Virt-Manager Is The Better Way To Manage VMs

Virt-Manager Is The Better Way To Manage VMs


4 года назад

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Fstop Live
Fstop Live - 13.09.2023 19:18

🤣 🤟 Straight forward to the point. I'm new to Virtual Machines & Decided to install Proxmox why, because it's GNU, easy to install, debian based & I trust their stability history, can run both VM & Containers, its Web UI is gd. so far, you can run it from the command line (don''t know how yet), & you can install a DM or WM so you can just run it on a single PC for us mere mortals- my issue is I'm not clear yet how to install a WM to manage Proxmox from the same PC. Guess I'll just have to try & if I break it , I'll reinstall it🙉 You make some of the best reviews & instructional videos, I never have to go blind trying to read & follow your CLI instructions👍 & always learn from your explanations. Sorry you have to work another job, unfortunately I don't have the extra $ to become a Patron. Stay well friend

flow - 29.08.2023 22:54

Witnessing the birth of the virt-manager DT duo 😇

imad latch
imad latch - 03.07.2023 21:07

wirt-manager still until this moment doesn't support KVM switch/USB/etc, besides most of command lines passthrough in xml don't work, also switch between VMs still unstable,

I say Goodbye virt-manager and welcome QEMU native command line, very stable always was

Blade - 29.05.2023 03:07

This is awesome DT! I have a brand new ArcoLinux install up and running as of this morning after watching your video the other day on installing it.

My 1st go didn't work because I didn't want it to over write my Ubuntu Boot menu since it menu boots windows 10 and Knoppix on sdb drive.
Multi booting was much easier before efi came on the scene for me anyhow.
So now I have it reinstalled with Arco controlling the boot of everything now.

That 1st install was not going to work properly any how. The screen size was out of border on the USB menu and it also transferred to the ArcroLinux Install.
I did get Acro to boot with SuperGrub2 this morning but soon as I saw the startup script was off the screen I shut it down and wiped it with with gparted in Ubuntu on sda drive and started over.

You are a whiz at all this stuff man!😀

BaronHelmut - 22.05.2023 23:06

Flat out Qemu here. No need to make things difficult. Just softlink your iso into a folder, create and flash an image.

GAMING WITH FANTA - 22.05.2023 20:40

Hey does anyone knows what has better performance, virt machine manager or virtual box?

Cuba - 17.04.2023 21:27

Well.I tell you. I've use VMware workstation the best of all in every single regard.

Carl Hoang
Carl Hoang - 16.04.2023 22:13

Not for Windows hosts 😂

13th Raven Purple
13th Raven Purple - 08.04.2023 10:08

Great video THank you

Max Baykowski
Max Baykowski - 08.03.2023 04:20

My CPU is an intel core I5 from 2013, and KVM works great with it. Better than VMware or Virtualbox did.

Ewen Chan
Ewen Chan - 31.01.2023 22:54

I've been testing xcp-ng and Proxmox VE 7.3-3.

There were some software-based problems with xcp-ng (i.e. no virtio-fs for me to be able to pass data between the host and the VMs, and with Xen being a Type-1 hypervisor, that means that if I wanted to pass data/information between VMs, I have to do it through the emulated GbE NIC), as well as "people" problems (the CEO was arguing with me about some basic terminology stuff), which his own documentation does not support what his argument with me).

So that got dropped REAL fast.

At the same time, I was testing Proxmox VE and Proxmox, being more like a Type 2 hypervisor, was able to do some more stuff that xcp-ng couldn't (e.g. use virtio-fs to be able to pass data back and forth between the host and the VMs as well as across VM).

The paravirtualised virtio network card, in Windows, shows up as a 10 GbE NIC, which of course, means that I can pass data back and forth between VMs faster than what the emulated Intel e1000 GbE NIC can do.

And then yesterday, I was also able to prove out that I was able to pass my Mellanox 100 Gbps Infiniband NIC to my VMs as well, in Proxmox, and I was able to share/split my Mellanox card (as it had two 100 Gbps ports on it) such that two VMs can have direct, 100 Gbps access (in addition to the host being able to have it as well, IF I DIDN'T passed the Mellanox 100 Gbps IB NIC through to the VM).

So there's a LOT of stuff that I am able to do with Proxmox.

In terms of speed, I don't know if it is really all that much faster than VirtualBox. Subjectively, it "feels" about the same for the different VMs that I'm running.

(The UEFI boot process adds more time to the entire boot cycle, so it probably nets out to be about the same as VirtualBox.)

