They finally revealed Overwatch 2 ranked distribution! | KarQ Reacts to Season 5 Competitive Blog

They finally revealed Overwatch 2 ranked distribution! | KarQ Reacts to Season 5 Competitive Blog

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StrangePanda - 02.07.2023 00:49

I'm confused on points for ranks. Last season I got points for FFA and 15 games of openqueue/role queue. Now you have to do 15 wins of openqueue or 15 games of role individual. So do you get points from open queue and role queue? Really just trying to maximize the amount of points I get for gold guns.

Exodus - 27.06.2023 04:32

I expected GM to be less than 1%

Never Too Old Gaming
Never Too Old Gaming - 26.06.2023 05:33


If you are stuck in bronze, get a new account.
Decay is back, wait no we are fixing decay, WAIT NO DECAY IS A THING.
Waaaaay too many people are unjustifiably in GM that shouldn't be there and we have no idea how to fix this outside a MMR reset.
We have no way to fix the matchmaking because we still need players to have sub 30 min queue times so yeah, you will still get those diamonds in your high master games. Sorry.
Boosting is coming back with a vengence!
We have decided to cave in to our loud minority of streamers who want to 5 stack in comp. Good luck solo Q!
We hate solo Q and everything we do impacts that negatively and we have no plan to fix that. GG.

Jeremy Leung
Jeremy Leung - 25.06.2023 23:27

id be interested in the percentages broken down by sub-rank - seems like a bunch of owl/contender pros and t500 players along with OW1 gm players are just all lumped into GM1 right now

Yan Morasse
Yan Morasse - 25.06.2023 22:01

They need to let us choose if console player want to rank up with pc!!!
It’s a pain that I cannot play rank with pc player!!!

Allen Cunningham
Allen Cunningham - 25.06.2023 20:46

It's pretty BS that quick play affects my competitive rank. I spent hundreds of hour in QP before ever considering competitive because I just wanted to play for fun and not drag anyone down, then deciding I want to see how high I can rank I'm punished for playing casually so long making it take longer to move the needle when actually trying. Competitive should not work off the same MMR quick play uses, it just makes quick play competitive.

HammerTh - 25.06.2023 20:38

If made permanent, team queue would probably allow even more players to get into Masters and GM in solo queue because all the OWL and Contenders players trying to get in reps will leave to play casual scrim-like games in team queue. High-rank streamers like would probably play both depending on whether they're going for a more tryhard or more chill mood. If Blizzard stops being a whiny bitch about it, we might even see the return of something resembling pro pugs if entire OWL teams decide to play team queue and match up agains each other.

PAXE - 25.06.2023 16:34

Totally not Dafran’s 18 alt accounts inflating the Gm numbers 😂

Jessie Ward
Jessie Ward - 25.06.2023 16:06

Every time i do it makes me laugh

Johnny Means
Johnny Means - 25.06.2023 06:14

The OW graph would look a lot like the Apex graph if they broke the ranks out into tiers.

Tidepods - 25.06.2023 05:12

I keep being bounced to and from m2 to m5 and to m2 and it just recycles again 😔 idk

Hoolly - 25.06.2023 02:24

better than 96% of all dia3 players --> 3296SR --> why did they remove SR and we have divisions and this percentage? actually the same =/

TRXPMETAL - 24.06.2023 23:47

This season I went from Plat4 to Gold5 on support. First I thought I got dogshit over night but I asked many ppl and they said the same.

Mike - 24.06.2023 21:15

Bronze= top 90 -100%
Silver= Top 72 - 89%
Gold=Top 45 - 71%
Plat= Top 19 - 44%
Diamond= Top 7 - 18%
Masters= Top 1.9 - 6%
GM= Top 1.8%

upsetti - 24.06.2023 19:45

I played from the 2016 beta until i couldnt bear GOATs and gave up on the game. Came back for OW2 (by accident, got the itch and didn't realise theyd released 2), did my placements andg ot bronze 5, I knew I was high plat so just played a bunch of games, like 2 weeks later was back in plat (I dont get to play that much). ELO hell isnt real, youre just shit.

Pedro Gomez
Pedro Gomez - 24.06.2023 16:04

1 top 500 and 4 bronze vs 5 gold players would be interesting

Hipsterrn HD
Hipsterrn HD - 24.06.2023 03:57

i would not be supprised if they lied about the rank distribution. cuz u know, its blizzard

cessationoftime - 24.06.2023 03:01

I think we need a mode where we specify what heroes we want to play during the match. For example I might specify that I will only use characters that I have a high winrate with then the game difficulty should increase accordingly. However If I specify characters that I dont have high skill with then I should get an easier game. At the same time it might limit me to play games with characters that I have similar skill with. So maybe I cant play reaper and tracer in the same game because I am silver with one character and borderline diamond with the other.

