - 31.10.2022 22:04

Do wonder how many other races there are

Redaku - 31.10.2022 21:58

Yeah the quincies coming back over again is incredible. More backstory on that would be dope

Neo-Anarchist——Ecocentric Radical
Neo-Anarchist——Ecocentric Radical - 28.10.2022 01:23

I hate when an attempted genocide is referred to as a war.

Matt Kelly
Matt Kelly - 26.10.2022 19:18

What I never understood was why the quincies keep killing hollows knowing that it will destroy the balance and effectively destroying the world. Aren't they essentially killing themselves if the world is destroyed?

Demi-Demon - 26.10.2022 07:47

if the quincy are human how does YHBACK and his sternritter survive 1000 years after original thought to b killed a milennia befor

Wolf Saints
Wolf Saints - 25.10.2022 03:23

Do Quincys goto the social society when they die? 🤔

Douglas Langley
Douglas Langley - 21.10.2022 23:52

Letz Still is up there with Super Saiyan and Ichigo's bankai in terms of badass anime transformations that are etched into my brain forever

meditation - 21.10.2022 22:26

From what I understand from the story of the Quincy ywhach is the literal son of GOD who felt resentment for how his father was treated they bisected and left him aka the soul king and left him between life and death frozen in a crystal to be the letch pin so the human world demon world & soul society can exist ywhach witness alot of these things happen and wage a war against the soul society for many years before he was eventually killed his children aka the Quincy are literally that excluding gaared the heart of the soul king and the hand of the soul king I cannot remember his name they are parts from his father others may be by blood but that was never confirmed in the cannon story tho..😑 other are his children by way of him sharing his spirit with them aka spirit enhancements or blessings given to them by ywhach..aka the shards of the soul king but on a smaller scale soul king shards created a few different spiritual argumentations if I'm not mistaken so the scripts are that again on a smaller scale but in turn that effectively makes those who come from him or his bloodline children of God aka the soul king so when the Quincy were almost wiped out they were trying to erase the bloodline of the soul king from the world at large not only restore balance..

TekkamanSpade - 21.10.2022 19:30

The quincy seem to represent the extremely dualistic Abrahamic/western views on the afterlife and demonology. Dark spirits( hollows in this case) are seen as universally evil and need to be eradicated. There is no negotiation with what is considered to be demonic. Shinigami, on the other hand, represent the "Eastern" supernatural view. There are few beings that are good or evil, only balanced or imbalanced. Dark spirits and their power can be harmonized with( think arrancar/vizards). Neither is "right". The quincies want to destroy all hollows, which are human souls, indiscriminately. They are brutal, and their king routinely sacrifices his own loyal servants. However, they are seeking a paradise where all souls are immortal and equal.

The shinigami seek to maintain the balance and give hollowfied souls a other chance, but they literally betrayed GOD, cut Him into pieces, and used His power to create a system that is rank with deceit and inequality. I mean, can you imagine dying just to know that you will be a feudal peasant with no rights serving under lords that may kill or experiment(looking at you, Mayuri) on you for all eternity? That's Soul Society.

I agree with the quincies goals, but not their methods. They want their God and their heaven back. If their Nazi Jesus figure wasn't such a dick, I'd sympathize with them.

lungelo Sibisi
lungelo Sibisi - 19.10.2022 15:04

This thumbnail is broken!, coolest ive seen in a while.

Steve Therush
Steve Therush - 19.10.2022 14:57

i would honestly have loved to see a world with the balance tipped, with death and life mixing and how they would solve this

Krazyfan1 - 14.10.2022 10:14

i kinda like the idea that the souls themselves aren't actually destroyed by the quincies, they are instead funneled into Ywatch.

Every death makes him stronger.

In-Craig-ible - 13.10.2022 23:24

I'm looking forward to more Quincy lore in the upcoming new series.

