New World: Dev Update - May Alpha Release

New World: Dev Update - May Alpha Release

New World: Aeternum

3 года назад

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karz12 - 24.10.2022 18:33

PvP doesn't compliment lie.

FairWildChicken - 21.08.2021 21:04

This guy lied about one thing

마균 - 16.08.2021 14:51

한국어 패치는 불가능 하겠죠 영어는 잘하지 못하지만 게임은 즐기고 싶습니다. 한국어 패치도 부탁 드립니다.

Golden Rage Armor
Golden Rage Armor - 08.08.2021 20:11

Make the golden rage armor drop available again. Unfortunately I missed the event.

Thanks in advance.

Richard Root
Richard Root - 04.08.2021 07:28

I played the full beta, I became lost (in a good way) in your world right from the very first cinematic, through lv 28. You have a Gem here, in my opinion. Looking forward to August 31

TorvenAU - 03.08.2021 14:56

You guys killed it! This game is amazing first ever MMO for me and I'm addicted well done developers you guys are the true heroes of new world

Annuit Coeptis
Annuit Coeptis - 01.08.2021 21:08

like world of war craft, will quickly become a micro transaction oriented and a total bore.

Павел Поляков
Павел Поляков - 25.07.2021 09:34

Add Russian to the game, please!🙏

JustAdd Water
JustAdd Water - 19.07.2021 21:27

Asia Server 😓

Ignis Dominus
Ignis Dominus - 19.07.2021 18:26

I dont think you realise that by allowing players to trade with each other you made the game pay2win, yall are really bad at decision making, that's gonna kill the game.

Marty Demarez
Marty Demarez - 09.07.2021 16:34

I Played with you last year to closed beta, and can't wait the release. Work hard guys, and thanks for thoses news. Cya in jully!

=Fish= Tales
=Fish= Tales - 05.07.2021 23:00

Ser M is the best NW Content Creator on the planet!

Rick Folwarkow
Rick Folwarkow - 23.06.2021 13:03

Anyone know if they did some PR damage control on the released greedy cash shop leak? Leaning heavy on canceling if what I hear is true.

NotKioh - 21.06.2021 12:40

I just want to say a huge thank you for launching with Australian servers. We are usually and after thought or just plain ignored, my guild and I greatly appreciate it and can’t wait to play in the closed beta!

Jakub J
Jakub J - 20.06.2021 15:07

im very excited for this game and hopefully i will be able to pre register. Keep up the good work :)

FU92 - 19.06.2021 18:57

P2W aspects in the cash shop made me cancel my pre order. Onwards to ashes of creation!

Keanu PK
Keanu PK - 30.05.2021 17:51

Some physics in the game is a mess especially the interaction with the environment, like walking and jumping wise it seem like an amateur’s work! That needs more attention, don’t ignore those tiny details they may repel people!

Antyss08 - 27.05.2021 04:21

Cash shop has no place in this game. Cash shops belong to F2P games, to fund development of those games.
I dont want anything that can be bought with real money in this game, I dont care if its cosmetics/skins/emotes.
The only thing we should pay its the game, the sub model and expansion.
I played DC Universe, WoW, Terra Online, GW2, TESO, FFIV, BDO, and Im drop them one after another.

Sick and tired about trying to harvest more money from gamers that to actually sell a good game to more players.

Aecio Gonzaga
Aecio Gonzaga - 26.05.2021 13:41

P2w game

Grease253 - 24.05.2021 10:14

i love everything but the lackluster quests....and the cash shop, please assign some creativity in these job roles in the future. once the world figures out there are 5+- reused quests were not going to play for long.

Rodolfo Souza
Rodolfo Souza - 24.05.2021 03:49

so excited to play, thanks for listening to us

mrty87mr - 21.05.2021 12:24

Do NOT implement micro-transactions. Don't give a shit is if it's only for cosmetics. It only opens the door to imbalancing the game for the hardcore players.

...And for the love of God, give us a JUMP button

raginteen - 21.05.2021 00:38

really hope they are convinced not to add the shop in the way they are doing. with the way things are going it doesn't look good. to bad to because the game was really fun.

rico ridgez
rico ridgez - 19.05.2021 23:39

Plz don't kill the game with buyable XP or rested boost you'll go much farther in the game if you dont

Hellsbunnies TV
Hellsbunnies TV - 19.05.2021 19:14

I'm so looking forward to this and I have played the alpha. However I think the decision makers on the project are destroying the game. You need to take back control or 1) The game will die, 2) The entire Amazon gaming franchise will end. Things are now in your hands and it's up to you to make the game happen or have everything expire, due to the directorate. They've blatantly never played an MMORPG. The crying shame is that before the last announcement, you were on track.
Good luck.

LŐRINC HARSAY - 19.05.2021 17:17

I'm not in any position to effect the monetization system of the game becouse it's the one kind of feedback game companies don't want to listen to until is couses a Star Wars:Battlefront II. sized outcry but it has to be said.

Amazon, you had the opportunity of the decade by being able to put the access to the game behind your Amazon Prime subscription service this way providing both recurrent game revenue while prividing actual volue to the players who would be willing to keep their subs thanks to the other forms of entertainment provided to them.

