How To Fuel For A Long Bike Ride | Cycling Nutrition Tips

How To Fuel For A Long Bike Ride | Cycling Nutrition Tips

Global Cycling Network

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Global Cycling Network
Global Cycling Network - 19.09.2019 17:50

What do you prefer to eat before a long ride?

90Davidea - 21.08.2023 06:49

The only thing I had to do was change the tires and tubes.

Ajumi - 14.08.2023 18:24

today i ate cake 30min before the long ride (did a strength workout immediatly after cake) and had fruits while riding, and bread&hummus&ribs after the ride.
would've never thought, but i feel perfectly fine! :)

RG246F - 13.08.2023 16:05

I use to suffer from insomnia but as soon as I put any cycling video on like this I’m instantly cured and drop off in minutes !!!!!

KAZANTSEV - 07.08.2023 22:05

Yesterday did 100 km only with water :p

Ron West
Ron West - 21.07.2023 21:21

Well, I actually skipped breakfast (wasn’t hungry) before a 30 mile ride and I can say that was a mistake. At 26 miles my legs shut down. Complete muscle exhaustion. Ugh. Had to walk it in. Lol. I had plenty to drink, but that walk back home all I thought about was “sure could use a power bar now”. Don’t skip breakfast.

adam cinderby
adam cinderby - 30.06.2023 09:49

anti bonking video :-) very helpful

Twin Tyara
Twin Tyara - 12.06.2023 20:31

I bonked yesterday, I felt like I was going to die, my mind was broken

dr.suyog Shetty
dr.suyog Shetty - 29.05.2023 19:49

Guys thank you so much....i used to ride and would never be able to ride as long as planned. Would start out early in the morning hence almost always on empty stomach. Well didnt know its called 'BONKING' but pretty much regularly bonked 😂😂. And then seeing you guys gaga about fueling right.. i tried it yesterday.....and i rode a 100km in 4 hours easy and still felt good 💪💪 just amazing.... If i could i would come down to england and give ollie a hug 😀

ben mazor
ben mazor - 25.05.2023 06:30

im skeptic of fueling myself mid ride. most camping/cycling snacks are fairly expensive so i refrain from eating and continue hungry. i just dont know how to pace and recognize when to snack.

quenar - 15.05.2023 17:11

Low GI oat meal? Please... check your sources first.

Jackson Bangs
Jackson Bangs - 24.04.2023 18:25

These tips I find really useful on double century, (200 mile) rides.

Happy Dogg
Happy Dogg - 02.04.2023 18:17

Eat a regular diet of low carb with plenty of fatty meat. Start a ride 12-16 hours after eating (in or near a fasted state) and don't worry about food. Never bonked after starting low carb and I can now do 100 mile rides when I want to. Never could before.

Dang, they make it complicated.

jerbyainsley - 01.04.2023 15:26

I have some questions regarding my rides, I'm a once a week cycling kind of guy:
- How long is a "long" ride? My friends and I go about 30-40 km, is this considered a short or long, or somewhere in between?
- On some steeper climbs, after about 10 minutes, I feel I have no energy left and my legs start hurting, so I either rest or walk. Is this the "bonk", or am I just too weak at the climbs? Because I can ride on flat terrain for about two hours without rest, I feel like climbing takes ten times more energy out of me.

ichor20 - 24.02.2023 05:01

The perfect video for me. Doing my longest ride tomorrow, 50 miles!

Gonzalo Acosta
Gonzalo Acosta - 15.02.2023 11:46

Work it

Fabian Wylie
Fabian Wylie - 29.11.2022 08:16

Watching this ending November 2022 , love the good advice ❤

ES Clark
ES Clark - 02.09.2022 22:58

Did my first century this week. Chuffed to bits to have completed it in 7 hours (I’m no racer!). Thanks for these tips - I found malt loaf invaluable.. soft, sweet but not too sickly!

Signum - 02.09.2022 00:54

Ive found on a long ride, every 15 miles, an energy gel or food works for me.

B42 - 30.08.2022 14:05

Anyone I need some tips. When I cycle I get serious dry in my mouth even when I drink so it gets extremely hard to eat and swallow. Any tips what I can eat? Or
can i just drink calories to get carbohydrates?

Ted Cran
Ted Cran - 28.08.2022 03:40

No mention of the classic bananna ..... ??

Bolt - 24.08.2022 21:45

Prepping for my second 100miler!

Experienced a terrible bonk on a 40 mile ride last week at the end of a 36 hour fast... bad times

David Stevens
David Stevens - 09.08.2022 15:12

All I heard was "full English fry-up"

Vincent Krause
Vincent Krause - 24.07.2022 14:05

When to use gels instead of carbohydrate drinkmix? The drinkmix seems to be Superior because more carbs and hydration at the same time🤔

ChiropracticBowers - 28.06.2022 01:18

Carb loading is actually suppose to start with lowering carb intake as you train then increasing the carb Intake for several days before. Not simply the night before. This will trigger more muscle glycogen storage for the big ride.😃

이상빈 - 22.06.2022 18:15

uncle Roger: 10 point for rice in this widio

Tim Taylor
Tim Taylor - 31.05.2022 07:29

dont eat if youre not hungry prior to riding it will sap ur energy

Mateusz Milobedzki
Mateusz Milobedzki - 28.04.2022 13:47

By reading the comments it seems that quite a few people miss the goal of proper hydration and fueling during longer rides. Unless you're riding ultra distances, a reasonable goal for most people with jobs, families and commitments should not be to accomplish a ride and then take the rest of the day off. It should be to ride the distance you're aiming for, take a shower, eat a meal and get on with your day. I know this doesn't sound like a way to ride something epic, but that's how you get to the point where what seemed like a long ride is your weekly or even daily routine.

