ARRIVAL (2016) Ending Explained

ARRIVAL (2016) Ending Explained


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@beastgalaxy295 - 24.11.2023 22:47

Because past and present were a thing. The alien knew it would die and the other one did too

@devo9292 - 21.11.2023 15:39

Lmfao "that's a white baby" this is why I watch. In depth deductions 😂

@ChangeNameEdits - 20.11.2023 00:45


@MehmetArslan - 07.11.2023 16:58

If i need an explanation video for a movie then that means that movie is just poorly written.

@BruceWayneWorld - 03.11.2023 00:46

Arrival sucked

@mahdisaeedi6017 - 02.11.2023 18:47

i'm the fan of this book if it's published😁

@KITN._.8 - 29.10.2023 09:30

So here's what I gathered, to some up the basic things, these "aliens" have come to 12 different parts of the earth for no harmful reason. The biggest barrier to overcome fro the humans was the language barrier even so the aliens didn't seem to ask any questions or struggle with our language what so ever. As time went on Louise learnt there language, their language being the aliens "weapon" or as mentioned earlier in actuality its a tool not weapon.
The whole reason they are here is to teach h humans their language. The reason being their language allows for humans to have non linear time, and for some reason (not mentioned in the movie) the aliens need our help with something and we need to be able to use their language to help them.
For the confusing stuff, the reason their language allows you to see into he future was mentioned mid movie by Ritter, the language you are raised is how you perceive time, space, yourself, meaning etc. (now in real life this would be a theory but in the movie this is proven to be true) by learning the aliens language Louises brain was "reprogrammed" to experience life and meaning the way the aliens do which is non linear. Where as our language is simple and frankly sub sequential to the aliens.
The way their language works is like a play, although you know what is going to happen, you know the ending you know the characters you still act through it so you can get to the ending, so you can still experience the emotions (feelings), the characters (people) and so on. It seems like the aliens may also be able to jump from one point in this play to another.
Louises brain was reprogrammed essentially to arguably the fifth dimension, although because she's raised on our language the third demotion its caused a lot of confusion, her having theses "memories" through out the movie even though she hasn't had them yet....its her brain trying to process the fact she now seems time, it processes by treating these visuals as if they are memories at any point in time wether it be backward our forward.
She ended up having Hannah even though she knew the result because she still wanted to experience the play, he knew the happiness her daughter would bring her non the less. Although its still selfish decision because she can experience Hannah forever although Ritter cannot because his brain isn't re programmed.

I still wish I knew what the aliens wanted....

@LottieDotCharlotteDottie - 26.10.2023 03:13

For the love of God, it’s not TIME TRAVEL. Any scientific person knows it’s NON LINEAR time- which means that everything in the past- present- and future is happening at the exact same time, Louise didn’t travel to the future- she just knew everything all at once because time isn’t real.. humans can’t grasp that everything is happening at once so they formed this construct called “time” which breaks things up making it easier to comprehend and survive for humans- which is how the past present and future became separated, the aliens taught Louise that time is not real..... it’s only in our imagination that we think the past happened at a different time than the present is happening.. but if humans can separate time like that mentally , and physically, then they’re capable of seeing time as non linear as well like the aliens do. Everything is happening at once. That means that bike you rode at 8 years old is happening at the exact same time as you eat dinner today, but you can’t grasp this because it’s too big..... so you have learned to tell yourself that those things happened separately and at different times. The aliens need humans to grasp time so they can help them in the future. When Louise spoke to the chinaman it was happening at the same time exact moment that she was meeting Ian for the first time, everything in our past present and future is happening at the same time.. making like an actual blip in the grand scheme of things.. life on this earth anyway. Because we are spirits with a higher self and this isn’t our real home. So no, it’s not time travel. This movie is very intelligent and while I get making jokes and thinking your witty or cute with the punch lines- it makes you see kind of ignorant and is pretty annoying, because this movie is a good film and it has a lot of good scientific and spiritual lessons in it that you could learn if you paid attention. You didn’t even grasp what the movie meant.. you thought it was time travel lol... so what more would I expect 🙄

