Thank you for the bright emotions! Your videos are always so inspiring! 🔥😛
ОтветитьWhen is ppv?
ОтветитьIdc I wanna see an Angelico push lol
ОтветитьNobody can't Match @KingRicochet Style, Energy, & Stamina His LUCHA LIBRE HIGH-FLYING, NO Male HIGH-FLYERS in ROH has the Chance to Reach Ricochet's Full Potential when It Comes to LL.& Oh yea Blake Christian Wil Meet Ricochet in the Ring.
ОтветитьROH is do fucking good! But they really need to upload more matches
ОтветитьTime for shun skywalker of dragongate to deal with Blake Christian in ROH honorclub since ROH has history with dragongate last year and challenge for the ROH world championship with the z brats faction watching his back and enter the NJPW G1 climax 35 tournament in Japan for NJPW title match of his choice
ОтветитьReally good matches tonight
ОтветитьLady Frost is so so so so so so so under rated, but as always that's just my opinion
ОтветитьDoes Angelico not age? Ever?
ОтветитьROH was excellent I hope we see more of the Von Eric
ОтветитьThank You ROH