What's the QUICKEST you've NOPED out of a Job? - Reddit Podcast

What's the QUICKEST you've NOPED out of a Job? - Reddit Podcast

Am I the Genius?

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SnickSnack - 29.09.2023 22:59

Not me, but my sis. She ghosted a job after half a day because someone threw a half drank glass of tea at her during the peak of the covid pandemic, and her manager yelled at her for not anticipating the customer's needs. The manager wouldn't even let her go get changed, he threatened to fire her if she left, so she had to wait for her lunch break to go home. She told me what happened (we were roommates at the time), and I made her a cup of hot coffee, some Raman, and told her that if she went back I'd go make a scene. She decided it wasn't worth it, and she stayed home.

Shig Shug
Shig Shug - 29.09.2023 11:04

I had a racist guy told me I was lazy on my first week of the job. I quit the next week.

Sam S.
Sam S. - 25.09.2023 15:22

I was looking for a part time job and I really wanted part time because my daughter was starting school and I needed to be home when she was on and off school. The store said they would hire me but I'd have to put my daughter in day care. Basically I'd be spending all the money I'd earn at a minimum wage part time job on daycare

Cru Ein stein
Cru Ein stein - 23.09.2023 19:21

Joder, es tan largo el video que despues seguire 😂😂😂😂

jntlfury Stoan
jntlfury Stoan - 22.09.2023 20:06

4 hours - sketchy af

Travis Chapie
Travis Chapie - 10.09.2023 08:37

Got a job as a school bus driver, or did i. I walked in for a interview, and they immediately threw me new hire paperwork explaining pay etc and told me to hurry up i was late for class. I explained that i was there early for a interview and apologized if they were expecting someone else. They explained the person who had phone screened me didnt know how this worked. If you could give the right answers over the phone then you were probabionary hired. You would go to class for 3 days unpaid, and if you get yoru liscense after those 3 days, then i would get minimum wage for a week while i was a trainee (basically a bus helper) after 40 hours of trainee training they would run my background check ( you know to make sure i dont touch kids inappropriately), and if everything was good i would be promoted to full employee at full pay. I immediately started to look at the papers they gave me, and was told its all standard just go to class. They wouldnt let me read it and pushed me into the class physically. I tried to be nice, after all a job is a job but i did go through the papers, the pay was lower than what the ad and person on the phone had told me ( also there were signs all over the building saying the pay rate i was expecting) . They only offered dental insurance, i had asked the phone screener if they offered insurance (meaning medical) i felt exremely lied to. I didnt care that it was a paycheck, and that i would have alot of time to look for something else. This was a scam, and they knew it. I tried to grin and bear it and just not come back tommorow, the more the class ( a person who just read the drivers manual ad nauseum page by page) went on the angrier i got. Finally i said fuck it money or no money my time was better off using my time to look for something else. I said nothing and headed for the door, the teaher/reader whatever she was stepped in my way. Continuing to read the drivers manual as if i wasnt trying to leave. I debated getting physical, but finally said i need to go to the bathroom. The teacher snapped out of zombie read mode and before they could say anything the very second i could get around them i ran out not just out of class but out of the building. Total time wasted 1hour, and amazingly i got multiple calls/text asking if i had gotten my commerical driving liscense yet ans was ready for my trannie hours. It took about a week before the calls finally stoped

Jason Ellis
Jason Ellis - 03.09.2023 18:53

God I feel that commission-only thing. I wasn't door-to-door, I was one of those people that hangs around highstreets asking people to sign up to donate to charity, but we were commission-only and it SUCKED. I was working 11 hour days and making £40 on a good day if I was lucky... Oh and we were technically self-employed, so we has to pay for all our travel and hotels out of pocket. Thankfully I was only there for a month during the summer

Rabbit0 - 02.09.2023 07:32

Yeah door to door is the worst. Was in a job that had a sign that said you got paid the first day. Turned out to be a lie. Anyway they had me go out in the field with some people and the guy on front was blasting music so loudly you could hear them from space. Asked about turning down the music but my requests kept being ignored, my ears were hurting.

Anyway once we get to the field it's not good. Guy keeps calling me by the wrong name and I kept correcting him over and over and over. I was told "That's not professional." Calling someone the wrong name is? So yeah once again was ignored the whole time. I did not come back.

