‘The razor's edge of autocracy’: Andrew Weissmann on pending decision in Trump Immunity case

‘The razor's edge of autocracy’: Andrew Weissmann on pending decision in Trump Immunity case


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@donnasmith3520 - 22.06.2024 08:52

You can actually see it on the faces of the corrupt judges. The evil that would happily destroy the U.S. and its citizens just so they can capitalize.

@stacyhackney6100 - 22.06.2024 08:43

Mr. Weissmann is right about the Supreme Court.

I believe millions of voters are illegally entrapped by the Russian Mafia who use compromised law enforcement as proxies to entrap them, but millions of voters are not. Based on recent polls the election is neck & neck which only makes sense if you understand the Russian Mafia has it's finger on the scale by manipulating our systems and our people, in order to put our outstanding President in as bad a light as possible. In a nutshell, we're being covertly swarmed by the Russian Mafia, have been experiencing a covert coup by the KGB & later the Russian Mafia since the 1950s/1960s. I wrote a book about it called Genocide Against Americans, which ebook the Russian Mafia hacked before Ingram Spark had even distributed it. Its possible, although I dont know for sure, the print copies haven't been hacked.

High inflation, high groceries, high rent, high car costs, high insurance, the Israel-Hamas War with the Russian Mafia deploying individual protesters to blame President Biden for a war the Russian Mafia started, the high number of border crossing, & other covert attacks in ordinary people's lives to make people feel miserable, all this, & worse, are orchestrated against us by the Russian Mafia.

The Russian Mafia deploys influencers to blame President Biden. We've got to wake up & smell the coffee or modern Americans will be experiencing our first and only Holocaust, with the Russian Mafia beginning slaughtering us in less than two years, the beginning of mass genocide.

We must frame this experience, a proKremlin president, as a coup against us by the Russian Mafia. That's what we're experiencing. Ordinary people must be told in a way they understand and believe.

@kingkongchief1177 - 22.06.2024 07:02

SCOTUS is just a bunch of MAGA supporters holding gavels and wearing robes.

@jpr1370 - 22.06.2024 06:13

‘The razor's edge of autocracy’: Which is why I am amazed the US Political media pretends trump is normal. There is real and pervasive corruption there. trump is abnormal. Which is why I am always amazed trump still takes air on planet earth. Every time a dictator takes power on earth - the existing authority is asleep at the wheel and permits it. Is Joe Biden asleep at the wheel to permit a dictatorial take over of the USA?

@wendywilson1537 - 22.06.2024 02:49

Nichole Wallace is a total partisan hack. She is in the pocket of the Democrats.

@wendywilson1537 - 22.06.2024 02:46

Andrew Weissman is a joke eho should not have the place of importance that MSNBC gives him. He should have no say whatsoever.

@wendywilson1537 - 22.06.2024 02:43

Andrew Weissman is a total disgrace. He lost all validity when he served on the Mueller Investigation even though he knew it was a scam.

@robinleebraun7739 - 22.06.2024 02:41

Biden needs to expand the Court NOW.

@robinleebraun7739 - 22.06.2024 02:40

By putting this immunity decision off, the Supreme Court is effectively crowning Donald Trump King.

@deborahboggs6040 - 22.06.2024 02:18

Nothing surprising with them [supreme court decision]-Founding fathers [im sure] would be SHOCKED!!!!!!

@ronaldreagan-ik6hz - 22.06.2024 02:13

MSNBC is such biased trash. this case will absolutely be overturned on appeal.

@mkwy8782 - 22.06.2024 00:33

That the SC could not/would not rule on this matter in about 2 seconds says all that needs to be said.

@alastairramsay2735 - 21.06.2024 23:11

Its the supreme courts arrogance that should make every American protest.

@user-lb3tb4jw4u - 21.06.2024 22:25

I'm concerned that Biden is gonna draft our kids into his foreign wars! ☠️😬 scary

@loue-black - 21.06.2024 21:19

Trump better be careful what the Supreme Court decides on his case for 'Immunity', as the current President may then have the ability to eliminate him without prosecution if it is granted... Immunity for Crimes? Never, for anyone...Accountability for Crimes? Always, for everyone...

