My Favourite Pickups For High Gain - EMG Het Set

My Favourite Pickups For High Gain - EMG Het Set

Jake Leigh Guitar

1 год назад

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@jcoulter43 - 16.03.2023 17:57

Jake, love your content. If you see Mike (CGS) please give him my best. I totally agree with you about the traditional EMG 81/85 set. I have one LP with them in it and I love them. Never thought I'd say that as I have a gajillion different high end passive pickups and vintage pickups in my collection, but there's something about the 81/85 that I just love. I also agree with you about the look of the black plastic covers on most older EMG pickups. The new look metal covers with pole pieces look very nice. Keep up the good work. God bless and rock on!🎸

@darkknight12348 - 15.04.2023 06:04

Really good video man

@8Junio76 - 05.10.2023 08:36

No, they are not.

@honigdachs. - 10.10.2023 00:35

I absolutely love the Het Set. Incredible pickups. They're voiced in a way that's magic to me, it's exactly how I want high gain pickups to feel and sound. Hetfield really has it dialed in. I like several EMGs - for example the 57/66 set or the RetroActive Super 77 - and I've owned and played nearly everything of lasting relevance when it comes to "metal" pickups, but the Hets atr in league of their own.

@kiillabytez - 22.12.2023 23:25

$200 for pickups? Out of your mind.
You should never pay more than $100 for pickups. Nobody cares what kind of pickups you have besides you. Even moreso, nobody can HEAR the $200-$300 upgrade you just wasted your money on.

@tianlee3487 - 22.01.2024 01:01

I got rid of my het set and put 81/60 back in. The het set was just too high output to the point that they sounded muddy. Too much across too many frequencies. The 81s are thinner sounding but at least their character comes through more.

@deweyoogwey - 14.03.2024 09:46

Chasing after these het set next. I’ve got the 81/60 combo, the 81x in my one pickup guitar and the super 77 retro actives pups. Can’t wait to really give a good tight chugging
