Why I Quit Caffeine (& what happened after 9 months of ZERO caffeine)

Why I Quit Caffeine (& what happened after 9 months of ZERO caffeine)

Vince Del Monte

5 месяцев назад

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@michaelswonderfulworld - 15.07.2024 02:09

Some people confuse coffee with caffeine. Coffee itself is plant based and some people can be allergic to the bean also.

@tigerwise23 - 09.07.2024 06:07

The other issue is that everyone thinks all caffeine is the same. Most are ingesting synthetic caffeine which is the worst and the most addictive in my opinion.

@Monika.Joanna - 08.07.2024 21:46

I quit coffee one month ago. First day i had no symptoms. But second day ... omg ... 🫣 i had the worst headache everrrr. Third day was better with on and off headaches. But after a week headaches finally gone for good. But i can tell you ... sleeping is sooo better. I always had a good sleep. And a lot of people say this. But if you stop drinking coffee your sleep will improve even more :) When i wake up i feel sooo amazing like my brain had complete reset, cleaning, and reboost energy. Before i quit coffee i realised one day that desire for drinking coffee is only in my head and i don't really need it. I switch to cichory root with a little milk. It looks like coffee and i made my mind thinking that this is my coffee ;) . And it works. You need just a few weeks to get used to the new taste. Every morning i enjoy a cup of hot cichory drink and it give me almost the same pleasure like drinking coffee :)

@Mowglibaloo2 - 03.07.2024 16:53

Went through appendix surgery so had to limit my diet. Since I had already gone 5 days without caffeine, I thought why not continue. The headaches are real and still occurring. Coming from drinking 3-4 cups of coffee every day for almost 20 years, I feel like I will finally get to experience what it is like to be my true self. Thank you for creating this video.

@dannyrwagamba - 03.07.2024 00:04

Spot on

@Ryan-xq4nn - 29.06.2024 15:55

Love that you included the list that your daughter has to read her Bible. When we put God in the center of our lives things are in order!

@Michel-gb7gl - 26.06.2024 11:26

Didnt know how addicted I was until I tried to quit. Im only 2 weeks in and my sleep is all over the place but getting better. Im not as tired as I was. Hope it doesn't take 6 months to fully recover.

@abableeah3070 - 26.06.2024 04:40

Bean juice!

@MeeraRaju1111 - 19.06.2024 21:49

Thank you for shedding light on this. This was an amazing video.
Many women don't realize that caffeine also has adverse effects when you have PMDD or endometriosis. It exacerbates those symptoms,especially with pmdd, where your mood can get out of control. Once I quit caffeine, my whole world changed. It was as if a veil had been lifted from my eyes as well as my mind.
I often wonder if the labs who perform these positive studies on caffeine are actually paid by those who have big money in caffeine and coffee.

@jokedevries - 18.06.2024 16:00

About a month ago I went to a manual therapist for some muscle work and I found out I am never relaxed at all. Always tense. But after that I had some stomach troubles and had to change my diet. No more coffee too. And guess what? Now I know why I was never relaxed. 🎉

@eagleschic4926 - 16.06.2024 17:06

Thank you for this.🙏🏾

@goldeagle6391 - 15.06.2024 09:42

I did 2 months of No Caffeine, but I found out that it is not enough. Like you said you need go for like 6 months until 1 year to see really the benefits.

@jokedevries - 15.06.2024 06:43

Had to stop three weeks ago due to gastritis. New eating habits now and tried once a cupper but did not taste well 😮at all. So I continued and since a few days I feel far more at peace. Some sleeping problems wide awake at night. Hope that will solve. 😅. I consider not going back even though in the beginning i missed the routine. Take 1 cup chicory drink a day (0 cafeïne) The rest water. Thanks for your inspirational vid❤

@davidgallegos6925 - 15.06.2024 02:40

This whole country is jacked up on caffeine. Its the root of alot of physical and emotional issues.

@user-xq3sm2wy1p - 12.06.2024 02:43

If I don’t drink coffee I get a migraine like headache

@ibrahimmohamedmedia - 06.06.2024 04:08

Thank you very much for sharing this video, this is very wholesome

@robinsmith4958 - 05.06.2024 23:14

Day 1 for me…. I am so tired!!! 😴

@user-fo2ty3bt9m - 31.05.2024 17:02

❤ from Cyprus!!

@Blueskies445 - 29.05.2024 02:46

Disconnect, so true!! Naps!
I have so many issues from caffeine !
Day one- going cold turkey!
Great video.