@bonnierobbins4230 - 23.10.2023 17:04

I've experienced this as a Mother.
My son was epileptic. And through his young life I had dreams and visions. These visions prepared me for his accidental drowning in 1996. He was 14yrs. Death 7/11/96. As my dreams and visions happened I would tell to them. Friends and family. They would politely listen.
Before Jesse Death I had insights to things like..
1 Saw my Mother's emergency brake snap off in her V.W.
2 Saw my father's mistresses image in a dream before seeing her photo 3 yrs later.
3. Saw my Ex-husband doing bad things. And driving drunk before police call.
4. Finding drugs in the house and in family car. By way of a voice directing me to location.
Many more..
This movie I've watched weekly now.
My favorite. 😊

@Itsfilthyy - 11.10.2023 10:28

This is one of the only movies that have made me bawl my eyes out. So meaningful in so many different ways, such a gem

@wolfseek - 10.10.2023 09:06

Movie was stupid full of holes and unexplained stuff

@watson7000 - 04.10.2023 09:53

Please explain the ending of-- Dude Where's my Car? -

@scottcardinal6147 - 02.10.2023 03:50

The aliens showed us we can communicate and avoid conflict

@malinahd1466 - 20.09.2023 14:33


@nobody6546 - 20.09.2023 10:56

👍.I know it’s 3 years late- but great analysis of the movie. Language?? Here.. between Cultures & Societies First Meetings? Has Historically always Ended in Confusion & Conflict. As is in History Records and Sci Fi movies too.

@JimmothySmantanseleton - 19.09.2023 09:56

Trash ending

@larryzink8978 - 19.09.2023 07:54

A miserable mystical pile of self indulgent rubbish of a movie, oh and preachy, too.

@cancerconnoisseur - 16.09.2023 08:35

If the Heptapods percieve the present and future simultaneously, I wonder if Abbott knew it was going to die on this mission to begin with.

@hollywilliams7023 - 13.09.2023 00:12

Thank god for all your Christian trolls! LOL

Congrats on almost 20k subs. Here’s to millions more!

@Ren3gaid - 12.09.2023 19:05

What the movie taught me: Humanity will fuck it up. As always

@elmossavworld3543 - 12.09.2023 12:41

We really are so puny😢

@tubher5819 - 11.09.2023 23:31

If what they knew are true, then they already knew that Abbot was going to die, and that she was the key.

@johna837 - 11.09.2023 04:41

I loved everything in this movie except the inevitable sadness of a parent losing a child. As a parent, it destroyed me.

@warrenguy76 - 10.09.2023 15:06

Thanks for the explanations. I’ve finally come full circle on this.

@mannycutsandstyles - 10.09.2023 05:52

Boring, silly ass movie

@jillp7655 - 10.09.2023 02:28

That explains why she’s so meek! I was thinking, as a mother who’s grieving the loss of her child, you think she wouldn’t be so scared/meek/timid. Like, she wouldn’t GAF as much with nothing else to lose. But the whole alien ordeal happened before her daughter was born. Makes so much more sense.

@MimiO23x - 09.09.2023 07:33

“dats a white baby” 😂

@alisterzarkar7163 - 09.09.2023 01:11

Dude, i love this movie, and i dont want to put you out. It seems you are talking to a young audience and are trying to connect with them, but this video is agghh. You didn't get it at all. The point of the movie is that we should stop regreting our past decisions, thinking that if we had made better choices, the future would be better. This idea comes from a linear perception of time. Maybe if we could perceive time as nonlinear, although we have the power, yet we would not chose a different future. Here are a few clues to help you go back and rethink the movie. In her vision, Louise said to her daughter Hannah "its my fault. It has to do with a rare desease". Hannah had just told her that her father says "she made the wrong choice." At the end of the movie, Louise recounts the events and says she chose to go forward and experience it all even though she knew the outcome. Louise wanted to have and meet Hannah. Another clue is when Luoise said to Ian, "I now know why my husband left me." So you see, she could have chosen a different future, but she did not. Since after learning the new language, Louise sees time as non- linear, and her choice is made on a different level of consciousness than us. Ian however like us, did not understand this. To him, the right choice for Louise should have been not to have the baby with him. So, it leaves us wondering, if you could see your whole life, would you change it? Sounds familiar? It does. Because that's what Louise asked Ian. Last point, do not pretend you know how to see time as nonlinear. To us, time is linear because that is how we see the past. AND so, that is why we have SCIENCE FICTION. Now it's up to you to figure out the part about the Chinese general and what Louise said to him.

