How Mortal Kombat 2 cheats against you | MVG

How Mortal Kombat 2 cheats against you | MVG

Modern Vintage Gamer

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@popunkid - 26.06.2024 08:56

I'm all about difficulty; but requiring someone to find an exploit, to me, takes a lot of the fun out of the whole thing. Cheating isn't competition. Granted, Midway (was) a business; but goddamn, just make it harder -- not cheating.

@AndDeathForAll82 - 04.07.2024 12:00

I swear I got thrown out of a fucking Superman attack once

@TheChrcol - 06.07.2024 11:35

Hmm so looking at the counter throw code, looks like you could just set variable to win status (fatality) and then the AI would never attempt to throw you? I wonder if thats what they did in the MAME patches.

@Thelionatays - 19.07.2024 08:50

Great job. Always thought it was weird how short the life bars were. Three hits and you’re dead. It’s fun to play against an actual person. :)

@filipinovines - 29.07.2024 13:33

YES! hahahah that's true brother.

@Immortalangel14 - 03.08.2024 01:46

GSTAR321: Look, the AI is Fucked alright!

@ScytheJackal - 05.08.2024 06:21

So this is why fighting games make me mad

@jcnbw01 - 07.08.2024 11:09

Winning against a cheat has to be one of the most satisfying feelings there is

@ZhiroMinoda - 16.08.2024 22:16

I think that despiste several games doing the same input reading and reactions, mk2 and 3 feel specially chesp because block is a function independent of movement.

As such, other infamous input readers such as king of fighters Will have more opening for counterattacks while the enemy is locked out of blocking bc of movement commands, while mk drones can easily alternate between them.

@js35701 - 24.08.2024 07:49

its not really cheats, its programmed that way. The cpu doesn't have to press buttons. Your imputs are simply too slow to keep up with the cpu. If a move requires you to press Down, forward, up + "B" buttons, how long with it take for a human to do it? since the cpu doesnt have to physically press buttons, it nearly instant.

@frankendoodle6379 - 25.08.2024 06:01

Are we entitled to compensation?

@dpa2008 - 27.08.2024 06:24

El verdadero problema de la ia tramposa es que no te quedaba otra alternativa que recurrir a la técnica de spam (saltar hacia atrás, luego hacia adelante cuando el oponente salta y pegarle). Entonces convertía al juego en MUY FÁCIL. Si querías desarrollar cualquier estrategia, simplemente perdías, así que usabas spam, y el juego estaba como arruinado. Lamentablemente, porque mk2 es el mejor mk de todos

@jhavaunnmccottrell5332 - 01.09.2024 09:05

You should do mk11 Kung lao

@wernerpirow6555 - 09.09.2024 18:35

I was looking for this video, LITERALLY this weekend... And here it pops up on my feed. WTF?!

@nomalthenomal - 11.09.2024 05:33


So that's why i hate fighting games!

@PhearaXT - 14.09.2024 07:26

Can you make a video about How Street Fighter cheats against you?

@ivanoarmenta5008 - 14.09.2024 15:29

Unless you knew how to exploit the CPU there was no way you could beat MK2. It was literally impossible. On the other hand if you knew how to do so, it was a piece of cake.

@cv2895 - 16.09.2024 14:32

As a little boy of 13/14, I didn't notice any of this. I was a master in MKII in my hometown together with a few others. Just practice well. What we did do in the Netherlands and what I still do is always play MK games with player 2. What I do remember is that every so often the game changed and you had to learn to play again. Now I know that this was another revision. Oh what wonderful times those were. Going to the arcades every day after school. How many guilders would I have thrown into it in total haha.

@capoman1 - 18.09.2024 12:16

So sad honestly. We all loved a game, and the creators were either too lazy, incompetent, or didn't care about the user enough to spend time creating a proper AI.... I played sf2 forever and RARELY felt the ai was a straight cheat.

@dbznappa - 22.09.2024 14:17

This game took so much money from me as a child. Essentially all my money, any money I could come across.

@Nick-tj8ek - 24.09.2024 04:59

I used to watch my Father clock mk2 on my mega drive in the 90s with his mates they must have been really good gamers back then

@OseanBigshot444 - 29.09.2024 20:03

EA: We want to patent code to deliberately manipulate people into thinking they are worse, by pairing them against better players, then offer them micro-transaction items to buy, so they think they will do better next time.
Arcade games of decades past: Cool.