Kokpes - 28.01.2023 22:28

Hi, I wanted to try to follow your advice and I installed VM, but I had a problem, trying to install Whonix which as you know is .ova does not recognize it while Virtualbox recognizes it.
Is there maybe a solution to this problem that I don't know?

BobDoe69 - 23.01.2023 08:35

I need vagrant so if i can get it working with kvm i will dump virtualbox, any tips anyone?

Abod Awead
Abod Awead - 11.01.2023 20:07

Great job man , Thank your very much .
but why you don't look at the camera ? you have a Great Eyes Color

manw3bttcks - 11.01.2023 06:15

you can enable and start in one command with recent systemctl:

sudo systemctl --now enable <servicename>

what da dog doin??
what da dog doin?? - 15.12.2022 03:21

I'm thinking about not using windows at all without a VM. I already have a windows 11 system ready on Ubuntu with virt manager and GPU passthrough. But I'm having issues with keyboard and mouse. I can't switch them between the host and guest.

XDShade - 10.12.2022 19:30

I going to stick with virtualbox. I had a hard time setting the network to bridge from nat

Shubham Kumar
Shubham Kumar - 07.11.2022 15:09

It works fine the first time but then the VM won't shut down. When I use "Force Off" then from the next time it won't boot! Says "Boot failed: not a bootable disk" Please help

JarppaGuru - 06.11.2022 05:01

nobody use virtuabox on linux. when can use qemu from terminal. no need even install GUI. linux GUI suck 3% desktop use is proof. or is it bcos distro concept suck. need onelinuxOS and distro can be themes. thats what they really are. copy/paste repository rename make distro VOLA

gaetan la
gaetan la - 21.10.2022 15:56

Tell me, can you create a dualboot system (windows and linux) with Virt-Manager? Virtualbox can do it!

M D - 21.10.2022 05:46

lol hates vmware but oracle is fine? lol

dinar qurbanov
dinar qurbanov - 08.09.2022 09:21

i have not watched this video fully. as i remember i tried virt manager and i could not change guest screen size in pixels, resolution.

Tim McReynolds
Tim McReynolds - 23.08.2022 17:40

I do appreciate your views on VMware. I used to use it way back in 2000 and it helped, I was in the linux testing group that validated Red Hat on the servers that the company I worked for manufactured.. The intranet of this mega-company (now) wouldn't let you log on with Netscape (at the time) you had to log in using IE. We in Linux server test group all ran Linux on our laptops, what ever kind of Linux we wanted to run, so of course we had no access to input our hours, or schedule time off or basically use anything that the company offered. Each one of us would submit a new ticket every week, about not being able to access the employee stuff. Then we would all log into our VMWare instances and run Windows what ever version it was, ad get our time logged for the week.
Every day I would go home feeling so unclean because of the compromise that I had just made.....
Thanks for this great tutorial on using Virt-manager. I do appreciate it a lot. ( I know that this is a 2+ year old video, but it's still good, applicable, information)

extra - curricular
extra - curricular - 08.08.2022 12:57

Awesome tips! What are those green lines running on the laptop?

Arthur Mighty
Arthur Mighty - 07.08.2022 20:02

Guys need help, I decided to try something wrong, it ate 2 gigabytes of RAM, and do not know what to do now, uninstalled kvm qemu completely and it's still the same :(((

Crazy Czech
Crazy Czech - 29.07.2022 06:51

thanks for this, QEMU KVM is the default virtual manager for OpenSUSE TW. I tried using VirtualBox and to my dismay had live CDs freezing on me and the resolution issue. VDI is nice in the sense that it is dynamically assigning the data and not consuming the entire size like qcow2 does.

willpfister - 12.07.2022 12:54

Does anyone know if you can launch a distro and a vm from a bootable usb?

Matthew Stott
Matthew Stott - 05.07.2022 18:24

Using LXD Containers means they run at near bare metal speed without virtualization at the hardware level. This means your containers utilize the same kernel as the host OS. LXD runs Quemu/KVM as an alternative to native containers and supports SPICE, etc. You can also pass USB and GPU resources to containers / virtual machines. You could have a dedicated GPU card and pass that straight to a VM that varies from the host GPU. You can use ZFS and other file systems with LXD including Ceph and if you cluster LXD servers you can have high availability fail over and you can move containers between servers. You can remotely manage LXD with LXC command line tool.

