A healthy economy should be designed to thrive, not grow | Kate Raworth

A healthy economy should be designed to thrive, not grow | Kate Raworth


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Gavin Lockhart
Gavin Lockhart - 16.09.2023 23:55

"For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong."

H. L. Mencken

She possesses the mental arrogance of Niezche, but has a mind filled with commonality. She repeats the common ideas of the past, but dumbs it down to a popular icon.

Eunice .O. Balogun
Eunice .O. Balogun - 13.09.2023 23:26

Richard Ford
Richard Ford - 12.09.2023 15:55

More socialist claptrap. It is inevitable that the opposite of growth is a bureaucrat imposing arbitrary limits based on nothing but how they feel about it combined with their hatred of producers.

*cherry:tea - 12.09.2023 13:31

Amazing talk. Good to see this ideology.

Boreascorax - 10.09.2023 04:40

Our systems are predicated on servicing debt. With that is an imbedded growth obligation. Until usury is taken out of the equation, nothing will change.

Loren Been
Loren Been - 05.09.2023 10:58

How ironical that, while watching this video, I get multiple ads for a training on how to become a millionaire with online money making.

Mounisha Srithas
Mounisha Srithas - 02.09.2023 15:54

Thank you Kate for this Ted Talk. My perception in development has changed through this video. We reach for growth yet we forget to thrive. Let's make 21st century more distributive for a great, thriving future . Thank you.

Susan Shann
Susan Shann - 17.08.2023 20:54

Just brilliant! This should be required viewing for every young adult in industrialized nations whose economies are measured in deceptive and damaging constructs of endless growth (benefiting the few), so that they might be energized and inspired to play their part in the co-creation of economies measured by the TRUE wealth of safe, thriving, balanced, just and inclusive communities for the benefit of all.

Geoff V
Geoff V - 04.08.2023 17:41

Lots to chew on here. The speaker has a sensible message for the world, but there was so much missing in terms of the specifics of exactly how we move from the global economic system we have today to the sort of donut she talks of, it is hard to know where to begin. Firstly, there is no global political leadership organisation which would surely be required to bring this type of change - which would take decades to bring about even if we had a clear pathway forward (which we don't) and began to transition away from growth in 2023. She was inspiring in her delivery, and we do need some inspiration. But her positive comments about various projects in some world cities and green initiatives which are helping others to switch to more renewables are, whilst useful, really tinkering at the edges. Meanwhile, the global GDP growth juggernaut carries on and we consume more as a planet. Sorry to sound so gloomy.

Brian Waite
Brian Waite - 27.07.2023 11:04

Growth means more consumption = more transactions and every transaction = tax - which is why politicians tell us we need growth.

Alex Henry
Alex Henry - 19.07.2023 18:49

Spread that copper

Aristotle Change
Aristotle Change - 18.07.2023 00:20

SOS...we need a change in our society worldwide, we do not need economic growth, we do not need all the foods on offer in supermarkets, we do not need multiple armies, we only need one to suppress all war. We do not need to travel worldwide? We do not need to mine pristine forests and seas. We do not need wealth, look at the shaolin monk. We can have a heaven upon the earth and still explore the universe inside and outside. Follow this and all will be well. 999

Chiteta Kayombo
Chiteta Kayombo - 08.07.2023 15:39

Well delivered.

Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh
Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh - 01.07.2023 02:44

Global corporate profits are in the process of being distributed more fairly - formulary apportionment

Brandon - 25.06.2023 17:03

Even if you’re currently benefiting in the growth economy, there’s a fair chance you’re not happy or pleased with life and the world. Balance is key. Praise the donut.

Mark - 16.06.2023 00:10

I dislike how we ignore the reason that the people at the bottom get nothing. It's because they do nothing. What you're missing is that growth is required to continue to feed, clothe, and house the do-nothings that the governments need for controlling votes. The top 1% are not the parasitic growth that needs to be checked, the bottom 5% are. The bottom 5% are the ones forcing the cycle and taking us out of balance.