Nicholas Hall
Nicholas Hall - 01.09.2023 17:41

Once I applied to drive trucks for a trash hauler. I wasn’t told I would be delivering toters for trash recycling compost etc etc. turns out the job didn’t require a CDL, and paid minimum wage, all while driving a unsafe box truck that was beaten to a pulp. I noped out after 2 weeks, found out later that the box truck was washed away in a flood two months after I quit.

OCC Plumbing & Restorations
OCC Plumbing & Restorations - 01.09.2023 08:41

Even though it's obvious that these are all fake, it's still entertaining.

rizon72 - 21.08.2023 17:07

The moment they want to move you to another location in their vehicle, nope out of there.

Trev_Swen - 21.08.2023 14:31

I worked as a Janitor for about 2 to 3 weeks. I went into a bathroom and saw poop stuck inside the toliet bowl. I had to scrub it out. When I finished I asked myself "WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING?"

So I looked for a new job and left a few days later. I don't regret my decision since I get paid more now with much better benefits

Gary Sprandel
Gary Sprandel - 21.08.2023 03:44

One day though it was well before noon and I decided I'm outa here.
1992 it was a coffee service job ( maintain and service coffee machines for offices and corner stores) did the interview for a job starting at 7.50 an hour so goid starting money for 92. Show up for job and in getting set up am handed a list of about 400 bucks worth of tools I'd be expected to have by end of week plus was informed I'd be getting minimum wage for my 6 month probationary period. Ok not even on the jib 20 minutes and I've got two huge red flags not mentioned during the interview in addition to the very unusual minimum wage for 3 months longer than a standard probation period. Get in the truck for the ride along on what's to be my route and I'm kind of pumping the guy for information casually and getting back there's a really high turnover rate so I get the just real quick is they run you for 6 months and then find a way to dump you before the promised rate kicks in so I'm already about to say nope on this job when we get to where my route would be and it's one of the absolute worst areas of the city and seeing what sure as hell looked to be the wall of one corner store had been stitched with automatic weapons fire and so at that point it was feck this feigned interest in the job until we got back,punched out and called in the next morning that geeze would you believe it just got called back to my old job. Effectively state unemployment informed me my unemployment was suspended due to refusing work and had planned to take them up on the appeal offered on the grounds what was stated during interview was not the case in actuality but a call from a job I interviewed with prior to the coffee job called to say the job was mine and put in almost 30 years at that company until beer virus laid me off there and a heart failure diagnosis retired my rear end 2 years ago.

Asdfssdfghgdfy - 19.08.2023 10:24

Id just started working in a metalworking place making slashers. I was really being too efficient and had completely gotten ahead to the point there were no jobs I could do, partly because I was still new and partly because my jobs came and went in waves.

So anyway I had nothing to do. The supervisor ended up giving me a menial task just to make me look busy, all I had to do was grind some edges of some pieces of metal down. I somehow had to make this job stretch out like 4 hours when I could have done it in 30 mins, so was going slow and breaking it up by just pointlessly sweeping.

Anyway the owner of the business, who was in the office all day so had no idea, came out and saw me grinding to slow. He tore the running 9” grinder out my hands, did a few wild passes that just made a mess of the edge and handed it back to me, finger on the trigger, blade first. I calmly finished my grinding quick, packed everything up and told the supervisor I was quitting.

Id already had a few moments with the owner before, some other workers I spoke to couldn’t stand him, and it was just an all round weird and unpleasant place to work. So that was just the final straw for me. Good timing anyway because I got pretty sick not long after and had to have a couple of years off work.

Ricardo Blanco
Ricardo Blanco - 19.08.2023 00:41

#18 just casually getting "Epsteined" wtf

Michael Terrell
Michael Terrell - 18.08.2023 01:36

Amateurs! I walked out of a job interview at a TV station in Dayton Ohio. It was a year old,and I would have been the third Chief Engineer . They bragged abut being built under budget, then offered a salary based on a 40 hour week but I had to move to within a mile of the transmitter site, and be on call 24/7. I laughed, and walked out.

