History of Russia – Lesson 4 – OLEG of Novgorod

History of Russia – Lesson 4 – OLEG of Novgorod

Real Russian Club

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@varuk7434 - 30.12.2023 12:09

The history of Russia is incredible, it was the first Slavic nation to be a great empire and also to go to space.

@braukorpshomebrew6039 - 10.02.2023 23:12

My favorite concept with prophecies is that whenever someone tries to stop it from happening, the events lead up to it no matter what. This is seen a lot in the King Arthur and Norse tales.

@mindblowing3202 - 13.07.2022 21:40

None of the rulers were of Scandinavian descend! The anglo-saxon propaganda about the Russians being Scandinavians mixed with Mongols is genetically and historically wrong and the story about Rurik, Truvor and Sineus being Scandinavians, who enslaved the Slavic people was invented by German scientists in the 18th century and later adopted by Peter the great who wanted Russia to become more European (he also forced beard tax on them). The truth is that the Slavic people are one of the oldest people on this planet and all other white subgroups like the Scandinavians, Germanic people and Caucasian people derived from them.

@ShubhamKumar-xl6lx - 09.05.2022 04:44

Please write their name in video also,we still confuse about their name and spell

@georgejamesducas9602 - 06.03.2022 15:54

The Rus were Viking tribes that settled in Kiev as far back as 750 AD, 400 years before Moskva existed. Moskva were Finnish Urgic Tribes; Mosk means cow and Va water, which are Finnish names. There is no RUS there. The ethnic background of Moskva is Finnish-Urgic and Mongolian. The Rus developed the religion, city Kiev, alphabet, and had its saints. The founder was a Viking named Askold or Oskold (Norse) from Sweden; not Oleg as in the Russian story. Oskold, the first king was in Kiev before Oleg in Novgorod. Oskold was baptized in Constantinople and sent the first bishop back to Kiev. Oskold is buried in Kiev. From Kiev, the capitol of Rus, Kievian culture was spread,  much like the Greeks Hellenized the known world, or like the British anglicized the world by the English language. This process does not make Moskva to become RUS in as much as Persian are not Greek. How we are misled by a name; Russia. The capitol of the RUS has always been Kiev. There is no other RUS and no RUS in Moskva. Many say Ukraine began recently; but the culture of the RUS is Kievian RUS, both culture and ethnic background. Ukraine is a name given by Poland meaning outer lands. The lands of the RUS before the Mongolian invasion was very large. The name RUS is a Norse name which means men that row; there are no men that row in Moskva. So Moskva adopted the name Russia while being a Mongolian vassal, essentially traitor to the RUS; and all the czars were Mongolian-Finnish. The Culture  of the Mongolian was centralized power, and that was passed on to present day Russia. Ukraine’s real name should be Kievian RUS, or Kievskarus!


Putin & Lavrov should be ashamed of themselves, the USSR was an occupation; it never had the status of a sovereign state and due process of law that would be associated with a free society. As such, it did not deserve to exist; and history has shown such organizations fail over time and author in many gulags. The true culture of Russia is Finno-Ugric and Mongolian, having nothing to do with the RUS (Kievian), expect borrowed as in the sense of Hellenized or Anglicized "forms" as a comparative reference. The centralized form of Russian politics is a very Mongolian imprint on culture. The actions of Putin seem to be another Mongolian invasion of Kiev; here I suggest as to the correct metaphor. I believe so. Putin & Lavrov insistence to have purview over eastern Europe also seems like paying tribute to the Mongolian Horde. This is the Manner which Moskva formed, combining a Finnish name meaning cows water. Va means water. The RUS are men that row, Vikings, Norse, established Kiev 400 years before (750 AD) Moskva even thought to exist. The name Russia for current nation is totally inappropriate. All the lands should be returned to Kiev; the West of Russia to Finland, and the East to Mongolia. Russia’s place on the globe appears as a temporary aberration in my view. To use threats of Nukes publicly strikes at the heart as adolescent behaviour; surely any nation or person that issues such threats and being an ally to such while not even having war imposed on them is not fit to rule. This would include allies of Russia. Oh yes, I remember, Russia didn't invent the bomb, they stole it in the 1940's and gave it to Kurchatov.

@user-ks8kh6qj5q - 07.02.2022 12:22


@numenoreaneternity6682 - 04.11.2021 17:05

"The Primary Chronicle relates that in the year 6415, (907 AD) prince Oleg made a peace treaty with the Roman Emperor and by taking his men to the shrines and swearing by their weapons and by their god Perun, and by Volos, the god of cattle, they confirmed the treaty. We find the same form of confirmation of a peace treaty by Prince Igor in 945. In 980, when Prince Vladimir the Great came to the throne of Kyiv, he erected statues of five pagan gods in front of his palace which he soon thereafter discarded after his Christianization in 988. Perun was chief among these, represented with a silver head and a golden mustache. Vladimir's uncle Dobrinja also had a shrine of Perun established in his city of Novgorod. After the Christianization of Kievan Rus, this place became a monastery, which, quite remarkably, continued to bear the name of Perun." Your "Norse" Oleg swore by Perun and Veles, not Odin and Thor, and given that he's Rurik's brother, Rurik worshipped these gods as well.

