What Graham Hancock Gets WRONG about Flood Myths

What Graham Hancock Gets WRONG about Flood Myths

World of Antiquity

2 года назад

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@PoseidonXIII - 17.01.2024 12:56

Great stuff man. The real history is always way more fascinating than the pseudohistory narratives out there. Glad you could shine some genuine light on the subject.

@antoniobatista8009 - 17.01.2024 08:12

he is a story teller

@PareliusC - 16.01.2024 22:42

I live in Maine and the Sandy River frequently causes flooding in Farmington and nearby communities. Here in Portland the Old Port and Bayside(built on a mudflat) often flood during very strong high tides. The idea that flood myths are a memory of events like this honestly makes the most sense.

I don't understand why people are often unwilling to accept that myths or legends could be borrowed from other cultures and that they MUST be native. Especially with the Greeks who loved to infuse their traditions with those of others.

@sunnindawg - 16.01.2024 06:37


@localbod - 15.01.2024 21:20

Graham Handcock has always sounded very authoritive in his tone and delivery. Subsequently, his theories and claims appear very plausible especially if you're smoking a lot of weed / ganja / cannabis.
However, in the cold light of day an overnight global sea level rise of 30 feet would be enormous.

@camdenandersen8941 - 14.01.2024 06:22

Nahui Atl (4 Water) is the name of the 4th Sun in Aztec cosmology, in which it was noted historically that
all had perished in a great flood. Where the historical concept came from is debatable, just as surley as the concept of the 5 Suns seems to be inherited from the Old World as well.

@nahaloz1816 - 14.01.2024 00:03

Thanks for this review, I like Hancock but I agree with your assessment that this was not his finest piece of deduction and fact based theory. Still I think some of what Hancock is saying (on other topics) is worth looking at and it creates a healthier discussion. I heard that there are letters signed by archeologists to shut him off, that is not the way to go, if you don’t agree with him then do what you have done here!

@DKennett2013 - 11.01.2024 15:14

“there are no flood myths in Africa”…. There are several. The Yoruba Flood myth is simply one of them.

Although I welcome healthy debate, I feel you are pulling a hit-and-run and not giving completely factual information in an attempt to discredit Hancock.

@JeffRobinson-vc1mg - 10.01.2024 18:24

There was never a war between Atlantis and Athens! Is just a false story trying to make the Greeks seem better than what they were! Graham Hancock is only trying to explain things with realitity from his research, but with so much knowledge lost he is trying to make sense of the fragments that remain. A place associated with Atlantis did once exist, but records of it were lost, or hidden, but distorted stories are worldwide! So how can it be ignored? The fact is a comet or meteor impacted this planet around 9600 bce, probably in the region of Antarctica that rose sea levels rapidly for a time until things stabilised. At that time sea levels were more than hundreds of feet lower, so any anvanced civilisation on the coast would have been wiped out. Sure there have been many floods through the world, but what you fail to mention, is that people can only see as far as the horizon due to the curvature of the Earth, so to them the whole world seems flooded! There were many so called world wide floods because to the people who lived then and survived, their knowledge was limited, but passed on to future generations orally before being written down.

@kennyshortcake999 - 10.01.2024 02:03

Outstanding work 🎉 Thank You 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

@jimgaston9863 - 10.01.2024 01:27

Yes and primitive man wasn’t capable of building complex structures yet gobleki tepe and many other ancient structures dated to 11-12 thousand years ago exist,When according to scholars humans were just starting to cease nomadic life and engage in rudimentary farming.

@jillfarley520 - 10.01.2024 01:07

Graham Hancock did not write the flood stories that have been told by all ancient people on every continent...you are deliberately misinterpreting what he means. The best way to generate click bait is to mention Graham Hancock in your video title. So when ancient writers talk about it like you are reading out it is fine yet when Hancock mentions various floods he is talking nonsense?

@BobPearson-zr1mi - 09.01.2024 10:17

Sea level rise is not a flood. Good grief.

@LefeinNoel - 07.01.2024 21:01

I don’t care much for the topic, but how does someone get a lie wrong? You framed the title not me. My beliefs aren’t represented here.

