Why didn't Communism Collapse in China as in other countries?

Why didn't Communism Collapse in China as in other countries?


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@ApplePotato - 29.11.2023 07:17

Most people often confused the end goals of Communism with what communist states are right now. What we have as communist states around the world, are in their transition phase. They have not yet reached the communist utopia of being a classless, stateless and moneyless society. Marx never left a concrete plan of how communism should be achieved. They major thing he did say is the people with money and power will not easily give it up, therefore the workers (oppressed) must rise up in a revolution. Another thing is the "Dictatorship of the Proletariats", which has always been realized in a form of a single party state.

@yomiseno - 27.11.2023 16:49

Communism is effective for them

@yomiseno - 27.11.2023 16:46

Yomi is shocked 😮

@yomiseno - 27.11.2023 16:45


@sateditz4863 - 27.11.2023 05:47

No such thing as true communism.

@simbad909 - 16.11.2023 08:16

Bc it's totalitarianism disguised as communism

@yondie491 - 13.11.2023 01:44

"Eastern Europe, Asia, and other nations"

You can't say "other nations" after listing zero nations.

@proletarianavangard5468 - 12.11.2023 22:17

And it's okay that socialism has market instruments, just as capitalism has socialist instruments.Yes, China has accepted foreign investments, but China does not renounce its ideas and ways.Capitalists think that there is private and state property, but in fact there is state and public property!!!!!!!!And yes, there is no communism in China because communism does not work in a single country and it is a non-monetary economy!!!!!!!!!

@aliwk4339 - 11.11.2023 10:35

Dude read Marx

@Mustang-wt1se - 10.11.2023 15:00

Never confuse economic prosperity/capitalism with democracy. All businesses are still under the control of the CCP and they can/have/will crush any company they feel is a threat to their power. The main threat to China is themselves as they will doing anything if they think it will preserve the party’s power

@user-md2ds2qh5i - 03.11.2023 05:18

Thank you for the unbiased and balanced explanation. It's rare to see Westerners explaining about China in this kind of fair approach these days.

@user-fq4gn3wm5n - 02.11.2023 11:50

r u sure that china is a communism country?As a chinese i never think china is a communism country😂

@hfar_in_the_sky - 28.10.2023 07:32

So in short, a) China was never a "full Communist" country to begin with. And b) it evolved. Got it

@willchu2601 - 23.10.2023 02:36

If China changed their name from People’s Republic of China back to Republic of China, there would most likely be more unity between them and Taiwan and there would be less and less tension between the two

@lazynow1 - 23.10.2023 01:50

Wow!, terrible video, just leaves out the entire civil war....and what happened....

@ImadudeenAugustSarvaHusayn - 22.10.2023 13:05

It is because China itself, even by looking at Chinese, I would wouldn't thinking once but more than once. It's like Yin-Yang.

@perporiap9364 - 14.10.2023 16:18

Interesting info about history. At the end of the day it doesnt matter what degree of capitalism etc is being present but what degree of freedom people have freedom of expression speach and travel and having private life. Not being monitored 24 7 at least so pronounced 🙄

@kanders7391 - 13.10.2023 23:08

It did end.. mostly, it sank into dictatorship under Mao, they just kept the CCP name. America propped the CCP up in the 1990s by giving China its industry, and enriching them in exchange for suppressing the rights of their labor and forced work in 20 hr sweatshop factories to the benefit of the new billionaires & their multinational corporations. The Chinese dictatorship would have fallen otherwise. China’s CCP abandoned the ideals of workers owning the means of production long ago just like Stalin. Individuals in government holding onto power for as long as possible by any means necessary was more important.

@user-ud4cg9oj6k - 12.10.2023 05:25

I am a Chinese student, I want to say I think Chinese communist party’s control over people’s thoughts and speech is really serious, we really want democracy and freedom of speech

@eastern_prosperity - 08.10.2023 08:15

I don't know, but I see that current PRC Political Dictatorship System is just like current Singaporean Political Dictatorship System. Very different and far away from Soviet Style Dictatorship System

I call it : "Dictatorship Meritocratic Capitalism", the Communist Party is just a mask, their (PRC) true face is Materialistic Capitalism

@abbasabbasi2474 - 04.10.2023 20:31

Because the Chinese are Not more Communist since Dead of Mao

@WaytoGo723 - 03.10.2023 19:49

No country has ever been communist. They were and are dictatorship. China’s richest do not share their wealth, same in Russia, North Korea.

@mnmlst1 - 02.10.2023 23:59

Why people keep saying China is communist. Just because they call them communist it doesn't mean they are. If people are extremely rich while others are extremely poor, there is no communism, it's just capitalism as its best.

@tweetlebugzz - 23.09.2023 06:17

It's because they aren't Christian.

@jasonquigley2633 - 22.09.2023 17:58

I think it's important to remember between the USSR and PRC is that the USSR became communist 30 years earlier than China. Furthermore, the USSR was running a full centrally planned economy for 60 or 70 years when they tried to liberalise the economy, so nobody knew how to work or manage such an economy. China, on the other hand, had only been running a centrally planned economy for 20 or so years when they decided to liberalise. This meant most Chinese remembered how to manage their own businesses and farms etc. This made it easier to transition.

