How Often To Run | Structuring A Week Of Running Training

How Often To Run | Structuring A Week Of Running Training

Global Triathlon Network

4 года назад

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@gtn - 11.06.2020 14:43

How often do you run?

@justarandomguy6247 - 08.12.2023 17:50

Very experienced runners I need ya opinion pls, just started focusing on endurance cardio recently, I have been working out for long and have quite decent stamina since I previously used to do some running, 2 runs a day, 5km each total 10km a day, each run 30min (1 hour a day) 7x a week, I can recover in time so is this optimal?

@deadair801 - 06.05.2023 14:16

I feel like all my runs are recovery runs but I work everyday so I have to do everything every day or I just don't feel right

@murshizimahadzir8459 - 28.01.2023 04:46

I run 2 days A week and 3 days per-month

@murshizimahadzir8459 - 27.01.2023 19:08


@andreagrazianodibenedetto1464 - 10.11.2022 13:45

This video isn't really helpful. It's a lot of theoretical talking, but it doesn't have the desired clarity and structure to give a straight answer.

@jonatancotofunes105 - 25.10.2022 12:21

Hi! I was wondering if it would be better for me to plan for "base week, hard week and recovery week" or do as you say "one day of each type of activity per week". Thank you in advance :D

@xabz1n - 01.10.2022 10:21

Plz help me with a schedule I wanna run on weekends coz I have school

@Photoshop729 - 19.06.2022 08:38

I usually start with 10 mile runs three days in a row and then get injured and don’t run for another year.

@jackmccann2719 - 26.04.2022 20:01

Brilliant,really enjoyed this one 👌

@dulce8105 - 23.03.2022 09:42

What is a tempo run

@Flowey-THEflower - 12.02.2022 22:05

The link in description is more than the excuse I have for not to run

@sterproduction96 - 09.01.2022 17:29

Thanks for indonesia subtitle sir

@diegojote - 21.12.2021 13:21

Doing this currently:

Day Distance in K Tempo k/h
Mon 10/15 5.15 pace
Tue 6.5 70/80% zone
Wed rest
Thu 5 4.30 pace
Fri 6.5 70/80% zone
Sat 8 5.15 pace
Sun rest

@francis363 - 08.11.2021 16:24

Which Canary Islands is it? hahaha

@vnox5223 - 10.08.2021 14:37

What is enough for an easy run?

@eninfinite2176 - 01.08.2021 20:57

My ankles are freaking killing me i ran like 5 days in a row 😭

@wasiusulaiman8397 - 07.06.2021 21:44

I was skeptic about Agoge Diet because I thought that I would have to eat only broccoli to lose weight. I am eating only food I like and still losing weight.

@_.fb.edits._1965 - 20.05.2021 00:57

My routine!
Monday: 6 am I do a 3.4km run (2.1 miles)
Tuesday: 6 am I do a 3.4km run (2.1 miles)
Wednesday: 6 am I do a 3.4km run (2.1 miles)
Thursday: 6 am I do a 3.4km run (2.1 miles)
Friday: 6 am I do a 3.4km run (2.1 miles) 6pm I do training (~5km)
Saturday: Recover
Sunday: 9 am I do my 2km race (1.24 miles)

Total running for whole week: ~12 miles (~19km)

@tonykeepitclean5848 - 27.04.2021 23:30

Thanks very much for that. I’m and oldie and a newbie and that helped me a lot.

@lewisbulled6764 - 23.03.2021 23:27

This is roughly what I'm doing at the moment

Monday: Long run
Tuesday: Easy run (with strides at the end)
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: Speed/interval run
Friday: Recovery run
Saturday: Tempo/threshold run
Sunday: Rest

Currently around 50km per week but looking to push that up to 60km!

@mohamadel-chamaa6629 - 06.03.2021 05:48

You are beautiful ,, thanks for the tips tho

@JustDanielSon - 24.01.2021 11:01

great plan, starting Tuesday... I just use to long run for 1 hour 3 times per week and do calisthenics on days in between... just going to do the running and lose some weight... then incorporate weight training into this, and bulk back

@moslimislam5714 - 25.12.2020 18:24

tuesday, looking at thursday for short run on trackday friday resting monday lkncfoerhjxbdewjhfbdkerhjejwh

Just show the schedule

@peterbdavies - 14.10.2020 14:35

I have just started running with Couch to 5K. Run Monday, Wednesday and Friday and then couch (which I have mastered) at the weekend!