@CanitoCoolPR - 07.09.2023 20:33

In this movie, the scientist (Aimie Adams) predicted the COVID-19 while talking with her daughter HannaH. Hear the conversation about why dad left them at the end.

@dragonsrule2505 - 07.09.2023 08:11

Rip Abbott

@shadowmonkeyking5278 - 06.09.2023 09:24

I do wonder though what the other 11 other abilities were if she was the only one to successfully obtain memory powers and I believe this was because she got the closest to understanding them and I find it hard to believe Abbott died just like that as the ships when they turned sideways were physically destroying earth matter that got in the way, rip abbott, for the sequel I could see them finding out about the other 11 super abilities and then as a result one of them is a loose cannon resulting in the trouble 3000 years later - i hope they make a second one because this movie was absolutely beautiful and I hope this happens to us one day

@Queeeeeesh - 05.09.2023 22:42

I feel this is exactly how it would actually play out. The world gets stressed and isn’t quick enough to communicate and jumps to conclusions thinking the aliens just won’t smoke, Mybe they’ll try in a few more thousand years when we’ll be able to understand, but definitely makes sence that the aliens would have a whole out of this world different form of communication that we could possibly not fathom causing them to just split like y’all dumb asf still😂😂

@Queeeeeesh - 05.09.2023 22:35

I just finished watching this and I knew there was going to be explanation vids😂😂

@richardtravick5794 - 05.09.2023 07:17

Huge waste of Fking time. Not one thing has anything to do with the other. Why come to the Earth in the 1st place? But hey let's give them ink circles to study!! Whilst reminiscing on a child with a disease who died. Damn they could've done Soo much more with this.

@Peaches_H_Nyce - 05.09.2023 03:26

Your moment has finally come!

@a.bizzle9699 - 04.09.2023 23:21

You’d think Christopher Nolan wrote this movie

@franciscoburgos787 - 04.09.2023 21:48

I hate it when I need a tutorial to understand a movie. 🤦🏻‍♂️ so it really took 12 alien space ships just to talk to this one woman? I feel like that pet never got explained.

@yamahakid450f - 04.09.2023 08:55

Completely off topic.... but I watched one 5 minute clip of the Joe Rogan podcast arguing about plan B and abortion rights, now all my ads are nothing but Plan-B pills....

I've never typed it in or anything, how can that possibly be because of Cookies?! Idk if my microphone heard those key words or something, kinda weird.

However, i am flattered that as a male they think I need a script of Plan-B, like I'm bringing home a new woman everyday of the month...but then also disrespected, they think I'm going in raw every time with no f*ucks given...Well, one was given, obviously, that's why Plan-B is needed.

@f4ephilosophy691 - 04.09.2023 04:44

My biggest take away from this movie was "If you know the outcome of an event, would you change it?" and more to that idea "If you knew your child would die of cancer would you choose to never have them". I lost my dad to cancer and I think about this sometimes and the anguish parents must face when their young child passes away and if given the choice and knowing the outcome how many would still choose to have a child.

@ricardorenteria4146 - 04.09.2023 01:23

The Ring

@Ed33234 - 03.09.2023 10:28

In the sequel, the aliens come back after 3,000 years and are shocked to find that not only did humans forget their language but every human is obese and all they do is make lame TikTok videos and are thus useless in helping them.

@Mr.J281 - 02.09.2023 17:19

I just finished watching this movie and your explanation cleared up ALOT. Thanks

@TheSmokeweeda - 02.09.2023 16:34

“Naw, that’s a white baby” 🤣

@mad7fisher - 02.09.2023 06:20

The craziest part is that the aliens think we'll still be here in 3,000 years. We have to make a lot of changes, like now, in order for that to actually be conceivable.

@akshaykansara5369 - 26.08.2023 03:15

What I observed from this movie is no matter how big and smart we think we are, there will always be species who are much more advanced in every other aspect. Their communication, their understanding and their ability proved that what we know and what we have discovered yet is inconsequential. It only gave us a hint or a gist of what these obscure entity can be capable of. What a movie!

@melisagalli3693 - 22.08.2023 19:52

Mmm it isnt time travelling. You didnt understood de movie

@chhavimanichoubey9437 - 22.08.2023 10:23

Dennis is in my top 3 list of directors now.
