Tui Na massage for sleeping disorders in children

Tui Na massage for sleeping disorders in children

Tui Na Centre, London

5 лет назад

454,942 Просмотров

Tui Na and sleep:
Tui Na as a major part of Traditional Chinese medicine has been shown that can effectively treat sleeping disorders in a reasonable short period of time. It is very advisable for parents to keep a sleep diary, as it is a helpful tool for any professional who will treat the child. In Traditional Chinese medicine for example the timing of a broken sleep, is usually associated with an individual organ in the body. Peak time of Gall Bladder and Liver meridians are between 11 pm to 3 am (Gall bladder 11pm – 1 am, Liver 1 am – 3 am) and if the child often wakes up just before 1 am a lot of emphasises will be placed in treating Gall bladder meridian with manipulation that it performed with high frequency and heavier pressure in order to reduce the excess. High frequency manipulations, since they are done with a greater strength, normally penetrate deeper in the tissue and the organs and they help to promote the functions of the organ by clearing the toxins and promoting well being and relaxation. It is also very important to note that Gall Bladder meridian starts in the head and has many acupressure points along the head, ears and neck region and finishes in feet. It is no wonder that parents report that even simplest head and foot massage usually improves children sleeping patterns.


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