@MsMelissa216 - 27.05.2024 06:39

I can get to 3 days then the migraine start… NOTHING will take it away NOT even pain meds like Vicodins or Percocet etc.. BUT as soon as I drink a cup of coffee it’s literally within 10 mins migraines GONE

@JohnL1950 - 26.05.2024 17:50

My goal this week is to follow you and other travelers off of caffeine. I realize after watching your video how caffeine plays such a demanding part of my life.

@davidevan4461 - 24.05.2024 07:38

Thank you for this video. I have been really struggling with quitting caffeine. I’ve been clean from alcohol for 4 years but I can’t kick caffeine, that says something. It’s really affecting my life at this point. I’ll pray to god that he gives me strength.

@ajayb2478 - 21.05.2024 19:59

5 days in quitting coffee the headache were horrendous! On the second day. I’m done with coffee need to live that clean life

@coachjpaulus - 19.05.2024 16:29

Amen on being substance free and connected mind body and soul... i've switched to decaf before 9am and sometimes a cup of Yerba Mate when studying 📚 - Praying for reconciliation with your wife 🙏🏼

@harveyking5038 - 19.05.2024 11:22

most people dont understand that when youre on a drug like caffeine youre not fully there in the moment. the way you experience and see your life is distorted, theres a caffeine filter on your vision and u miss the fine details of every moment. once you quit it feels like youve just sobered up from being drunk on caffeine. this guy couldve made more money off caffeine cause your mind is super clear and powerful. caffeine makes you weak.

@harveyking5038 - 19.05.2024 11:09

90% of the world is unhealthy and unsuccessful in life and guess what? 90% of the world drinks coffee, caffeine. people overlook simple patterns like this when theyre high all day on caffeine.

@chelletoste488 - 18.05.2024 05:08

On Day 5...and feeling better!! (Sleeping through the night and waking refreshed is an awesome change!) I am amazed that I am actually doing this! Oh...and my night-time anxiety has basically disappeared!!

@BIGB347 - 16.05.2024 22:32

i've done 12 attempts of coffee detox last 2 years. 4 in 2022, 4 in 2023, 2 this year. twice did 34-37 days and then drunk coffee again. experienced digestive issue from drinking it plain or with raw honey. trying to go 13th time and move on from it. i drink 1 gallon of water a day. last time detox'd from coffee last 18 days last month basically 5 weeks now since drinked coffee again. i really wanna go 3 months without it and go from there. feel like im confusing my body being off coffee and back on it. me doing cold turkey isnt a issue. my stomach cant handle coffee at all.

@t.j.5574 - 15.05.2024 18:01

I’m on week 3 right now. Still not feeling 100%. Especially with my weight training. That’s the hardest part for me, because caffeine is a huge performance enhancer in the gym. Is anyone having a much harder time weight training after cutting caffeine?

@i_am_thebatman - 15.05.2024 05:39

28 , M, I was addicted to coffee and started noticing wrinkles under my eyes of being sunken in because I was drinking so much and not getting any sleep and then on top of that I wasn’t getting enough water. It’s been 1 week of giving it up and moisturizing with castor oil and people who were telling me I looked old and tired are now telling me I look a lot younger .

@matthewsandia - 15.05.2024 04:54

Dude i could have sworn that you were andrew huberman. I didnt focus on your face in the thumbnail but you guys look kinda similar

@JUSTINTIME892 - 15.05.2024 00:48

How many milligrams were you averaging per day?

@wesleycarter6141 - 13.05.2024 17:05

Its really amazing to me how much caffeine has affected my personality. I csn relate to this video so much caffeine gave me anxiety and poor sleep i drank it all day and it impacted all my most personal relationships. I quit this yr still struggling through it all but far more patient with my family and stress free

@CogitoErgoSum2024 - 11.05.2024 01:52

17th year of zero caffeine. 32-49. Best decision ever.

@juliannabg5 - 09.05.2024 16:47

Just starting my journey to quitting caffeine. Had such terrible anxiety, bad sleep and IBS flareups. It's just the beginning but even the first day without coffee, my anxiety was WAY better. I even found out there's a support group for people trying to quit caffeine, it's like AA. I actually need help through this because the addiction is REAL. Thanks for the great video.

@joelpoitras6226 - 08.05.2024 16:45

I tried quitting before and after a week or 2 of headaches, tiredness and laziness, i did'nt feel any better so i went beck to coffee.
I plan to give it another try. I'm a habbit creature, so i think i'll try mixing portions of regular coffee & decaf. I think gradually reducing the coffee / decaf ratio until only decaf would be a better approach. Then lay off the decaf rill no more.