Professor Pigeon
Professor Pigeon - 12.06.2023 18:26

Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t that Just socialism

zackatak - 10.06.2023 04:04

"When something tries to grow forever, within a healthy living thriving system, it's a threat to the health of the whole."

snehanilgirwar - 16.05.2023 04:51

loved it

Pier Boers
Pier Boers - 07.05.2023 19:50

This only talks about the goals and what we need. That’s important but I’m missing the how. How are we going to change capitalism? What better system can we design, without giving a small group even more power than in todays flawed system where capitalism is controlled by the government to benefit a small group in particular.

 @Larry 1982..
@Larry 1982.. - 26.04.2023 11:06

NASA is changing the climate through satellites with HAARP 5G, the geophysical and psychotronic weapons that cause natural disasters.. You say that the glaciers are melting, where is the water that was obtained from the melting of the glaciers, where has it disappeared? Our planet is taxed by the high vibrations of the 5G Internet,6 G that can destroy the atmospheric layers of the Planet. Why don't you stop this artificial science industry that affects the planet?Tell you people what your true intentions are because you have big plans with them do you want robots that will replace people? right? The planet will be controlled by robots but if your robots attack people? Terminator? you elites who you have created these metal monsters you won't be attacked by them but they will be able to attack simple people if by chance there is an accident in the robot program right? ok but that doesn't interest you?

Daniel Garcia
Daniel Garcia - 11.04.2023 09:22

Very nice work out together. In my view, she just have to be careful in leading what could be solutions. Several “digital” techs are carbon intense and therefore would go against her concept. Also, for companies to prioritize efforts, a TBL approach is already used in Market leaders. I wonder how to maintain a business running without the continuous showing of profit. In the UK for example, several pension funds are connected to these corporations. This approach is a very good one, I would like to see a roadmap for it. ❤

Karl Tiboleng
Karl Tiboleng - 29.03.2023 06:33

A lot of why, but no how.

Marty the H
Marty the H - 15.03.2023 18:15

The idea of economic growth is worshipped by the greedy rich who desire more and more.They never seem to reach a happy medium, it manifests itself as a pathological and psychological sickness that is staring us all in the face and yet is the elephant in the room that is simply not up for discussion. Also with a corrupt banking system that can create money out of thin air on the premise that the receiver promises to pay money into their account for the privalidge ( peddled as a loan ) is bound to fuel inflation and growth in bank profits. He who controls the money supply controls the world. Well thats what someone told me a while back, not sure if its true but felt it needed mentioning.

תמיר חייט
תמיר חייט - 01.03.2023 17:49


88marome - 27.02.2023 21:20

But that's obvious, why don't people think it's obvious? We need ecosocialism and degrowth, IT’S BLOODY OBVIOUS!

Mark Jackson
Mark Jackson - 18.02.2023 10:34

We need to add Oxygen/Atmosphere to the inner ring of the doughnut..........

Astrid Duque
Astrid Duque - 13.02.2023 14:40

Truly Inspiring!!! For many years the way of life was based on a cycle of production and demand aimed at financial gain at any price, "infinite growth on a finite planet" . Today, there is ample evidence of the global and local challenges facing the world. Social inequality and deplete natural resources are undoubtedly one of the greatest challenges affecting the status quo of our planet, our civilisation and our government. I cannot help feeling that if we continue to use GDP as a measure of progress, the problem will get worse. I am a strong proponent of the debate that changing this metric could massively support a shift towards a more equitable society. I came across the interesting book Can we be happier Evidence and Ethics by Richard Layard, a provocative book that challenges the outdated GDP model and opens the dialogue on another political metric, "happiness", it may sound a utopia but it is an interesting proposition.

Richard Ventus
Richard Ventus - 13.02.2023 10:51

Kate - Excellent - thank you so much. I agree with everything you have said. Your 'higher ambition' needs a new type of leadership and leader. The traditional highly objective/money driven/military style of leadership is increasingly damaging the planet and everyone on it. What we need to do is move to a new paradigm of leadership which rewards everyone rather than those just at the top of the tree. I have advocated Transpersonal Leadership for many years now for the reasons you give, but the 'elite' don't want it as it doesn't fit in with their desires from egotism and greed. I have a contact with one of the world's leading experts on Transpersonal leadership - if you send me a reply I'll pass on their details.

leopoldo martins
leopoldo martins - 29.01.2023 15:37

Thank you for shared brilliant ideas

Fanny Snaith - Money and Life Coach
Fanny Snaith - Money and Life Coach - 25.01.2023 21:34

I love this. Going to a talk tonight to introduce this to a new audience so thought I had better gen up. Excellent Ted - love this message. Will explore further.

