Ex-Top Gear Star Sets Electric Car "Experts" Straight. Shocking Truth About EVs!

Ex-Top Gear Star Sets Electric Car "Experts" Straight. Shocking Truth About EVs!

Fully Charged Show

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Paul Naylor
Paul Naylor - 07.11.2023 00:06

Electric cars maybe future but i don't want version 10. Let me know when version 30 is released. You know the one with 1000mile range and 2hr charge time with built in solar panels for trickle charging when I'm at work for 8hrs.

Riley Benstead
Riley Benstead - 06.11.2023 18:36

Why do the people in government or people in power use things like Range Rovers and not electric vehicles? Glad I have a reliable old diesel.

Greg Christie
Greg Christie - 06.11.2023 18:01

Never trust a politician ICE ban is now 2035...If they want a black spot of few DC chargers just look no further than Cornwall.., people travel down here a lot on holiday it's a massive oversight in the charging infastructure that government agencies have not realized this ..hows Scotland Wales N.Ire .. and Southern Ireland for that matter ?
PS the accommodation sector in Cornwall have twigged on to this and are now making plenty of £ providing slow charging.

Greg Christie
Greg Christie - 06.11.2023 16:15

As a qualified engineer I am fully behind the electric Revolution..however large corporations, the media and religion have always controlled the population.. These are the majority of the easily lead sheep within the population... so good look with that... But at least someone's trying... And IMO I think electric revolution it will happen anyway, for commercial reasons.

lyndon lyndon-watkins
lyndon lyndon-watkins - 06.11.2023 15:53

Electric cars will not improve the environment because only the rich can afford them.including insure them.

Balkan Leopard
Balkan Leopard - 06.11.2023 02:05

I have been driving an ev for the past two years. This is by far the worst motoring experience I've had in 50 years of motoring. The vehicle is quite OK within range of my home charger - so long as I don't want to deviate in any significant way from the plan for day. All en-route charging is an absolute nightmare of disjointed systems, malfunctioning apps, out of service chargers, poorly located chargers - you name it. The whole support infrastructure is total rubbish. And the main thing is that driving an ev makes almost no difference to our carbon footprint. It's high time that we focussed on the real global emission issues instead of pushing ev's on an unsuspecting and generally technically illiterate public.

mike raymond
mike raymond - 05.11.2023 16:35

nope ev not for me, solar power i do use but cant afford to have my house converted its nearly 16k i cant afford that much money, and ev cars 30k plus again i cant afford it so no i wont be buying an ev, and its the new batterys are too expensive

Paul Taylor
Paul Taylor - 05.11.2023 13:01

The EV grid network is CRAP right now! needs to be 1000% better ASAP, otherwise the EV dream will die! i know of people switching back to Internal combustion engines as they are far more conveinant and cheaper to run on long journeys! watch Geoff buys cars.

A Goth
A Goth - 04.11.2023 19:39

Why is everything so black and white with you guys ? There are pro's and YES even con's with EV's. Ref ICE, there are things that each do better than the other !! No need to get in a huff about it. I can't afford an EV and probably never will. The most I've ever spent on a car in my 44yrs of motoring is 3k. My current 2005 Mini Cooper cost me £1500 and it is fully comp with me and my partner for £158.75 per annum with Swinton. Enjoy your EV's and I'll enjoy cheap fun motoring with no stress :)

Barry Domes
Barry Domes - 04.11.2023 18:35

Definitely a biased crowd.

Chris Loynes
Chris Loynes - 04.11.2023 18:15

Old school guys this should be online !

pieman192 - 04.11.2023 15:45

Ford just shut down their EV production line in the states due to poor demand . They have a staggering 92,000 EVs stockpiled . The EV market is over and these 2 jokers on stage are definitely on the payroll of the EV manufacturers 😮

BongoAboutBedfords - 04.11.2023 15:28

Just wait , ( God Forbid ), until a Cross channel Car ferry with a couple of EV’s ‘Spontaneously Combust ‘ on board . These two ‘Ev Converts’. Will suddenly go into ‘Self Isolation’. Mode !.

BongoAboutBedfords - 04.11.2023 15:23

‘Lest we Forget’ Thes two “EV Converts “, Are fully trained up Highly polished presenters clocking up over 70yrs on British TV programs, ironically involving petrol and diesel driven transport !!. Of course they’re pushing Ev Vehicles, they have the entire vehicle motor manufacturers and loony left governments bankrolling them !!. “Don’t Believe the hype”.. They’ll sell their grannies if they were Battery operated!!.

Dave Compton
Dave Compton - 04.11.2023 00:57

A quick fix to stop the marbles from sticking might be to attach a vibrator/shaker to that section of the marble path and activate it during the transition period.
I believe a similar technique was sometimes used in avionics to overcome static friction in analogue instruments.
Although it'll as complexity, you might find sweeping a frequency range will yield better results.

Nik Evans
Nik Evans - 03.11.2023 20:40

Net Zero is a good idea, but its just a pipe dream. The Co2 involved getting lithium ,cobalt and other rare earth materials from the ground. Just for the batteries alone! Then poor labour conditions in 3rd world mines where china sources most of its battery production. Where does the extra demand for the electricity for the EVs going to come from?? I cant see wind farms being up to snuff let alone the rest of the infrastructure!! Keep dreaming!

Paul Almond
Paul Almond - 03.11.2023 20:22

Well, you've got find someone to blame for the future failure of BEVs.....

JHB - 03.11.2023 17:13

£40,000+ for the car, £4,000+ for insurance if you can get it, multiple apps needed to use slow, unreliable and fault ridden chargers that you have to queue for, not enough range to cross the country in the winter let alone the length of the country in the summer. Sometime in the future owners are going to whacked with a 'battery disposal fee' that will run into five figures.
Defending the choice of an EV over a petrol/diesel alternative really is an exercise in futility.
