Gunter Pauli: What is the blue economy?

Gunter Pauli: What is the blue economy?

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In this interview, the blue economy visionary Gunter Pauli gives a simple explanation of what is the blue economy. What is the course of thinking and action you need to make if you want to bring the blue economy to your community or household? How to transform the Estonian oil-shale based economy into the blue economy?

This video was recorded on July 13, 2018, in Lilleoru at the European Ecovillage Conference 2018, "The Wisdom of Conscious Communities". The production of this video was supported by the National Foundation of Civil Society in Estonia.

European Ecovillage Conference 2018 was a gift for the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Estonia. #EV100 #ecovillageconference #teadlikekogukondadetarkus


#GEN2018 #Wisdom_of_Conscious_Communities #Teadlike_kogukondade_tarkus #Ecovillage_conference #EV100 #Gunter_Pauli #Blue_economy #Sinine_majandus
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