Jihad Jerome
Jihad Jerome - 24.01.2023 04:37

as an oxford economists how does she ignore the basic concepts of economics, such as diminishing marginal utility capping our need to meet physiological needs (as opposed to consuming this planet into oblivion), or how about the Solow model that proved that long term economic growth empirically only comes from technological progress? These are clearly indicative that economic growth not only is good for the environment, but an actual imperative. If we want to produce more out of less, what is her goal? Raise taxes so the government can fund an NGO that tells us to consume less? Get real come on.

Even if we consume less, again: data proves that does not reduce economic growth IN THE LONG TERM, and this is not me saying this, but Dr. Solow, who got a nobel prize in economics.

Anyone got a counter-point? Please I am eager to hear it.

Sir - 17.01.2023 05:48

"Where have you been all my life?"

--The Air, Land, Water, Flora, and Fauna of Planet Earth.

Tom Potter
Tom Potter - 13.01.2023 11:50

This is such an insanely well-done talk. Wow. May we learn this lesson quickly and deeply as a world. 🧎‍♂️🙏🙏

Peter Boyle's
Peter Boyle's - 06.01.2023 04:30

Finally a breath of fresh air! Growing economies is a cycle of busts economies that are stable and self sufficient

J G - 20.12.2022 19:38

We are going to have to accept the fact that private wealth is a public hazard.

Sterling Barlow
Sterling Barlow - 19.12.2022 01:46

Thank you Kate Raworth. I gave up on economics decades ago when I discovered the limits and fallacies of "eternal" growth. I gave up on finding an economist who could actually think and incorporate reality into that thought. You have just changed my mind. This TED talk is the best thing I have heard/watched in 2022. I look forward to seeing/hearing more of you.

ikzelf100 - 15.12.2022 16:04

If we colonize 3000 planets by the next 4 centuries nobody will care about compound interest.

elhombreloco - 13.12.2022 06:44

Dear God! Agent Smith was right. We are a disease. We are bacteria in their log phase of growth...

まるまる - 22.11.2022 15:30


2887zar - 19.11.2022 00:00

These are great ideas, I suspect that we'll take them heart.....about 30 years too late

Audrey Nathania Vindy Saputra
Audrey Nathania Vindy Saputra - 17.11.2022 15:56

the boundaries minders

Max Cooper
Max Cooper - 12.11.2022 03:09

Wow, wow, wow! Amazing talk, amazing presentation, thank you! Lots to think about, I for one am ready for the change!

Iranda - 02.11.2022 16:25

Wow! A well-deserved standing ovation!

IsabellaBrusati - 23.10.2022 20:39

Fantastic, this is an outstanding ted talk.

Robert Johnson Taylor
Robert Johnson Taylor - 21.10.2022 19:19

This video is that of a curates egg ie it’s good in parts bad in other. Circular economy is a good thing, one thing feeds into another. But then looks at points of delivery and ignores export of pollution. But has this self destruction philosophy, and veryones life will be perfect if only… else the world ends. I still put all this down to watching too much startrek and believing to be true.

Lilian Regina Barbosa Pereira
Lilian Regina Barbosa Pereira - 21.10.2022 13:38

At first, we need different mind set to support different economy model, most part of the society must to learn the what the collaborative means and can be good for all...Love your explanation! Thinking on what else can I do to chance the world!

Draakie100 - 18.10.2022 12:15

This was something I wondered about since I was 14 or 15 (a long time ago). We have a system in place (capitalism) that depends on selling more and more stuff (we often don`t need), to more and more people....and nobody asks themselves if this system is going to destroy our amazing planet. Humans have so much more potential...and I find it sad to see that so many of them have been "brainwashed" into "unquestioning meat robots". I wish everybody a positive and magical life 😃
