5 beginner Bonsai mistakes to avoid,  that might be killing your bonsai tree!

5 beginner Bonsai mistakes to avoid, that might be killing your bonsai tree!

Life of Bonsai

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Life of Bonsai
Life of Bonsai - 03.04.2023 14:18

Ps: Shohin and Mame bonsai are small trees the difference is that these trees even though they are small. They have great development/ramification and years of training with age showing.

ArwenAmidalaGrey - 19.09.2023 04:20

Thank you. This was so informative and inspiring. 🙏🏻

Matthias - 17.09.2023 12:07

With the right soil it's almost impossible to water too much

disembowlmovemnt - 01.09.2023 20:52

When you put a "stick in a pot" in the nursery pot to encourage "trunk" growth do you use bonsai soil or regular potting soil?

Kutsy - 31.08.2023 19:08

My bonsai tree died after repotting too :(

Anne Pähler
Anne Pähler - 30.08.2023 09:14

Thanks for your advice, it is so helpful.

Musicbox - 30.08.2023 00:25

Thank you for sharing this! It isn't easy to share mistakes.

Shilpa Rajasree
Shilpa Rajasree - 26.08.2023 06:50

I see some white dots on my bonsai leaves.. Can u pls help me

Tony Stewart
Tony Stewart - 22.08.2023 05:16

Great great video! I just started with my first 4 little Bonsai trees I purchased. Your videos are very informative.

celeste taylor
celeste taylor - 11.08.2023 19:04

Oh my goodness! Thank you so much for this video. 😢I wish I had seen it before I purchased my two Bonsai.😭😭😭I think they are both dead and I don’t know what to do, but I know what NOT to do. I thought I had it right this time but clearly I’m not getting it. Thank you again for this informative video. I am sharing it with my son who is also a beginner in Bonsai

Jemma Howard
Jemma Howard - 08.08.2023 15:23

hi when repotting does the bonsai need to go into a plastic pot until it’s suited for a larger bonsai pot or can it be moved immediately to a larger one? (I’m very new to bonsai and have a brush cherry)

Yocoda - 04.08.2023 07:25

Turn Playback speed on 1.5😀😀

titus4166 - 01.08.2023 22:59

Any size, is a bonsai tree. It’s an art and personal style. If it’s small, cared for, loved, is a bonsai. A “stick in a pot” is a bonsai. That’s like saying abstract art is not art.

Egoe Bonsai
Egoe Bonsai - 21.07.2023 08:49

Thank for sharing video learning about Bonsai.
Good Job Sir.
Greeting hobby bonsai from Indonesia.

Suntzu - 18.07.2023 10:27

Thanks very much aappreciated, good info.

William Ingleby
William Ingleby - 30.06.2023 19:35

Thank you for this. Excellent advice.

Celso McAvoy
Celso McAvoy - 30.06.2023 13:19


Loeffler Campuzano
Loeffler Campuzano - 29.06.2023 07:14


John Herrera
John Herrera - 28.06.2023 22:53

Good vid. Wouldve liked more information on names of the different kind of trees that were shown. My personal favorite was the tree that blossomed white flowers

Anna Enner
Anna Enner - 26.06.2023 14:48


Juan Mattos
Juan Mattos - 23.06.2023 18:21

These are all common mistakes we all made at some point (It has to be that way to learn from it); people spends hundreds of dollars on a Bonsai and don’t even use the right pot or soil.

Bonsai literally means a tree in a pot (Mame, Shohin etc), but I partially agree, work the trunk first and then Progressively make it smaller.

Thanks for the video.

Gina - 22.06.2023 19:13

Thank you very much for your advice. Is there anyway that you can save your tree from route rod? It still has the leaves and it’s flimsy

Celso McAvoy
Celso McAvoy - 21.06.2023 05:28


Pongsakorn Mohammed
Pongsakorn Mohammed - 21.06.2023 05:28


Venable Annmarie
Venable Annmarie - 20.06.2023 15:58


Phrase Mikah
Phrase Mikah - 19.06.2023 12:30


Caidogs55 - 12.06.2023 00:01

Thanks for the advice I just got my first bonsai tree and this will help me a lot ❤

splint1872012 - 10.06.2023 20:28

When should I transfer a seedling from a regular pot to a bonsai training pot?