Instead you decided to implement a cash shop system which the players learned to hate from experience especially within the MMO genre. What's so wrong with it? In MMO-s every form of game progression comes with a prestige due to the time consuming nature of the game, the in-game store selling items deminishes the volue of the in game items earned, be it actual gameplay effecting or just a cosmetic which takes a lot of time to obtain.
The other thing players became well awere of is the fact that cash shops, as a general rule, always get worse for the players in the long term. Someone starts to play a game, looks at the cash shop, accepts it as it is, the person becomes invested with the game, a year later, the cash shop became unacceptable to our player due to the changes, and now our player gets depressed and regrets every single minute he wasted on the game.

Savvas Mpourdoumpas
Savvas Mpourdoumpas - 19.05.2021 11:29

After the Pay-to-Win shop that they are going to add to this game, from being a savior for MMOs its gonna be another MMO without any player left to play it for fun. I had high hopes for this game and i pre-order it, but now i am gonna refund cause this things are trying to do are TOO obvious!

Denestra74412 - 19.05.2021 08:03

A real beta doesn't last a couple months. It's a demo.

Wowzzer - 19.05.2021 06:46

So is this going to be pay to win still?

Omar Locke
Omar Locke - 19.05.2021 06:27

loot boxes and microtransactions


d v
d v - 19.05.2021 05:07


crBox - 18.05.2021 22:26

Damn the public opinion shifted quickly.

Zero-two 02
Zero-two 02 - 18.05.2021 18:05

guys please dont put the micro transaction please i had faith i already bought the game i dont want to regret buying a gmae that is great but got ruined by a P2W mechanic like put it only in the free battle pass and the cosmetics on the payable one

Gustavo Fongaro
Gustavo Fongaro - 18.05.2021 06:38

cash shop world

FlyGoku - 18.05.2021 06:28

Cancelled my pre-order with the latest reveal of yours with the shop. Good job ruining all the progress you've made in the last months hyping everyone up! You just lost them all. Crucible 2.0 as expected from a cash grabbing company that doesn't care for it's players like it does for the money. Such a shame ffs.

Owlbear - 18.05.2021 05:43

Well, after the recent 'Reveal' where one of the 'features' was pay for rested XP and pay for boost to trade skill in the in-game store i won't touch this now.
It's a shame as i was looking forward to the game. Also to note was a line in patch notes whereby you reduced rested XP gain amount and making it so that it takes 12 hours to 'start' earning it, up for 8?

shmans - 18.05.2021 02:12

Got my refund, you guys are so stupid by adding pay to win items in the game.

aldershot8008 - 17.05.2021 23:14


James Ray
James Ray - 17.05.2021 19:49

clowns ruining your own game. REFUNDED this shit P2W game.

AledM11 - 17.05.2021 18:11

Sort out the microtransactions and you've got a game.

Shea Crowley
Shea Crowley - 17.05.2021 16:53

dont ruin all this hard work with a cash shop that has boosts and fast travels and other p2w stuff

Ben Lo Cicero
Ben Lo Cicero - 17.05.2021 11:19

Cash Shop is inescapable. sell xp boosts that's fine. Please DO NOT sell AZOTH this will totally unbalance the game!

This almost makes the game pay to win!
Azoth can make weapons armor and any craft-able better its totally unfair to sell and takes away from the exploration aspect of the game. Some will stay in town buy Azoth as their team farms resources so they can make the servers best weapons to first gear up their team then control the auction houses.

If you sell Azoth its an around about way of selling top tier gear thus making the game PAY TO WIN.
Please listen to your fans and don't sell a resource that some will exploit and ruin the experience for all.

Less is more.

Micah - 17.05.2021 06:07

so frustrating that I cant test the game because I cant get a key though i signed up literally as soon as possible just like many others... luckily I bought the steelbook so I got into the preview which was so amazing though then it gets pushed back and its like a spit in the face and its more waiting and more not getting a key, i just wanna test and help out and have fun and help make the game amazing yknow? its okay though, suffering is part of life. :/

Amur Ika
Amur Ika - 16.05.2021 20:53

Make pve harder... and add dice game for gamblers :)

9876razor - 16.05.2021 14:32

They are not listening to players, nobody wants cash shop and they are doing it anyway.

fabiomthw - 16.05.2021 06:27

Cash shop? Boosts? QoL? damn.. dont ruin the fcking mmo i am waiting for along time now

Tobias Nilsson
Tobias Nilsson - 15.05.2021 10:35

NO! DO NOT!!!! DO BATTLE PASS SHIT! Yo got me from super hyped to prolly refunding in the matter of 1 day. Keep store cosmetic only! Nothing else... Ever! Work on expansions! YOU WILL LOSE 60% of the player base that otherwise would have played with this. All for the rich guys that will buy fast travel every day. Untill the community is to dead to function with the systems and your game is in the bin. I DONT WANT THAT!

Khal Torak
Khal Torak - 15.05.2021 03:51

release lost ark please

Absolian - 14.05.2021 21:24

just got leak from NDA close alpha tests
this game will be P2W with a shop that has boosts as we as "Quality of Life items" and cosmetics.
i just cancel my pre order so as my friends and my brother.
i was sure this game will be the next big mmo that will be loved by many.
i guess i should have know better!

leak source by: KiraTV

turbo1177 - 14.05.2021 18:29

what about the cash shop