@wallacysmith6894 - 21.06.2024 20:55

To anyone reading this, I’m asking for your prayers and positive thoughts for my healing journey. Thank you.

@johnmiranda2307 - 21.06.2024 20:51

Psst The CIA is managing this far-right coup.

Same old. Same old.

@archiemitchell8426 - 21.06.2024 20:23

America, your Supreme Court, the SUPPOSED DEFENDER of your Constitution is now an arm of the REPUBLICAN PARTY. 😢😢😢😢🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

@RumpoleoftheBailey - 21.06.2024 20:20

SCOTUS are corrupt. Does anyone really believe in the merits of Trump's ridiculous claims of presidential immunity. Insurrection isn't within the outer perimeters of presidential duties.

@homoblogicus7899 - 21.06.2024 20:06

Trump threatening violence makes elections niether free nor fair.

@wolfsas001 - 21.06.2024 19:33

"Leftists accept that while in secret they blame the cognitively challenged Joe for their dilemmas, deep-down they know that "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves"—that is, in their own failed revolution that has utterly repulsed Americans and nearly destroyed the country!
Victor Davis Hanson

@onlyme972 - 21.06.2024 19:05

They are betting on Trump winning in November and if he loses they will aid the GOP Magas to overthrow the result.

@junebixby7041 - 21.06.2024 18:22

If we get through this election with Democracy, "still breathing". The Supreme Court lifetime appointed, must be changed.

@MySpace662 - 21.06.2024 17:47

Is that hard for the Supreme Court to come to a decision;
if a president has immunity from prosecution.

@derekking2662 - 21.06.2024 17:40

The system of making every justices on the Supreme Court issue a written opinion on every case is flawed because a biased or corrupt justice can withhold his opinion as long as possible to help the benefactor

@Haya4u - 21.06.2024 17:36

LISTEN CLOSELY THE TRUMP TRAIN REVENGE TOUR IS COMING NOV 5 so this Haya and all the actors and judges and families will get payback even media and small media … SO SLEEP WELL YOU HAVE 130 days before the election after that GOOD LUCK

@user-xu5rs8pb8v - 21.06.2024 17:10

Get ready, Trump's Supreme Court will give the Creep immunity! HELLO, we see what he's doing! No one can stop him!!

@kateuhler7803 - 21.06.2024 17:01

If they give immunity (it would show even further their slavish deluded dedication to a fascist cult) it would give Biden the right to do WHATEVER HE WANTS. Hope they realize that before they give their "opinions" (do their cult leader's bidding)

@jaredarndts6123 - 21.06.2024 16:55

Going after Trump isn't working for them, so now they're going after the Supreme Court Justices. So sad 😞.

@Paul-lm5gv - 21.06.2024 16:22

This guy Weissmann is one of the most morally corrupt lawyers in Washington! He was guilty of major misconduct in the Enron case for intimidating witnesses! Even more egregious - Weissmann’s pit bull 'win at all costs' tactics unfairly sent four Merrill Lynch executives to prison! Their convictions were later overturned by a federal appellate court! Weissmann also destroyed the former accounting firm of Arthur Andersen by pursuing a phony criminal case. The Supreme Court eventually overturned it UNANIMOUSLY, but not before thousands of employees had lost their jobs!

@patcomerford5596 - 21.06.2024 16:06

I do not trust SCOTUS to safeguard Democracy, to defend the Republic and protect Americans.

@elizabethmartin3389 - 21.06.2024 15:55

Alito and Thomas MUST recuse themselves- NOW.

@ronishigh - 21.06.2024 15:49

The United States Supreme Court is a JOKE!

@Daniel4646 - 21.06.2024 15:48

The US Supreme Court has become the Donald Trump Kangaroo Kourt.

@Lawrence_writer - 21.06.2024 15:28

Good stuff.

