The $500,000 Race To Road Snowboarding

The $500,000 Race To Road Snowboarding

Easy Riders

3 недели назад

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@Gottfried1983 - 03.06.2024 22:02

Does Otherboard have a link ??? I can't find anything on google...

@Leenvanmaurik - 02.06.2024 23:28

There was a indiegogo couple of years back for another e-freeboard startup but it never came to fruit.... rumor has it that on the esk8 forum there are people who make there own e-freeboards 🤫

@justalpha9138 - 02.06.2024 17:07

Although it was pricey, the money I spent for the Freebord 5x set up was well worth it, and I imagine riding it for years to come, even as improved versions arrive! I've just grown so used to and confident with it. 😊

@Master0wl - 02.06.2024 16:46

All we want is to snowboard the street! Again so good explanation about the history and differences between sbx and Freebord. I think your conclusion about all options, slim/wide center wheels, all edges wheels and different trucks is the future!

@MatschinHandstand - 02.06.2024 15:57

Nice one again Sir!