@AROSFC - 06.01.2024 23:41

its clear that he's 'shoehorning' all the narratives in one. nevertheless, some huge cataclismic event or events happened in order to be worth writing about since writing was not as usual as now and it was a preveledge of an elite or two. of course that one of those elites were the religious ones and the event was 'embelished' with punisment for bad behaviour....

@stiphbreis5513 - 04.01.2024 14:28

It would appear that this man is riding Hancock's coattails to try to get more views and subs.
Hancock doesnt claim to be 100% correct. His stated mission is to get people thinking about a potential lost era of humanity.

Waste of my time.

@Zaqfalcon - 04.01.2024 11:37

Excellent work, thank you, David.

@Margarinetaylorgrease - 04.01.2024 08:53

God said “I kill you all” so why so many accounts of the food?

@_samval - 04.01.2024 08:35

I'm from Vietnam (where part of sundaland used to be), we have more than 50 different ethinic groups/minorities. Most of them have a myth with the theme "great flood killing everybody -> few people survive -> the rebirth of humans". A uni professor named Đặng Nghiêm Vạn who conducted the research and published an 1993 article named "The Flood Myth and the Origin of Ethnic Groups in Southeast Asia" if you want to look more into it.

Something of a flood catastrophe must have happened back then.

@andrewfeuerstein2597 - 04.01.2024 06:45

Well you’re dead ass wrong about sea level continuing to rise and using that as a point against what graham said in how much land has been covered. Sea level has not even risen more than a few FEET in the last 2000 years. It’s AT LEAST 80 meters higher than it was just 10,000 years ago. So basically 1 meter in 2000 years and the other 79 meters in the 8000 years prior and MOST of that happened in far less than 1000 years of the end of the younger dryas. So yeah you’re wrong.

@wyattguilliams5325 - 04.01.2024 03:29

There was A flood that destroyed Atlantis but it wasn't THE flood that was responsible.

Graham Hancock is suggesting there were old civilizations lost to time. Yes it's misleading to say THE flood destroyed Atlantis but it's not what he's trying to say overall.

For example, Doggerland. That once connected England to Europe until flood waters gradually made it what we know today as the English Channel

@historylife4436 - 03.01.2024 23:18

Graham is not legit. He is just making it up as he goes, very damaging to legit proof. Pseudo science is the worse answer so is Hancock and he knows it!

@Notmehimorthem - 03.01.2024 20:53

The myth of Santa claus has similarities acros the world. YThis does not mean Santa CLaus exists. It's a meme.

@Notmehimorthem - 03.01.2024 20:25

It's bad weather. That's all.

@shawnpruyn8644 - 02.01.2024 14:31

What's the evidence against his?

@ME-kf3ni - 02.01.2024 11:03

Poor judgment, poor reasoning and overall lack of creativity... Very easy to criticize hancook but can support your own argument....

@torijones1331 - 02.01.2024 09:47

I had to double check my dates before putting this out. But I believe it's possible that IF the story did precede Plato it could have been remembering a conflict between Athens and Minoans around the end of the bronze age collapse. Though I couldn't find anything about sea level raise during that period.

@imallrightme7336 - 01.01.2024 04:03

I feel like a proper idiot after reading all his books.

@WilliamByrne-xy5jk - 31.12.2023 08:20

World of Antiquity is of the establishment that pushes the gradual ism theory, never admitting the catastrophic events which have certainly occurred. There is too much evidence of impacts, floods, volcanic eruptions to average out the annual rise of water. There ARE many world-wide flood legends but you not pick a detail and assert the whole assumption must ergo be true. What is your agenda ? People, take this channel with a grain of salt, the guy is NOT kosher!

@luiznogueira1579 - 31.12.2023 01:52

Sure, Hancock makes some wild claims that aren't always backed by science, he may exaggerate or misquote Plato or some other source. People should take him up on those things, without a doubt. But your attempt at debunking him, apparently based solely on one conference--and not on his books--seems flimsy at best. If you're going to dismantle his arguments I suggest you go a bit deeper than a quick Wikipedia search, do some serious research instead of just nitpicking a couple of things and pushing your own opinions. And read a couple of the man's books to ground your critique.

@williemakit6364 - 30.12.2023 12:53

Why don't you put your e-brake on, back up and do some research and learn how wrong YOU are on so many facts

@M1ster.Fr3sh - 30.12.2023 02:10

Thank goodness this guy has a fraction of the viewership Graham has. Maybe he'll be humble into not acting disrespectful and condescending towards opposing views.

