The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages & Seasons Review - Do They Hold Up?

The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages & Seasons Review - Do They Hold Up?

Nintendo Life

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Celio Sousa
Celio Sousa - 18.10.2023 19:25

Unpopularity opinion but I like OoS better.

Triborn - 03.10.2023 00:26

i’m glad i bought them on 3ds!

drayggenn draygenn
drayggenn draygenn - 26.09.2023 21:07

Not sure if I understand the rational of giving seasons an 8 out of 10. As mentioned in the video is actually does some things better than ages and despite the weaker story does not take away from the adventure at all

Gamer Dell
Gamer Dell - 28.08.2023 10:15

it looks beautiful on handheld mode on switch in all it's glory! I used to play on an unlit gbc back in the day!

Elise Lemer
Elise Lemer - 26.08.2023 23:20

I had a blast playing these two titles (first time). Working through almost all the retro titles and really hope the next Zelda game is a far offshoot of BOTW/TOTk as I’m pretty sick of the open world and found playing these games after 100% TOTk was so refreshing.

Wooper - 24.08.2023 23:44

While I did play Ocarina of Time as kid on my brother's N64, I never really sat down to play through it as naturally, my brother wanted to play on his N64.

Ages would be the first Zelda game I would own about a year after its release and it's always held a special place as one of my favorites. I never got around to play Seasons and actually, I never beat the game as I would routinely get stuck and even the Versus Books guide I would get confused regarding the big trade fetch quest which I missed out until I got to a certain point. I think I left off at Zora's Domain.

I'll probably finish it on the 3DS as years ago I did start playing again and got to the point I got when on my GBC copy.

Really happy to see this game available on Switch online though.

Max Holland
Max Holland - 21.08.2023 18:43

Oracle of Seasons was my second Zelda game. My first was Majora’s Mask.

Waffletigercat - 18.08.2023 05:35

The overworld in Ages is just such a pain to navigate. Really annoying. Ages has goods dungeons and bosses though. I appreciate that Ages even incorporated the time travel mechanic into a dungeon, though I’m sad it’s in such a small way. I feel that Seasons is the better game overall, though it is lame that none of the dungeons ask you to use the season-changing mechanic in any way.

Paulie Walnuts
Paulie Walnuts - 17.08.2023 11:05

Seasons>Ages idgaf

SWITCHnSTEAM - 16.08.2023 20:23

These games need a remake desperately. They are SO good, always was my favorites. Back in the day when i was a kid, i would play both these games religiously, i was that kid who would ignore reality and just walk around with my head in my gameboy color and i ADORE those memories. I LOVE these games!!!!!!! PLEASE REMAKE IT NINTENDO OMFG

Zelduh - 16.08.2023 10:03

Seasons > Ages

adam Campbell
adam Campbell - 14.08.2023 17:13

Having just finished my playthrough of both games, I'm obligated to share my opinion that Seasons is the better of the two. It's just more fun. Ages spends too much time looping through areas that are sealed off with arbitrary one-way paths and repetitive dungeon puzzles that are unsatisfying to work through (IE: all of Jabu Jabu's Belly)

One thing I will add, though: equipping the Red Ring from Seasons and upgrading to the Master Sword makes the later bosses in Ages trivial and a little anticlimactic.

Zachary Chaplain
Zachary Chaplain - 14.08.2023 05:13

Thank you for giving them separate scores!

Jeannie Love
Jeannie Love - 14.08.2023 04:43

Dimitri is my favorite, but RIcky is a close second.

디오 12
디오 12 - 13.08.2023 10:10

Oracle of Ages is the most overrated Zelda game of all time, it's still good, but wildly overpraised by people who let nostalgia blind them

Zeed - 12.08.2023 10:08

I just love the huge map and different items, these games are goated, most zelda games are master pieces

Heri Banto
Heri Banto - 12.08.2023 07:19

Zelda oracle series are my first zelda games and i love it. I still remember how i save some money to buy my first GBC. GBA release was the key because GBC become obselete and cheaper so i can buy it with my saving money. What a memories. But I have to skip this version because i don't have NSO, but i still can play it on my 3ds.

SetaMax - 10.08.2023 16:15

Forever Nostalgic ❤

TheGift137 - 07.08.2023 12:50

Wow this sounds really interesting. No wonder Zack from SwitchForce is always talking fondly about this game. If these games got the remade treatment that Link's Awakening be pretty freakin sweet

Sam Gaming
Sam Gaming - 07.08.2023 06:42

I love the Nintendo Switch online service, Nintendo are really pouring in some love to it.

Hardy Joe
Hardy Joe - 05.08.2023 20:00

Always had me chuckle that the threatening snakes had these funny little smirks on their faces, lmao!

Hardy Joe
Hardy Joe - 05.08.2023 19:46

I feel like the Yiga are what we were to Maple the Witch when we sabotage her flight multiple times, just for that piece of heart.

Kedz - 05.08.2023 11:12

I suddenly remembered the dancing mini game and that time link date someone 😂

Tommy - 04.08.2023 12:55

Played Seasons on a 50-in-1 game device I got from a HK market back in the day. I thought it was amazing! Also had hack version of Super Mario Land with Pikachu in and Vietnamese Crystal too lol Oracle of Ages was broken on this rom for some reason so I never played it.

