Flashback reviewed by Mark Kermode

Flashback reviewed by Mark Kermode


3 года назад

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@NFawc - 04.06.2021 18:27

Clearly I'm first...

@macejohnsonx - 05.06.2021 02:28

Just watched it!

@MylezNevison - 05.06.2021 04:43

Just saw Flashback, it came off to me as a pretentiously confusing movie that doesn't care about the audience. How l see it is; if as a film maker you are making a movie for public consumption that blatantly doesn't care about the audience, who are you really making it for?🤷🏾‍♂️

The best way l can describe the experience of watching it is going to a lecture where the lecturer is speaking in a made up language without any regard as to whether the audience understands him or not... The same way the lecturer would be basically talking to himself, essentially this movie has the same effect: it's talking to itself in a language only it can understand, which is alienating to the audience... In short, it is a great example of self important movie making in my opinion & the people who will love this movie are people who love to be confused and brain twisted by a film. If that's not you, don't waste your time and money.

@samanthaprones2355 - 05.06.2021 08:42

Most confusing movie ever. It's like Butterfly Effect on drugs. This movie, I was so lost.

@stevepasley3099 - 05.06.2021 18:16

can not believe your talking about this movie no one knows what it's a bout omg it sucks

@blenkybellendo - 05.06.2021 19:31

Just watched it. I found it emotional and quite beautiful.

@CocoaLuv22 - 05.06.2021 20:16

Alright i’m just gonna ask since i can’t find anything online that explains this movie… So is Cindy Fred’s mom?

@eds3756 - 06.06.2021 00:42

Alright, so I've been waiting for this movie to come out since forever. Finally have watched it and would anyone be so kind to explain it? Can't find literally any explanations online. I swear there're are too many questions. What was real and what wasn't? What did that short life when he was a painter had to do with anything? Even more importantly, what does he mean in the end when he says to his mother "It's you"? All those flashbacks to when he was a toddler being cared by his mom, what does that have to do once again with anything? haha. Oh, and I wonder why was the initial title The Education of Fredrick Fitzell. What was his education actually about? Anyhow if anyone's cool to explain, major thanks!

@leshin7287 - 06.06.2021 03:04

I think its a movie about drug abuse and how addicts are chasing that next high to escape their own reality. All the sequences are hallucinations under the effects of mercury. At least its how I view it. The end was a bit confusing, but I enjoyed the film.

@salaciousBastard - 06.06.2021 05:27

This movie was literally saved for me by the scene after they get to the house. My only problem the movie after that is the scene with the mother. Not sure what to make of it.

@Zidro512 - 06.06.2021 12:53

I just watched it. I need an explanation. It seemed to the main character was able to use things like that kid was chanting about, to go between time. He was able to live a different life at one point then goes back and makes decisions that put him back in the life he is used to, the life we see in the beginning.

@iandaye - 06.06.2021 15:45

Really enjoyed this movie, and glad that MarK Kermode and I were on the same page. This was better than I'd expected it to be, despite it's inspiration from other movies that came before it.
The idea of parallel universes, and every event in your life existing at the same time, and Mercury being the catalyst to open you up to all of the options. In the end, he went with the line that brought everything together in the end, to the "best" timeline that he worked backwards to. Cindy was never his "totem", his mother was, and that's what he was chasing all along.

@lolll3360 - 06.06.2021 15:50

I really really liked it .

@TheElixir007 - 06.06.2021 16:45

Where are the bird chirping sounds?????

@originaozz - 06.06.2021 20:03

It's an interesting trip on regrets, addiction, and guilt with really good acting. 
However, many parts in the story keep annoying me, some of it from the mind-bending elements (which I usually love), but mostly on the main relationship between Fred and the girl or the social commentary that just doesn't hit. Maybe I'm doing too much thinking for it that it lowered my enjoyment because the film went on a surprisingly emotional route, but I ended up feeling hollow somehow.

@TheNimabi - 06.06.2021 20:55

My review is always listen to your mom and always love your mom,turn you life back on rail ,dangerous is dangerous ,its causes too much .

