Halloween Ends (2022) - Killing the Cop Scene | Movieclips

Halloween Ends (2022) - Killing the Cop Scene | Movieclips


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@adammartin3750 - 04.01.2024 22:10

Michael had to hear it from the crowd and Hulk up to kill the cop I’m surprised he didn’t do the finger wag at him at this point.

@thehalloweenheavymetalmusicwar - 16.12.2023 15:25

This is the worst scene & movie ever. I'd prefer to watch Halloween Resurrection & RZ Halloween (2007) over this garbage Ends movie.

@scottslimmon7956 - 04.12.2023 06:16

"You used to be strong. I seent you massacre a bunch of firefighters. I seent it! You was ruthless man!"

@hanndonfield91 - 26.11.2023 13:23

Theory it's a psychological feeling that killing gives him it doesn't make him stronger physically

@Batman36555 - 23.11.2023 16:13

I thought he was a cop💀

@m_d1024 - 21.11.2023 17:36

I still can’t believe they did this to him smh this is what every movie does because they lack longevity creativity the first movie is always good, second movie makes u wanna come back for
More once they get to
The third………. Is like whelp we got the audience money might as just make anything it doesn’t atp

@BlastoffDiaz - 19.11.2023 11:11

This was the worst movie I've seen in years

@rashodevans - 17.11.2023 03:27

At dis era Micheal needed the power to kill to return to the streets and be on the loose it was goin so good till the ending but I know Michael will come back years later

@TylerSmith-kn7jk - 11.11.2023 21:14

I watched 2018 last night and i thought it was awesome. I think ill pass on this movie though. Looks dumb as hell.

@user-nq3uu4hm2g - 02.11.2023 22:58


@dhihin7587 - 02.11.2023 11:38

I do not like this movie but I can say it was gory

@zcams - 27.10.2023 09:41

They said the more he kills the more he transcends but did anyone miss the carnage he dished out in Halloween Kills he should be like energizer bunny right now

@CallMeDaddyMyers1 - 27.10.2023 03:49

No way that Michael is getting pushed around and getting beaten up…if that was any other Michael everyone would’ve been dead

@eternalhalloween1 - 26.10.2023 06:57

Powerful! COREY "Get up! Show me how to do it!" Even without saying it, we can hear Michael saying: "Alright. Cut me some slack kid. I'm not as young as I used to be." (They kill Doug.) MICHAEL "Alright. It's coming back to me." If we're honest, we know Corey is sympathetic. And Allyson is not so altruistic. But of course, a pretty girl gets an annoying free pass.

@lordmeian3929 - 25.10.2023 02:05

This was the best scene of the movie

@lunabird89 - 24.10.2023 21:42

Stupidest film of all lol

@wisethabrain1100 - 23.10.2023 03:10

U know how confused I was watching this scene?!?!

@NeilNork - 22.10.2023 01:55


@Xiao_285 - 22.10.2023 01:18

Poor michael,he need some rest before he kills someone...😢no one is ever!! better than the ORIGINAL!!!!!

@Jester666X - 20.10.2023 13:27

Without powerful she was in the previous movies it took a lot of people to kill for him to regain his strength

@LKYHGaming - 19.10.2023 14:40

Both kills and ends I find some of the criticisms to be unreasonable. Sure you can feel that its dumb that the whole hospital mob scene was directed towards someone who MAY be Micheal but for some reason without the blue jumpsuit BUT no one in the 2018 movie survived to tell the tale about some guy in a white mask and blue jumpsuit so by going with the fear Micheal brings to the town it’s justifiable that they got scared it was him and quickly took the chance to shout “EVIL DIES TONIGHT!”. Plus, no one knew who he looked like so they can never be sure if it was him until the person who they assumed was Micheal got the gnarliest kill in the movie. Now onto this movie, again, your attachment to Micheal may have offended you that this movie made him a weak old man when age never stopped him even after four decades BUT he had suffered wounds no matter how much his evilness plot armour protects him and has been living in the sewers for four whole years with no food or water, no sunlight and ESPECIALLY not having killed anyone in a while. So yes, it makes sense that’s he’s a weak old man in this scene and not as much on screen duration as much as the fans want him to.

@SStudiosCO - 17.10.2023 04:29

People forget the reason why he died so easily is because no one feared him anymore, people would rather risk their lives trying to kill him than run. Once that fear ran out, once his house and everything that made the boogie man scary. Was simply water down into a myth no one cared about

@stasikdim7776 - 16.10.2023 11:38


@h00ligan71 - 15.10.2023 22:29

Micheal looks like a zombie, but we see it has still human interactions? I mean he breaths heavly, he trumbles, he has a connection with corey, and the cop kill was full of anger, and i dont know what else. Psychology of Micheal is great.

