Why Does Russia Own This Old Piece of Germany?

Why Does Russia Own This Old Piece of Germany?


2 года назад

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@maksimfedorov2632 - 18.12.2023 18:51

South America not less Russia: 17.8 mKm2
Russia: 17.1

You not check why polar parts of the map is more big than in reality

@user-ej4df7cf4h - 16.12.2023 23:27

Crimea is part of Ukraine,so your map is wrong

@bigglilwayne7050 - 16.12.2023 04:34

You're a big NATO fan I see, smh....

@weirdsocialexperiments - 15.12.2023 11:48

i drowning in water

@lillgeezy - 14.12.2023 13:51

Why did you include Crimea as a part of Russia?

@15halerobert - 14.12.2023 06:41

Let’s see before you mention it. Russian gets a warm water port and a huge military base. It also gets to keep an eye on the Baltic’s plus like poking a finger in someones eye they get to be a thorn in the side of their much unloved neighbor Poland

@LeviGabriel-mb9ot - 10.12.2023 00:32

Why ?
Because he stole it!

@user-dh8rt2bc9l - 02.12.2023 22:42

it's not Germany ))) it's Prussia . You are fake historian )))

@alexkei4009 - 02.12.2023 16:31

Crimea is not a part of rusia!

@gxsgjjggjdsd367 - 30.11.2023 18:24

Becouse hi can

@ricardomacarico818 - 30.11.2023 16:41

Crimea isnt Russia!
And soon or later, even Russia will not be like that too.
Siberia will be Siberia!!

@apj8101 - 30.11.2023 14:27

You omitted atrocities ussr did in east Prussia. Solzhenitsyn wrote about it in his letters and was sentenced to gulag for that

@mircea2163 - 30.11.2023 14:14

Thatcher was simply a bad politician!

@sissitop1505 - 26.11.2023 23:04

I`m sorry to describe a few aspects - one aspect is e.g. the nazi-government didn`t allow the citizens of East Prussia to flew until the soviets started their offensive - it was much to late for the citizens - furthermore the allies installed an administration after the so called 2nd WW in the eastern part of Germany which was called German Roce (also in the former parts of east prussia). There are further misleading parts in this short film - the dominate historiography is the historiography of the rulers - greetings

@srad892 - 25.11.2023 13:10

‹wales independence

@nabiho93 - 23.11.2023 21:03

u'll never hear germans wanting to conquer that area. Russians on the other side.... think they can do that anywhere theres russians

@user-kq7mb2ce8r - 21.11.2023 18:44

I thought it was proven it belongs to belarus not Russia

@TIM_NILVY - 18.11.2023 11:59

You absolutely did not mention that many beautiful modern European Russian buildings were built in Kaliningrad a long time ago, matching the style of the old historical ones. You tell only what is beneficial to you

@HistoryandTutorials - 17.11.2023 19:56

While talking about Kaliningrad, show an old drawing of Riga. Seriously? Did you even take a look at what you pasted there? Or was it just: ah, looks oldy enough, let's stuff time with this. It's even written there twice!

@frankfurterengel - 15.11.2023 12:46

Königsberg mit Ostpreußen wird nur von Rußland verwaltet. Es gehört immer noch zu Preußen 🖤🤍🖤 bzw. zum Deutschen Reich. 🖤🤍❤️

@DonHavjuan - 12.11.2023 00:24

Germany/Poland/Lithuania should definitely take that land back, asap. Königsberg forever.

@user-oy6zi4fb5k - 07.11.2023 20:59

случись только один выпад в сторону Калиниграда и прибалтика ствновится Россией, запомните этот твит

@SoundGood - 06.11.2023 20:37

Prussia is a russian colony. Many countries capture colonies. For example Germany colony was Togo (in Africa)

@Symboliic - 04.11.2023 20:08

The historical Mistreatment of the German people does NOT go unnoticed. This will change one day.

@user-zi3li3np4o - 04.11.2023 19:10

Why does the West always think that someone has captured someone??? the fact that peoples voluntarily wanted to join is not even considered, maybe because it was Western countries that captured and enslaved other peoples for centuries? made colonies and plundered resources? so other options are simply not considered...