@somebodyoulove - 06.06.2021 21:05

I think this movie is basically about Love. I don’t know if the writer/director of the film had lost a parent in his life. I think the mood of the movie the thriller and flashbacks is just for theatrical effects. A lot of people focused more on the flashbacks than the real big picture which is Love. We all think we need so much extra in our life, we spend so much time looking for something that may or may not lead to our destruction but we tend to forget the simple things and those who truly love us they matter the most and we may not get the chance to see them again someday.

@benrichards399 - 06.06.2021 23:11

Just watched, and for many reasons enjoyed. The melancholic music lent itself to the flashback theme, and couldn't fail to draw you into whatever film it was going to be. Mesmeric performances from dylan and maika kept the intrigue going right till the end, when the final scene of his childhood left you wondering what really happened to him back then, and ultimately what happened to cindy now.

@mikeangelotarcelo6084 - 07.06.2021 15:33

Even though her mom can't remember him, what matters is that he remembers her through Flashback and that's LOVE.

@k.h.k.hj.h.j.k9893 - 08.06.2021 00:07

worst movie ever. pls pls pls dont watch this movie. will waste ur valuable time

@jameswild9566 - 08.06.2021 00:48

Many different layers to film, you need to go with it. Very much about the multiverse for me, but also a quiet haunting aspect around his mother’s pending death. I think this was an astonishing directorial film, combing a wide range of ‘life’ options according to the trajectory we take through life. The ending is quiet the most beautifully evocative ending to a film I have seen in a long time - what is reality ? where does memory fit, how does grief relate to jolting us into speculative thoughts on existence…….a really remarkable film. Jim Wild

@quadlink - 09.06.2021 05:00

Ahh Mr Kermode... good to see you. i stopped watching the telly box years ago and haven't see you since... glad i have found your channel. All the best mate.

@neilstorton146 - 10.06.2021 18:54

its a great movie. really is. agreed the title change was a bad move

@mocmocmoc13 - 11.06.2021 17:06

Beautiful movie but at the back of my head I was thinking about the Q2 report the entire time.....

@ameerahameerah5372 - 11.06.2021 20:05

I still don't understand..so cindy isn't real?if she die where is the body??

@davidarobertsfilm - 13.06.2021 01:28

Great movie. Made you think. Well made. Great editing and performances. Worth a watch for fans of donnie darko

@jackjoy2563 - 14.06.2021 07:48

I didn't really like it tbh. Dragged on.

@senpoisentul8145 - 14.06.2021 18:48

It was a deep movie for me, a loop of regretness. We all have our addiction that we want to escape. Sometimes we do fail n sometime we do survive because of our loves one, ie our family.

@MulaGreene - 15.06.2021 03:54

Still don’t get it. Is Cindy real. What the hell. Can someone explain to me short and simple. This is what happen…….

@harry8308 - 15.06.2021 19:00

underrated movie

@thatsmoelikeit - 16.06.2021 06:37

This film isn't smart like it thinks. Not a bad movie but also not good. The Anthony Mackie drug one was better because it wasn't thinking it was cleverer than it was. Also nearly had an epileptic fit at one scene.

@harryb9350 - 19.06.2021 17:35

For more clear thoughts and for those who didnt understand this movie...plz watch "lil Wayne- how to love"as an example😅...well atleast thats how i see it but with more of a thrilling in it...and i loved it and cried.

@nitevisionimages - 06.10.2021 04:25

I love LAMP

@NornIronMan. - 08.10.2021 02:54

Just found on Sky Cinema and really enjoyed it. The soundtrack was fantastic and reminded me a little of Drive although more by the way it struck me rather than its tempo. Very touching at the end and left me with a nice feeling.

@samsonizy - 17.10.2021 10:02

Awful movie

@samsonizy - 17.10.2021 10:03

You can tell a crackhead wrote the script

@oskar_oskarewicz - 05.09.2022 11:19

It felt to me like a A Christmas Carol in Twin Peaks, it had a decent mood and atmopshere, the idea itself was also pretty intruiging.
Where it lost me is the fact that drugs were a catalyst of events (probably)
It felt to me like a naive and/or lazy writing.
Evil pills, evil bums with body modifications and pierecing, kids with black eye shadow tripping on drugs, pretty tendencious and silly ;)

@scoutwithoutclout - 23.09.2023 19:11

I didn't know what to make of it initially, but i went back to it a 2nd & 3rd time. It's ambitious & i liked it more each time i saw it.
