Who is Marvel's Captain America? Ultimate Leader - Heart of a Lion

Who is Marvel's Captain America? Ultimate Leader - Heart of a Lion

New Sage

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@scarletdynamogaming9334 - 04.01.2024 14:13

Update this. Cap is a 10.

@rashadjames8996 - 28.09.2023 22:54

I said it 3 yrs ago, I'm saying it again. Captain America is a 10 bruh...you need to revisit this video and fix your erroneous rating

@chitownmo - 09.05.2023 18:50

The only thing I don't like about the First Avenger portrayal of Cap is that his WW2 hybrid fighting style was never duplicated properly on screen. Looked more like a dominant athlete overpowering opponents. Then again Boxing and Judo are rarely represented properly on screen. Boxing(especially Rocky series) are usually volume punching brawls, not actually boxing matches. The John Wick series fight scene choreographers have done the best job with Judo so far.

@ricklopez4703 - 04.05.2023 08:32

Steve Rogers was given 6 doses of higher quality serum making him 6 times stronger than say a regular SUPERSOLDIER like Blonksy who fully recovered in one day after getting his body crushed by the Hulk! PLUS Steve Rodgers was blasted with Vita Rays which greatly augmented those serums and infused him with nitramene which is powerful enough to level a city! Hulk is a failed version of Captain America! Hulk only has mass and weight advantage but pound for pound Cap is superior!

@benyah721 - 30.04.2023 19:55

you messed up big time in his rating😡🤣

@aryaanvari5437 - 10.01.2023 10:49

the super soldier serum made him peak human, but captain america's years of practice, training, experience, and education allowed him to push himself to enhanced human levels. that is the the true power of super soldier formula, not only is the soldier biochemically augmented, but technologically (vita-rays) and culturally refined through a training regimen. for example, Steve is usually at peak human strength ( strong enough to bend steel bars) , but if he mentally focuses his brain's ability to control his fight-flight response, he can use his adrenal glands to gain enhanced human strength( strength to lift tall trees and trucks). the same thing happened with luke cage who took a similar super soldier procedure and thanks to years of training and experience his powers evolved. this is what make the super-soldiers truly powerful.

@AifDaimon - 23.09.2022 15:54

America's Ass

@RockAAAMan - 22.09.2022 22:20

Can you do Angel and Iceman Nova and Iron Fist next???

@suprememarkee1018 - 08.07.2022 10:16

Cap is a 10!!!!

@veeseee128 - 05.04.2022 23:20

John walker aka US agent is no joke either. He became Captain America after Steve hung up the shield.

@GothicXlightning - 10.10.2021 21:44

i still will always prefer the X-MAN CYCLOPS over this guy
for the ultimate Leader

@zulumike3228 - 14.09.2021 04:04

I didnt know the serum wears off. I thought it was permanent.

@veeseee128 - 26.08.2021 00:36

In the the 1st MCU Captain American movie. It never explains or shows how he learned to fight. He never got any training. Its just assumed he knows after receiving the super soldier serum. Odd, but I know the screenwriters needed to hurry and speed his origin along.

@veeseee128 - 26.08.2021 00:31

In 80's Marvel Universe comic series it says he can press/ lift 800 lbs. I thought that was impressive.

@veeseee128 - 26.08.2021 00:28

The MCU version of Cap is waaaay stronger than the comic book Cap. New sage u should have differentiated the two. But still good Vid. I like how u explain things.

@mosesmelchezidek5295 - 14.08.2021 08:06

You need to do one on Aunt May. I have yet to see you get a rating of 1.

@lucasalvarez8237 - 05.08.2021 02:59


@garyhewhowalklikeagodgreen3514 - 28.07.2021 03:37

He is the best.20

@youstupidfoo565 - 20.07.2021 22:07

Cap deserves a 10 just for being so iconic.

@caesardragin2063 - 09.07.2021 08:40

Can you talk about sam wilson falcon?

@MyWeedIsVeryGood - 19.05.2021 22:50

I feel like he could easily make everyone stronger, faster, tougher, and able to live longer, as well as curing many ailments through a simple blood transfusion because the serum is constantly being replenished inside of his body.

