Free Legal Advice and Representation

Free Legal Advice and Representation


2 года назад

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steven kelley
steven kelley - 08.06.2023 17:53

Or can the case be returned to active investigation

steven kelley
steven kelley - 08.06.2023 17:52

My question is in double jeopardy if it can be proven that a witness Committed perjury does double jeopardy still apply?

FantasynScifi - 19.05.2023 07:34

Hello sir, how can I contact you? I seriously need help about a business legal dispute. I'm desperately trying to find a lawyer in the UK but I'm based in the USA.

Robert Deffenbaugh
Robert Deffenbaugh - 01.04.2023 07:42

Is there anyway to get a Death Certificate without hiring a Lawyer?

Avisha and Xaria
Avisha and Xaria - 24.01.2023 22:53

Sorry to bother you. My vehicle was running with compression. Ring door bell audio and footage proves this . Recovery company operative basically destroyed my engine. Audio proves my version of events. They saying we looked and watched the video and audio and we are not liable. I'm on esa I'm dyslexic. All mechanics I shown video and audio to say they broke your engine. Can I use recordings of mechanics saying they seen videos and audio and they agree recovery company broke my engine? Or do I need a actual person in court? I could get let's say 25 videos of fully qualified mechanics saying I seen the videos and listened to the audio and it is clearly the recovery person who broke your engine. ? Sorry to bother you. Recovery company saying they not liable and vehicle was not running before they attended and I using them to pay bill . I got time and date stamped Ring door bell footage and audio of my vehicle running just before they arrived. I would want to go small claims court and my case is so strong! Audio actually proves my engine had compression and was running. I suppose you are inundated with questions and I thought it worth a try to ask this . Great channel I learned a lot 👍

Is there really a loving & fair god?
Is there really a loving & fair god? - 10.01.2023 06:37


#ɦɛǟʀȶ ɦɛʀօɛֆ ȶʀɨɮɛ 33
#ɦɛǟʀȶ ɦɛʀօɛֆ ȶʀɨɮɛ 33 - 17.11.2022 19:40

I need some advice on how to get justice to a situation that has been happening for 4 years

#ɦɛǟʀȶ ɦɛʀօɛֆ ȶʀɨɮɛ 33
#ɦɛǟʀȶ ɦɛʀօɛֆ ȶʀɨɮɛ 33 - 17.11.2022 19:40

I need some advice on how to get justice to a situation that has been happening for 4 years

Kris Radjpaul
Kris Radjpaul - 09.10.2022 11:52

Hi does anybody know where I can get free advice concerning property thanks

Carole Gough
Carole Gough - 24.09.2022 14:01

Hi, just seen your video on the car on drive... Great... but, (not knowing every detail) I would hope the police on turning up, would inform the car owner, she had say 10 minutes to remove her car permanently, or it would get towed... Thus. Proving the severity of the situation, but mainly stopping revenge to the cost of recovery from the pound, in that the house owner would probably live with the worry of returning home sometime in the future to broken windows!!! It's sad but true.. Keep up the good work.

Robert Farr
Robert Farr - 31.08.2022 08:56

FRU Free Legal Advice Unit. (Free Representation Unit). I am seeking support with legal costs. I was evicted and, as I decided not to, hire a Barrister as, I would surely loose, the Landlord. Or Landlord and Letting Agency, is trying to claim their legal expenses from me. I need to try and, claim. Legal aid. Perhaps, I need a legal aid form? I can think of a couple of organisations that might be able to help.
You have named a couple more. Thanks.
I am also struggling with more personal issues. With which. I need advice.
Unfortunately, I am on Benefits, that were recently reduced.
As, I was struggling to get Legal representation.
Also, I was trapped. In a situation, where my Barrister. Refused to, represent me. Unless, I suggested. I was guilty.
But, now there's abuse going on within The UK Prison system and, we need your signatures to, start a petition. Online using the government petition system which may now require a email address to, be seeking support.
Interestingly. I noticed that, among my friends. Only, a few folks limited. To, the folks I studied. Computer Science with in school are responding to my emails. With a few extra folks responding.
Admittedly. When, trying to be polite. I was, kind of looking at him funny. Where, I was encouraged to admit something.
Where, I had been unaware of any wrongdoing however being slightly tipsy and, talking at length.
So, seeking exercise, and. In being around young folks. Where, they have perhaps.
Acted, all friendly.
Where The Police, are. Suggesting. That, I can't go here there or anywhere.

Well, I can't do that. No. So, I invented a new character perhaps. But, I am not revealing the details, as I can't really afford. Patent Attorney.

I would train to be a legal advisor. Myself, but. I was previously.. linked to drunks, anarchists and think it might be illegal for myself to enter that industry.