Cindy Dott
Cindy Dott - 15.08.2023 07:36

I had an interview once at a large cleaning service. I had the job, and my new boss was showing me around. When he showed me the harness I'd have to wear while cleaning the OUTSIDE of windows, he paused. He said "I can tell by your expression that you just changed your mind." I'm scared of heights, and nearly had a heart attack! I was very apologetic, and he was really nice about it.

Cryptid - 14.08.2023 04:08

PetSmart grooming center. It. Was. LOUD. I mean I've been in factories with heavy machinery that was quieter than the mix of dog barking, clippers, blow dryers, and blasting music, all in a small confined space with flat metal walls perfect for echoing off of. Clients basically had to yell when the walked in. It was also humid and hot, so much fur floating around with zero ventilation. I'm sure had I stayed I'd have gone deaf and gotten black lung.
I was applying for the lowest level (a bather) and my job would have basically have been the exact same as the higher levels only I'd paid minimum wage. I stayed one day for training and never went back. I no call no showed and 6 months later got a call from them along when I'd be back. 😂
I know it probably sounds like I'm being entitled and a job is a job but Ive now work for an animal emergency room still with dogs barking and lots of machines and alarms and chaos and it is nowhere near the sensory HELL that was the grooming center. Amazing what basic ventilation and a few extra square feet for sound to dampen can do

Yoo Too
Yoo Too - 14.08.2023 03:55

Was hired to put machines together. The lady in charge of us started hitting on some of the employees infront of all of us (around 20 of us) right as she introduced herself. And asked us all to introduce ourselves. If she wasn't hitting on us earlier she yelled at us for being too slow, even though we only said 2 words our first and last name.
She then proceeds to bring us to the floor to "shows us how to work properly as she's the safety manager and knows everything". She hurts herself infront of everyone and looks straight at the closest person to her and blames them even though they aren't touching anything and giving her a wide berth. Then we proceeded to the safety test where she told us all the answers and didn't explain anything. We were working with parts that could weight 70+ pounds. That was a accident waiting to happen. I left on the first day.

Philip Briggs
Philip Briggs - 12.08.2023 19:16

Got a job on a production line. My job was literally to stand there, putting lids onto tubs. Over and over hour after hour every day.

I walked out after half an hour. Fuck. That.

Didn't help that half of the staff were the fuck ups from my area.

J. Paul M.
J. Paul M. - 12.08.2023 04:05

I got a job at a car wash that was run horribly, no communication from the manager, and what little we did hear from him was feedback given in a very aggressive, and sometimes came across as rude way. Due to extrinsic pressure I stayed with this job much longer than I should have. I didn't quit right away, but it was inevitable from the moment he said "if you want this job, you have to do the fucking work." I quit les than a month later.

Over a year and a half afterword, and shortly after finishing my freshman year of College, I got a summer job working on my dream industry that I intend to return to for years in the future and stay until I get the qualifications to pursue my dream job.

Ferret Queen
Ferret Queen - 11.08.2023 21:23

My first job was at a somewhat popular pizza chain. It. Was. Gross. No one wears gloves and don't wash their hands very often. They handle raw poultry with their bare hands. I worked their for about 6 months but I don't think the floors were mopped once, just swept. The pans the pizzas were cooked in were only washed around once a week, and multiple times I was told to use dough that was past its expiration date (only by a day or two, but still wtf). The floors were so caked in gunk that it only took a week before I couldn't see the bottoms of my shoes. My manager went to another location at one point and apparently it wasn't cleaned for about 3 months and had moldy pineapple cans under the dough making line. Ugh.

YR AT - 11.08.2023 17:10

I don't understand 3rd story

Yoshihiro Itabashi
Yoshihiro Itabashi - 11.08.2023 06:25

Only had a few job, but one of my first is as a Maintenance Manager for a construction company, I'm the one responsible for scheduling maintenance, repair and procurement of parts needed, I only work there for less than a year, it was hell but as I'm a very patient person I didn't complain, one day I was called into my boss office (female). She berated me for literally doing my job correctly, as I work to have all the equipments repaired and maintain. Literally done nothing wrong, her husband which is the owner of the company signed and approve all the procurement, her issue is that I spend the company money to repair the company equipments. That goes for 2 hours and I literally had a panic attack, I submitted one week notice after that mess.