@user-hp3tu7pk8f - 04.11.2023 14:50

Хотели сохранить город, нех@р было нападать на ссср. Даже если бы хотели сохранить (исторический) вид города было 2 проблемы:
1) город был разбомблен Великобританией, по большей части либо ничего уже не осталось или было разрушено до степени когда уже ничего восстановить нельзя было.
2) деньги, просто деньги, серьезно это не кто не учитывает? Бл@ страна умирала, людям жить было не где, естественно что строили не "исторически красивый город" А обычный русский город. Тем более что потом пытались придать ему более менее прусский вид, хотя немцы были депортированы из калининграда уже давно.

@RonaldoGoat690 - 02.11.2023 16:42

Woah lol i live in latvia

@Deen_Cube - 01.11.2023 09:43

I'm living in Kaliningrad Oblast. Questions?

@kyrylomartyniuk2655 - 30.10.2023 22:05

Crimea? Seriously?

@caseyczarnomski8054 - 30.10.2023 09:29

Oh by the way, the Kaliningrad Oblast wasn't surrounded by the EU when it was created at the time the USSR fell... When the Soviet Union dissolved it was agreed in the treaty, the EU would not move 1 inch closer towards Russia. How did that turn out for Ukraine?

@caseyczarnomski8054 - 30.10.2023 09:26

Title is incorrect. This area was under Druid control until Poland asked the Teutonic Knights, recently expelled from the Ukraine area, to kill the Druids or convert them. Once they had done away with the Druids, they claimed it was theirs and challenged Poland. Germany had only recently gained control. Kind of like a shoplifter claiming they had the item the whole time and getting away with it.

@AliceRedFox96 - 28.10.2023 14:41

I don’t understand why such photos should be used when comparing German Koenigsberg and Russian Kaliningrad.
These photos were taken ~ in the 90s - an extremely difficult and poor time.

Why not show how the city and places from photographs look now?
The city was restored for many years and even preserved German architecture in many places

@user-or2dt8de3l - 27.10.2023 22:40

Its a piece of Russia

@rattyratstuff7125 - 27.10.2023 19:03

ahhh margret thatcher. one of the worst things to happen to humanity in living memory.

@user-mz1tg8qq7k - 27.10.2023 13:56

Interesting! But the real question is why does Germany own old pieces of slavic lands like Pomerania.. )

@TheRytisram - 27.10.2023 10:09

In victorian times...kaliningrad was prussia which is half german half polish and half lithuanian ppls been living...soviet union changed it

@dennistimwilli1478 - 27.10.2023 03:35

I’m from Kaliningrad and nobody care about it. Because all design comes from us.

@ZhengleXu - 26.10.2023 17:29

When I was a kid, I don’t think Kaliningrad belongs to Russia, I think it is one of the smallest countries in eastern Europe. But after I didn’t found a bold name of country on that land, then I found it belongs to Russia.

@damirkolar5197 - 26.10.2023 08:37

There is an error in your map. Crimea peninsula is not Russian, it is Ukrainian.

@klimmorozov7433 - 25.10.2023 15:07

Well , Kaliningrad was Prussian in the past , now it’s Russian, not a big difference , one letter only

@mermilena - 23.10.2023 16:39

I used to live there. Just keep your hands off.

@thunder5827 - 22.10.2023 17:02

Crimea is Ukraine

@milanbras7176 - 22.10.2023 13:25

since when is Crimea Russian territory

@adinichifor5871 - 20.10.2023 19:58

Why is Hawai american ?

@hazenmachia5503 - 19.10.2023 17:59

Nerdy mfs before you said as the crow flies: '🤓☝️"Actualllllly"'

@heldstop5442 - 18.10.2023 16:55

I'm Russian and when I heard that average wage in Russia is 1500$ a month I was like, excuse me? I would go back if that was true. The real average is exactly like in Kaliningrad which is around 400$ a month.

@alphaprime775h7 - 15.10.2023 17:13

Fun fact Russia and Pluto have roughly the same surface area

@jankatkaromka - 13.10.2023 14:21

I live in Kaliningrad.
People here are getting more or less the same payment as in "big" Russia, and it is more than 400$\month. And there is no such thing as an average 1500$/month in other parts of Russia, maybe except for the Moscow.
But don't mistake that for the level of life. Lot's of things are chipper in Russia.

And it's interesting how you spent half of time of this video to explore war aspects. When Russia doesn't threaten NATO countries.

And nobody was trying to give Kaliningrad away in 90s.