Trevyn Anderson
Trevyn Anderson - 24.06.2023 01:56

I played 20 games in a row and no one communicates. Does overwatch attract pu ssy a$$ b tches or something everyone is scared to be criticized but want to type out criticism like a true keyboard warrior. Just a observation.

jari haukilahti
jari haukilahti - 24.06.2023 00:13

Blizz should just add a ranking bellow bronze - the rust rank for ex silver and gold - let them play against masters to teach them not to go to bronze 5

Denis LARGERON - 23.06.2023 23:18

Number manipulation. This is only for a sub niche: PC players, definitely more gamers. The vast majority of players are casuals on console, all stuck in Bronze 5. :/

BleusCleus - 23.06.2023 21:50

I did the math on how the graph and each line is about 2% so for example GM is just below 2%

Lee Johnson
Lee Johnson - 23.06.2023 21:26

I took the relative heights of the bars (in pixels) to get percentages:
Bronze 10%
Silver 19%
Gold 27%
Plat 26%
Diamond 12%
Masters 4%
GM 0.21 2%

Valentino - 23.06.2023 21:23

Does anyone know when they're going to fix the competitive points issue?

ChrisDolMeth - 23.06.2023 21:05

Maybe I'm delusional, but I feel like I've been getting forcibly pushed down on the ladder when i play good. I'm high dia and this season has been putting me in straight plat. Is anyone else experiencing this?

Bighoodiekid - 23.06.2023 18:59

I believe each rank is a reflection of a players skill. My ceiling is plat, and I only really start to struggle when challenging an opponent of that rank or higher

Aeloh - 23.06.2023 16:40

I'm skeptical of that Apex graph because in Apex, predator rank is top 750 and according to that graph, there are more predators than plat 1's? Also, since master doesn't have subdivisions I think it would make sense to divide the master bar into four smaller bars before judging. I dunno, that graph triggers my bullshit alarm pretty hard.

myersenpai - 23.06.2023 14:52

you’re telling me i can play with my friends without needing a smurf acc FINALLY

Elmo - 23.06.2023 14:50

Karq is so likeable that I'm still here watching and actively dislike overwatch.

BlazeD Vods
BlazeD Vods - 23.06.2023 14:42

KarQ, I am a bronze player from south africa. I play on the Europe region for overwatch 2, but my queues are still wrong. I have no idea why it is. Could you or someone else explain it to me. Please and thanks

Tristen Copper
Tristen Copper - 23.06.2023 13:11

But we still can't cross play comp right? So I still can't play comp with my PC friends while I'm on console?

Molly Kretman
Molly Kretman - 23.06.2023 09:28

The group comp thing feels like they put that in there specifically to appease their content creators. To this, I am glad.....because if I hear Flats complain one more time about not being able to stack for content, I think I will unfollow him lol.

Pooh - 23.06.2023 08:29

The range in skill difference is insane in gold/plat. People say this looks healthy but i much rather would see more ranks and a reduction in the numbered skill tiers

Kei0 - 23.06.2023 07:34

For the distro graph there’s 50 total lines filled so 2% per brick approximately so just do 2x however many bricks to get the % per rank. But it’s probably really skewed by alt accounts and inactives that got hit by rank decay.

TheUnholyOne - 23.06.2023 07:24

"This is just a content machine. So do it. Make it happen."
My man gonna be counting his stacks every night.

Emannuell Gomes
Emannuell Gomes - 23.06.2023 07:19

Just hit top 500 on console. Never touched Overwatch one either. Feels good

Habibi - 23.06.2023 06:25

Never seen a game with such a bad rank system like overwatch's its actually a joke

Federico Di Pasquale
Federico Di Pasquale - 23.06.2023 06:17

Still no fixes to the matchmaking system

Ti M
Ti M - 23.06.2023 06:17

That is probably a SAMPLE distribution not a Population distribution. Also possibly deceptive since they hid the Y-axis. That probably means they hand picked the samples and sample size to make the plot look pretty bell shaped.

x basilisk l
x basilisk l - 23.06.2023 05:50

Why is no one complaining about the WIDE RANGE of players being able to play together??
Why should someone who's Gold 1, almost Plat, be able to even queue with a Bronze 1 player?
I highly highly suggest that Bronze players need to be limited to only matching with other bronze players 1st and foremost until they actually reach Silver 5.
2nd of all, Silver and Gold should only be able to queue with each other, then Plat and Diamond together, then Masters and Grand Masters together, then Grandmasters and top 500 only.
The reason people are hard stuck Is partly due to inconsistent skill levels sure, but also because people who are climbing are being held back by OTHERS bringing their buddies or friends into higher averaged lobbies then they can actually handle.
Other people shouldn't be a victim cause you're gold 1 and you want to carry your Bronze 1 friend, mean while your bronzie friend Is essentially throwing. The current range Is atrocious.

Diameter - 23.06.2023 05:29

Assuming its a bell curve graph then the math is not too hard to figure out
Bronze is 10% Silver is 19% Gold is 27% Plat is 26% Diamond is 12% Masters is 4% and GM is <1%
Give or take a percent.

David Hamid
David Hamid - 23.06.2023 05:21

Full Stack 6v6?

Greenpig117 - 23.06.2023 05:17

Wait, so they are not even thinking of taking out ranked restrictions for GM players? Well that pretty much kills the game for my friends who all reached GM in season 3 with the big inflation patch.

Yorimz - 23.06.2023 05:02

We should get a new rank called "Plastic" below bronze.

To be serious, a new rank inbetween plat and diamond, gold and plat would be good.

SILK - 23.06.2023 04:56

Yo KarQ I wonder if we can play with new accounts in team queue. I got friends that I’d love to intro to OW, but they won’t have the wins for regular comp requirements

AL3X684 - 23.06.2023 04:55

First one here 36 seconds after release