Andrew Crookes
Andrew Crookes - 24.03.2022 12:47

Excellent advice
On my winter ride's I like to have a chicken noodle soup in a small flask .
Yep real food is king

Santiago Jerez
Santiago Jerez - 21.03.2022 23:09

Great tips,

McCue Noir Films
McCue Noir Films - 07.03.2022 21:06

I did my first and only century ride in 2019 and bonked hard with 10 miles to go, but was still able to limp my way past 100. I definitely miscalculated my fuel intake. Can’t wait to have a go at it again while properly fueled.

janice jackson
janice jackson - 01.03.2022 17:14

In layman's terms if I eat instant oatmeal for breakfast before a 24 Mile bike ride and Elder don't have much I'll bring four bottles of water what else peanut butter and jelly?m&,m chocolate covered peanuts? Please simplify

janice jackson
janice jackson - 26.02.2022 20:50

Will somebody please tell this elder that's wants to ride the bike 30 Mi what do I eat along the way to survive or before water chocolate covered peanuts hot dog help any information. No Transportation about a bike any information will be welcomed

janice jackson
janice jackson - 26.02.2022 20:48

Like pulling teeth no computer email can't communicate so if anybody there knows Transportation a bike to go 30 miles probably the age of your parents if not older what can I pick up along the way to survive the trip. Water, hotdogs Eminem peanuts I will keep the site open help maybe somebody will look at it it's not theirs oldsters on their own

J Talley
J Talley - 24.02.2022 20:57

High consumption of sugar is highly inflammatory. Has anyone looked at possible negative effects of all these gels? There was a time when I used gels heavily and I got to a point where it felt like they were making me bonk, therefore once you consume one, you have to consume them continuously to the point where you start to feel sick and have GI issues, stomach cramps. i quit using gels and I can actually ride farther/faster and less likely to bonk. I am actually on a low carb diet and my riding has improved immensely. However, I haven't been riding more than 60-70 miles. Looking for ideas on how to nudge my distances up a bit to 100 miles, sans gels and sugary bars.

Bassheadzero - 19.01.2022 10:41

Damn.. that's some pro tips.. I usually done some kit Kat and peanut portions with Powerade to refuel myself.. I'll try that.. I hate to bonk on half of an 60/80km ride
(Poor eng sorry 😅)

Saint Yorre
Saint Yorre - 17.12.2021 09:08

Bar with sugar bring you caries...because it sticks on your teeth. What s more bacteries in the mouth need O2 and you breath strongly...water with sugar is the best option.

The Lazy Cat
The Lazy Cat - 07.12.2021 17:39

For a beginner like me, 3 miles to work and back home is a long ride.

Ian Gannon
Ian Gannon - 07.11.2021 01:46

Planning for super raddoneuering the LEJOG over a few weekends next year. Fueling is where i feel my weakness is after my first 200k

Dan - 13.10.2021 00:26

Thanks for a great video! As a type 1 diabetic, I intend to make a homemade energy drink to maintain stable blood sugar levels for endurance aerobic excersise (my case roadcycling). What more natural ingridients would you recommend for a fructose + glucose + electrolyte mix? Non gmo, organic etc..

Chris - 09.10.2021 22:53

“No excuse now if you bonk on your next six hour epic”


Pan Troglodyte
Pan Troglodyte - 22.09.2021 18:25

i only take a water bottle and debit card : D

James craven
James craven - 11.09.2021 15:44

I've got a 128 mile bike ride next Friday. How much food would you take and if anyone has more tips on fueling would be much appreciated. Some people say about having jelly babies does this work. I'm looking at taking flap jack. Peanut butter. Bananas just trying to get some more ideas from people and what works well for them

Neal B
Neal B - 14.08.2021 19:55

On my first 100km cycling trip I ate two egg bacon sandwiches, two bananas, two currant buns, two snickers and half a bag of gummy bears. I thought it was a ridiculous amount of food but in the end it was just enough.

Taimur Ali Photography
Taimur Ali Photography - 14.08.2021 07:55

How to target 1250 each month?

Abnsdllnnlosnfd - 10.08.2021 11:27

I guess Conor can fit 2,5 l bottles into his frame!

P J - 09.08.2021 15:37

First 200k ride coming up. Quite apt thanks

robby blazsek
robby blazsek - 08.08.2021 10:16

Hopefully i cant start my triathlon training soon. Dont got a race bike yet 😕

David Barth
David Barth - 03.08.2021 08:22

On a long summer ride I like to freeze the water in my bottle the night before so it remains colder for a longer period of time.

See Gee
See Gee - 31.07.2021 21:11

I rode 65 miles with 5,000 feet elevation on an empty stomach today. Black coffe 8 oz and water. That’s it. Everyone’s body is different. Last weekend i ran a marathon and pre race all i had was a cliff bar AND won. Congrats to me ! But seriously, everyone’s body’s different. People always ask me about fueling, i have no clue what to tell people to put in their body because we are all differen.