This guy needs a reality check, since he doesn't have a following.....

@williamwilson6499 - 29.12.2023 19:55

People who buy his books don’t care about facts. For many, the person who tells you what you want to hear is the truest source.

@NorthernChev - 28.12.2023 20:47

Yes, but WHO gets Netflix specials and huge speaking events all year long? Graham or dealers-in-facts like yourself? The general public isn’t interested in facts. I mean, look at all the idiots who believe in voter fraud despite it being proven in every case to have no evidence to support that.

@williamlitsch5506 - 25.12.2023 11:30

If we lost all memories due to a word wide flood and death then how did he hear about it? A survivor who didn't lose memories or a local who didn't experience it? Either one makes Hancock an idiot.

@je-freenorman7787 - 23.12.2023 03:30

I just wanted to leave a quick message as I unsubscribe.
I know there are a lot of wild goose chases to follow out there.
Important to be sure of the confirmed facts
But there is in fact only and always, One Truth
Something is very wrong indeed
Something very wrong with religion and government
There are many things we are never told

@loile7336 - 22.12.2023 23:06

your saying alot of i believe and sounds like.... your misleading

@arboreusmcclane1672 - 22.12.2023 19:27

the notion of widespread flood myth is itself a myth....this is a purely christian affect, most cultures have no such myth, but the claim remains and promulgates, usually by hucksters like graham hancock.

Hancock is a moron with a ideological agenda....there really is no need for these rubes to be elevated like they are, nor is there any reason to debate, them, far easier and more productive to simply denounce them as loons and leave them to the dust bin of history....

@johnrudy9404 - 22.12.2023 16:46

Have disliked GH from the first. Poster child for confirmation bias. He has a degree in Sociology, so I think his pursuit of these ideas is very far from his scope of practice. Pseudoscience nonsense.

@asuka4ever1979 - 22.12.2023 11:46

Early inhabitants lived near rivers (Nile, Indus, Amazon, Yangzi, etc.) and flooding was usual. Since their scope of the world" was within their village/town, their being destroyed by the river flooding as catastrophic. It is like a kid having his/her apple stolen. It is life-threatening event to the kid.

@Andreas-xz7np - 21.12.2023 01:55

I see similarities between Hancock and Platon. Maybe Platon was the first lost ancient high technolgoy idiot?

@jefferydenton8679 - 18.12.2023 09:33

And all of the so-called inTformation you're trying to refute Hancock with literally all comes from the people he works for who took over the medical schools and higher Institutes of learning well over a century ago and you're believing their crap without even questioning it but evidently Graham Hancock has no right to.

@cepson - 17.12.2023 14:22

If you're going to come up with a parable about how the world was destroyed, but some people survived it, a flood story is a convenient framework. If your story involves incineration of the face of the earth, it's hard to imagine how someone could survive that. Giant, worldwide earthquakes might be an option, but they don't provide the same satisfying metaphor of the world being washed clean. Floods are common enough that almost everyone knows what a flood is like and how dangerous they can be, and clever people with enough foresight can ride out a flood or escape to higher ground and avoid the catastrophe. It's not necessary for flood stories to be remnant memories of particular floods; they can just be myths and metaphors that were expanded in the telling as they were passed down generations.

@sparxy1968 - 16.12.2023 21:38

My bathroom flooded yesterday and I wrote about it in my journal which may be found in 2000 years :-)

@nathanclark2780 - 16.12.2023 02:56

I have a worker that refuses to acknowledge that Hancock is a lying pseudoarcheaology grifter no matter how much information I give her that she refuses to read because I refuse to waste any more time watching the BS of GH. Then she strawmans my arguments and in bad faith intentionally mischaracterizes what I said to put words in my mouth and change the meaning. When she’s beaten, she tosses red hearings to distract with “what about” and tries to move the goal posts. It’s so pathetically, willfully ignorant. I feel sorry for people and our world when so many are this willfully ignorant. They should be voting for American Idol, not politicians that regulate our lives. This anti-intellectualism and pseudo-intellectualism needs to be challenged and marginalized. It threatens democratic values and the overall wellbeing and safety of society.

@samiblank6761 - 15.12.2023 16:05

Noahs ark Noahs lark