JustARandomHorse 666
JustARandomHorse 666 - 27.06.2022 23:56

I had to come back to your video after switching from linux mint where it installs everything through one package to arch. I had to install qemu-full and there is no longer a virtd group so I opened groups and added myself to libvirt and libvirt-qemu and had to install dnsmasq than type "doas virsh net-start default" to start the default network to start making virtual machines.

Kris Douglas
Kris Douglas - 16.06.2022 18:56

g-nome ??? what do you call those little ornaments people have in their garden ... a g-nome hahahahahahahaha

Alexander Pivovarov
Alexander Pivovarov - 22.04.2022 10:45

Proxmox is a powerful KVM manager. Web UI. It also allows to run/manage linux containers LXC.

Jordan - 11.04.2022 19:04

I was today years old when I learned that you could copy paste text just by clicking the middle mouse button. My life is forever changed.

Sergey Poltarakov
Sergey Poltarakov - 12.03.2022 19:09

Thanks a lot! Very useful!

jake palmer
jake palmer - 10.03.2022 18:10

I'm running Kali Linux off VirtualBox and it's crap bro lags never boots always real slow it's a joke tbh

Code Noob
Code Noob - 08.03.2022 22:44

How about giving XCP-NG a try? Performance will shock you

Jose Cabrera
Jose Cabrera - 26.02.2022 06:44

KVM/QEMU got a lot of potential... but drivers? I mean, I can not make Free BSD to work at 4k!!! nor Windows Xp!!

Chameleon Scheimong
Chameleon Scheimong - 25.02.2022 12:03

THANK YOU for actually talking through what each piece of software is for and why, instead of just saying "install this this and this" like so many other people would have done. I always love to learn about how things work instead of "this just works".

Kourosh Pourdanandeh
Kourosh Pourdanandeh - 25.02.2022 07:04

Thank you for sharing.
I would greatly appreciate if you can explain how can I share an extra hard drive (it is already in the desktop) between host and guest (bidirectional) without the hassle of permission(s). Thanks.

Jonas - 19.02.2022 13:49

sudo usermod -G libvirtd -a [username]
usermod: group »libvirtd« does not exist

Adding to group »libvirt« instead fixed it.
Had no further problems.

MaybeAnonymous - 13.02.2022 13:24

the nice thing is that virt-manager works better on my system, virtualbox did not work with ssh for example

Null - 12.02.2022 09:03

a big benefit of using KVM is the fact that you can do gpu passthrough of normal consumer-grade gpus and use the vm for gaming. I've been doing that for several months and performance is more or less on par with running baremetal.

Weigang Fu
Weigang Fu - 11.02.2022 20:34

I love virtualbox. I have used it for years. but I find sometimes it has some cpu problems .the VM's CPU usage is always so high which makes the VM nearly dead,but when I convert the image to vmware format and runs in vmware player it works just fine.anyway now I am switching to KVM,but I haven't test it much.

Gabriel Marrero
Gabriel Marrero - 05.02.2022 18:58

Qemu/KVM does not supper network-bridge for wireless, only ethernet. the rest work great

Goran Jovanovic
Goran Jovanovic - 30.01.2022 02:11

Absolutely great video. SO many things to learn from DT

JayCee ch. 【JayCee Creates】
JayCee ch. 【JayCee Creates】 - 29.01.2022 06:05

The thing about Virt-manager is that you won't be able to have a smooth Windows VM experience without GPU passthrough, so best bet is dual boot.

Guitar Man
Guitar Man - 21.01.2022 12:18

Very helpful, Thanks

Swivelgames - 20.01.2022 21:26

I've been using virt-viewer for years and love it. Also been using remote-viewer for accessing VMs via SPICE protocol, which has proven to be far more performant than VNC.

Daniel D.
Daniel D. - 18.01.2022 13:18

Since Ubuntu 20.40 3D acceleration works in Linux guests. Xonotic Ultra 1080p 50-60 fps on a RX 460! Not that I use it for gaming, but this means that desktop is much smoother now and there's no difference to a bare metal installation. So, for example if I need to design reports (jasper) the virtual machine is very responsive. A tremendous improvement! I use KVM/QEMU exclusively. No other hypervisors. I hope one day there will be some sort of 3d acceleration for windows guests too.

Aldous Huxley
Aldous Huxley - 18.01.2022 04:09

Hello, its 2022.. command line its from the past

ahmad raniri
ahmad raniri - 17.01.2022 05:26

Qemu, FTW. More easier and logical.