@user-zu6bn4dj1f - 15.10.2023 02:33

Question does Micheal get stronger the more he kills

@JaxPillow-qf3vm - 15.10.2023 01:00

The horror movie equivalent of a kid catching a pass from Tom brady

@spengler2258 - 14.10.2023 08:45

I have my issues with this scene and the depiction of Michael in general in Ends, but I really like how the Halloween theme transitions into Corey's theme at the end- the link between the two has finally been set in stone, Corey has no way back and he is now set on the same path Michael went down.

@La.2blea.ivan04 - 10.10.2023 18:51

Is Micheael ok? He seemed weak

@sevibomhower-lk7rp - 09.10.2023 02:47

Michael being weak cause he didn't kill in 4 years and getting some of his strength back after killing the cop was amazingw

@IllllllllIlllllllI - 05.10.2023 22:35

Corey: “Show me how to do it.”
Nerd Explains: “Just keep doing what you’re doing dude. A few more smacks with that mag lite and Doug’s a goner.”

@eugeneroseminerva4103 - 03.10.2023 12:44

Three times

@eugeneroseminerva4103 - 03.10.2023 12:44


@russel777 - 03.10.2023 10:34

It would sound weird,but this is a very powerful scene in a sense that that's how enemies should be dealt with☝️

@leperre641 - 03.10.2023 06:44

It seems Michael feeds every time he snatches a life and recovers, and he looks much corpulent than a standard human also every time he snatches a life

@johncasey4077 - 03.10.2023 01:34

The Halloween films are great

@michaelclark4062 - 02.10.2023 09:54

That part where he said show me how to do it I mean hello corey don't you remember killing that homeless guy Earlier in the movie totally bad writing 😔

@Snktp17 - 02.10.2023 06:33

It’s just crazy to me that Michael doesn’t even have the most kills in a Halloween movie

@chugalicious9562 - 01.10.2023 09:44

Anybody else realize this cop is the Mulaney brother from the flashback scene in Halloween Kills?

@brahyanvalle2513 - 27.09.2023 08:29

He deserves it... bad and toxic cop

@KingCloverMhm - 25.09.2023 01:49

Micheals getting old:(

@mattprosser7924 - 23.09.2023 18:01

I wish they told the story differently. Have Corey be someone who became obsessed with Michael myers and decided to finish the job he started by taking out the strodes. You see him making a mask, getting coveralls, and a few kills. He uses his relationship with them to set them up to be murdered on halloween only for it to be interrupted by the real Michael and its revealed that Corey did none of the actual killing making the movie more about Michael than what the movie we got was. I would have also killed off all the strodes, and escapes, but ambiguous to if he dies or not. The choice to humanize and demystify him took too much away from

@marlenevegatorres729 - 21.09.2023 20:03

La venganza es mio

@Ur2ez4me81 - 20.09.2023 16:48

😂 this movie is complete trash

@VaultBoiGeralt - 19.09.2023 01:39

What I love about this particular scene, is that it mirrors what Laurie says in Halloween Kills “the more he kills, the more he transcends into something impossible to defeat”.
Whilst I do believe that they don’t stick the landing with how Michael’s powers are portrayed, I really do like the idea of Michael receiving energy from the people he kills. It’s just a shame that from here on, Michael’s either very weak, or how we’ve seen him for the past couple of films; the continuity is off, especially if you think back to how aware and strong Michael is in Halloween 2018, I’m almost certain Dr Sartain might’ve been “feeding” prisoners for Michael to kill to stay strong for over 40 years.
This should’ve been the part where the movie put Michael at the forefront.

@drodeehaze12 - 16.09.2023 05:31

Tbh I don’t understand the Halloween series.. so how in the first one Michael myers kills his sister brushing her hair but then later on Jaime lee Curtis is Michael myers sister 🤷‍♂️

@Michaelmyerzofficial - 12.09.2023 00:20

This movie would’ve been good if there was a bit more michael, wasnt as weak (still weaker than halloween kills tho since he’s an old man now so its understandable) didn’t get humbled by corey, and had more kills from michael

@kerbex2761 - 11.09.2023 01:39

I know people are literally roasting this movie but I like it at least we get more details about micheal

@trayweathersby7490 - 07.09.2023 21:11

This movie was trash!! Since when did Michael Myers need an apprentice??

@MrBlack252 - 06.09.2023 22:43

Wtf why is that random Corey kid helping him? This makes no sense the writing of this movie was garbage
