R Blogdown Tutorial: Basic Configurations

R Blogdown Tutorial: Basic Configurations

Jenny Sloane

3 года назад

1,625 Просмотров

**update as of Feb 2023: to remove default images, go to /content/_index.md and delete the first "-block:" section (lines 4-37)**

In this tutorial we'll set up some of the basic configurations, including modifying the navigation bar, selecting a color theme, and learning about the different icons on our website.

Link to academic icons: https://jpswalsh.github.io/academicons/

00:00-01:09 Intro
01:09-02:48 Remove Default Images
04:54-03:11 Language
03:11-06:28 Menus
06:28-07:16 Params
07:16-09:21 Color Theme
09:21-10:07 Day/Night Feature
10:07-12:31 Contact Info
12:31-15:36 Other Params
15:36-17:23 Push to GitHub
17:23-17:28 Thank You

License: CC BY 4.0


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