Applemangh - 04.08.2023 06:40

They're great, but I really hope they get a remake of some kind that adds more item slot buttons for modern controllers and lets you play through both games on a single save file (instead of swapping out cartridges to travel between linked games to deliver passwords, you could just have a way to travel to the world of your first game after you start your second).

Onras - 04.08.2023 00:12

I find Moosh more charming, but I go for Dimitri, as I found him more useful

Safer Murderweapon
Safer Murderweapon - 03.08.2023 21:26

As someone who played Zelda extensively, play Seasons before Ages. You'll thank me later.

Preston Estes
Preston Estes - 03.08.2023 12:54

Oracle of Seasons was my first LoZ game, and I absolutely loved it. When my mom got me Oracle of Ages and the guide I was beyond thrilled. I have been a huge LoZ fan ever sense. I have probably played and beaten the Oracle games more times than on any other game I own. I would love for them to get a remake/remaster for a newer system. (I just hope they fix the Goron Dance part if they do; that is the only thing I disliked about either game).

Eric McAdam
Eric McAdam - 03.08.2023 10:12

What happens if you play seasons first?

darkisatari - 03.08.2023 09:49

It disappoints me that so many claim these games are the same as LADX, because they improved on the fidelity of graphical detail significantly — the colors are more vibrant and more minute details are observable on the ground and elsewhere. I remember playing one at Toys R Us before buying it and thinking “wow it looks much better than Link’s Awakening!”
Play them back to back and see what you think.

Zerolink30 - 03.08.2023 06:57

Biggest reason i want the Oracle games to get that Link's Awakening Remake treatment, i want that original Oracle Trilogy. Bet they still have the story and everything else for the "Courage" game in the vault somewhere.

Julian Becker
Julian Becker - 03.08.2023 01:11

Now with the switch hardware they could remake the 2 games and finaly add the 3rd

Dudeman - 02.08.2023 23:54

Ricky Gang Ricky Gang Ricky Gang

Rosema - 02.08.2023 23:04

The only god Zelda game was the first nes one. The legend of Zelda . The rest are literally trash

Molly Johnson
Molly Johnson - 02.08.2023 22:33

Ages is my personal favorite, because story and puzzle solving has always been my favorite in Zelda games, which is why I love Majora’s Mask so much. I played seasons first, and it was a slog swapping between 4 different seasons over and over again without any motivation. Ages had a story that pushed you forward and the 2 time periods weren’t nearly as bad as Seasons. Ages made me feel like “Oh, I can’t access this in the present, maybe I can in the past!” while Seasons made me rage at the prospect of changing time to spring, realizing I needed summer, changing to that, and then realizing I didn’t even have the thing I needed so I had to try all over again. Both are good, and both have flaws, and I think Seasons has more intrusive flaws than Ages.

Your Friend, The Sorceress
Your Friend, The Sorceress - 02.08.2023 22:21

theyre all great but Moosh needs to come back

John Monnig
John Monnig - 02.08.2023 16:59

The reviewer literally shits on Seasons when it’s the same game. The Maku tree in Ages does the exact same thing as it does in Seasons. It jus tell you where to go.

Not Turok
Not Turok - 02.08.2023 16:16

Hilarious that I was playing this a week or two before release on my hacked snes classic mini.

mana beast
mana beast - 02.08.2023 16:11

8 is too low seriously. 9-9,5 for me easily especially seasons

Captain Vyse
Captain Vyse - 02.08.2023 16:00

I love Oracle of Seasons. :-(

Spooky Moblin
Spooky Moblin - 02.08.2023 14:17

Dinitri is the best animal companion hands down. No other companion is as cool or as helpful as he is with swimming.

Roger Donovan
Roger Donovan - 02.08.2023 12:50

I'm replaying the European version of oracle of Ages and let me tell you, the French translation is all over the place. I'll try the English version for Oracle of Seasons.

Eight4Tree - 02.08.2023 05:15

Great video I was just stopping by to see what this game was about because it dropped on the switch. But your video really drew me in in just 14 short minutes you’ve convinced me to clear both games thank you.

Daniel Kesler Jr
Daniel Kesler Jr - 02.08.2023 01:29

I don't even need to watch the vid. Yes they do. Played them multiple times on my phone on emus and love them.

Rokabur - 01.08.2023 23:22

They just need a remake like Links Awakening got.

Alpd - 01.08.2023 20:59

both games should get 10/10. wonderful, I played them after release and at that time they were very progressive! Also, they should be played together to get the full story - they complement each other. Does anyone

Dr. Forrester
Dr. Forrester - 01.08.2023 20:56

Seasons was the first of the two that I played, many years after they were released. I actually found Ages a bit tedious after Seasons, especially without the knowledge one had more emphasis on action and the other on puzzles. I also liked Din more than Nayru, if only because Link struggling to dance with her is very cute

Ninten70 - 01.08.2023 19:38

Tbh I love Seasons cause it’s got all the Bosses from the OG NES Zelda game. Seasons was originally supposed to be Remake of Zelda 1 but it was scrapped. Ages on the other hand give me some OoT vibes cause you travel through time except it’s between the past and present.

Newhouse-Estates - 01.08.2023 16:41

If you like puzzles more (like myself) start with ages. The dungeons in these games will scratch that itch that tears of the kingdom severely lacked.