Ellie - 08.08.2023 06:20

Very quickly. When there was this job I almost was hired for, someone with low functioning autism and down syndrome worked there and they touched my back, probably trying to touch my butt.
I hissed at them angrily and left sticking my middle finger up at the creep who couldn't keep their hands to themself.

Pierre Pellerin
Pierre Pellerin - 06.08.2023 01:21

I was hired at a 'glue factory' Basically, there were large vats in which I had to dumped all the ingredients and set up heater, mixer and timer. Once ready, glue was transfered in different containers, vats cleaned and you get to the next batch. Well, I lasted until the first break, so 2 and a half hours. I simply couldn't breath anymore. So much dust in the air, Told them I couldn't do this and that they didn't need to pay me then left. Worst summer job ever.

Jessie Shock
Jessie Shock - 04.08.2023 06:42

I worked four hours in retail doing work experience and I didn't come back after the shift was over. Found out later that my job network lied about me being covered by Workcover. Changed job networks so fast.

Jon Perry
Jon Perry - 02.08.2023 12:26

A sheet metal company was interviewing me for a shipping job, loading and unloading trucks. The guy conducting the interview asked if i had any polish experience because they were looking for someone for the polish room. I told him i do, but i want interested in that because it's a messy, filthy, disgusting job, and because I'm apparently allergic to some of the metals in the dust and waxes that get thrown into the air by polish wheels. He repeated that they really needed someone in their polish room, and i reminded him that i applied for a forklift job, and that i had much more experience driving forklifts and loading/unloading trailers than polish. He told me he'd see me the next day in the polish room. I was so stunted by this that i just sat there for a moment, trying to decide if he was messing with me. He wasn't. Standing up, i told him i wouldn't be there, he said "See ya at 6!" I told him "No you won't, because i won't be here." As I'm walking out of his office, he reminded me to bring steel toes because they're required in their polish room.

He could've just not called me for the interview if he wasn't going to hire me.

Sonixc Taser
Sonixc Taser - 31.07.2023 07:41

I won’t lie I worked for Cutco and it was possibly one of the best jobs I’ve ever had. so sometimes with some managers they make you pay for the knives that you are going to be showing people however, they made it a new policy not to do that, as it sounded too sketchy because you would have to pay to work essentially. Since they change that they give you the knives for free and you can eventually buy them at a heavily discounted price or give them back when you want to quit. I met a ton of amazing young people and had fun experiences and even got to go on a yacht. It’s sucks that the reputation for the company is a pyramid scheme because I genuinely do not believe it is it is a company that is driven off of sales such as Walmart, Target, or any other type of business, selling a product or service. The manager or person in charge at that location or make more and earn bonuses based off of his employees performances now granted it is more of a direct way instead of having a salary, but it is essentially you having your own business because you were responsible for everything other people in the place would help you out, but it was up to you to put in the work and effort to make a difference. The job is absolutely amazing if you have a good net work and it is even better if you come for money because more than likely, your family will have connections.

As I am black and come from a background that isn’t as wealthy I had to put in much more work in my white colleagues it was the most challenging job I’ve ever had yet it was also the most rewarding I’ve had my best and worst days at that place and I kind of wish I stayed and put a little bit more effort into it. But for the people who say it is a scam in a pyramid scheme all I have to say is try it out because you get guaranteed pay regardless if you sell something or not the last time I checked it was around $22 for every appointment you complete it, it’s a sales job where commission is not the only way to get paid which makes it that much better of a starting sales job to have. Most sales have a closing percentage of a round 3-7%. With Cutco their average closing percentage was around 30 to 40% which is insane for sales. Like I said, I hate the reputation it has, but most of the time when I hear people talk bad about it, it is from the people who have never even done it before. They usually hear of a friend of a friend of a friend who did it and the story by that point is probably butchered and wrong anyway. Make your own decisions make your own choices, live life and have your own experiences.