Sevaughn Parsons
Sevaughn Parsons - 04.10.2022 16:18

i love mayuri definitely one of my favorites but i honestly beleive uryu should have a final battle and kill mayuri just to come full circle. There are too many villians that are " on the good side" so they get the pass

Ajdin Imsirovic
Ajdin Imsirovic - 04.10.2022 16:12

I understand that the soul society has have a ends justify the means approach but when your solution to the problem is extinction i think there is problem
The fact they give hollows a second chance yet can wipe out anybody in the name of it, it dosent matter if they are good or bad, the shinigami see themself as gods when the fact remains they just as rest everyone
This just a theory that a read somewhere but it questions if the quincy truly erase a soul, i mean think about why would the soul king have a race which could potentialy disrupt the balance and ruin the world, and the reason why shinigami cleanse souls is to reincarnate then in SS whic it cleanses the soul of sin but not the power
To put it simply shinigami kill hollows to enhance their own numbers and strength
Again its just a theory

J - 04.10.2022 00:10

I will never understand while people are Quincy fans , before the last arc they threatened the balance and could have destroyed the world, after the last arc they were basically nazis and we’re gonna destroy the world 😭

William Elliott
William Elliott - 03.10.2022 18:35

Uryu is still my favorite after all these years, this gives me tingles, I loved seeing Chad, Ichigo and uryu goin into the portal!! Ugh!! I miss this group!

ZzigZaG00NIN - 03.10.2022 04:38

Quincy and Shinigami working together makes a really powerful team
uryu and ichigo are a good exaple of what it could have been like earlier if mayuri wasn't the guy he was

permeus - 03.10.2022 02:43

So as far as Science knows at the moment there is no way to destroy Energy/matter it only ever gets converted into another form this is probably why the Quincy are so dangerous, they step outside of the conversation process when the destroy a Hollow, if my idea below is right this would lead to the extinction of all life be it human, soul or hollow, you would end up with only 1 Quincy a bunch of reapers and no humans or Souls and a bunch of unused energy floating around damaging matter.

(so I’ve never seen it explained fully but my assumption was that the cycle went something like human dies become a hole/soul, the hole can be SENT becoming a soul or degrade into a hollow or if they are eaten by a hollow becoming a hollow, then a reaper kills a hollow freeing it back into a soul (somehow) I aren’t too sure on this but I’m guessing that the new freed soul will forget been a Hollow (possibly how new soul reapers are made? By been a soul that became a hollow and was freed?) forgetting it’s life as a hollow and become a new blank soul, then at some point if a soul dosnt become a reaper it will feel a pull back into the world of the living and become a new human)

Gregorius Rex
Gregorius Rex - 02.10.2022 14:20

The Quincies would be useful in a realm like hell or if Aizens Bankai was similar to Gremmys in that it creates things out of nothing

mastertucker - 02.10.2022 04:31

Damn I really wanted an in depth spoiler full chronological history of the Quincy

protosonic17 - 01.10.2022 16:56

Ryuken is such a dick to uryu saying he doesn't have a knack for it. Even if he doesn't have an interest in being a quincy it means everything to uryu and he should at least respect him for being that devoted to their lineage and for protecting the town.

bacd 1990
bacd 1990 - 01.10.2022 16:14

Yhwach time for Auswählen.

AK - 30.09.2022 18:58

Seele Schneider is such a dumb name lol. Schneider means tailor, and the grammar is off. It needs to be Seelenschneide or Seelenklinge

pieoverlord - 30.09.2022 14:51

Been watching the Shaman King anime remake and it suddenly occurred to me that the Quincy and the X-Laws are remarkably similar, especially the newer Quincy.

My L I E G E
My L I E G E - 30.09.2022 08:33

Recently I'm trying to correlate if certain Japanese anime or entertainment stories are inspired by western stories and comics.
The most interesting one for me is how Kimetsu no Yaiba (Demon Slayers) parallels with the DC comic universe.
Yoriichi Tsugikuni = Clark Kent (Kal-El, Superman) - Yoriichi can see through people's anatomy and wields sword skills powerful as the sun.
Zenitsu Agatsuma = Barry Allen (The Flash) Both get's struck by lightning and gains super speed.
Please reply and describe more Demon Slayer similarities or other Anime parallel inspirations.

Fudge Capitalist
Fudge Capitalist - 30.09.2022 02:36

I would love to see Schnell Schneider used again in the anime, really cool.