@vitaliygalganets8943 - 15.04.2021 02:15

You told the russian propaganda! The Ugro-finnic Russia was a vassal of Crimean Khanate until 1700 and then that year Russia (under title "Moscovia") appeared as an independent state for the first time in history. Kyivan Rus was actually Ukrainian country only! The first capital of Rus was Kyiv. Moscow was created in period of 1259-1272 by the Mongol Khan Mengu-Timur (Khan of the Golden Horde), and Moscovia (the modern Russia) as an ulus of Golden Horde was created in 1277 by the same Khan. The modern Russia is a true descendant of Golden Horde. According to the historical documents.

@andrethreestax1936 - 11.04.2021 19:57

Wonderful you did great not like that khan guy who attempted this

@harryegden3696 - 10.04.2021 07:08

Highly interesting to follow. Piecing together events would be demanding work for archeologists.
History of Mesopotamia seems to have survived relatively well, I guess because of biblical overtones. Especially lately when archeologists have high-lighted Leviticus 25 about the write down of debt that can’t be paid . Lol

@curiosciencia - 11.03.2021 02:36

So, Igor never killed Oleg with and arrow.. sad :(

@thaarakesh6646 - 31.07.2020 11:03

Finally that prophecy becomes real , if Oleg not think about horses after he sent them away he should have lived some more years, beautiful video about history.

@sanjaykumar-mf8zy - 22.04.2020 05:20

Свои тескт году вещий по пуськин он y олега

@sanjaykumar-mf8zy - 22.04.2020 05:17

Рюрик рулед фор 700 еарс.

@milvache - 11.12.2019 00:19

Season 6 of Vikings brought me here

@muhammaddabhelia1405 - 30.11.2019 19:43

keep up the great work , loving the videos , awaiting the next video

@deliberately9753 - 04.11.2019 00:00

Вам нужна галочка, срочно! Канал станет попуярнее

@eastwestknowledge5082 - 27.10.2019 15:09

If Russia and china survive before 2025 by containment of United states of America, then pakistan , Russia , china and Iran will the power of world.i gave many lec on Russia.i am researcher and teaching to bureaucratic of pakistan.

@NirVana13 - 18.10.2019 17:55

Авторы ролика, не употребляйте термин "Киевская Русь" без пояснения. Термин «Киевская Русь» возник в первой половине XIX века, пройдя за историю своего употребления существенную эволюцию. Одним из первых его использовал М. А. Максимович в своей работе «Откуда идёт русская земля» (1837) в узко географическом смысле для обозначения Киевского княжества, в одном ряду с такими словосочетаниями, как «Червонная Русь», «Суздальская Русь» и др Это важно, из-за выдуманного мифа, вокруг этого термина, сейчас создают параллельную историю Украины и раскалывают народы.

@Allan-et5ig - 14.10.2019 07:49

Daria - in addition to your Russian lessons your history lessons (I'm a history buff) are fabulous.

Allan's 'tips' for learning Russian.

. Take your courses.
. Have a Russian speaker translate the words to songs. (It really works. All pop singers sing about the same things worldwide, so it makes sense very fast. Then, the Russian from the songs can be used of course in everyday life, too.)

@unknownmagician3022 - 13.10.2019 23:15

What do you think abaut Czarism?

@hbarkhof - 13.10.2019 16:11

Very interesting. Thank you !

@prepper_nation_h - 13.10.2019 10:52

I really enjoy your Russian history lessons. They are quick and informative.

@42VS42 - 12.10.2019 20:36

Fascinating. So if Oleg had believed in Slavic ways and accepted the prophecy, making peace with his death, THAT may have thwarted the prophecy. Another lesson: words are important! ("death from your stallion" vs. "your stallion will kill you") - so language lessons are important ;-)

@carltonace1606 - 12.10.2019 15:03

Sounds like a Greek tragedy in away. Man tries to change his fate, but his fate catches up to him anyways.

@JayeshLimaye - 12.10.2019 09:01

I always enjoy anything related to history, and more so when it is from Daria, so thank you, Daria! By the way, is that Эй, ухнем! playing near the beginning of the video? :)

@louzola8677 - 12.10.2019 01:10

I am enjoying these very much! So very interesting and History I never knew

@1massboy - 12.10.2019 00:49

Отличная робота!!!!

@Texocracy - 12.10.2019 00:07

This is beautiful. Educational ASMR!

@paolaprof3740 - 12.10.2019 00:00


@jeremyoakman8189 - 11.10.2019 23:56


@jaynorris3722 - 11.10.2019 23:34

What a wonderful series!! I am truly enjoying it. You are doing a brilliant job. Thank you very much.

@ShubhamSharma-nw5cn - 11.10.2019 23:06

wow great history of Russia

@CHOMAD - 11.10.2019 23:02

Omg.. I’m korean boy! 🇰🇷🇰🇷🇰🇷
I like your video 🙋🏻‍♂️❤️
And I love Russia 🇷🇺

@mehmetyuksel8911 - 11.10.2019 13:47

Кто здесь до премьера?