Tinna Gigja
Tinna Gigja - 30.07.2023 01:44

Was working as a hotel cleaner. Lady who worked with me was living and eating at said hotel, as she was homeless and had only two sets of clothes. She got unexpected explosive diarrhea on my second day (likely from the hotel food), quickly cleaned herself up, changed into her other trousers, kept working. It was obvious that she wasn't doing great so I asked our boss if it was possible to let her go see a doctor or at least take a few hours off to see if it would pass. I could finish the rest of the hallway in a similar amount of time because her running back and forth to the bathroom meant I was doing most of the work anyway. Boss refused. I pointed out that it would be awful if my coworker were to not make it to the bathroom and that I was not excited to clean up that particular mess. Boss told me to not be gross and that coworker would have to clean that up herself if it happened,. We finished up and I went out, got drunk, and when my boss called me the next morning to ask why I was late, I was just buzzed enough still to tell her exactly what I thought of her treatment of staff and that I'd rather die than work there. She lectured me on responsibility, I laughed and hung up.

I never went back, but I hope my coworker is doing better. She seemed like a nice lady.

c pierson
c pierson - 28.07.2023 01:27

My buddy and i was working for a preservation company when someone lost their house to the bank or financial company our job was to clean out the house and clean up and cut the yard we showed up one day on our way home just to see how much work this one particular house was gonna be and was gonna come back and start the next morning the yard wasn't bad but when we opened the frint door the people had trashed the house left raw meat in the kitchen sink turned the ac off it had been emptg for 2 weeks and the smell was horrible but the worst part was they haf smeared human feces on all the carpets and left feces in all the toilets so that was the biggest nope we ever had

Jan - 25.07.2023 12:58

At the first interview! Applied for a job in which i had almost 10 years experience. They offered me the same salary that a teenager with no work experience in their first job after leaving school. And the interviewer literally whined that my salary was coming out of his departments budget. I wished him good luck in finding an experienced employee willing to work their butt off for a pittance and walked out after telling him 'this interview is over'. They had advertised for an experienced employee to do a very specific job and with an excellent knowledge of the varied product (about 10,000 parts) in the industry. There are very very few of us... i wonder how they fared in their quest to find someone with all their requirements 😂

Achim Sinn
Achim Sinn - 24.07.2023 10:14

I walked out of one job ever. It was ajob in an temporary agency. They first had me do data entry, which I was fine with as it was just temporary and I needed the money. But after two weeks I was called to the office of that temporary company and they were like "we're going to switch you to a different project" - that "different project" turnedout to be an overnight job at a different city where I needed to drive 1 hour to get there and on my first day there I found out that half of the people working there leave in less than 1 week. I decided to contribute to that statistic and didn't show up for my second day at work.

Also if leaving before hiring also counts - I left one job during the introductionary day before hiring - they were offering an office job. But it turned out to be a door to door sales job and sounded like a pyramid scheme. I politely asked wether they mixed something up because that was not the job we've been talking about before. He replied I must have misunderstood something then, but I should stay and listen because this job is great anyways. Then I politely informed him that I wasn't interested and left.

Bill Walker
Bill Walker - 23.07.2023 11:48

Is that the force awakens

Riley McPhee
Riley McPhee - 23.07.2023 00:28

I need more information on that nanny situation. Did she get her purse back? Did she call the police?

mg - 22.07.2023 21:57

Fingers are not sentient.
They cannot appreciate things or be ungrateful

Jake M
Jake M - 22.07.2023 01:17

As a teenager I got a job at a moving/relocation service but quit within 6 hours. They offered $17/hr, which in 2013 was pretty decent for a kid. They neglected to tell me “Oh, you only get the full rate when you’re off-premises. You can’t leave the building until a job is scheduled, but while you’re here, you only get $4/hr.”
Between the awful pay, “you can’t leave” rule, and malicious omission of this info, I noped outta there.

Capitain Greenhat
Capitain Greenhat - 21.07.2023 18:30

I took a day labor job once and it ended up being in a really old wore out warehouse. No ac, mid july in texas, no water, no bathroom breaks and the work was super sketchy. We were taking counterfiet dickies off of a semi truck and putting them on walmart hangars and adding walmart product codes. That warehouse was 124 when osha came and started compiling data on the work conditions, I wonder who called osha 🤣🤣. I litterally only stuck around to see it get shut down. Two days total

WektakUuboflak - 20.07.2023 18:38

"Hey you wanna massage each other 👯❤" lmao

MarrisaPlays - 20.07.2023 04:37

I was 7 months pregnant working at steak n shake. i remember a friday i was extra sick. i didnt think it was more than morning sickness because it would happen when i went into the kitchen area, so i asked to go home and when i was told no i could just work up front i very specificly made sure i was sick in one of the front trashes in veiw and hearing of customers, then walked out. I do not officially know if that was related but 2 days later I had my child in an emergency c-section. it was mothers day...

bluerosegurl - 19.07.2023 04:50

It's weirdly legal for free labor from internships.