@AnshGupta-ic4pt - 07.10.2020 12:09

On which days should I cross train?

@vennymiltenova8547 - 30.08.2020 00:39

Amazing video! With the fall coming soon, could you make video how to run in rainy day? I just tried this and the humidity IS a factor that I underestimated 😟

@justalurkr - 24.08.2020 21:08

Running six days a week makes me wonder where the swimming and cycling go.

@jayashreedeka2638 - 31.07.2020 18:27

Hi...I am 55 and I do 5 day strength training and started doing 10km running & walking (70 mnts) for 3 days and cycling 2 days it advisable to do Strength training in morning and do running/walking/cycling in eve..(I take complete rest on Wednesday and Sunday no strength training...Pls help

@amaliejtwfreeride8945 - 25.07.2020 22:29


@rajan14061974 - 06.07.2020 19:25

My runs 60 k per week .. one long , one hill , one road ; one track & one slow road .. must accompanied with yoga session 😉

@iamgk91 - 05.07.2020 09:13

Videos like these requires some graphic points on screen when you talk about important points.. like they pop up at right thyme when you explain

@alwaysuseless - 29.06.2020 02:10

The thumbnail for this video was a chart for a week of running. But once you click on the link you discover that there are no charts. That's disappointing, if not bait-and-switch, because a chart for a typical week is surely the easiest way to grasp a proposed schedule and think about what modifications one might want to make. Certainly a chart is easier to grasp and think about adjusting than a long stream of words from a "talking head" with random videos of people running. Let me rephrase this more positively as a request: Show us some weekly charts and, pointing to the charts, discuss how the different schedules support different goals and/or runners at different levels. Thanks.

@justadudeintheworldman.120 - 28.06.2020 05:28

I’m just getting back into running so I’m building my base back up. I run on M,W,F & try to get to two miles but I’m not there yet. My goal is to consistently run 5k in sub 24min. I strength train on Tues & Thurs & take Sat/Sun off for rest/recovery.

@tcmaster5712 - 23.06.2020 00:06

It could help to summarize with some examples presented into tables. Easy to remember

@kaiserphoenix01 - 16.06.2020 13:29

Love this concept of a "recovery", Run.

@JeremyBenfield - 14.06.2020 21:38

Whenever my legs allow!

@jarrodfife242 - 14.06.2020 05:11

By constraining are we talking about cycling and swimming or like more CrossFit style circuits?

@gwenllianroberts5857 - 13.06.2020 11:33

Do you have a review video for the On shoes? Considering buying ones but not sure....(need some convincing haha)

@teratikkoanan7671 - 13.06.2020 05:09

How.often strength training​ shold We​ week? I​ prefer long run.on Saturday because I​ still.have​ a rest Day​ on​Sunday with​ family.

@wohololao - 13.06.2020 00:59

Hey guys! Any tips for running with masks? As for myself, I live in a highly populated area, so running without one is a no no (otherwise I might get some bad looks). It makes running way harder and it is kinda taking away the pleasure of running :/

@charlielawson580 - 13.06.2020 00:46

Cross training ???? As in cycling and swimming? Is this the GRN or the GTN?

@closmasmas9080 - 12.06.2020 10:22

If I’m base building to peak in a 5k in November? Is it too early to start incorporating speed work? I’m already dining strides. I’m thinking Tempo runs would be fine, but I’m not sure about quicker shorter reps?

@alfredconqueror4422 - 12.06.2020 08:02

I usually run 11k one day, next they the same course (positive slope 200m)but in a gravel bike to recover, the next day a hundred burpees or calisthenics.
I just repeat this cycle, pretty basic or maybe wrong idk

@DaveGe77 - 12.06.2020 07:13

Good advice! Thank you! :)

@roustabout4fun - 12.06.2020 06:55

Older trail runner...nice video-very well put together!

@GreyJedi17 - 12.06.2020 06:40

Thank you this is good structure. I try to run everyday but it's basically all easy run to build the aerobic base except for a speed workout on Wednesday and a goal pace repeat on Friday

@mikemosby8000 - 12.06.2020 02:24

There’s some research that shows significant benefit to running the same volume with 2 sessions a day. Any thoughts?

@holgerheinisch3387 - 11.06.2020 23:19

That's good advice for runners- but isn't the big challenge for triathletes to combine the running with biking and swimming?
E.g. I am not able to do a long run and a long bike ride during a weekend. It is either one or the other.
