Can you recognise all five emotions? Empathy Exercise to test your Emotional Intelligence

Can you recognise all five emotions? Empathy Exercise to test your Emotional Intelligence


55 лет назад

17,792 Просмотров

Test your empathy skills - what are the five different emotions in the short clips?

Write your answers in the comments and we will see what the different thoughts are!

Happy doings!

I do not own any of the video clips, all rights and ownership belong to the movies: Friends, Love Actually, Sherlock, Harry Potter, Definitely Maybe

#emotionalintelligence #empathy #improve #improvus #psychologicaltools #sherlock #harrypotter #friends #pheobebuffay #ryanreynolds #benedictcumberbatch #danielradcliffe


#empathy #emotional_intelligence #LOTR #Wolverine
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