@chidster64 - 03.10.2024 22:12

This gives me flashbacks to the later stages of Tekken games. Grabs become completely useless as the cpu player can always somehow anticipate them

@00wrongun - 06.10.2024 16:06

The computer just button bashers, they seem to come out with every move out the book lol

@BlackMetal0189 - 13.10.2024 09:26

I was really good at MK2 as a kid, and used to beat it all the time. I just played it and I have no fucking idea how that was possible...

@PrepMonkey - 19.10.2024 00:51

The number of rage quits this game caused 😂😂

Still beat it though... using those massive combos from cheat code central lol

@johnturtle6649 - 23.10.2024 14:00

just another conspiracy proven true over time, I feel so vindicated yelling at the arcade machine "this things cheats!"

@aljawisa - 25.10.2024 07:20

These guys also work on voting machines.

@carl5917 - 25.10.2024 18:02


@JamesDensin - 29.10.2024 23:06

Basically see your move before you make it the npc is on drugs

@Hellseeker1 - 31.10.2024 07:19

Ohh absolutely it does, you have to cheap shot the game to win it.

@joshkaye5303 - 03.11.2024 09:14

Not as severe and mean, but SFII has it also when you continue to use the heavy punch/kick all the time. Mixing it all up confuses the AI but that is not gonna work here.

@hewhobattles8869 - 05.11.2024 11:54

So basically, everyone who's ever put in additional quarters into the arcade machines because of this BS deserves a refund. Not that it'll be life-changing money to each individual person. But it's the principle that matters.
You don't make someone pay for what they think is a fair competition, when in reality, there's a bunch of trickery being playing in the background to insure that they lose and keep giving you their hard-earned money.


@evanpeartree - 07.11.2024 04:15

I noticed that EVERY time I do a down+B kick, it will make contact, then the AI will sweep kick, and there's nothing to do to avoid it. I've tried blocking and jumping immediately after my kick, but there's nothing I can do to avoid being sweep kicked because it's instantaneous. I don't know if there's something I'm missing, but I just stopped using that move altogether.

@ShadowDancer_ - 16.11.2024 01:35

I still have ptsd of being thrown from my sweep-kicks. 😵‍💫

@RRConghaile - 17.11.2024 12:25

I knew I didn't suck at it!

I guess if you can beat it, you're a god.

@cliffcorbitt9494 - 19.11.2024 04:27

I don't know about everybody else but I learned that if you just kneel down and hit everybody in the crotch and balls you will win the game with flawless victories every round 😅😅😅

@Freddydemaesschalck - 19.11.2024 07:35

Yet there was a set pattern to outsmart the AI. I took 1 step forward, jumped away and let the opponent follow me so i had the advantage with the uppercut. Kintaro I could only finish with Kitana's whirlwind fan.

@authorbat5562 - 20.11.2024 02:21

Glad I’m not the only one who thought this.

@RudyCrowley-b1j - 20.11.2024 19:37

After getting traumatized by UMK3 as a child, thing brings me some level of inner peace.

@DavidDavisDH - 21.11.2024 20:59

Jump backwards and duck, there's videos on how to beat the AI in MK2. You can't play fair in this game, only exploits. I'm still not very good at it, I play it sometimes at barcades.

@bloodcorpsegamer3508 - 22.11.2024 06:40

Not me, I'll put 50 cents in it. Beat the whole game with 50 cents. There was a glitch in the game. Oh.
You probably don't know about it.

@bloodcorpsegamer3508 - 22.11.2024 06:41

Maybe you weren't good at the game.Why I waste my money under I was playing Other People.If I will play just One player, I will beat the game.

@markhellman-pn3hn - 22.11.2024 08:57

arcade games are there for "entertainment" purposes !! .... (you can't beat a computer) .... TWO player games are MUCH more fairer (because your playing against ANOTHER human)

@Knh55-u5l - 23.11.2024 07:22

Streetfighter games is the same cheats against the player

@joeoak7090 - 13.12.2024 00:46


@TwinSnake777 - 11.04.2022 15:06

Me: I swear the CPU is reading my inputs.
Others : No you’re just bad at the game.

Me now: Vindicated at last.