Aradonna - 18.07.2023 15:53

my mom worked at subway for 8 hours and quit that same day. it was horribly unsanitary and it was a wonder that it had passed the last code inspection.

turtlemaster 5000
turtlemaster 5000 - 17.07.2023 10:03

MLM or pyramid scheme about selling knives and scissors.

They always target college kids. They were asking about no experience hires but no $$$ salary.

I go into a rented out previously empty lot (lived neaby) should've been a red flag but freshmen in college cut me slack.

I stuck around because i really wanted a job. They go on and a lot of sirens in my head pop up.

When they said "these are so good you can't get them at any retail store".

I raised my hand and said how my uncle used to work at goodwill and they had unloaded 100 or so cases recently unsold for less than a fraction of what was being offered atm and how, strong as they were, that they were "fragile piece of $#!+ that broke with one small knock" (uncle's words not mine lol).

After that i literally said thank you and walked right out. 2-3 other guys walked out shortly after i did.

I made a small rant on FB to whomever would read it. And I warned others to "if you see guys asking you to sell knives or scissors just walk away. You can literally buy them downtown. They're about the same quality, cost much less, and if you sell them and work at the stores you'll make more money on average and won't screw over anyone".

Shelby Martin
Shelby Martin - 16.07.2023 20:07

I was living out of a hotel to avoid being homeless, I was working 2 jobs to keep that roof over my head. No car so I had to Uber to the second job and ended up unable to pay for the Uber of the one job just three weeks into my stay so I had my main job and the hotel actually offered to let me work at the front desk to decrease my bill. Second day working there I had to kick out a mother with a heavy addiction who was on the do not serve list and someone else paid for her room under the pretense that it would only be her and her infant and that they would be getting money at 6pm. The people who paid for her room didn't receive the money and when they went to collect it they found many other people in her room. Turns out the husband of the good Samaritan knew these people from back in his drug dealing days as clients and realized she wasn't a poor mother in a rut but she was homeless because she refused to put the substances down and was essentially holding a "party" to get some more substances. Everyone in that room was on the list because of this problem and others. Well my second day I was charged with calling the police and handling the situation alone. I had given many warnings and plenty of time to get it resolved and they didn't cooperate and police had to be notified. By the way 6 people fled the room once cops were there every single one excluding the mother had warrants I found out later. But they were jumping into bushes and running across the highway it wasn't fun to witness. The mother begged me for more time to find alternative arrangements but each time she begged the age of the infant changed. When I was at the door with an officer it was 6 months old then when she called down to the front desk after my initial time to leave thinking she'd get someone else the baby was 11 months. That's a big difference when it comes to babies. Anyway some fighting back and forth 2 extensions on times to get out and as far as I know it was handled after I got off about 2 more hours. I only stayed a week more doing that job and I only stuck it out that long because I was trying to get my room reduced. We ended up living at that hotel for 8 months after that and moved on and up. Still my worst job to date

Toaden - 15.07.2023 20:20

Any time a trainer, supervisor, or other employee involved with my training and was having a positive impact quit without any notice while I am still in training (when this has happened, it was usually in the first week and not that unusual)

tammy jensen
tammy jensen - 14.07.2023 19:44

I was shadowing someone for a kennel job at a vet hospital (cleaning cages, walking dogs boarding, feeding etc) . I had been in the vet industry off and on for decades and partially trained as a vet tech. These people were cleaning the kennels with formula 409! Bacteria and germs run rampant in pet boarding situations biggest being kennel cough. Most these can only be killed by bleach or novosan, not an all purpose cleaner from the grocery store. Also the runs for larger dogs doors opened into the kennel, lady said they were accidentally installed backwards and no one bothered to fix it; which is unsafe for you and the dog I just kept visioning an aggressive dog lunging at me and I’d have no way to close the door to prevent anything. in all good consciousness I couldn’t work there and walked after about 2 hours