M M - 27.07.2022 04:40

I had a horrible trash pick up service, so I cancelled. The problem is that they haven't come by for their trash receptacles for 2 months and I don't have the room along with my current service's receptacles. Can I somehow charge them storage? What should I do? TIA

John Lewis
John Lewis - 27.03.2022 11:15

Have written to your clerks twice, but no response, not even an acknowledgement.

Gillian Russel
Gillian Russel - 02.03.2022 14:31

💖💖 Thank you kind sir - cracking assistance, as always! 😉😁 I find it amazing that lawyers are willing & happy to work for free - I cant think of any other professions which do so..thank you for your ongoing service, love & light 💖

Nadl - 01.03.2022 11:48

Great videos thank you 🙏🏽

Roy mills jnr
Roy mills jnr - 01.03.2022 03:42

Great guy a lot of us get lost 👍

stop the greed
stop the greed - 01.03.2022 03:24

Bless you sir . A Mr mark witiker saved me from a long prison sentence . I came home with a damaged hip bone many broken ribs ..a deformed and shortened clavicle and three years of ongoing surgery to save my fore arm from amputation .. depression a disassociated disorder , PTSD , and general hopelessness . I tried to get myself killed but police A.R.U. with a deactivated MP40 . Sub machine gun . ...I was a victim of my own weakness and pain to disabled to hang myself or drown myself . This action was the only way I could see my family being free of the burden I had became .. form rescue climber to medic emotional and physical wreck . .... The prosecution said I was a Nazi sympathiser with an extensive collection of Nazi memorabilia ...150 + 1/72 scale German ww2 airfix kits and othe brands . .also referencing the fact that police found a cd labelled Anthrax ......the 1980s heavy metal band ... .mark witiker god me a forensic psychology assessment and a psychiatrist assessment . ..talked to so many people who put personal reference for me , including my old warrant officer and my first flight leftenant . He pushed for me to get a probation order . With which I got the guidance and help I needed to rebuild my life . Dispute doctors advice . I'm now a rescue climber and on site medic for a tree surgery company I helped a friend build . He saved my life I helped shape one for a young apprentice...who now is the M.D of a firm that hires 12 people and have are local government as are main client proud of him .....NONE OF THIS WOULD BE POSSIBLE IF A GOOD MAN HAD NOT STOOD UP . ... Because he knew a nerd who is going mad was different to a Nazi terrorist .I thank him so does several young men who now have a career and opportunities and perspectives open to them. . people who we send on training courses . People who need a second chance .a solicitor and a Barrister helped me to see not everyone was against was my injuries I let shape my world view .we are hopefully doing the same ... Your work in defence ..... sometimes it goes along was . 13 years later. We get the kind. The ones who are offered no future..we train them in first working as a team an in being confident.... your professional guidance saves lives

Gypsy Gem
Gypsy Gem - 01.03.2022 02:19

Are you okay BBB? You look tired or like you've got a cold? You're doing a lot of videos lately!

Hurley Flyer 2
Hurley Flyer 2 - 01.03.2022 01:53

Thanks BBB, Pro bono, is that the one where you take an insurance policy out, so it isn't truly a free service? You win, even if we lose? I was offered it once on an issue I had. I read the small print, the Solicitor received, £2000.00 even if I lost the case. They slammed the phone down on me when I pointed it out. They needed a signature from me. So I lost again, because I'm as broke as the next person, oh what's the term the rich elites like to use, oh that's it, the plebs or, useless eaters.

TS_SToRM - 01.03.2022 01:47

i need legal advice on suing KENT POLICE

Paula Collins
Paula Collins - 01.03.2022 01:17

I wonder if a point to add here could be check your insurances, sometimes legal expenses can be included, although often limited

David Robertson
David Robertson - 01.03.2022 00:52

I have needed your help for ages
Please help

A A - 28.02.2022 23:51

Cant get any help with harrasment or Stalking Solicitors are only interested if your accused.

Phoenix Rose
Phoenix Rose - 28.02.2022 22:53

Very helpful & useful for citizens seeking legal advice... some just need a direction to start getting help, although it can be overwhelming or intimidating having someone like BBB makes you feel abit more confident 🥋👨‍⚖😇

gEpWxAqd FsiDseSG
gEpWxAqd FsiDseSG - 28.02.2022 22:32

BlackBelt. Please do a video on whether it is illegal for a UK citizen (or maybe a foreigner here with permanent residence, or dual national) to go to Ukraine and help fight the Russians, how Liz Truss statement might affect that and whether Foreign Enlistment Act of 1870 is the relevant law.

Fából Vaskarika
Fából Vaskarika - 28.02.2022 22:24

Thank you very much, this was really useful.

CRAIG WINFARRAH - 28.02.2022 22:03

I need advice on the jab which one is the best

laceandwhisky - 28.02.2022 20:04

Could you do a bit about family law in view of separation or divorce and financial settlement the in and outs of it please.