@DS-wb2we - 06.05.2024 03:26

Caffeine makes my hair thinner

@STYLLunderstood - 05.05.2024 23:11

grateful for this video. day two of weening, tomorrow i will be off. coffee has kept me in loops of anxiety and no productivity and even isolation. i’ve kept the illusion and lie going for 15+ years.

@elias.knotman - 05.05.2024 21:03

Using caffeine to be someone you’re not. I do that everyday at work. The days I don’t drink coffee I find my workplace a little absurd. That’s it though, all of us running about like good little elves. A colossal fiasco.

@tomm5516 - 05.05.2024 06:03

I just quit coffee. Day 1 has not been bad. But Withdrawals always start day 2-4 for me. Coffee has been giving me too much anxiety

@52msdiane - 03.05.2024 04:41

Great job! I just quit too! First few days very hard!! What do you use as a Pre-workout drink now???

@BeigeBrownClip-jd2pv - 30.04.2024 16:19

Best quitting caffeine video ! I’m a housewife and long term use of caffeine make me forget things and delay chores because of chronic tiredness. I quit caffeine / coffee early this April. Such clarity nowadays.

@tigerdaytona - 29.04.2024 23:47

Υou should quit also water and oxygen 😅

@Seelenkontakt - 29.04.2024 12:23

Thank you very much. Great video and very nice guy :) Always awesome to see people going their way :)

@_Eames - 27.04.2024 03:10

Hey Vince,
I did the same thing. 
For me, the first 4 weeks were torture (and people say this stuff is good for you?)...and then very slowly every other week got easier.
I no longer drink or eat anything with caffeine in it. Yep, no more chocolate.
Only difficulty giving up is the social aspect. EVERYONE I KNOW drinks coffee etc..
My go to drink at Cafe's is usually a peppermint tea or smoothy with protein powder.
At home, I am loving rooibos tea, love it!
Keep going with it, don't give up and don't listen to the little voice that will say "hey, you've been good, you can have just one cup...) Don't do it! You'll end up back where you started.... I've been there!
Regards from Australia.

@lori5946 - 26.04.2024 21:52

I am on day two. I tapered off on half and half or drank tea. I got a horrible virus and I said no more. I lost my sense of taste and smell but negative covid test. I feel weird but want slept deep last night.

@kd2533 - 25.04.2024 10:39

Was hospitalised with erosive gastrtis this week. Quit all caffeine immediately because my stomach can't handle it... and I love feeling calmer with good sleep off it!

@ricardopineda3815 - 21.04.2024 16:20

Cut caffeine about 7 weeks ago, holy fucking hell. Worst time of my life. Severe anxiety, panic attacks, hangover like mornings, headaches, foggy brain, horrible intrusive thoughts, no appetite, no sex drive, you could not control any thought. Withdrawals are real af. But around week 3-4, everything kinda went back to normal. Apparently caffeine fucks up your adenosine receptors and your adrenals. Shit gives a false flight or fight which is where the energy can emanate from. But now its clear head, calm, food gives me energy and its steady throughout the day unlike the roller coaster ride of coffee and all that. Sex drive stronger than ever, but the best thing is my sleep is soo much better. Anyway, just thought id share a lil story. Anyone going through it, it gets better you just need time. And whatever bs you’re thinking and feeling isnt you, its just imbalances due to your chemistry realigning back normal.

@talgara69 - 18.04.2024 09:29


@IntuitiveCoachTheresa - 15.04.2024 17:40

The book "Caffeine Blues" is a real eye opener. I quit because of sleep issues. It takes awhile to turn that around especially because that is ultimately connected to adrenaline overload and things other than caffeine cause that, but it definitely helps! Excess adrenaline and cortisol from caffeine, sugar and stress are the big issues for all health problems. Quitting caffeine, sugar and other foods that over stimulate the adrenals and blood sugar spikes, which also stimulate adrenaline release, is so important along with addressing unresolved emotional trauma, learning to regulate our emotional responses, etc. Also eating soluble fiber super important for helping excess hormones come out of our GI tract-soluble fiber is the only thing that binds the hormones that the liver secretes for disposal. If we aren't eating soluble fiber at regular intervals throughout the day, every day, those hormones will be recycled and are still physiologically active, which causes overload. The best sources of soluble fiber are legumes-beans, peas, lentils-and psyllium husk. Thanks for sharing this topic, really under acknowledged, especially in the U.S.! Blessings!