Arthur S Saggin
Arthur S Saggin - 08.06.2023 02:33

Great vídeo !!! Experience is everything

Taylor Padron
Taylor Padron - 06.06.2023 23:29

Eh, not 100% accurate

Garcel - 31.05.2023 23:28

I’m growing for a branch, I started it out in water then it began to grow roots and stems…. I potted and it began to whiter I still don’t know why… I placed it back in water and it’s thriving again … It’s a willow do you have advice on what I need to do to pot it correctly?

Phil Clark
Phil Clark - 23.05.2023 21:39

I am also a tree murderer, in a number of different ways. Good news is it's been a while since I've killed, so maybe I'm getting better, or smarter, or luckier?

Walk About
Walk About - 21.05.2023 16:23

Excellent. All mistakes I’ve made. I killed trees, even trees with great potential, by each mistake you mentioned.

Nafets - 20.05.2023 13:47

Hi, I'm new to bonsai and want to start my own tree. Its nearly July so is it worth it to get one now or should i wait until next year? Im asking because in most videos I've watched now it is said that you can do most work only in early spring.

Cynthia Blanton
Cynthia Blanton - 18.05.2023 20:36

Glad I found this. Received a small tree for Mother’s Day and I don’t want to kill it!
Thanks again.

Florian Hofmann
Florian Hofmann - 15.05.2023 17:48

I sometimes wonder, if plants had feelings too, how would it feel to be a bonsai.

LevelUP - 14.05.2023 21:59

I like them small. Nothing wrong with a small bonsai.

longfootbuddy - 12.05.2023 04:23

one mistake i made, was thinking i should water it with my blood.. it got to a point, where i was feeling really weak, which caused me to slip into a coma, and when i woke up, i was very thin, and my hair had turned white.. when i looked at the plant, it was dead

English Dave
English Dave - 10.05.2023 19:43

Many thanks,just learnt a lot there.

George TV 77
George TV 77 - 10.05.2023 12:36

thanks ,it very helpful, i just got my first tree

Lilith Phoenix
Lilith Phoenix - 09.05.2023 19:14

So what I've found is, Bonsai is literally having a Pet Tree. Feed too much, it will get sick. Water too much, sick. Trim it too much, you open it to infection. Trim it not enough, it gets shaggy and untidy. Rehome it too soon, it will grow anxious and struggle to grow to the space, don't Rehome it soon enough it will grow too big and overflow the space. It is literally like a pet. And actually, thinking it like this makes me want to care for a tree. I've seen so many Bonsai Videos in my recommendation today, and I'm intrigued. 😁

Luigi Luigi
Luigi Luigi - 07.05.2023 23:35

Stick in pot made me laugh. Those tiny ones can be beautiful. I believe they call them Mame.

However you're right if you get it small and it stays in a small pot it's not going to get big.

Time can be lost with a nursery tree if you rush it into a Bonsai pot. Often best to leave it in a large pot or plant in soil until it's the size you want

VVoivod - 07.05.2023 01:20

Very informative video, man. It’s funny how we didn’t know these things when we first started out. I can’t believe how much I have learned over the years, and still need to learn.

KG Outdoor Solutions
KG Outdoor Solutions - 06.05.2023 20:12

Plus you put the crepe myrtle out in full sun. Anytime I root prune or repot I have trees that sit in the shade for 1-2 weeks to recover.

Ariel Glaze
Ariel Glaze - 21.04.2023 13:49

😢 this made me so sad. I don’t think I can handle this.

Mitch - 17.04.2023 22:05

I live where 40 below nights are not unheard of, I don't think you can let the whole pot freeze like a brick and keep living.

Ed Prince
Ed Prince - 17.04.2023 05:23

I finally gave it up

Sam I am
Sam I am - 13.04.2023 00:00

I tried keeping bonsai when I was 18 and killed each successive tree within 2 weeks.

This Valentines day my fiancee bought me one and I thought I might try and beat the record.

I watered it every 3 or so days when the top soil got dry. But one day forgot on a friday and it was dry shriveled and very dead before March.

I am astounded how precious these bloody things are and how easy they die.
