Understanding Tau Ethereals - (Tau) 40K Lore

Understanding Tau Ethereals - (Tau) 40K Lore

The Amber King

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@messageinthebottle1673 - 02.12.2021 13:39

The T'au is one of my most favorite factions of the warhammer 40k universe because they're a faction that caters to the Sci-fi fans which me personally I do enjoy science fiction. The tau started off as goody two shoe 👞 factions but eventually thier lore as been updated to be more fitting with the grimdark universe but at same time more realistic. The ethereal caste mind-control and power trip makes sense despite seemingly its dark and messed up, cause if you think about it the T'au was about to destroy themselves willingly and voluntarily then the ethereal swoop in and started to mind control them. Thier usage of mind control power reminds me of a anime call "Code Geass" in that anime the protagonist started off as regular college boy who is stripped from power and royalty wanted revenge from his own father and make the world 🌎 a better place but a task like that is realistically impossible, however he suddenly obtained an awesome super power which is mind control and eventually manage to achieve his goals. This story from the anime is similar to the story and progression of the T'au ethereal and it makes sense because if you want to make a proper society you have to be in position of power to reinforce your will to others, for the ethereal caste its mind control and threw that they made a star-spanding empire. Admittedly the ethereal caste is my most favorite caste (aside from the fire caste).

@Toto-95 - 30.12.2021 10:25

hidden gem

@Wolfphototech - 31.12.2021 06:06

The Tau empire is the human imperium 2.0 .

@chriscabbage1019 - 31.12.2021 18:56

I just found this channel and it's now one of my favourites!! Please keep up the good work !!

@patrickmcginty3234 - 07.01.2022 02:18

I think Farsight's mission to reclaim the world's beyond the Damocles Gulf was a way for the Ethereals to get rid of Farsight in a way that maintained his facade as the hero of the Damocles Gulf Crusade. Why else did they not treat the mission as the next sphere expansion for the Tau Empire?

@Ng-zg4dq - 07.01.2022 12:37

One of my new favourite channels. Same topics but done so differently. Thank you and keep it up 👌

@charlesv5h975 - 07.01.2022 23:43

Great video!

@Connordaboss45 - 26.01.2022 12:51

Really hope you do more on the tau

@HelloThere..... - 13.02.2022 13:38

I love your videos by the way and I'm moreso questioning the information you're relaying, not YOU. I know you're just the messenger and I greatly appreciate you for it you're my go to warhammer lore guy because of the structure of your videos, the way you read and WHAT you actually say, it's very captivating and really does a good job at making you understand the subject so thank you for these videos, I love them :).

@wafflesmcgallagher934 - 01.03.2022 19:28

Communism is literally class struggle. Not very individualistic lol

@johnroxburgh4087 - 05.03.2022 01:35

And that my friends is communism 101

@professorsponge1554 - 06.03.2022 04:58

the fact that the tau will gladly commit sepuku if an ethereal asks, the helmets that instantly turned the Vespid from enemies to zealous devotees to the Greater Good, and that the tau engage in sterilization of human populations should tell you everything. The tau are subversive. they're greater good is only for the good of the ethereals. It may seem comfy and good natured, but the greater good and the tau empire are a baited trap.
The ethereals may promise that you will keep your faith, your culture, but that's just this generation. They will slowly indoctrinate your descendants into becoming loyal to them and the empire.

@Prophetofthe8thLegion - 14.03.2022 06:50

You think yourselfs the pinnacle of civilization. That you have mastered culture, mastered technology, mastered war. Perhaps you are. We were once great. greater then you and your disgusting alien empire. We once served the Imperium which you fight. Then we were enlightened by the truth. We were no longer slaves to the golden throne. In the course of a decade we raised this imperium to ash. What you fight now is the frankenstein carcaus of a false gods dream, defiant against its innevitable death! We built an empire which span further then the stars themselves and we tore it down after words. We alone ten thousand years ago achieved the pinnacle of civilization! An empire of a million stars with nigh unlimited armies of veteran warriors and we tore it all down in the mere blink of nine years! What have you done in nine years. What have you done save lie to yourselves and your slaves about the "manifest destiny" you believe your empire to believe? You stand against a bloated, rotting corpse and yet even that is too much for your empire to hold against! Truly it is a wonder and a curse what our own ingenuity has wrought. So remember this Alien as I start cutting. Your empire could stand for a decade, a century, a millennia, but we will always be here. We will be there to tear down your empire just as we tore down ours.

@DeetexSeraphine - 28.03.2022 15:43

So.... the T'au empire.... Who or what is the T'au _Emperor_?

@marzero116 - 13.04.2022 16:07

the tower just regular good when they first were introduced. then the endgelords complaining about them not being grim dark enough turn them into this. it was a nice having just a regular good faction for a little bit there.

@rexaxis3450 - 29.05.2022 18:45

The greater good seems to be more based off of confuscian philosophy and traditional Chinese monarchism than communism

@gup1400 - 27.06.2022 05:36

If I had to live in the 40k universe I would want to live with the tau regardless of the downsides I think it would be better than icing on a hive world.