@santosh23 - 21.06.2024 15:11

HE IS NOT IMMUNE. It doesn’t take a law degree to know that 😂

@Rock12196 - 21.06.2024 14:40

Hello boys and girls, instead of arguing about Mr. Trump and Mr Biden, we need to pray that WORLD WAR 3 will not start soon!!! Thank You all!!! 🙏🙏🙏

@srah2205 - 21.06.2024 14:15

In my opinion Trump got through Putin and his minions incriminating materials from all those sycophants & enablersp like speaker Johnson, McCarthy, McConnel, Gym Jordan, Josh Hawley, MTG, Boebert, Ted Cruz and many many more other people from GOP and Repubs and from the Supreme Court and thus has them in his hands and can blackmail them if necessary.
On the other side, Trump is Putin's longterm project to harm, influence US politics and poisend the opinions from americans especially republicans through Putins propaganda.
End it worked and still does.

And then you got those people like Leonhard Leo, Clarence Thomas, Koch Brothers-network and other conservatives need Trump for Project 2025 with a Biden administration that plan not gonna fly, thats plain & simple.
The supreme court is conpromised, that's obvious.
The fact that judge Clarence Thomas didn't recuse his self despite his wife Ginny who was a part of the insurection circle is very telling.

That's why the supreme court will slow the process down and then when Donald J Trump is reelected he could pardon him self to avoid prison time.
I think that there are hidden forces who pull the strings to start this very vicious, evil, ruthless, Handmaid's Tale-style Project 2025.

Please USA vote blue 💙

@JimmiAlli - 21.06.2024 13:58

If the justices give presidents total immunity, then maybe Biden should lock them all up or worse.

@JimmiAlli - 21.06.2024 13:55

Doesn’t the SCOTUS answer to anyone? Are they not accountable?

@srah2205 - 21.06.2024 13:54

Please USA choose blue, choose democracy, choose a president with honorable and honest intentions, a discent, intelligent & good educated, open minded and quick-witted man like Joe Biden. A president with empathy, who has the strength and the stamina. Elect a true statesman like Joe Biden, he is up to the task, he has the experience and the knowledge.
With Joe Biden as president, the USA will be perfectly represented, Joe Biden represents good values, has high moral standards, he is a pro in foreign affairs, he can negotiate and connect.

Please please please USA spare us from a second Trump presidency. Trump would shake up and permanently destroy the current world order, he would leave NATO, annoy your allies and even abandon them in an emergency. With Donald J. Trump as president, the USA is embarrassing itself in front of the whole world.

Vote blue 💙 💙


@MartijnHover - 21.06.2024 13:46

Well, if the Supreme Court decides with Trump on presidential immunity, a small consolation is that Biden could have Trump assassinated with impunity... 😀

@DeeLynn - 21.06.2024 13:37


@minitanksandchairs - 21.06.2024 12:30

Its fine if they give presidents immunity, Biden is in charge, not Trump

@evolutionistheflyingspaghe2702 - 21.06.2024 12:27

All Democrat DA’s, judges, politicians, and “journalists” that have colluded with the justice system against their chief political opponent should stand trial for treason!

@willjessncarson - 21.06.2024 11:57

All you 🍕💩 mofos getting glee from Trump having to go through this??? Have that same energy when roles are reversed, and the real crooks are on paper n will be held accountable

@willjessncarson - 21.06.2024 11:55

Dems and their talking heads are pure unAmerican 🍕💩... Trump 2024 n prison for all of these 🍕💩 cheering to send Trump to jail... They deserve what they are trying to do to our future president

@johnrichardson46 - 21.06.2024 11:45

Supreme Court not fit for purpose delay delay delay. Judge Aileen Cannon delay delay delay.
Trumps people are working to get him back in office to be a dictator for political favours and wealth.
Trump and his thugs will destroy America Trumps Putin's puppet.
Russians eletronic cyber war.

@miriammack6419 - 21.06.2024 11:27

One wonders if immunity is allowed, have they not considered it would apply to Biden ?- not that he'd use it - could he use it against the Orange guy with full immunity to quash his corrupt agendas and vicious factless slanderous potshots on his trip to jail?

@johnely5050 - 21.06.2024 11:25

America is just like a 3rd world country. Corruption at all levels of society.