MeanGenie - 28.02.2022 19:34

Thank you

The Edelweiss Pirate
The Edelweiss Pirate - 28.02.2022 19:31

One thing I found really annoying when my mother and bother both died, is the requirement of Probate or Confirmation of a will. Both were under the 15K small estate limits, yet we couldn't get shares or a small annuity paid without those. The cost of getting probate or confirmation was more than the shares or annuity was worth so are still uncashed. Seems like just another way for lawyers to skim people...

Шaтsои'š Щоґld Оf Шоиdєґš
Шaтsои'š Щоґld Оf Шоиdєґš - 28.02.2022 19:26

My second job after leaving school was as a decisions maker at Area 14 of the Legal Aid Board, I loved the job but personal stuff got in the way and had to leave reluctantly. Some of them solicitors were utter idiots too, I remember one because he represented a very high profile council chap who lived in a 16 room mansion, drove a fleet of Bentley's and Italian supercars and boasted about his very numerous high end watches and so I refused his legal aid and the threats I was getting from this particular brief was quite atrocious... What he didn't know was I had called the Area Secretary in who listened in on the extension to this vile tirade and the area secretary wandered over to Chancery Lane and put the poison in and I was given kudos for remaining calm etc. Our view was he could have sold some of his cars or watches if he wanted this legal work to go through and it was people like him that sucked the legal aid fund dry ruining it for the people who needed it.

Distant Places
Distant Places - 28.02.2022 18:41

Sorry to spoil the flow, but could you maybe do something on the legality of British citizens going to Ukraine to fight alongside the Ukrainians?
Not that I’m thinking of going, but in light of Liz Truss’s comments, I think it would be useful to highlight the legalities of it.
Thank you.

Mike Agate
Mike Agate - 28.02.2022 18:04

Has nobody heard that there is ‘no free lunch’?
I wonder what the Bar Council has to say about the BBB?

Marshroom - 28.02.2022 16:41

It is a common belief that when police say you are eligible for a free solicited if you are arrested that the solicitor appointed is either inexperienced, working for the police or just a bad solicitor. What are your views on this. Thank you 👍

Purity Vendetta
Purity Vendetta - 28.02.2022 16:40

I've been trying to get legal help and advice on claiming compensation for property taken by the police to investigate it's theft from me. After 4 years I've now given up and will never trust or speak to the police again and have learned that justice in the UK is something that's only available to the wealthy.

Jon Jon
Jon Jon - 28.02.2022 16:31

Advocate have no interest in civil matters along with the probono centre

Chris Merson
Chris Merson - 28.02.2022 16:10

Keep these very informative videos coming. Thank you.

Alan Cross
Alan Cross - 28.02.2022 16:07

I would like to challenge a financial Ombudsman’s decision via an official review. I spent days looking for help, no help or free legal advice to be had anywhere. To all intents and purposes Ombudsmen are above the law, their decision is final. Even if their decisions are wrong or flawed there is no legal way to challenge them because people like me could never afford the costs.

Magical fluid process
Magical fluid process - 28.02.2022 15:58

Bbb is the law precise and concise with no room for ambiguity?

George Potter
George Potter - 28.02.2022 15:57

This video could not have come at a better time for me, I am absolutely stuck at where to get help for a legal issue to do with what I believe is Police misconduct, I've gone through all the usual Complaints Procedure, Professional Standards is a complete waste of time, they cherry pick which parts of your complaint they want to respond to for a start and ignore anything they don't want to answer. I desperately need help with this issue, thanks again for the contact information.

Laird Nigel P Lawrence
Laird Nigel P Lawrence - 28.02.2022 15:41

Please send the web sites My Wife do need Free legal advice possible take action to the court my wife is on disability benefits I am a low private pension we can afford to get into debt

Keith Harrison
Keith Harrison - 28.02.2022 15:34

Be very wary of unsolicited free legal help, it may not be all it seems.

SpudHead - 28.02.2022 15:09

Very useful and important information, short and concise, perfect thank you. I've linked to it on all my social media as part of my Bio. If the information in this video becomes outdated over time would you please update the title of the video so it also informs everyone who has linked to it?

Karrier Bag
Karrier Bag - 28.02.2022 14:53

And another brilliant video.

mikedabike 1666/CT /163
mikedabike 1666/CT /163 - 28.02.2022 14:34

What do you do when the peado I mean police protect the rapists and treat the victims like criminals no amount of free legal help works it’s us against them and they hold all the power and lie for THIER own benefits as we have seen recently with all the rapists in the force being outed with the sick WhatsApp messages THE LAW IS AN ASS fact

rjb10101 - 28.02.2022 14:12

If you live by the 11 commandments you should be fine. The eleventh being listen to Mr BBB. Thank you for the videos.

Frenzyviz62 - 28.02.2022 13:43

Thank you for this channel. I appreciate what you do.

killachief187 - 28.02.2022 12:42

Good man.

JackieRabbit - 28.02.2022 12:33

Thank you for this. It's needed atm. I did email you about WIKI. Maybe check spam?