@BLoveMOA - 29.04.2021 06:36

9?!!! I hate you.

@daleyarborough - 14.04.2021 03:19

10 Bro: TEN

@rt9524 - 22.03.2021 04:50

This video made me respect cap a lil bit more...

@ohyeamoe8430 - 19.03.2021 14:48

Normally I don’t care because it is your personal rating, but when ppl think of Marvel they think of Cap... With all due respect the man is a 10, especially now Cap more bad ass then he’s ever been...

@mrf19741 - 05.03.2021 01:14

Cap gets a 9? Seriously, a 9?

@garyhewhowalklikeagodgreen3514 - 28.01.2021 06:33


@mguibord4728 - 14.12.2020 12:13

The Best personified...
awesome vid new sage!!!

@loverofripandtear6578 - 06.12.2020 16:09

So the shield is made in comic of adamanitium not vibranium?

@troneski4595 - 03.12.2020 09:08

Cap is a 7

@zylynzamora7217 - 11.11.2020 04:51

His serum will boost by good heart and good will.

@QGarrison - 25.10.2020 02:07

Should've been a ten based solely on caps influence on the marvel universe. I can't name a character more influential.

@mikecoxlong4681 - 08.10.2020 08:35


@elonmartin3294 - 30.09.2020 04:38

A 9?? He's the A in MARVEL

@singvang1247 - 27.09.2020 05:57

"...for his influence on the Marvel Universe." 9??? Not just in storyline within Marvel, but in pop culture in general, there's like maybe 4 or 5 Marvel characters that can match Cap. C'mon bro...this is an easy 10.

@caesardragin2063 - 24.09.2020 15:31

Are you working or sick?

@TRODDEN666 - 02.07.2020 21:23

Um, 10 sir

@sentinel7423 - 13.06.2020 13:18

Cap is the best. And is for sure a 10 bro

@the_priest_of_holy_moon_cult - 11.06.2020 08:34

sees the captain and stands in salute to him he will is and forever will be my hero

@bounpheng4197 - 10.06.2020 11:11

9! Hello no. 5 bro at best. You got swampthing at 6. Swampthing is way more OP then Captain

@dianathompson7597 - 28.04.2020 07:39

He would have gotten fatally shot by now. You forgot his willpower is almost superhuman

@jarrmekdansby7142 - 27.04.2020 07:12

I wish Steve Rogers was as strong Batman before he received the Super Soldier Serum and the vita ray radiation. He would be been as strong as Spiderman or Luke Cage. Think about it, Batman is peak human, benching 1,000 lbs. and squatting 2,500 lbs. What if Captain America was on that level before the experiment? He'd be unstoppable.

@caiussabau9480 - 12.04.2020 16:15

New sage, Capatain America is Marvel's (Timely Comics) first superhero, and he's known as the "Living Legend". His influence on the Marvel Universe is insurmountable... All other arguments about Omega and Cosmic Level beings, are rendered mute in this regard. Good job about the video, I really liked it, but in all honesty, if you don't see Cap's influence on the whole damn Marvel Universe, you don't respect the character. And by influence, I don't just mean how he influence the growth of Marvel as a whole, I mean that one of his greatest abilities, is the fact that he can inspire almost everybody around him, without having telepathy, or control over pheromones, or something like that. If that's not influence, and actually power, I don't know what is. Have a good one!

@calvinmccabe9735 - 08.04.2020 05:49

He a ten hand down 👍

@GUNVALKERIE - 26.03.2020 12:32

WHAT IF Marvel... Made a Captain America arc where the Nazi war never ended? And the scientist who created the super soldier serum never died and made more super soldiers under the command of Captain America 🤔🤨

@ThunderNerve - 20.03.2020 14:51

Not complete explanation on caps shield,
Cap shield is indeed made by accident, and the only one time adamantium and vibranium combine
And make insanely dense proto adamantium,
Adamantium which lighter than the pure adamantium yet have same density

@toddmanwigington4725 - 20.03.2020 00:30

Cool 😎

@ChrisGFields - 17.03.2020 18:13

Love the channel but the ratings are off. A nine for Cap!?!

@chrisfoshee5362 - 06.03.2020 06:59

Can u do a video on Gentle