Also, being a younger regime, institutional rot is less likely. In the 1980s, China was still in its first generation of leadership (Deng was a contemporary of Mao), whereas the USSR was in its 3rd generation of leadership. In autocratic regimes, the first generation is usually skilled (they were skilled enough to take power in the first place). Later generations tend to be corrupt and feckless. We can see this today in China, as the quality of leadership seems to be steadily declining (Xi also being a 3rd generation leader).

@dorjeedamdul5589 - 18.09.2023 04:08

because communism is an absolutely monster that has mastered the art of taking one's life.

@titosarmiento8333 - 14.09.2023 11:42

It still exist because it fooled the Americans in particular president Nixon.that it where it began its days were already numbered and china economy will collapse thanks to the liberal left of America they allowed Deng Xiaoping to deceive them later became a part of WTO and 20 thousand companies of both American and European, japanese invested in this country.

@morejoy5188 - 07.09.2023 07:46

China isn't still communist.
One could argue it never had been.
Certainly, dince Feng Xiaoping it hasn't been either Socialist or Communist.
One has to understand that the practice of ideology can be seen in the economy.
China has a Capitalist economy and an ultra National Fascist ideology.
Honestly, it's stupid documentaries like these that cause people to misunderstand Socialism.
This is very bad!
The UK needs Socialist policy like never before to bring the full benefits of their NHS back.
The NHS was built by Socialism and Socialist groups in 1947.
Keep watching programs like this and you too can accidentally support Fascist and Genocidal regimes,
You too can believe Socialism is evil without knowing what the F... It actually is!!!!😮

@joyceching6487 - 06.09.2023 15:09


China transformed from PURE COMMUNISM to DENGism.
(DENG for Deng Xiaoping).

@jameswang362 - 04.09.2023 04:38

Your pronunciation of Chinese names needs some work.

@sheilasmith9140 - 29.08.2023 15:10

The World has to ruin China's economy. Keep China where it belongs.

@smartguy360 - 28.08.2023 01:51

Easy because they killed everyone who wanted to overthrow them

@lightningstrike5024 - 22.08.2023 16:57

much love to the CCP, from australia ❤

@user-fv7qz5je3i - 19.08.2023 10:45

Taiwan is a part of China,please to cover the same color as mainland of China to Taiwan

@alexandreperez5170 - 18.08.2023 11:02

China is capitalist in microeconomics and communist in macroeconomics.

@datwunfool2503 - 12.08.2023 01:35

lol 0.7% poverty the videos dont lie, looks like they just changed what "poverty" means to them

@americanadreaming - 10.08.2023 19:36

What are you talking about? Communism did collapse, Cambridge University just released a study on this. Someone get dude a working definition, please.

@sjelucten7150 - 09.08.2023 15:27

Because they are only communists in the name. Read Karl Marx for better understanding of Communism, socialism, and capitalism. China is embracing communism/socialism/capitalism at the same time.

@BeelP. - 04.08.2023 12:39

Not only did communism did not end in China, by delivering prosperity to the Chinese people, the Communist Party of China got the impressively strong support of the vast majority of the Chinese people.

BTW, why do you insist on using the erroneous acronym CCP rather than the actual and formal name CPC. It erodes the objectivity of this video, in trying to present things in as factual a manner as possible.

@jakovskarica1585 - 04.08.2023 03:29

Because new Soviet leader Gorbachev didn't suppressed protests and democratic movement in Europe, in China that wasn't Tiananman square protests 1989. are brutally suppressed.

@Hakutara - 02.08.2023 14:39

Fun Fact: How to end China Communism?
Me: Eat Bing Chilling!

@PIANOPHUNGUY - 27.07.2023 01:54

Because communism works in China. Notice how the cheap labor (for a short time) is bringing the USA to its knees. Once US manufacturing knowledge is lost, the Chinese will raise the prices and USAans will have to pay a lot of money. For example US stops making gasoline cars and start making EVs . Well the lithium that is used is controlled by China and will make them rich. The richness will allow China to have a gigantic navy and army. Their air force has better air planes than the USA today. Many of the engineers at US defense plants are from China. Even a Chinese nuclear engineer at Los Alamos copied data there onto a removable hard drive that he took home and uploaded and sent back to "the motherland'. It may take close to 100 years, but they will bring the west to its knees.

@tyrankoos4917 - 23.07.2023 08:32

Socialism ended in China with Mao. the government just didn’t change the name because they didn’t wanna have another Civil War. I always laugh when people say China’s socialist or communist it was never communist and its Socialism ended in the early 80s. It’s just a silly when people say America is a democracy. Sorry kings it’s a capitalist oligarchy. Not all that different all that different. from what Russia and China are now.

@Abhishekkumar-up8zw - 19.07.2023 19:26

"Communism in China never really collapse because it technically does not fully exist".
It is actually a mixture of socialism and some sort of capitalism.

@lemonade_ib - 19.07.2023 15:54

China isn't a purely communist country, it's an authorization government with a mix of Communism and capitalism .

@chlimsimon - 18.07.2023 04:47

It is not the ideology that should be questioned. It is the implementation of policies that benefits the masses that determines its success. It is just like religions. No religious doctrine has evil intentions, but were exploited by man for selfish ends.

@dohminkonoha3200 - 15.07.2023 06:12

Chinese communism is led by technocrats not idealists.

@user-uh8fu3mb9l - 14.07.2023 13:02

It DID collapse decades ago. They just refused to rename it.