@greenmann1217 - 30.06.2022 13:38

Yeah sorry I'll take being forced to be nice over any of the other bullshit happening in the 40K universe

@stangerr0267 - 01.07.2022 01:22

I still fail to see the evidence of actual mind control or failed manipulation

@Danial0902 - 01.07.2022 10:10

The best description of the TAU, period. 👏👏👏👏👏 For the greater good. 🤣

@josepholiveira2873 - 18.07.2022 05:18

This may be an obvious comparison, but: Hearing how the Ethereals force their ideals on the surrounding galaxy and deny the Immaterium, I'm immediately reminded of the Imperial Truth during the Great Crusade. The Tau are making the same mistake as the Emperor did, though without the same degree of violent xenophobia.

@PsychicAlchemy - 21.07.2022 03:55

Considering the pheromone theory for a moment, what if the Ethereals don't realize they're manipulating everyone because they, themselves, are manipulated by their own biology?

@TheJordin1 - 12.08.2022 14:27

These videos are getting me through my days at work, home, and are gonna come with me on my 3 hour drive next week. I love this stuff dude

@ARMSMASH - 26.08.2022 01:48

Been binging all of the videos on your channel, Gotta say they are brilliant, I have been painting for over a year and its good to acutlly listen to the lore so I might have a tiny idea of whats even going on in 40 k lol

@Kyser666 - 29.08.2022 17:26

Wow the Tau ethereal sound like evil.

@popecorkyxxiv2363 - 31.08.2022 08:43

Huh, so the Tau are a mirror of Crusade era Humanity? The Greater good is the Imperial Truth, accept this truth or die for it. Farsight is Horus, the prodigal son who turned traitor after finding a warp tainted sword. The holographic leader being controlled by the Ethereal Council is like the Emperor being used by the Council of Terra. Without the presence of an Ethereal the Tau abandon the Greater Good, just like Humans do without a Commissar/Sister/Etc.

@GeronimoPlaz - 02.09.2022 09:43

Commie bastards!

@lukefishlock2715 - 12.09.2022 10:28

By far one of the best tau depictions I've listened too thus far.
Love to listen to your accounts of the 40k universe and it's inhabitants, would love to hear more xenos based ones as it's a refreshing change from the imperium of man... Especially maybe on the farsight enclaves or eldar factions.
Keep up the great work dude.

@funwithfrank7522 - 13.10.2022 05:23

All your work is amazing more people need to give you love,

@eichler721 - 22.10.2022 08:16

The one 1vs1 are pretty good as a species due to thier tech not on par with Eldar, Necrons, Astartes, and such mut as a force they are small and probably the single weakest force in the Galaxy.

@nebulamask81 - 14.11.2022 13:57

It wasn't REAL xenos communism though...

@thenewwaydevil - 15.11.2022 02:45

Truly this channel is blessed by the mosquito in Amber as seen in jurrsasix Park

@drgonzo305 - 12.12.2022 03:27

The Tau Empire is literally the galaxy’s biggest Pyramid scheme

@drgonzo305 - 12.12.2022 03:39

Lol they broadcasted empire wise themselves jumping into the warp with no gellar fields lol

@gaymer42069 - 07.01.2023 10:18

This video is tau propaganda

@muriomoira - 11.02.2023 07:27

Its really interesting how, despite diferent, a paralel can be made between tau and humanity when it comes to mentality. Sure tau Live in a ignorant state of permanent forced compliance... But so does the empire through religious dogma. The average empire soldier doesnt have the level of understanding of how fucked the universe is a space marine would have and this is intentional... People in the imperium are as much as a cog in a hatefull, chaotic and dumb machine as the average tau citizen, not only that but also I could totally imagine a inquisitor making the same argument as the tau ethereal made "this is a heartless and uncaring world and being part of our system is the only thing preventing us to be decimated

@djolds1 - 18.02.2023 15:46

Hmm... The Emperor attempted to use The Imperial Truth - enforced atheism - to allow humanity to bypass the dangers of the Ruinous Powers. I wonder if the Ethereals are a different experiment - use the Tau'va - enforced altruistic communism - to overcome the threat of Chaos? No dark passions, no dark gods.

@blasto652 - 04.04.2023 23:27

Seeing as the ethereals resemble the water and fire cast members makes me think that they might be a genetic offspring of some tau who decided to intermingle and created the first ethereals. though I also subscribe to the therory that the last old one has a bit to do with them seeing as how perfect everything seemed to be for them what with who was near by and so on.

@mikee9464 - 16.04.2023 06:46

I love you

@rogerbrownreacts8528 - 20.04.2023 03:32

Black Templars vs Tau.

@skippy9273 - 26.04.2023 15:05

The fact that the Ethereal Tau are so vulnerable to the warp and targeted first by demons almost certainly means that the Ethereals are Psychic in some capacity unlike most Tau.

@cesarerinaldi6750 - 05.05.2023 17:12

I personally see the corruption of the Tau more under Slaanesh or under Nurgle.

@atashgallagher5139 - 03.08.2023 06:52

Why ever would the men of Iron turn against the Imperium of all people? I mean we all know how well the Imperium treats their human servants, I'm sure that they wouldn't treat the men of iron as lesser now would they.

@TeikonGom - 22.12.2023 16:14

Did this guy just call communism individualistic?

@Twitch.tvMasterblou - 26.01.2024 13:02

I would argue if the ehtereals are not in charge, then chaos instead of harmony would ensue.
Just like in our world, we have the wrong system and the wrong leader and we have the results we have. Garbage in, garbage out.

@DotJus - 13.06.2024 13:43

This is awesome! Best lore presentation I have heard. Thank you for giving Xenos a bit of love.
